Hmm well I like the heavy damage it punishes mistakes and forces people to focus more, when overtaking ect ect.
The main points I see, are that a reckless driver will get a penalty, making it not worth it in the first place either way.Well ive had no problems in Gt300 all the guys in there seem super fast and respectful 👍.
Hmm I guess so Wardez but im still on the fence here.
paulmac2k9BTCC. Why does everyone go there first for agressive driving I wonder
. (Nothing to do with my avatar
I enjoy heavy damage in some series, other I do not.I, personally, have grown to like the heavy damage setting. It keeps people from banging unnecessarily. I know we have the OLR for the basis for our rules, but I still think some like to think this is the BTCC.
But I look forward to seeing what the consensus on this will be.
Edit - Good comments above. I guess low damage could work, we just need to make sure we still hand out penalties for overly aggressive driving. I just don't want the lowering of the damage to give certain people ideas that they can bang people around.
On the other hand; it'd go some way to prevent the Braille driving (NTSC GT500 as an example) and impatience that you see on occasion during these races. Therefore I think we should keep Heavy damage for the races.
I agree with what Paul said, but when you have an unfortunate incident like me and NEPALII had in the PAL Sprint, or minor things, it means the punishment for a small offence doesn't fit the crime. On the other hand; it'd go some way to prevent the Braille driving (NTSC GT500 as an example) and impatience that you see on occasion during these races. Therefore I think we should keep Heavy damage for the races.
I'm a huge BTCC fan, but even I'll admit some of the driving you see is borderline amateur.
wsgtc 2 was 90% veteran.
I'm not knocking the spectating value of the BTCC. I am just amazed at how often punting someone else of the track goes unpunished. I just watched a race I had on the DVR where Boardmann completely punted the leader(Plato) off the track... As he didn't seem to have the skill to pass him any other way.
Multiple laps later, Boardmann took the checkered flag. I am sometimes not sure there are any stewards in that series at all.![]()
Good points, but imagine that NTSC race with heavy damage. The incidents would still happen and there would be people pitting every lap.
Again, I don't think some here are just bad people, or they are reckless, I just think they aren't well experienced and not ready for this type of racing. Given GT5's crappy collision physics, a misjudged braking point for example can ruin someone's race. It doesn't mean that person that created the incident meant to do it, it's just he/she couldn't handle it. Nothing wrong with being less skilled. 👍
I was one of the 10% new in S2and it was here where I first learned to race heavy damage
That was at Knockhill it happened right infront of me boy did I swear like 🤬 at him for it! (As did most of the crowd) and was all due to the Turbo power over the N/A Chevy. Boardman imo is a punk anyway he allways punts people off doing stupid moves.
The problem, 9 times out of 10, is that someone tries to "out brake" someone.Good points, but imagine that NTSC race with heavy damage. The incidents would still happen and there would be people pitting every lap.
Again, I don't think some here are just bad people, or they are reckless, I just think they aren't well experienced and not ready for this type of racing. Given GT5's crappy collision physics, a misjudged braking point for example can ruin someone's race. It doesn't mean that person that created the incident meant to do it, it's just he/she couldn't handle it. Nothing wrong with being less skilled. 👍
I completely disagree. It is not a matter of skill. If you are following someone in the draft you need to brake earlier.
I have noticed certain people are always banging into the backs of people, clipping the car in front mid turn, etc.. Then there are those people that don't. I think the stewards can pretty easily see which type of driver is which.
I don't think it is about level of skill.
The most important thing is to respect other people's races as well as your own. Not just blindly throw darts where some of the time it will be a wreck involving both drivers, and sometimes it will be a pass.
I really haven't had any problems with GT5's collision physics. They have been virtually the same since the game was introduced. It is up to us to accept them and drive appropriately. I don't think anyone should blame the GT5 physics for contact, collision, or wreck. The only time the game can be blamed, IMO, is when there is bad lag, and the drivers replays show different things occurring.
WardezYou've got to understand that on paper, the psychology you just mentioned is sound. But once you get on track things are absolutely different. Our brains just don't function as one would expect. Once emotions kick in, people aren't going to stop and think, " well derp we're using heavy damage so I better not go for this dive bomb."
No, all he'll be thinking about is how much he wants the position. It changes nothing. The careful drivers will stay careful, the reckless ones, will stay as such. This goes a long way in preventing the reckless ones from ruining races.
Trust me, I've seen it all and you can depend on this insight.
as much as i love the heavy damage of last year, i can see what you are saying and it does make sense.You've got to understand that on paper, the psychology you just mentioned is sound. But once you get on track things are absolutely different. Our brains just don't function as one would expect. Once emotions kick in, people aren't going to stop and think, " well derp we're using heavy damage so I better not go for this dive bomb."
No, all he'll be thinking about is how much he wants the position. It changes nothing. The careful drivers will stay careful, the reckless ones, will stay as such. This goes a long way in preventing the reckless ones from ruining races.
Trust me, I've seen it all and you can depend on this insight.
Bottom line is, this group is too new and large, so it needs to run light in my opinion in order to really get to know each other. If the group stays for the following season, heavy damage will be a fitting option.
But will they?Absolutely 100% against this change! I feel it completely devalues the experience
It's worked fine as it is all along, there were no veterans in season 1 and it worked. It works fine in PURE where a large number of people were brought together who hadn't raced with each other before with some who may not have driven much full damage before.
We're not that big a group (see pre-season turn outs) and the ones that will stick around but are new to WSGTC have been around the block, it's the same old names from GTP Series'. Any that don't fall into this bracket are in the absolute minority and regs shouldn't be changed for the minority.
There may have been a few incidents in pre-season but there always is, lessons will be learned very quickly once the season starts. Accidents can and will happen, it's racing, you take it on the chin and move on not dumb it down.
Fair point, I concur, but as you say yourself, the careful drivers and the reckless drivers will drive in their particular manner, irrespective. I appreciate that it's only a game, when all is said and done, but we are racing in a quality league, with plenty of quality drivers and prizes at stake, we should be capable (allowing for the variables and the things out of the control of us) to race clean & close with full damage without it descending into a messy farce. In the real world, you pay the price, and I believe it should be the same here.
Also, that was a ridiculous amount to write on an iPhone.![]()