Your room has 8 spots and you have the worst connection in the GT community.
I'd say 49 including pace lap.Alright, since nobody can open a room, I'll open one. Thought Aderrrm had one open.
Room open: 1472-6118-3916-1736-6064
Edit: How many laps is the race?
Neither of the hosts have made a room, so I'm going to host for now, unless they do turn up.
Room Number: 1472-6399-8365-2929-9721
Just showing what was typed.Feel free to host yourself if your going to make a comment like that. I don't know if you even bothered to notice, but I wasn't one of the people expected to host the room, I set it up just for PRACTICE.
Just showing what was typed.
I know that.Look on the previous page, I had it up an hour and a half ago...
What would you think that meant if I typed it?Neither of the hosts have made a room, so I'm going to host for now, unless they do turn up.
Room Number: 1472-6399-8365-2929-9721
I know that.
But what Tony read was this:
What would you think that meant if I typed it?
Im guessing since this is preseason people arent taking this seriously. However, they should to help us test the new specs and give feedback. I think we need to do one more but this time PLEASE commit yourself to it. You sign up, you are expected to show up. If anything comes up, let us know!
Is it any better to rage quit?
I agree with most of what you said, though I'm nt sure if a proper host was declared or if the other listed host had potential problems that they couldn't be around.
But no matter, rage quitting because of low attendance among other reasons, only makes the attendance worse.
Right, but the more opinions we get, the more opinions we'll have.Edit: Im not complaining about the specs, but there might be people who will when its too late. I learned that the hard way in PURE. Remember?
Something I wanna say to everyone: If you sign up, you are expected to show up to the freakin race. I had stated last week that I didnt want to host anymore. Apparently, nobody else wanted to host today. So, against my will, I decide to host.
Once in the room, I have people complaining that the track wasnt reset and that the race was "lame" for being only 8 people. The fact that there was only 8 people isnt my fault, go complain to the ones that didn't show up. Don't complain to me. As for the track not being reset, we were late, there was no time. Blame on the host for not showing up. Then there was someone else that didnt have the car up to spec so we wait even more to "adjust" to spec. I just lost it, and quit right on 1st lap.
Either people start showing up when they sign up, or else this isnt going anywhere. My job as a host sucks, yes, but people could try to be a bit more responsible and not make the host's job harder than it already is. Either this starts getting the way it should be, or else there is going to be a lot of problems.
3rd Stint I had a bit of a scare coming out just infront of GG who was a lap down on me and was sitting very close to me while I got my tyres up to temp. I was a bit scared he might try something so I tried to pull a gap thankfully everytime he got close in a place where it wasnt safe to pass he just backed off, big for being that nice GG
Oops quit a little early from the room chat, anyway thanks for good race guys.
Moleman and Paggy went out early, what happened?
What a "surprising" race........
As I note that I cannot hold the times of the top at any time I think it s better for me to make some homework regarding "set ups" or however you would call it in order to improve.
Under these circumstances I am unable to go on I quit until I have found a proper "set-up" to be able to compete.
Wish you all the best for the next races......