GT7 Tuning Calculator - Download v3.3 all new cars added!!

Updated to 1.5b without search function. Should be good to go
All working now. Appreciate it.

Hi guys,

Firstly, I want to thank hookedonturbo for developing this calculator. I remember using a similar App for Forza Motorsport 7 a few years ago, and it helped me create a fairly good base tune.

I've been playing GT7 for the past year and have spent a lot of time tuning my cars. I mostly drive road cars on sport tires and I think I've developed a fairly good understanding of the game physics, which allows me to tune my cars accordingly. Although it can take a lot of time sometimes.

However, I was curious when I came across this thread and bought the calculator right away. Especially after the latest GT7 update, a lot has changed in the physics, and I felt like I had to retune all of my cars. I hoped that the calculator would help me shorten this process by quickly calculating a base tune.

I must admit that I haven't tried the calculator with race cars yet. But here are my thoughts after using the calculator for the past two weeks on road cars:

Spring Rate:

I like what the calculator does here. Overall, it produces a well-balanced driving behavior. Although it sometimes feels a bit too soft for my liking, the values can be used very well as a base tune. Although the calculator has been updated a few times, there are still cars for which the calculator outputs values that are outside the scale. I will note these cars in the future and take screenshots.

Gear Ratios:

This is a difficult topic. You have to play around a lot with the initial values to create a reasonably decent gear ratio. Somehow, the results of the calculator often do not feel satisfying. Gran Turismo doesn't make it easy either. For example, the power curve could contain a lot more information that would help you find reasonable gear ratios.

Unfortunately, the calculator doesn't help me much with gear ratios, or I just feel like it takes too much time to be worth it. A visualization of the gear ratios within the calculator (like in the game) would help me to immediately recognize if I should change the initial values (RPM at max torque, RPM at max power, top speed). Right now, the calculator outputs numbers that I laboriously enter in the gear ratios settings in-game, only to realize halfway through that it's not going to work. And then I repeat the whole process... I hope I have expressed myself clearly and you understand what I mean. :)

However, I'm not sure if such a visualization is possible in a spreadsheet. In the end, I either keep the stock transmission or change the calculated values to my liking, which takes a lot of time, as I mentioned earlier.

LSD Ratios:

Because the gear ratio values have an impact on the LSD ratio values, I couldn't try out much here last night. As I explained earlier, I either leave the stock transmission or adapt the calculated gear ratios of the calculator to my needs, sometimes heavily. As a result, I cannot use the LSD ratios of the calculator. Or am I missing something?

Although a lot of this may sound somewhat negative, I don't regret my purchase. Especially when it comes to spring rates, the calculator is a great help. So, thank you again for all the work. I'm curious to see how this will develop further.

And please excuse any spelling and grammar errors, English is not my native language. :)
Hi guys,

Firstly, I want to thank hookedonturbo for developing this calculator. I remember using a similar App for Forza Motorsport 7 a few years ago, and it helped me create a fairly good base tune.

I've been playing GT7 for the past year and have spent a lot of time tuning my cars. I mostly drive road cars on sport tires and I think I've developed a fairly good understanding of the game physics, which allows me to tune my cars accordingly. Although it can take a lot of time sometimes.

However, I was curious when I came across this thread and bought the calculator right away. Especially after the latest GT7 update, a lot has changed in the physics, and I felt like I had to retune all of my cars. I hoped that the calculator would help me shorten this process by quickly calculating a base tune.

I must admit that I haven't tried the calculator with race cars yet. But here are my thoughts after using the calculator for the past two weeks on road cars:

Spring Rate:

I like what the calculator does here. Overall, it produces a well-balanced driving behavior. Although it sometimes feels a bit too soft for my liking, the values can be used very well as a base tune. Although the calculator has been updated a few times, there are still cars for which the calculator outputs values that are outside the scale. I will note these cars in the future and take screenshots.

Gear Ratios:

This is a difficult topic. You have to play around a lot with the initial values to create a reasonably decent gear ratio. Somehow, the results of the calculator often do not feel satisfying. Gran Turismo doesn't make it easy either. For example, the power curve could contain a lot more information that would help you find reasonable gear ratios.

Unfortunately, the calculator doesn't help me much with gear ratios, or I just feel like it takes too much time to be worth it. A visualization of the gear ratios within the calculator (like in the game) would help me to immediately recognize if I should change the initial values (RPM at max torque, RPM at max power, top speed). Right now, the calculator outputs numbers that I laboriously enter in the gear ratios settings in-game, only to realize halfway through that it's not going to work. And then I repeat the whole process... I hope I have expressed myself clearly and you understand what I mean. :)

However, I'm not sure if such a visualization is possible in a spreadsheet. In the end, I either keep the stock transmission or change the calculated values to my liking, which takes a lot of time, as I mentioned earlier.

LSD Ratios:

Because the gear ratio values have an impact on the LSD ratio values, I couldn't try out much here last night. As I explained earlier, I either leave the stock transmission or adapt the calculated gear ratios of the calculator to my needs, sometimes heavily. As a result, I cannot use the LSD ratios of the calculator. Or am I missing something?

Although a lot of this may sound somewhat negative, I don't regret my purchase. Especially when it comes to spring rates, the calculator is a great help. So, thank you again for all the work. I'm curious to see how this will develop further.

And please excuse any spelling and grammar errors, English is not my native language. :)

Hey Joel,

I want to thank you for your in-depth review and I don’t take any of this negatively, I find it very informative and will look to improve the calculator for future revisions.

With the spring rates, it may be a good idea to add a softer / harder selection like I have with the LSD, that way you can tweak to your liking…

I like the idea of having a visual graph displayed on the gear ratio calc that would benefit everyone massively! I think it’s doable, I will work on this for the next update.

The gear ratio calculator is tricky I am aware of that. You really have to use your judgement when inputting some of the values especially the torque value and the max speed.

Again, great to hear more feedback and this will only improve as we progress…
I want to thank you for your in-depth review and I don’t take any of this negatively, I find it very informative and will look to improve the calculator for future revisions.
With the spring rates, it may be a good idea to add a softer / harder selection like I have with the LSD, that way you can tweak to your liking…
A softer / harder option for the spring rate sheet would be really nice.

Which anti-roll bar settings did you use during testing/developing the calculator? Even on road cars I've got make them really stiff (6-7). Otherwise the (most) car gets really unstable. But setting the roll bars higher than 7, the cars get way too stiff. At least in my experience. I will tune a racecar with the calculator tonight, to see if I notice a significant difference between road cars and race cars.
I like the idea of having a visual graph displayed on the gear ratio calc that would benefit everyone massively! I think it’s doable, I will work on this for the next update.
Oh cool that you like the idea of the visual graph. :)

The gear ratio calculator is tricky I am aware of that. You really have to use your judgement when inputting some of the values especially the torque value and the max speed.
Yep, unfortunately the game doesn't give us enough information. But to be honest, I've never spend so much time in gear ratio tuning, since I downloaded the calculator. 😂 Im sure with more experience it'll get easier. And who knows, maybe you are able to implement that visual graph. ;)
One option for gearing is to look at the rpm where the engine makes the same power, as at redline. Sticking near the engine's peak power will make the car quicker, it maximises torque at the wheels after you've factored in the gear ratios and final drive. Admittedly there are a few engines with huge dropoff before redline where it is not quite this straightforward to shift at redline.

eg if the power curve is a hill shape, say the redline is 180 BHP (by eye) at 8000 rpm, the absolute peak is 200 BHP at 7000 rpm, then it drops back to 180 BHP (by eye) at 6000 rpm... that 2000 rpm window is your powerband. You can hold a ruler up to your tv horizontally and eyeball where the power is equal to redline, its not perfect but its possible to estimate within about 500 rpm. The numerical power at redline is not as important as getting the two rev figures for the equal power situation, straddling the power peak.

I believe the calculator already uses this logic in setting gear ratios from some numbers I have input. If I put in the 8000 rpm and 6000 rpm from my example into the calc, the ratios come out bang on to what I would have manually determined, so you could consider substituting "redline rpm" and "equal power to redline rpm" into the calc, rather than power peak and torque peak. Or call it "shift point rpm" and "arrival rpm" etc.

Then its mainly a case of setting the final drive to give you the top speed you desire, which will be track dependent, the calc already does this from the max speed input box. I've had decent settings for a few cars i drive (admittedly I drive road cars 90% of the time, so cant really comment on Gr.4 + cars.

I have played around with version 1.5 and am no expert - here’s my impressions

The search function worked well both on iPad Excel app and laptop. Not had a chance to download the more recent a/b
  • I used the GR3 (Ford GT LM/438) cars on Suzuka and the McLaren F1 Race Car on Sardegna
  • Springs. Still work well when I can get the range. I couldn’t get the F1 to get the rear spring frequency within range.
  • Gear Ratios. I am not sure if there is any merit - but when the max torque was too far out, instead of making it 2000 less then max power i adjusted it to a value that gave a Gear 1 value just above the min possible - this appeared to give a good result i.e. I used 1100 less for the Ford GT GR3
  • LSD. Appears to work well. I did better using 3-5 for your tightness settings.
Overall i did better (by just over 1 second per lap) using the app tunes for the GR3 cars to what i could do with my existing tunes. All other settings the same except ride height needing to be lowered to get front spring frequencies within range.

I couldn’t get meaningful values for the Mclaren F1 suspension or gears - but using the tight LSD settings alone worked

Hope this makes sense and helps. Love the work you and the people that post tunes do. It really helps clueless people like me get more out of the game. Arguably the PD should include guided tuning as it is such a big part of the game - something like MotoGP (but better)

Keep the improvements coming - really pleased i made this purchase.

Thank you

I have played around with version 1.5 and am no expert - here’s my impressions

The search function worked well both on iPad Excel app and laptop. Not had a chance to download the more recent a/b
  • I used the GR3 (Ford GT LM/438) cars on Suzuka and the McLaren F1 Race Car on Sardegna
  • Springs. Still work well when I can get the range. I couldn’t get the F1 to get the rear spring frequency within range.
  • Gear Ratios. I am not sure if there is any merit - but when the max torque was too far out, instead of making it 2000 less then max power i adjusted it to a value that gave a Gear 1 value just above the min possible - this appeared to give a good result i.e. I used 1100 less for the Ford GT GR3
  • LSD. Appears to work well. I did better using 3-5 for your tightness settings.
Overall i did better (by just over 1 second per lap) using the app tunes for the GR3 cars to what i could do with my existing tunes. All other settings the same except ride height needing to be lowered to get front spring frequencies within range.

I couldn’t get meaningful values for the Mclaren F1 suspension or gears - but using the tight LSD settings alone worked

Hope this makes sense and helps. Love the work you and the people that post tunes do. It really helps clueless people like me get more out of the game. Arguably the PD should include guided tuning as it is such a big part of the game - something like MotoGP (but better)

Keep the improvements coming - really pleased i made this purchase.

Thank you
Hi Ozin,

Thanks for the feedback, so the search function worked for you? I’m thinking this may have just been a comparability issue for users that have not got the current excel versions. There were functions like FILTER and SORT which I think maybe new functions in later excel versions.

I’m going to rework the spring rate calc so that you can adjust to higher or lower values, what is important is the balance between front and rear…
Hi Ozin,

Thanks for the feedback, so the search function worked for you? I’m thinking this may have just been a comparability issue for users that have not got the current excel versions. There were functions like FILTER and SORT which I think maybe new functions in later excel versions.

I’m going to rework the spring rate calc so that you can adjust to higher or lower values, what is important is the balance between front and rear…
I think you might be right. I have Office 365 and latest version. Search was huge improvement
Hey Mr. Hooked, I just bought your tuning program 5 minutes ago and my new computer tried to download it to Microsoft Office which I did not buy. Do I need office to use it or will it run on something else? I will just buy another copy of the tuning program
Hey Mr. Hooked, I just bought your tuning program 5 minutes ago and my new computer tried to download it to Microsoft Office which I did not buy. Do I need office to use it or will it run on something else? I will just buy another copy of the tuning program
I don’t have MS office either but I found that if I put it in my Dropbox I can run it from there as an excel sheet.

Also I downloaded the excel app onto my phone and can run it from there as well.
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I’m also getting values that are out of range. This one is for the 2016 Porsche 911 GT3 RS. For sports medium tires it’s recommending I set the rear spring frequency to 2.26 but the lowest it allows me to go is 2.30.
Hey everyone,

I want to thank you all for supporting gt7 tuning calculator. It’s been very informative and quite frankly I’ve learned a lot myself just building it.

I have just uploaded v1.5c which I have included 2 files. 1 with search function and 1 without, this is on a zip file as it’s the only way I could include both. Hope this is ok for you all. Users of older versions of excel will have to use the No search function for now until I find another solution for this.

V1.5c includes the following updates;

• suspension can now be adjusted for stiffness, a setting of 5 is the standard calc output, you can make softer by lowering the stiffness setting down from 4 to 1, o you can make firmer by increasing stiffness from 6 to 9.

• gear ratio calc now has a visual graph showing the actual gear ratios like it does in the games settings sheet. Along with the optimum speed to shift to the next gear. Should be very useful!

Hope you all enjoy, let me know how you all get on!

Hey Mr. Hooked, I just bought your tuning program 5 minutes ago and my new computer tried to download it to Microsoft Office which I did not buy. Do I need office to use it or will it run on something else? I will just buy another copy of the tuning program

You can just use it with office 365 free version, or excel online…
Hey everyone,

I want to thank you all for supporting gt7 tuning calculator. It’s been very informative and quite frankly I’ve learned a lot myself just building it.

I have just uploaded v1.5c which I have included 2 files. 1 with search function and 1 without, this is on a zip file as it’s the only way I could include both. Hope this is ok for you all. Users of older versions of excel will have to use the No search function for now until I find another solution for this.

V1.5c includes the following updates;

• suspension can now be adjusted for stiffness, a setting of 5 is the standard calc output, you can make softer by lowering the stiffness setting down from 4 to 1, o you can make firmer by increasing stiffness from 6 to 9.

• gear ratio calc now has a visual graph showing the actual gear ratios like it does in the games settings sheet. Along with the optimum speed to shift to the next gear. Should be very useful!

Hope you all enjoy, let me know how you all get on!


This is getting better and better - tried it with something different (1932 Ford Roadster - swap) Fun little car to make $$ on La Sarthe

Couple of things I noticed:
  • 4 gears entered (Number of Gears) crashes the gear calculations (#VALUE!) - (worked around by putting 5 and ignoring the first)
  • What impact does the Final (User Input) have?
  • The speeds in column D/E show as mph even if selected kmh

Thanks again for the constant updates as you go....
This is getting better and better - tried it with something different (1932 Ford Roadster - swap) Fun little car to make $$ on La Sarthe

Couple of things I noticed:
  • 4 gears entered (Number of Gears) crashes the gear calculations (#VALUE!) - (worked around by putting 5 and ignoring the first)
  • What impact does the Final (User Input) have?
  • The speeds in column D/E show as mph even if selected kmh

Thanks again for the constant updates as you go....

Hi Ozin,

It’s is definitely evolving into more than I had expected, can’t wait until it will finally be at a stage we can transition to an app, plenty more development until then though I thin!

I hadn’t even realised there were cars with 4 gears lol. I’ll sort that, no problem.

The user final input is only if the gearing looks out of whack with the calc final. You can then put your own final Drive input in.

I have already resolved the mph/kmh issue on the gear max speeds. Thanks for pointing that out.
Hi @hookedonturbo.
First of all thanks for your spreadsheet, I think it is an amazing tool, big fan of your work.

I just wanted to confirm a couple of things and sorry if it's stupid but I am really junior on this:
Input Weight Distribution % @ Front Axle: where do I find this value? Is the car weight balance? e.g. 42:56 --> that would mean I will have to put 42?
On the front page sheet, you mention a couple of interesting things:
If Max power RPM - Max Torque RPM > 2000 RPM then raise the MAX Torque to stretch this distance. How that is achieved? With a turbo compressor?
Is also this difference called Rev Range as you mention in the comments below?

Also the top speed required I guess it's the most important value to input. I assume this is dependent on the car and the race circuit, so I wanted to know what's the best/correct way to find how much you need? Just going into time trial test the circuit and see how much speed you gain in the longest segment?
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Hi @hookedonturbo.
First of all thanks for your spreadsheet, I think it is an amazing tool, big fan of your work.

I just wanted to confirm a couple of things and sorry if it's stupid but I am really junior on this:
Input Weight Distribution % @ Front Axle: where do I find this value? Is the car weight balance? e.g. 42:56 --> that would mean I will have to put 42?
On the front page sheet, you mention a couple of interesting things:
If Max power RPM - Max Torque RPM > 2000 RPM then raise the MAX Torque to stretch this distance. How that is achieved? With a turbo compressor?
Is also this difference called Rev Range as you mention in the comments below?

Also the top speed required I guess it's the most important value to input. I assume this is dependent on the car and the race circuit, so I wanted to know what's the best/correct way to find how much you need? Just going into time trial test the circuit and see how much speed you gain in the longest segment?

Hi Maximvm,

Weight distribution at front axle is as you said the first of number of weight distribution (42)

RPM at max torque, I am talking about the figure you put into the calculator. Let’s say you have peak power at 7000 and peak torque at 4500, this can lead to a wide power band and big gaps the gear ratios. I normally keep the peak power as it should be 7000 (unless you’re using something like the R8 LMS evo which can benefit from rev to redline) and increasing the figure you input for RPM at max torque to say 5000/5500 to get a nice rev range with gear spacing not too wide. This is called the rev range or power band max torque to max hp.

Top speed is important for sure, I normally input a figure which I think is probably about right and go from there. You can however use the standard gearbox and see what sort of speed you reach on the fastest stretch of each track, then tune the gear ratios as per the calculator. I would always allow a little over for your max speed so that you don’t run out of power band if you get a good exit from the last corner…
I bought the calculator, have punched in a few cars but haven't had the chance to try them yet. What's going on with the gear ratios? They don't seem to match up with values in-game even though I follow the process? Will there be something that addresses the issue mentioned about the gap between power rpm and torque rpm, as for a car like the BRZ GT300 it makes it tricky to generate the expected figures...

Looking forward to trying it all out though!

EDIT: I'll add that what I did like already is that for some cars my baseline settings were already reasonably close to what the calculator was putting out... so I think we're on the same track with all this!
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I bought the calculator, have punched in a few cars but haven't had the chance to try them yet. What's going on with the gear ratios? They don't seem to match up with values in-game even though I follow the process? Will there be something that addresses the issue mentioned about the gap between power rpm and torque rpm, as for a car like the BRZ GT300 it makes it tricky to generate the expected figures...

Looking forward to trying it all out though!

EDIT: I'll add that what I did like already is that for some cars my baseline settings were already reasonably close to what the calculator was putting out... so I think we're on the same track with all this!

Hi mate,

What do mean about gear ratios not matching up with in game values?

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