GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Main Thread

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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Masi has been absent for a long time. After a meeting, we decided to reorganize and restructure the WSGTC.

The first thing was to update the Staff. You can see it now here.

Dom (CSLACR) is working on developing new rules and changes to some rules already in place. We will communicate you as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, given the current situation, we are not possible to start the season this week. Dave (twistedfirework) is now planning another pre-season race.


.:Very Important Details:.

You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen after PP/HP/WT checks are finished.
You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen in-between races.
In sprint races, you must make one mandatory pit stop, it cannot be on the first (formation) or last lap.
During formation lap, trying to warm-up your tires is disallowed.
During formation lap, no passing until you cross the Start/Finish line.


.:Personal Report:.

I've received PM's from some of you. I've checked the NTSC GT500 sprint race and I participated in the NTSC GT300 races. The only thing I can say for now is "Drive Cool". Don't be aggressive on the track (and on the forum).


And, finally, I'd like to thank you Edward, Dom, Dave, Àlex, Geoff and Dennis.
Best regards

All Rights Reserved - GT Racing Association 2011 ©
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The 08 Arta can also run with a stage 3 engine.I sent a Bob to Indy to run the car in so i can see the correct specs.I can see the benefit of adding some torque lower in the power band.

From what i have seen of the 08 Imp i thinks its fine where it is.The top speed is perfect with the rest of the cars and the advantage it has on low speed exit is the trade off for the tire wear.

HP and pp checks keeps the chance of cheating down to a minimum.Using pp only allows for too much creative tuning.This isnt a normal OLR series with its real prizes and the rules need to be as airtight as possible.
It's the good low-mid speed corner exits that kills its tyres though hence the need to adjust the torque split and even that only helps a little, it doesn't solve the problem. Bearing this in mind any advantage it may have in this area is gone in a few laps, this is why it appears to be on pace with the rest when tested on short runs.
@Scanny_Flick: Have you seen any cars that "stand out" in GT500? Just wondering because I might have one of them :D (Yellowhat GT-R) It seems pretty fair though, did not compete on saturday due to work but I ran with some friends the other day on these specs and yellowhat actually seems slow compared to NSX. I think NSX gets way too much PP, and lots of HP, it should be bumped down a few HP in my opinion, If you can handle the NSX it is one of the best...

@Scanny_Flick: Have you seen any cars that "stand out" in GT500? Just wondering because I might have one of them :D (Yellowhat GT-R) It seems pretty fair though, did not compete on saturday due to work but I ran with some friends the other day on these specs and yellowhat actually seems slow compared to NSX. I think NSX gets way too much PP, and lots of HP, it should be bumped down a few HP in my opinion, If you can handle the NSX it is one of the best...


Disagree, I (ARTA NSX) struggled to keep up with NEPALII (XANAVI GT-R), despite my car being quite a bit faster on the straights. He may not agree, but as drivers, i'd say we are pretty similar on speed. If anything, I'd be more inclined to add a couple more PP's to even it up a bit more. But to be honest, I think it's as close as things are going to get.
Sorry I have never driven GT500 in WSGTC but I have quite a bit in other series and Dom (who created the specs) is vastly experienced and knowledgeable in this area.

The idea with the unlimited mod pp level for GT500 is that you should be able to reduce aero and increase power on a GTR whilst not compromising it's cornering (when compared to an NSX) as it handles better than an NSX.

Try running reduced aero if you've had it set on max, this will give you the power boost you may need 👍
Sorry I have never driven GT500 in WSGTC but I have quite a bit in other series and Dom (who created the specs) is vastly experienced and knowledgeable in this area.

The idea with the unlimited mod pp level for GT500 is that you should be able to reduce aero and increase power on a GTR whilst not compromising it's cornering (when compared to an NSX) as it handles better than an NSX.

Try running reduced aero if you've had it set on max, this will give you the power boost you may need 👍

I've got no problems with mine, I just feel the NSX should perhaps have an extra PP or two to give it that little bit extra, but hey, I don't make the rules!
@Scanny_Flick: Have you seen any cars that "stand out" in GT500? Just wondering because I might have one of them :D (Yellowhat GT-R) It seems pretty fair though, did not compete on saturday due to work but I ran with some friends the other day on these specs and yellowhat actually seems slow compared to NSX. I think NSX gets way too much PP, and lots of HP, it should be bumped down a few HP in my opinion, If you can handle the NSX it is one of the best...


It depends on the track. Nurburgring for example suited more the GT-R than the NSX. But for example if you go to Monza, the NSX will be faster as there are more straights. Maybe it is a little too fast on the straights, but it loses a lot on the turns. Try driving the NSX at Laguna or worse at Monaco :scared: That thing wants to literally kill you.

I'm very strict when it comes to specs of cars, and I know these cars fairly well, and to be honest the current specs are great. Probably the best GT500 specs I have seen so far. Is it perfect? No. But it is good enough to have great racing. It is a good step in the right direction. I'm just not as skilled in these cars as I am with other cars. Never was quick on these cars for some reason. :grumpy:

Edit: Thanks for the update on the schedule Litchi. 👍
sorry guys... i would want partecipate but i will not be continuos this year due work... for this i disappeared..
i read the team and driver list, there's also fak evil lol... it would be a really nice adventure..
Good to see you again Rav :), if you concidering coming back it should be fine as long as you state which you cant make as theyre are 2 dropped scores ;).
And final car specs updated on the OP too 👍
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Masi has been absent for a long time. After a meeting, we decided to reorganize and restructure the WSGTC.

The first thing was to update the Staff. You can see it now here.

And I just updated the schedule and the final car specs.

Dom (CSLACR) is working on developing new rules and changes to some rules already in place. We will communicate you as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, given the current situation, we are not possible to start the season this week. Dave (twistedfirework) is now planning another pre-season race.


.:Very Important Details:.

You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen after PP/HP/WT checks are finished.
You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen in-between races.
In sprint races, you must make one mandatory pit stop, it cannot be on the first (formation) or last lap.
During formation lap, trying to warm-up your tires is disallowed.
During formation lap, no passing until you cross the Start/Finish line.


.:Personal Report:.

I've received PM's from some of you. I've checked the NTSC GT500 sprint race and I participated in the NTSC GT300 races. The only thing I can say for now is "Drive Cool". Don't be aggressive on the track (and on the forum).


And, finally, I'd like to thank you Edward, Dom, Dave, Àlex, Geoff and Dennis.
Best regards

All Rights Reserved - GT Racing Association 2011 ©
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litchi baby I'm away for almost 3 weeks I will be back on the 12th of Feb. However I will visit forums when I'm in hotel room (WiFi)
Thanks for the updates. You guys do alot of work, nice job!

Since were having another prerace. I would like to make an offer.

I will have some extra time later on into tomorrow. So I will purchase, break in and send a car to anyone in wsgtc. Premium of course. This is for someone who doesnt have the time but really is going to participate. You can then have a race car and your car you can set up differently (engine mods maybe) to play with.

Limited time offer to first that needs it. Please only ask if your going to race not maybe race.
Nice work Litchi, I'll get some stuff done in a few hours here.

My thoughts on GT300 - Leave them be. They're not perfect, but they're close.
To really go for perfect specs, we'd have to re-vamp and go through the entire lot of them, which frankly, we don't need to (they're very good now) and we don't have time for.

.:Announcement 1 - Litchi:.

Masi has been absent for a long time. After a meeting, we decided to reorganize and restructure the WSGTC.

The first thing was to update the Staff. You can see it now here.

And I just updated the schedule and the final car specs.

Dom (CSLACR) is working on developing new rules and changes to some rules already in place. We will communicate you as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, given the current situation, we are not possible to start the season this week. Dave (twistedfirework) is now planning another pre-season race.

.:Very Important Details:.

You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen after PP/HP/WT checks are finished.
You are not allowed to enter the tuning screen in-between races.
In sprint races, you must make one mandatory pit stop, it cannot be on the first (formation) or last lap.
During formation lap, trying to warm-up your tires is disallowed.
During formation lap, no passing until you cross the Start/Finish line.

.:Personal Report:.

I've received PM's from some of you. I've checked the NTSC GT500 sprint race and I participated in the NTSC GT300 races. The only thing I can say for now is "Drive Cool". Don't be aggressive on the track (and on the forum).

And, finally, I'd like to thank you Edward, Dom, Dave, Àlex, Geoff and Dennis.
Best regards


.:Announcement 2 - twistedfirework:.

could all drivers please add the following psn accounts
we will be hosting future events in the private lounge's of these accounts
to enter the lounge
go to community on gt5
click on the appropiate psn account
then click on the coffee cup to enter the lounge.
you can use any of the lounges to practice in
anyone on the friends list can change the settings
there will be no need to search for online rooms
we will try to accept friend requests ASAP
no friend requests will be sent out
these accounts dont need to be online for you to use them
please allow upto 24hours for friend requests to be accepted



.: Preseason Round 5 | spa francorchamps | mixed class| 175km :.

mixed class race: 1+25 laps

January, Friday 27th
PAL Conference
*.*.*.* Connect Time: 20.30 GMT | 12.30 PST | 15.30 EST *.*.*.*

*.*.*.* Green Flag: 21.00 GMT | 13.00 PST | 16.00 EST *.*.*.*

January, Saturday 28th
NTSC Conference
*.*.*.* Connect Time: 18.30 PST | 21.30 EST (Sunday 02.30 GMT) *.*.*.*

*.*.*.* Green Flag: 19.00 PST | 22.00 EST (Sunday 03.00 GMT) *.*.*.*

Color Code: PAL Conference | NTSC Conference
Follow WSGTC on: Facebook | Twitter


.: Drivers Briefing (Read! Read! Read!) :.
Welcome to WSGTC newbies! I'll keep this brief and in simple English. Race clean, disciplined, and respectful around your fellow competitors! Fast but incompetent drivers need not apply - rather have slow and clean! Read the Racing Code 685 times (Click Here!).

You must follow the Car Specs and Regulations pictured below (TBA)! Not following specs will result in an immediate Disqualification.

While inside the race lobby, do not use the 'CHAT' feature while Stewards are sending out instructions for pre-race checks. If you have questions, go ask them NOW! Otherwise, read the OP. We will be using a special pre-race qualifying that is listed below - Read it! Thank you for your patience!

Car Specs and Regulations (All cars at Max Downforce for GT300!)
GT500 Regs - Open PP tuning.

GT300 / GT500 Checklist

This is the order that you (Steward) have to follow to proceed of the "Checks" before a race in an official WSGTC Room.

HP Checks

  • 315hp -->> APEX MR-S / Celica
  • 325hp -->> Asparadrink's
  • 335hp -->> Garaiya's / Subaru's
  • 355hp -->> Lexus

PP Checks

  • 530pp -->> Asparadrink's
  • 531pp -->> APEX MR-S / Garaiya '08
  • 538pp -->> Garaiya '03
  • 539pp -->> Celica
  • 545pp -->> Subaru '08
  • 548pp -->> Subaru '03
  • 549pp -->> Lexus
  • 596pp -->> YMS Supra / Xanavi / Calsonic / Yellowhat GTR
  • 597pp -->> Motul / Takata / Arta / Raybrig / Stealth NSX
  • 598pp -->> Denso / Petronas
  • 600pp -->> Bandai
  • 601pp -->> Eneos
  • 603pp -->> Castrol
  • 607pp -->> Z


.:Spa-Francorchamps Specifics:.

Qualification rules for Spa-Francorchamps will be usual. You have 2 laps to submit your Superlap.



    [*]Green Flag: Polecar will decide where the start is (somewhere before the startline). He must make sure that ALL cars are clear of the last turn before starting. It's totally up to the pole car, as long as ALL cars behind him are on the straight. He can not start the race if the last car is still in the middle of the last turn. Pole car has right side of track for first right turn.

    [*]Make sure to stay on track at ALL times with at least 2 wheels touching white line / Red / White curb. You can not use run offs or tarmac of any kind to gain speed. You will be penalized heavily during the race and disqualified for having a dirty lap in qualifying. Just stay inside the rumble strips and course white lines.

    [*]Special Mixed Class Starting Procedure: GT300's will do one lap then line up behind GT500s and wait to roll out.

    [*]If you feel insecure of where the track limit is, just join a quali-session during mon-wednesday and ask a steward to do a slow lap with you.

    [*]Pit lane. Entry: Go slowly into the pits. Exit: Nothing special about the exit. Just make sure to stay right when you enter the track until you are 100% sure that you will not cause an accident. General: When entering and exiting pits, the white lines are ment to be respected. Yes, you can cross the white line when entering and exiting the pits. But if an incident occur, the driver who crossed the white line (The one on track, or the one who comes out from the pits) will be held responsible, and a penalty will come as a result.


All Rights Reserved - GT Racing Association 2011 ©
Thanks for the updates. You guys do alot of work, nice job!

Since were having another prerace. I would like to make an offer.

I will have some extra time later on into tomorrow. So I will purchase, break in and send a car to anyone in wsgtc. Premium of course. This is for someone who doesnt have the time but really is going to participate. You can then have a race car and your car you can set up differently (engine mods maybe) to play with.

Limited time offer to first that needs it. Please only ask if your going to race not maybe race.

If the RX7 '04 is premium I could do with one if them 👍
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