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  • Thread starter Masi_23
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Alright, since nobody can open a room, I'll open one. Thought Aderrrm had one open.

Room open: 1472-6118-3916-1736-6064

Edit: How many laps is the race?
Your room has 8 spots and you have the worst connection in the GT community.

Feel free to host yourself if your going to make a comment like that. I don't know if you even bothered to notice, but I wasn't one of the people expected to host the room, I set it up just for PRACTICE.
Alright, since nobody can open a room, I'll open one. Thought Aderrrm had one open.

Room open: 1472-6118-3916-1736-6064

Edit: How many laps is the race?
I'd say 49 including pace lap.
That's what Season 2 was IIRC.
Or do math for 175 km's.

Edit: Litchi did, it's 49 total, 48 race laps.
Neither of the hosts have made a room, so I'm going to host for now, unless they do turn up.

Room Number: 1472-6399-8365-2929-9721

Feel free to host yourself if your going to make a comment like that. I don't know if you even bothered to notice, but I wasn't one of the people expected to host the room, I set it up just for PRACTICE.
Just showing what was typed.
Look on the previous page, I had it up an hour and a half ago...
I know that.
But what Tony read was this:
Neither of the hosts have made a room, so I'm going to host for now, unless they do turn up.

Room Number: 1472-6399-8365-2929-9721
What would you think that meant if I typed it?
I know that.
But what Tony read was this:

What would you think that meant if I typed it?

Okay, I did it in a rush, fine, it was 20 minutes to race time, there were people already in the room before I posted that message (including Tony), I thought it would be stupid to reset it that close to the time, my fault that I forgot that I had it set to 8 drivers, but I was only trying to make sure there was an actual room that people could join. Happy now?
Something I wanna say to everyone: If you sign up, you are expected to show up to the freakin race. I had stated last week that I didnt want to host anymore. Apparently, nobody else wanted to host today. So, against my will, I decide to host.

Once in the room, I have people complaining that the track wasnt reset and that the race was "lame" for being only 8 people. The fact that there was only 8 people isnt my fault, go complain to the ones that didn't show up. Don't complain to me. As for the track not being reset, we were late, there was no time. Blame on the host for not showing up. Then there was someone else that didnt have the car up to spec so we wait even more to "adjust" to spec. I just lost it, and quit right on 1st lap.

Either people start showing up when they sign up, or else this isnt going anywhere. My job as a host sucks, yes, but people could try to be a bit more responsible and not make the host's job harder than it already is. Either this starts getting the way it should be, or else there is going to be a lot of problems.
Blahhh, disconnected from the GT300 (Litchi's) Room just after my 1st pit stop. Was within a couple of seconds of GTP_Cicua for the lead and having pitted at least a lap early, I think I could have jumped him in the pit stops - and from there, not sure I would have had the pace to keep a quick Impreza behind, but would have been interesting to try!

Nevermind! Just wanted to see pace of the cars relative to one another anyway, and tonight achieved that for me so I'm not too disheartened. And I managed to outqualify Paginas with 10 seconds left on the clock so it's all good 👍 ;) :sly: :dopey:
At least you had a better time than me, I didnt even finish a lap. :lol: Seriously, I hope people start becoming more responsible and commit themselves to this. If you are not commited, dont bother showing up. Really.
actually this was the most frustrating race till now for me.. i got so confused by the things hapenning that i even forgot to put my bhp to 477 & also forgot that we were doing a freaking rolling start! like half of the people who signed up actually showed up its sad.. anyway i left the race because my tv went crazy and my screen was all black so better to turn off the ps3 than others hitting me on the road .. but honestly nepalli not ur fault its the one who had to host this race & just didnt show up .. 🤬
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Im guessing since this is preseason people arent taking this seriously. However, they should to help us test the new specs and give feedback. I think we need to do one more but this time PLEASE commit yourself to it. You sign up, you are expected to show up. If anything comes up, let us know!
Is it any better to rage quit?

I agree with most of what you said, though I'm nt sure if a proper host was declared or if the other listed host had potential problems that they couldn't be around.
But no matter, rage quitting because of low attendance among other reasons, only makes the attendance worse.

Im guessing since this is preseason people arent taking this seriously. However, they should to help us test the new specs and give feedback. I think we need to do one more but this time PLEASE commit yourself to it. You sign up, you are expected to show up. If anything comes up, let us know!

Something I forgot to say.
Next week we will probably be running some cars specs without an oil change, to further prevent cheating and to improve car specs.

So change your oil for this race (NTSC) but don't change your oil after until the exact specs are handed out.
If you have changed your oil, simply run any of the following: Grand valley Endurance race B-Spec - Laguna Seca Enduro B-Spec - Indy 500 B-Spec, which you can quit at the end of the 75th lap. (lap 76)

OR - Wait until you see what car you'll be driving and what specs it needs, etc.
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Is it any better to rage quit?

I agree with most of what you said, though I'm nt sure if a proper host was declared or if the other listed host had potential problems that they couldn't be around.
But no matter, rage quitting because of low attendance among other reasons, only makes the attendance worse.

It was wrong what I did, yes, but so is what they did, the ones who didnt show up without any notice in advance. I was so frustrated even before the race start, I just couldnt keep going. :(

Edit: Im not complaining about the specs, but there might be people who will when its too late. I learned that the hard way in PURE. Remember? :lol:
Edit: Im not complaining about the specs, but there might be people who will when its too late. I learned that the hard way in PURE. Remember?
Right, but the more opinions we get, the more opinions we'll have.
Weight is the way imo, you hate it, Red likes them high powered, but if we don't use weight high powered has huge differences.

On the end of where the actual specs end up, there's only so much that can be done. Feedback is welcome of course, if a clear majority prefers one set to another, we can go with it, but I have a feeling it will be pretty divided.
Great racing guys in the pre season race tonight finished 4th had some good battles with Litchi awesome stuff Mate :tup
Oops quit a little early from the room chat, anyway thanks for good race guys.

Moleman and Paggy went out early, what happened?
It was a bit of an frustrating race for me it began all with à spin before Corkscrew, then i Got into the pits and drove into THE walls which lost me 20 seconds, And on lap 38 i dc'ed while i had à chance too grab paginas for 2nd :(
What the hell... it will sound stupid but I forgot it's Friday. That's what being off Uni does to ya. :ouch::ouch::ouch: My bad, sorry.

I know I was down for host, but there should definitely be another host on standby that knows what to do.
PAL GT500 Results:

1 - tony1311
3 - GTF_Apollo
4 - BiffyClyro93
5 - Sticky_Goldfish
6 - OK8

ProPersian & NEPALII DNF.
I had crap pace as I expected started 8th only got one flying lap in due to Paggy coming back on in the left right after the corkscrew 27.6 I think (funnily thats my time frm S2).

So race start josh forgot it was a rolling start realised slowed back to his position which I found rather funny :lol: and I ot jumped by Skanny so down to 9th.. then everyone just seemed to fly off infront of me Skanny, GG, Nissen dunno who else... so was running in 6th had a few scares on laps11-14 I think but no harm done.

Mole pitted lap 15 I think and DCed behind me in the left right corner :(.

My 2nd Stint was completely uneventful I just cruised around at a safe pace watch the gap behind to Litchi and Toyot (was around 20seconds).

3rd Stint I had a bit of a scare coming out just infront of GG who was a lap down on me and was sitting very close to me while I got my tyres up to temp. I was a bit scared he might try something so I tried to pull a gap thankfully everytime he got close in a place where it wasnt safe to pass he just backed off, big 👍 for being that nice GG. So by this point Toyot hadnt pitted yet (His 1st stop was lap20) so I wasnt too worried about catching him until around lap 40 the penny dropped and I realised he was trying it.. so I pedaled my little MR-S as hard as I could and caught him by lap 47, his tyres must have been wrecked as I passed quite easily and pulled a 3.5 second gap by the finish ending in 4th but without the 2 DCs of Mole and Nissen id of been 6th which I still would have been very happy with.

So today my pace was off but consistancy won the day :D. (On a side note those subarus are damn fast in the straights I slipstreamed Pag and pulled out only to have him pull back infront :lol:)

Edit: although the MR-S is still slow its much more managable than before so is easier to work with over a race distance.
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I was seriously lacking pace in the NSX. People were clocking 2 seconds faster times in qualifying which made me really depressed. In the race I had no other weapons but to delay my pistops as far as I could so I ran 20 lap stints but in the end it wasn't good enough. I'm glad my driving was pretty consistent but being consistent 2 seconds off the target time isn't much to cheer for. Atleast the other NSX driver didn't show up which saved me some humiliation (in case he was clocking in alien territory aswell).

In the end I was some 10 seconds from Sticky_Goldfish. I figure I caught up with him a bit towards the end with my tyre strategy. He just made a massive cockup on the last lap. I had no chance.
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Dont be too Depressed OK8 Aderrrm, Tony and Imortal are scarey fast no matter what car they use :scared: (atleast he is Gt500s problem now :sly:)
Something I wanna say to everyone: If you sign up, you are expected to show up to the freakin race. I had stated last week that I didnt want to host anymore. Apparently, nobody else wanted to host today. So, against my will, I decide to host.

Once in the room, I have people complaining that the track wasnt reset and that the race was "lame" for being only 8 people. The fact that there was only 8 people isnt my fault, go complain to the ones that didn't show up. Don't complain to me. As for the track not being reset, we were late, there was no time. Blame on the host for not showing up. Then there was someone else that didnt have the car up to spec so we wait even more to "adjust" to spec. I just lost it, and quit right on 1st lap.

Either people start showing up when they sign up, or else this isnt going anywhere. My job as a host sucks, yes, but people could try to be a bit more responsible and not make the host's job harder than it already is. Either this starts getting the way it should be, or else there is going to be a lot of problems.

Man up bro. Against your will? What the hell? You were on the sign up list as a substitute host, have you missed this all week?

As for me complaining to you for the fact that we are 8 drivers,i told you on the spot that i'm not saying its your fault, but you don't seem to get it.

Propersian has no excuse, running wrong specs and forgetting about the parade lap even though Nepali reminded it on the chat just before the start. Read the 🤬 rules.

As for you rage quitting, it's the most disrespectful thing you can do. I have never rage-quitted a single race in GT.

So, from my point of view: I'm expecting to have agreat race. People missing, we cant find a host, Biffy opens a wrong room then Nepali opens one against his will.:boggled:. I'm facing a 1hour+ race against 8 contestants who on the way become 6. Eventually i end up running 49 laps around Laguna by myself. Did i enjoy that? No. Was there any point in that race from my perspective? No Did i rage-quit? No.
3rd Stint I had a bit of a scare coming out just infront of GG who was a lap down on me and was sitting very close to me while I got my tyres up to temp. I was a bit scared he might try something so I tried to pull a gap thankfully everytime he got close in a place where it wasnt safe to pass he just backed off, big for being that nice GG

Yeah, there was no point tryin to overtake you, my race was over. I was afraid to put too much pressure on you without any reason; but I wanted to see if I could still folllow your pace. It looks like my car had a pretty good setup for the first part of the track but was s***t for the last 2 sections. I had a lot of oversteer and could only manage to handle it for ~12laps with the same tires.
Oops quit a little early from the room chat, anyway thanks for good race guys.

Moleman and Paggy went out early, what happened?

Not sure why, disconnected on my out lap from the pits.

How were your tyres? I was hoping to be able to use superior tyre wear to my advantage to close the gap down. I expected the Impreza to have the pace on the Celica over one lap, but perhaps not over the course of a stint. In the last 2-3 laps of my stint I was closing the gap (not including your mistake at the last hairpin), but if you'd not made that mistake, the gap would still have been 6-7 seconds over 15 laps, and I wasn't exactly cruising behind you. :sly:

I could perhaps have gone on to do a 1-stop but it would have left me with very poor tyres towards the end of each stint so I thought to 2-stop would keep things simple and might be quicker anyway. When I pitted I still had just over 1/2 of my tyre left actually but I'm guessing the Impreza was much worse for wear?

Shame to disconnect anyway; although you and I were on our own on the track, it was at least quite intense to keep up a good pace and have a battle from distance anyway. Did you pit the lap after me, or later? Would have loved to see how close we would have been at the pit exit! I came out just behind Paul and leeched off his slipstream for the first half of my out lap, so was going pretty well! :D
What a "surprising" race........

As I note that I cannot hold the times of the top at any time I think it s better for me to make some homework regarding "set ups" or however you would call it in order to improve.
Under these circumstances I am unable to go on I quit until I have found a proper "set-up" to be able to compete.
Wish you all the best for the next races......
What a "surprising" race........

As I note that I cannot hold the times of the top at any time I think it s better for me to make some homework regarding "set ups" or however you would call it in order to improve.
Under these circumstances I am unable to go on I quit until I have found a proper "set-up" to be able to compete.
Wish you all the best for the next races......

How far off were you .20 sec. I kid as I wasnt there.
You have a good qualify. You whooped folks at the first race. If your not the fastest everytime you quit? Great sportsmanship. The season is not won in a single race. Your still fast my friend.

Rage quiting show a great example for the rest as well.

Come on fellas your showing your age.
Well, might be that some people know what I am talking sure that I have always been a real sportsman...
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