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  • Thread starter Masi_23
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NTSC GT500 Result. Host by CSL


Sorry for my defebce line, hehehe I just keep the inner line.

I dont see what's so funny about what you did. Each to his own.
Was actually a very exciting race on my end.

The start was fudged, I almost called for a restart, but decided it's preseason, and we were already late for umm, issues. Nothing real bad though, just inexperience with the system I think.

I do know it says here pole sitter must sit inside. I've also been told pole sitter has choice. Either way, the first 2 cars were single file when the race started. Who's fault it was depends on the rule we'll go with, but I assume RamStig thought he was allowed to choose his side.

Secondly, The pole sitter(ramstig) imo took off too early. Maybe it wouldn't have been an issue if they were lined up properly, but they weren't. So at the least I was not expecting to start when they did. this lead to me being passed (after start line, well done Monstar) before the first turn, because by the time I could see pole took off, second was full throttle chasing, and me and monstar in 3rd and 4th basically lost draft instantly.

So like I said, nothing major, but something any that can set a pole lap needs to know.

Lastly, since it was brought up in the thread, I have watched a lot of the replay already, and so far I've seen RamStig do no wrong. He just insisted on keeping the inside, Laguna is the toughest track to pass on we race except Monza, it's not easy. I was stuck behind Monstar myself for the first 13 laps.
Excellent race up there, I could see in the replay you were saving fuel the last lap, I was really hoping one of you two would fudge that. :lol:
I'm glad to hear the night went off without any major hiccups! I'm sorry I couldn't make it this week, things have been difficult here. Hopefully everything will get settled though.
I'm glad to hear the night went off without any major hiccups! I'm sorry I couldn't make it this week, things have been difficult here. Hopefully everything will get settled though.
I think holidays are taking a toll on preseason stuff. No big deal, it's practice for those that can. I've had 2 great races so far in NTSC, getting hopes for a competitive season. :)
I am embarrassed :ouch:

So all cars were running default settings right ?

At least I was able to get out of the way reasonably well:)
@CSL: If I start to early I'm so sorry. Just as you say, I can go all out when the last car pass the last tuen. When I see the last car pass the turn, I directly go all out. Sorry if I'm mistake
I am embarrassed :ouch:

So all cars were running default settings right ?

At least I was able to get out of the way reasonably well:)

no and, only the qualifier in the Nissan is stock seyup.

when your racing in gt300 or 500 you can tune as much as you like withing the bhp, pp regulations

also how did the gt300 race go. Maybe you guys should of merged the room as there was only a few gt300 guys to test overtaking gt300s guys etc
9:30 5 out of 10.
Red you can't liven things up by chance can you? :D

Sorry mate. Just saw this. I wish I could have after missing the PAL race. Unfortunately(or fortunately) there was a big party near my house with an amazing array of talent. I am married, but had a good time helping my friends out.

I was wrong about my wife's office party at the Kart track. That is tomorrow night.

Sorry, big night tonight, but so glad to hear the race seemed to go well except for the start. Good to see Nep's Dad in the mix.

Mad respect to you Dom. I look forward to racing tomorrow in PURE with you.
I think it's much safer to say that the pole sitter always starts on the inside. Most of the time in PURE we're asking the polesitter which side he wants half way through the formation lap and even if we have asked him before the formation lap, someone is always not going to know which side to start on. It's not that it really matters which side you start on. :P

right just want to give you feed back on cars.

Lexus - seems to be much better, haven't tried myself but in race I was having a big battle with it, seems slightly quicker in straights than standard subaru but I was better in last sector with the twisty turns etc.

standard Subaru - seems fine.

prem Subaru, seems to be quite a bit faster but not sure on tyre wear. Maybe need slowing down a bit because tyre wear is a lot easier to dial out than to tune a car to go fast.

haven't tried any other cars so cannot comment
I will work on the full race report and photos later this afternoon.


1: GTP_Camikaze
2: GTP_Pinoy2
3: GTP_Overheating
4: Troylee2601
5: Skikkelsens (DNF--Dropped out lap 7)
I'm surprised I won the race in my lobby despite being dog tired from just getting back from a Christmas party for a anime club I'm in. The settings I had on my Asparadrink made things smooth sailing until tiredness set in about when I pitted half-way through the race. I was pretty much settled in to getting 2nd place when I discovered to my surprise the leader pitted his car with 1 or 2 laps to go and I was able to go past him and win the race.:eek:

Alas, I had problems with the game on my end so I wasn't able to get back to the lobby without quitting the game and restarting it, thus losing the ability to save the race at my end.:guilty:

Do we have another pre-season race this weekend or will the racing take off for the Christmas and New Year's holidays?
I am embarrassed :ouch:

So all cars were running default settings right ?

At least I was able to get out of the way reasonably well:)
You may change any suspension, LSD, brake balance, and transmission settings you please. Aero is max front and rear.
Hopefully that helps you next week.👍

I'm uploading some highlights from the race. I'll post them up when there finished.
Sorry mate. Just saw this. I wish I could have after missing the PAL race. Unfortunately(or fortunately) there was a big party near my house with an amazing array of talent. I am married, but had a good time helping my friends out.

I was wrong about my wife's office party at the Kart track. That is tomorrow night.

Sorry, big night tonight, but so glad to hear the race seemed to go well except for the start. Good to see Nep's Dad in the mix.

Mad respect to you Dom. I look forward to racing tomorrow in PURE with you.
NP, we had a pretty good race overall up front from what I've seen, would have been better with a full field, but you know dem hollydays.

@CSL: If I start to early I'm so sorry. Just as you say, I can go all out when the last car pass the last tuen. When I see the last car pass the turn, I directly go all out. Sorry if I'm mistake
I'm not 100% what the rule is on sides, see below.
But yes, I did just say after the last car clears the last turn, so I guess on that aspect it was fine.
it was the non-single-file of you two that made me not ready to start, there will be clarification.
I think it's much safer to say that the pole sitter always starts on the inside. Most of the time in PURE we're asking the polesitter which side he wants half way through the formation lap and even if we have asked him before the formation lap, someone is always not going to know which side to start on. It's not that it really matters which side you start on. :P
The issue was either Borstein not taking the left side, or RamStig not taking the left side.
It may not always be an issue, but in this case with the early go, some of us were still expecting we would form up a bit before the start.

I agree it should just be pole's choice, and he can choose it on the track, second can just take the opposite side, and no issues.
The OP says pole must take inside, but if it hasn't been changed already, I agree it should be.
My net timed out when uploading and then I had things to do so didn't get to upload vids until later that night. All but 1 ( 1st few laps ) vids are on my YouTube page if anyone wants to view them or post them on here. ( MONSTARF11 ) I got the Battles between BORTECH and RAMSTIG on there too to see if there is any dirty blocking going on. Was fun watching me holding off CSL few all those attacks lol. Good racing and very fair.

Regarding which side the pole man starts should be the same as which side we all start on at the beginning of the formation lap. Pretty simple but it didn't work out like that yesterday.
My net timed out when uploading and then I had things to do so didn't get to upload vids until later that night. All but 1 ( 1st few laps ) vids are on my YouTube page if anyone wants to view them or post them on here. ( MONSTARF11 ) I got the Battles between BORTECH and RAMSTIG on there too to see if there is any dirty blocking going on. Was fun watching me holding off CSL few all those attacks lol. Good racing and very fair.

Regarding which side the pole man starts should be the same as which side we all start on at the beginning of the formation lap. Pretty simple but it didn't work out like that yesterday.
NP, should be a great vdeo.👍

As for pole we'll have to wait for Masi's return, but I think it might end up pole sitters choice.
It does say in the OP, etc that pole takes inside, so I can't really blame Bortech for staying right, but at the same time, we should adapt either way. I'd rather we start on the "wrong" side then single file like that, which makes it guess work for people further back. (You could see Ramstig, I couldn't)

Not a big deal, I just want to see it's straightened out and understood before the real races start. No worries to Bortech or RamStig.
Hey guys! Good to hear about the NTSC race.

I'll have a comment up about the recent activity in the next hour or so.

p.s. Check THIS out. :)
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@CSL: Ok, thx for the explanation. I hope in main season everything goes fine. At least I learn something from this championship.:D
@CSL: Ok, thx for the explanation. I hope in main season everything goes fine. At least I learn something from this championship.:D
It's good, a big part of the reason for all these pre-season races, so everything is sorted before the season. 👍
I will work on the full race report and photos later this afternoon.


1: GTP_Camikaze
2: GTP_Pinoy2
3: GTP_Overheating
4: Troylee2601
5: Skikkelsens (DNF--Dropped out lap 7)

This was a fun race. Overheating got bored of running too fast, he kept on slowing down and wait for us to catch up. :lol:
I'm surprised I won the race in my lobby despite being dog tired from just getting back from a Christmas party for a anime club I'm in. The settings I had on my Asparadrink made things smooth sailing until tiredness set in about when I pitted half-way through the race. I was pretty much settled in to getting 2nd place when I discovered to my surprise the leader pitted his car with 1 or 2 laps to go and I was able to go past him and win the race.:eek:

That's my pitstop strategy. :D
It's good, a big part of the reason for all these pre-season races, so everything is sorted before the season. 👍

Yep, and we need lots of these. 👍 Btw, this is just another "excuse" for more racing :D. Seriously, we need practice races to get everything right.
Hey guys! (and gals?)
Did i catch your attention? Please READ! :)

Finally got caught up with the thread (10 pages deep! :yuck:).

NEP told me a number of pages back that he did not feel like hosting, but i thought that was in the first race, so i put him as back-up for race 2. The reason why i chose him is that he has one of the better connections in the sign-up list (and is a Veteran WSGTC Driver). CSL hosted last week and it didn't seem to be a problem even at a modest 5down/2up connection. I'm not completely sure as to what it all comes down to in terms of connections. 3D3 uses a private lounge (from a separate/independent account) and as far as i can tell, there hasnt been any major issues with lag - CSL can probably confirm this.

The idea is, i will create new PSN accounts for our Private lounges (as Official Race Rooms) that everyone should add (after the Qualifier when the field is determined). These accounts can serve as practice rooms also. Anyone and everyone under WSGTC can drop in and do practice alone, or do practice races (pre-race procedures, formations laps, specs etc.) with others. There will be 4 rooms in Total (or 4 new PSN Accounts).
  • WSGTC PAL Room A
  • WSGTC PAL Room B

Emotions can run high before, during, and after a race - but I absolutely disapprove of any personal comments/attacks posted in our public threads. We are under the jurisdiction of GTPlanet so this is not just coming from me. It is under the AUP. Sjaak and Gravitron are Moderators and are Stewards of the series. They can come in and hand out infractions if need be.

@ SuperSic - you are straight forward with your posts, but please use better choice of words. People have different personalities and things can flare up easily if they are offended. If need be, please keep things private.

@ NEPALII/Biffy and anyone else i've missed - Same with what i said above with Tony. And also, to NEP, are you still willing to host any more races from this point on?

@ Tony_Kart - I can't quite understand what your getting at. You're quitting if you don't find a manageable setup? Your too slow to compete? Can you send me a PM in your native language (Deutsche?).

@ People not knowing the Rules/Specs - You need to read. They are posted in the OP (and in the Race Briefings). I've mentioned this multiple times. It is the only thing we (as organizers) ask of you for participating in this series. It is not too much to ask to be frank.

@ Everyone - Anymore bickering in public will result into probations from this point on. Anything i see out of line will be reported immediately. Remember, GTPlanet itself is sponsoring this Series. I can contact Jordan himself to hand out infractions/suspensions/banishments. Still, if you feel like saying something in Public use your words carefully, if you feel like saying something that you think can be out of line, reply like this: 'Sent you a reply through PM, check your inbox. **Insert Appropriate Smiley Here!**'

I like this comment by Doc (GTP_Pinoy2) in regards to NEP's Dad keeping his cool during a heated battle for the lead:
Calmness and Self-control comes with Age. :)

Thankfully, this is just Preseason. I am sure the Qualifier will do its job with skinning out the field down to the dedicated. Not sure about 'disciplined' but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. As far as i can tell, only PAL GT500 had problems. The other races went down pretty well.

Everyone, take a chill pill. :)

Lastly, on a personal note. Thank you for everyone that has helped a lot so far! To the Stewards, specially CSL and Aderrrm for Testing, and Litchi, for his round the clock hosting in the Qualifier thread, and his relentless activity inside both threads even with his limited vocabulary in English :D I appreciate your enthusiasm! Thanks to anyone else i've missed :) We'll have one final push for the Qualifier deadline this weekend. We will conduct a mass Qualifier in place of the Preseason Race time-slots, NTSC and EU friendly. We can organize practice races during the week or race after the Qualifiers. There is also a special announcement in regards to the Qualifier once the deadline is reached. Stay tuned ;)

Apologies for my recent absence in the thread (and maybe the case at least for this week or so), but it was for a reason of the highest regard. My grand mother had emergency open-heart surgery early Friday. All is well and she is strong. The doctor is hopeful and the best case scenario is that she'll be able to go home before Christmas to celebrate 'Noche Buena' (Christmas Eve).

Anything else i missed? Any grammar mistakes? Typo? Let me know.

Oh, and check this also.

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Thanks for the post Masi. I'm sorry to say this but I just wont be able to host. It's not having anything personal against anyone, it's just that I have figured that it is too much pressure for me and not only here but everywhere there's always someone who isn't happy, including myself. If this wasn't as complicated, I would have no problems in hosting but based on what happened on the last 2 races I just can't keep going. Not pointing fingers at anyone, but I did not like what was told about me.

There were many reasons behind my decision, and it's better I keep it to myself before I start more problems. I am just sorry I couldn't keep everyone happy and that some felt the way they felt towards me. It's who I am.

Nice to hear your grandmother is well, that's what's is more important. :)
@ NEPALII - No problem NEP 👍 There's plenty of others that can pick up hosting. As mentioned earlier, we'll be trying the 'Private Lounges' idea for the next preseason races.

Also, I would like to put part of the blame on me as I was not present at the time helping with organization (and acting as a MOD). Things would not have escalated the way it did. In-case I am noticeably absent in the thread again, here are the following Co-Admins that everyone should refer to:
  • Aderrrm
  • Scanny_Flick
  • Litchi (also Qualifier Coordinator)
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Ok heres the videos from the NTSC pre race, Round 2.
Im still uploading the 1st 4 laps atm and will edit this post when its done.


Lap 5. Making CSL go around the long way. As long as i hit my breaking point i know theres no way he will be able to overtake me.

Lap 6. Oh no! Temporary relief for me lol.

Lap 24. On board with me. CSL gets the job done. He gives me a little nudge just so i dont even think of coming back at him into the next corner lol. Nice 1 👍. My tyre were gone and couldnt really fight with him.

Same overtake but on broad with CSL

From what i can tell this where it all began. I could have missed other thing from earlier in the race.

Lap 35. BORTECH did the right thing at the end of this lap and gave the position back.

Lap 38. IMO RAMSTIG did move around in the breaking zone.

Lap 39. Nothing illegal IMO

Lap 40. Absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Lap 48. BORTECH had him but couldn't pull it up. GTIC_RAMSTIG tried to defend and only gave BORTECH just enough room for 1 car. Perfectly fair. At the end of a long race you cant expect the leader to roll out the red carpet for you and say " after you mate"

Dam it! can someone fix it for me lol. Or tell me how to show the videos please
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