GTP's Top 10 Movies... Ever!

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No crime in watching films with cars in them, just that FnF are not exactly the finest examples of the genre. Bullitt (not even a car move - but one of the best car chases ever - same is true of Ronin), Grand Prix, The Driver, Le Mans all better the FnF series for driving.

Both car chases worth a thousand FnF's and excellent films to go with them, with true plot development and strong story lines.

FnF had, in my opinion, a truly appalling and basic story line. Something that got worse as the series went on, they hold true to the basic 'action' movie plot thread, which is more a series of vaguely linked set-pieces rather than a true story. Again not to say that that alone makes a film bad, but it certainly doesn't make it a good film either.

The nurse is meant to piss you off, a significant part of the film is the struggle between her and McMurphy for control of the other patients. As far not revealing much about herself, were we watching the same film? She has a single minded approach to how to 'care' for her patients and a shockingly brutal manner in dealing with anything that alters that (as the climax of the film clearly shows - she knows that McMurphy is sane, yet this does not change her 'resolution' of the situation), yet she ultimately cares for those she looks after and is aware of the impact a force like McMurphy can have on them (for both good and bad). For me about as far from a 'boring' character as you can get.

The dialogue is the potter series is basic and does little to develop the characters, it does serve to introduce the 'set-pieces' of the films. Given the other films in your top ten I would however agree that it is a dialogue packed film by comparison. However they are not what I would class as dialogue dominated films at all.

The reason why I asked your age is because it does often have a bearing on the type of films people find appealing, at 18 you would have had little experience of older films (your comment on pre-90s films gives this away to a degree) and your viewing I would guess has (to date) been dominated by the Hollywood blockbuster factory.

No problem at all, debate and discussion is after all why we are here.



Key word car chases, not car races. And I don't know how you could think they were good. Ronin actually bored me, and while Bullitt had cool cars they fast forwarded corners to make them look like they handle better (muscle cars should powerslide and do it with emphasis on the torque being spun away), and they weren't even pushing the cars very hard judging by engine noises. I want to hear them revving hard, not cruising around. I think Gone in 60sec had a far better car chase.

As for The Cuckoo's Nest, I'll stand on my point it's a boring movie. Others might like it, but certainly not my generation. (All my mates agree it's a boring movie).
Key word car chases, not car races. And I don't know how you could think they were good. Ronin actually bored me, and while Bullitt had cool cars they fast forwarded corners to make them look like they handle better (muscle cars should powerslide and do it with emphasis on the torque being spun away), and they weren't even pushing the cars very hard judging by engine noises. I want to hear them revving hard, not cruising around. I think Gone in 60sec had a far better car chase.
Which do you want? If its car races you are after then watch Le Mans, you can't get any more real that that.

On the subject of which I actually find it slightly worrying that you prefer races/chases from more modern films, most of which are very heavily CGI'd and/or cars are mounted on dolly systems (as in the first FnF). The car chases in the two films I linked to were are real as they come, in Bullett the cars were lightly modified road cars, Steve McQueen actually buying more Mustangs as they didn't have the budget to keep up with the number they broke.

Personally I would much rather watch something that is real, than a 'smoke and mirrors' mock up of the real thing. Take for example Ronin, to ensure that they could film with the actors behind the wheel they used UK registered cars with steering wheels on the right which the stunt drivers used; and then put dummy steering wheels on the left (the place it shuold be on a French car) for the actor to sit behind. Not a single bit of green screen or studio work on those takes, the look on the actors faces is exactly what they went through when being driven at traffic. That section again was not done via CGI (as a lot of the highway scene was in one of the Matrix films), they actually drove the cars at speed towards oncoming traffic, the headlights flashing at them are the signals to indicate which direction to go, get it wrong and you end up in a head-on collision.

Now that for me is a damn sight more enjoyable than a faked jump over a raising bridge in FnF (the second one I believe), which would tear any car landing to pieces (suspension components woud go straight through the hardpoints).

I will happy acknowledge that the first FnF actually made a good effort in regard to the stunt work on it, particularly the final drag race, but that certainly doesn't make up for the non-plot of the very weak story line. As a whole both Ronin and Bullett beat it hands down, now I've seen all of these films, so before you condem either of them, have you seen them all?

One other area that totally destroys films with driving sections in them for me is when the driver has totally straight rigid arms, Jordana Brewster does it all the time in FnF, and no serious driver on earth would ever drive a car like that. You have no leverage on the wheel and certainly can't use the full rotation of the wheel, all it does is look wrong.

Oh, and which 'Gone in 60 seconds'?

As for The Cuckoo's Nest, I'll stand on my point it's a boring movie. Others might like it, but certainly not my generation. (All my mates agree it's a boring movie).
Please don't turn your circle of friends into an entire generation, I know quite a few 18 - 25 year olds who think that its an excellent film.


Key word car chases, not car races. And I don't know how you could think they were good. Ronin actually bored me, and while Bullitt had cool cars they fast forwarded corners to make them look like they handle better (muscle cars should powerslide and do it with emphasis on the torque being spun away), and they weren't even pushing the cars very hard judging by engine noises. I want to hear them revving hard, not cruising around. I think Gone in 60sec had a far better car chase.

Ummm.... yeah, as opposed to FnF where all engine sounds are real, chase/race scenes aren't fabricated and not on iota of computer animation was used... the drivers really raced with all those people so close to the cars and did the 1/4 mile in 2 minutes using nitro.
Yep, can't agree enough on that last point there, Scaff... "Cuckoo's Nest" was the first film I ever owned on DVD, and I've been a fan of the film since I first saw it, when I was about 13... spin on 20 years, and it's still in my Top 10.. and now that I have become an uncle, I am officially in the "next generation" now, so the generation argument doesn't wash with me either :P
Ummm.... yeah, as opposed to FnF where all engine sounds are real, chase/race scenes aren't fabricated and not on iota of computer animation was used... the drivers really raced with all those people so close to the cars and did the 1/4 mile in 2 minutes using nitro.

Who cares, it was fun to watch, and made it look like they really were going hammer and tongs. And those cars were real too. If you had the Tokyo Drift DVD you'd watch all the extras where they are doing the stunts, and they did half of them for real.

Yep, can't agree enough on that last point there, Scaff... "Cuckoo's Nest" was the first film I ever owned on DVD, and I've been a fan of the film since I first saw it, when I was about 13... spin on 20 years, and it's still in my Top 10.. and now that I have become an uncle, I am officially in the "next generation" now, so the generation argument doesn't wash with me either :P

You and I are in different generations, how can you compare? We watched Cuckoo's Nest for a school project, 100 people in my generation (bout the size of my grade, pretty small school, this was last year, obviously I left school now) thought it was boring. Because of the small nature of our school we were pretty much all friends in our grade.
...while Bullitt had cool cars they fast forwarded corners to make them look like they handle better (muscle cars should powerslide and do it with emphasis on the torque being spun away), and they weren't even pushing the cars very hard judging by engine noises.

I beg to differ.

the article
What hadn't been done before was a chase scene, done "at speed"(up to 110 miles per hour) through the city streets and not on a movie studio back lot. Bud Elkins said, "I think it was the first time they did a complete car chase at normal camera speed. What you saw is what really happened. It was real!"

McQueen was determined to have "the best car chase ever done," recalls Carey Loftin. "I told Steve I knew a lot about camera angles and speeds to make it look fast. You can undercrank the camera so you can control everything in the scene. Then when it's run, it'll look like high speed and the car will appear to be handling real well." McQueen refused to hear of it, and advised Loftin that money was no object. "Fine," Loftin replied. "Until you run out of money, you've got to stop me!"

I suggest you read the whole article, and bear in mind it was 40 years ago, when CGI wasn't even a pipe dream.
Personally, I think it's impressive when the stunts are real, but I don't actually care if they're real or not. All I care is whether they look real. Afterall, maybe they really did drive against traffic at traffic speeds, but everyone was working together to achieve the shots. It would be more real if they actually took real cars out into the city and drove against traffic when nobody knew they were coming - and for the heck of it, shoot at each other with real bullets.

It's fantasy by definition. So if they want to put some CG in there, I say go for it. Just make sure it's hard to tell.

I feel the same way about Kung Fu movies. Use wires if you need to, just make sure I can't tell.
It's fantasy by definition. So if they want to put some CG in there, I say go for it. Just make sure it's hard to tell.

I feel the same way about Kung Fu movies. Use wires if you need to, just make sure I can't tell.

For me the whole point of CG or even special effects in general, is to to make something that's fantastic look real. As soon as something looks like it's an effect the whole illusion is spoilt and the impact it was ment to give is totally lost. With CG been relatively cheep these days too many films use it instead of getting creative with more traditional effect methods. I still don't think that CG has gotten to the point where it's become indistinguishable from real life, whether that's scale models or wires.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?! No way, that movie was horrible and extremely boring. I don't know how it won awards, I guess people were boring in the 80s. Apart from the ones I bolded I don't know if I agree with any others on your list, although admittedly I haven't seen many of them.
How can you not agree with any others? Scarface & The Godfather are classics. And don't even get me started on the awesomeness that is Clint Eastwood.
No crime in watching films with cars in them, just that FnF are not exactly the finest examples of the genre. Bullitt (not even a car move - but one of the best car chases ever - same is true of Ronin), Grand Prix, The Driver, Le Mans all better the FnF series for driving.
Scaff, I'm ashamed that would you leave out the original Gone in 60 Seconds. :P

But I agree, esp. with Le Mans.

BTW, apparently, someone has uploaded the entire movie on YouTube. :dopey:
Please don't turn your circle of friends into an entire generation, I know quite a few 18 - 25 year olds who think that its an excellent film.


And you can add another 25 year old into that, I liked that film too.
If you want a mad car chase, go and get the ORIGINAL Gone in 60 Seconds. Lousy film, but a heck of a piece of driving.

Another example to conpare and contrast: I enjoyed the chase scene in 'The Island' immensely, but the one is Ronin is as close to real as you're going to get. One entertains by design with a fair suspension of disbelief, the other is raw madness on the road to shock and awe - co-ordinated enough to make it filmable.
Scaff, I'm ashamed that would you leave out the original Gone in 60 Seconds. :P

I was just about to answer when Venari beat me to it....

If you want a mad car chase, go and get the ORIGINAL Gone in 60 Seconds. Lousy film, but a heck of a piece of driving.

...its an amazing car chase, but a whole film its really quite a poor effort. Then again the whole film is an excuse for a 40 minute car chase.

Its in a similar vein to Rendezvous, no plot just an excuse to drive a car fast through Paris (even if the car and drive are still debated to this day). I have it on DVD and still watch it from time to time (well it is only about 10 minutes in length).


I remember that clip. Lots of controversy of whether it was real or not. But, I think the car, itself, was a Ferrari, correct?

EDIT* Clicking on the video, yep. A 275 GTB.
It was real, and it's Paris, but it was pretty slowly done with a Mercedes saloon with the scrag end of some celluloid mounted in a cinecamera low on the front bumper. The engine might have been a Ferrari... overdubbed.

If you think a Renault 4 can go as fast as the film implies then, uh... well.

Nioce idea though. :D

Linky to more info here.
AS far as movies go, and taking into account everyone's opinions and all the great, and frankly not so great movies that have been mentioned:
I think this question might be better answered by genre.
I know about a jillion comedies that if it was only comedies would be on my Top Ten Comedies List.
Then I'd have to have a top ten Dramas List.
Then Top 10 Military/War movies
Top ten Cowboy/western films.
Top ten Sci-fi.

Hell, there's enough different genre's that you could just about pick one movie from each to "round out" a comprehensive top ten list.

I have to apologise about not including A guy named Joe and Bad Day at Black Rock both starring Spencer Tracy.
If you want to to talk about current car movies such as Rendezvous, you have to mention the Getaway in Stockholm series... nothing but cars going too fast on too insecure settings, but fun to watch nonetheless.

Speaking of which, here are the best car movies according to the Car Chase Movie Database

Grindhouse (2007)
Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
The Seven-Ups (1973)
Vanishing Point (1971)
Gumball Rally (1976)
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Short Time (1990)
Le Casse (1971)
White Lightning (1973)
Vantage Point (2008)
The Driver (1978)
A Special Magnum for Tony Saitta (aka Blazing Magnums) (1976)
Blues Brothers (1980)
The Bourne Identity (2002)
The Last American Hero (1973)
Magnum Force (1973)
Two Lane Blacktop (1971)
Cannonball (1976)
Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)
Running on Empty (AKA Fast Lane Fever) (1982)
Metal Skin (1994)
The Legend of Speed (1999)
Fast Getaway (1991)
Doomsday (2008)
To Live and Die in L.A. (1985)
The Road Warrior (1981)
Pit Stop (1969)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Mad Max (1979)
C'etait un Rendezvous (1976)

Sheesh... so many movies made before 1990 :eek: You wanna guess how many of these used CGI?

Also worth mentioning are the movies where Remy Julienne has been stunt coordinator, like Licence to Kill (or some other Bond movie with T. Dalton)
I think this question might be better answered by genre.
All right, I'll have a go:

Top Ten Comedies
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
Raising Arizona
Sean of the Dead
Dr. Strangelove
What's Up, Tiger Lily?
Ocean's 11
Time Bandits

Top Ten Dramas
North by Northwest
Cape Fear
The Eiger Sanction
Breaker Morant
Marathon Man
The Andromeda Strain
- original
Dog Day Afternoon
The Untouchables
Fight Club

Top Ten Military/War movies
The Bedford Incident - tie with Fail Safe
The Longest Day
Kelly's Heroes
The Big Red One
Apocolypse Now
The Deer Hunter
Das Boot
- in German
The Hunt For Red October
The Great Escape

Top Ten Cowboy/Western films
The Magnificent Seven
Fist Full of Dollars
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
High Plains Drifter
High Noon
Rooster Cogburn
Pale Rider
Paint Your Wagon

Top Ten SF movies
Dark Star
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Blade Runner
- in Japanese
Mad Max/Road Warrior
Star Wars
Logan's Run
A Boy And His Dog

Bonus category:

Top Ten Movies Uncategorized Elsewhere
Diva - in French
The Italian Job
- original
The Sting
Blue Velvet
Princess Bride
Repo Man
A Fish Called Wanda
American Werewolf In London


Top Ten Car Movies
Le Mans
Grand Prix
Last American Hero
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
Gone in 60 Seconds
- original only
Gumball Rally - tie with Cannonball Run
Smokey and the Bandit
Deathrace 2000

Two Lane Blacktop - tie with Vanishing Point - and these are somewhat on my list. The symbolism in TLB is so blunt and smacks you so hard you'll probably wonder what hit you and not get it anyway; the symbolism in VP is dumber, but subtler, though the film loses major points for a stupid ending after it paints itself into an existentialist corner

Top Ten Animated Features - and this almost shouldn't be a category; I prefer to judge animated films by type, not production method
The Incredibles
Toy Story
The Iron Giant
The Wrong Trousers
Monsters, Inc.
Heavy Metal
American Pop!
Watership Down
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Top Ten Coming-of-Age Movies
Breaking Away
Secondhand Lions
Harold and Maude
Breakfast Club
Sixteen Candles
Swallows and Amazons
American Graffiti
Stand By Me
The last Picture Show
To Duke
effing awsome list. I'd forgotten Eiger Sanction, American Werewolf in London, Blade Runner, and Young Frankenstein.

To Tom Servo What happened to Gator and the First Smokey and the Bandit?
Gator should be included because the Ford Galaxie that Burt Reynolds drove in the movie was not only a 429 SCJ but it had a 4-speed Stick in a Sedan.

The first Smokey & the Bandit because the entire movie was a chase scene. (and pretty funny to boot)
Sally Fields hasn't look as good before or after that movie.

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry should be on the list also, Especially if Vanishing Point made it.
And I'm not dissing Vanishing Point. But both movies are light on plot even though the chases are first rate.
Ok, here we go. Movies from Dukes list that I have not seen:

Raising Arizona
What's Up, Tiger Lily?
Time Bandits

North by Northwest
The Eiger Sanction
Breaker Morant
Marathon Man
Dog Day Afternoon
The Untouchables
The Bedford Incident - tie with Fail Safe
The Longest Day
Kelly's Heroes
The Big Red One
The Deer Hunter
Das Boot
- in German
The Great Escape

The Magnificent Seven
Fist Full of Dollars
High Plains Drifter
High Noon
Rooster Cogburn
Pale Rider
Paint Your Wagon

Dark Star
The Day The Earth Stood Still
- in Japanese
Logan's Run
A Boy And His Dog

Diva - in French
The Italian Job
- original
The Sting
Blue Velvet
Sixteen Candles
Repo Man
American Werewolf In London
Time Bandits was awesome. A nearly forgotten movie with great effects for the time and an interesting premise. Funny, too.

The original Italian Job was a fun caper movie. And for car lovers, the intro sequence with the Lamborghini Miura snorting and squealing its way through the mountains is a must-see. The police chase scene is a good example of why carburators suck, too... :lol:

Akira - stands as one of the best cartoon movies... ever. Terrific story, terrific action, terrific animation. Few cartoons come close.

Actually... what about animation? No ten best list for that? Although mine would be very short:

Ten Best Animated Features:

Fantasia (either that or Bambi or Snow White... the love and care put into these old animated features makes them look 100 times better than some modern films)


Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (well, I liked it better than Princess Mononoke, a more modern film form the same director... but the English Version completely butchered the story)

Spirited Away (another excellent Miyazaki...)

Grave of the Fireflies

Nightmare Before Christmas (best stop-motion. Ever.)

Monsters, Inc. (best script of any Pixar movie... but I could be wrong)

Happy Feet (just for the originality of the whole thing)
Top Ten Most Stupid Movies, Bad or Good

In no particular order...

1. Airplane!
2. National Lampoons European Vacation
3. Fifth Element
4. Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
5. Spies Like Us
6. Dumb and Dumber
7. Top Secret!
8. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
9. Mel Brooks' History of the World: Part I
10. Laserblast!
Laserblast? I'm sure you liked the gun the guy has, but the rest of the movie is so... MST3K material. (heh, misread the Stupid part)

BTW, where's The Toxic Avenger?

To Tom Servo What happened to Gator and the First Smokey and the Bandit?
Gator should be included because the Ford Galaxie that Burt Reynolds drove in the movie was not only a 429 SCJ but it had a 4-speed Stick in a Sedan.

Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry was on the list, albeit a few steps below. So was Gator. There's probably a hundred movies on the list, I only posted the top 30 or so.

Here's the complete list.
I beg to differ.

I suggest you read the whole article, and bear in mind it was 40 years ago, when CGI wasn't even a pipe dream.

Well forget WRX's and Skylines, clearly Mustangs are the best handling cars around.:P

How can you not agree with any others? Scarface & The Godfather are classics. And don't even get me started on the awesomeness that is Clint Eastwood.

Scaff, I'm ashamed that would you leave out the original Gone in 60 Seconds. :P

But I agree, esp. with Le Mans.

BTW, apparently, someone has uploaded the entire movie on YouTube. :dopey:

I haven't seen many of them, but I never was into "mafia and cop" movies, unless they were funny or had something else to offer. Just not my category of choice I guess. As for Le Mans, that looks pretty damn good, I better hire it out some time.:dopey:

And you can add another 25 year old into that, I liked that film too.

I consider you and I in different generations, I was born in the go-go '90s.

Top Ten Most Stupid Movies, Bad or Good

In no particular order...

1. Airplane!
2. National Lampoons European Vacation
3. Fifth Element
4. Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
5. Spies Like Us
6. Dumb and Dumber
7. Top Secret!
8. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
9. Mel Brooks' History of the World: Part I
10. Laserblast!

Snakes on a Plane didn't make your stupidity list? Boy did that film get the crap taken out of it by critics and comedians the world over. I still remember Rove's Spiders on a Glider joke.:lol:
Top Ten Comedies
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Big Lebowski
Spies Like Us
MST3K: The Movie
Trading Places
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Dr. Strangelove
Duck Soup
La Vita é Bella

Top Ten Dramas
Raging Bull
North by Northwest
Fight Club
The Godfather Series
Schindler's List
Sunset Blvd.
It's a Wonderful Life
Citizen Kane

Top Ten Suspense/Thriller Movies
The Game
The Usual Suspects
Taxi Driver
A Clockwork Orange

Top Ten Sci-Fi movies
Blade Runner
Akira - in Japanese
Star Wars I-VI
Aliens (yeah, it was in the previous category too)
Donnie Darko
Children of Men
Solyaris (Russian 1972 original)
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Terminator
12 Monkeys

Top Ten Animations
Spirited Away
The Lion King
The Iron Giant
Princess Mononoke
Toy Story Series
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
The Incredibles

I'd make a top ten Film Noir, but I doubt most under 25 here would know them.
How come nobody likes the anime Cars? I thought it was very well put together, every little detail is something a car enthusiast will look at and laugh knowing what it means/is like. It's funny too.:dopey:

PS- Does "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" count as a drama? That's the category I just don't like, personal preference. Oh, and my Mum doesn't like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest either, and she's older than the lot of ya.:lol:
I guess it would count as drama - probably the reason why some people might consider it "boring", but I'd argue that it is the performances of individual actors that is by far the strongest point of that film. Jack Nicholson won Best Actor Oscar for his performance, Christopher Lloyd and and Brad Dourif are great, and (amazingly) Danny De Vito is exceptional.

Top Ten Comedies
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Big Lebowski
Spies Like Us
MST3K: The Movie
Trading Places
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Dr. Strangelove
Duck Soup
La Vita é Bella

Top Ten Dramas
Raging Bull
North by Northwest
Fight Club
The Godfather Series
Schindler's List
Sunset Blvd.
It's a Wonderful Life
Citizen Kane

Top Ten Suspense/Thriller Movies
The Game
The Usual Suspects
Taxi Driver
A Clockwork Orange

Top Ten Sci-Fi movies
Blade Runner
Akira - in Japanese
Star Wars I-VI
Aliens (yeah, it was in the previous category too)
Donnie Darko
Children of Men
Solyaris (Russian 1972 original)
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Terminator
12 Monkeys

Top Ten Animations
Spirited Away
The Lion King
The Iron Giant
Princess Mononoke
Toy Story Series
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
The Incredibles

I'd make a top ten Film Noir, but I doubt most under 25 here would know them.

Great list(s) 👍 Not much on there I'd disagree with, and alot which I whole-heartedly would endorse too 👍
There's going to be a lot of movies left out from lists. For example, Shrek. Nobody liked this cartoon? I loved it. Finding Nemo anybody?

Comedy lists seem to be missing It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. One of the funniest movies of all time!

Western lists don't have The Cowboys or Silverado? Best Western movies I've ever seen.

How about...
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Animal House, Caddyshack, Naked Gun, Sneakers, The Princess Bride, The Jerk, Ghostbusters, Chinatown, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, Muriel's Wedding, Rosemary's Baby, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Wizard of Oz, A Christmans Story, Big, E.T., The Silence of the Lambs, Amadeus, Once Upon a Time In America, Cool Hand Luke, Little Miss Sunshine, Big Fish, etc.
There's going to be a lot of movies left out from lists. For example, Shrek. Nobody liked this cartoon? I loved it. Finding Nemo anybody?
I liked them, but I didn't do an animated feature list.

Comedy lists seem to be missing It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. One of the funniest movies of all time!
It was on my list for a while but it actually got edged off. It's currently hanging around at #11 or #12.
Western lists don't have The Cowboys or Silverado? Best Western movies I've ever seen.
Ditto Silverado - just edged off the bottom as I was adding others.
How about...
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Animal House, Caddyshack, Naked Gun, Sneakers, The Princess Bride, The Jerk, Ghostbusters, Chinatown, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, Muriel's Wedding, Rosemary's Baby, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Wizard of Oz, A Christmans Story, Big, E.T., The Silence of the Lambs, Amadeus, Once Upon a Time In America, Cool Hand Luke, Little Miss Sunshine, Big Fish, etc.
About half of those are on my list of Top 10s, just not in a category I did yet. I'll probably go back and add categories.
Snakes on a Plane didn't make your stupidity list? Boy did that film get the crap taken out of it by critics and comedians the world over. I still remember Rove's Spiders on a Glider joke.:lol:

Snakes On A Plane no doubt is one very stupid movie, but I didn't like it. My "Stupid Movie" list was a list of movies I really enjoy, despite being really stupid. I never enjoyed SoaP.

About half of those are on my list of Top 10s, just not in a category I did yet. I'll probably go back and add categories.

Look forward to it! 👍

I'm a bit surprised Danoff haven't seen most of what you posted. Those are some excellent movies he's missing out! Get at it, dude! You wont regret it.
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