Yes agreed, but most people if they can help it don't have ovens or magnetrons in the way of the WiFi.
But I take you me point but most stable WiFi is more than adequate. Not optimum but better than being really really far away in a P2P game and having generally poor internet infrastructure.
It's why with good WiFi I race with green bars in the NA servers, but even in Europe if one person is doing it on McDonald's WiFi/4g the whole lobby feels it.
And sometimes someone has connection issues no matter what. Like, let's see... me. 😬
I've got a 1000 MBit account over cable TV network (Vodafone), which usually provides around 800 mbit, which isn't too bad, LAN connection (which is good, an electrician checked it). The router has been swapped for a new one, but no difference. Testing the connection via the menu in GT7 sport mode, the spider graph usually looks fine, and ping is okay, too.
Whe I go into a daily race, it always shows 5 green bars, like with almost all other drivers. But at some moment before the race starts, the gauge falls to one measly red dot. Mostly while the game shows the pre-race grid screens, sometimes a bit later while the cars are shown running slowly before the lights go green. But it happens in: Every. Single. Race. On the other hand: I've never had a disconnect.
After the race, the spider graph looks usually bad (red), and I have to restart the LAN connection in the PS5 menu to get it "green" again. ???😐???
I've done all the optimizations recommended here in the GTP forum (static IP adresses and stuff), and I also did what forum friend
@RacinLei had recommended for the MTU settings a year ago (which had helped for a week or two, but then stopped working).
I just tried to ignore that lately, as I didn't recognize any problems during the races. So I don't know if I'm lagging or causing any problems for the other drivers. And somehow I've managed not to meet anyone of you forum friends in a race, whom I could have asked about it afterwards.
Honestly, that eats away some of my confidence in the races. I always have the feeling that the other drivers are thinking: "look, there's the guy with the lousy connection, who will ruin my race" (which they aren't, of course, but... 🤪).
Any ideas?