ICGTC Season 4 - Ended

I'm doing 2:02s :lol:

Can't wait for the race.

All i can say is practise more, most of us start practise very early. You only practise 2 houres or even less.

if you can put in 59 or so and try to be consistent you could always gain some places, there are always some drivers who messes up there race.
about the tire wear in my opinion it is all about the way you turn into a corner, how hard you push on the brakes & trottles... smooth driving will help a lot ..
Caption time:

Dissapointed race. I wanted to get 10th. :P at qually my car felt strange so i decided to go back to look into my setup. But nothing was wrong. So i had't time to set a time. I had a good start even though i got squeezed between Artmannn and Gorsad i believe. After sector 1 my car just slided of track, i thought someone hit me but it was al the game itself. In last position i came closer and closer again but got held up by Gorsad & Lapi. from there on i chased netherdragon the whole time. At one point i was in the middle of action and fighting for good position. in lap 18 i got a orange car in my flank, i just could hold the car away from the grass and i missed my braking point before the chicane. I lost concentration and got tyred, which happens to be the case in each race. When that happens i start to shift randomly taking corners in 6th or in 1st when its not needed. nevertheless i had a good final battle whit Anastasis at the end to bad he quit.
Really pleased with today's result. I was aiming for a top seven position, but it turned out I was quicker than most of the people behind me. Had a poor start, a good initial get-away, but I went too deep and nudged Skendigi out wide too and lost a position to Bronco.

Spent the next stint catching Bronco until he span on the back straight and I took him and held that advantage for the rest of the race. With my five-stop I was quick enough to eventually just come out of my final pitstop in front of the people doing three-stops like Hurley and Erik.

Somehow managed to catch Marco at the end when he ran out of tyres, even if he did wait on the finish line so I could take third, thanks for the ballast ;)
Dissapointed race. I wanted to get 10th. :P at qually my car felt strange so i decided to go back to look into my setup. But nothing was wrong. So i had't time to set a time. I had a good start even though i got squeezed between Artmannn and Gorsad i believe. After sector 1 my car just slided of track, i thought someone hit me but it was al the game itself. In last position i came closer and closer again but got held up by Gorsad & Lapi. from there on i chased netherdragon the whole time. At one point i was in the middle of action and fighting for good position. in lap 18 i got a orange car in my flank, i just could hold the car away from the grass and i missed my braking point before the chicane. I lost concentration and got tyred, which happens to be the case in each race. When that happens i start to shift randomly taking corners in 6th or in 1st when its not needed. nevertheless i had a good final battle whit Anastasis at the end to bad he quit.

Damn, yes, I needed to go to toilet badly though :(
Sorry for being irritating yesterday. I parked up but had to leave the game to switch off my PS3.

I'd rather not disclose my age but lets say I'm still in school. The PS3 is in the living room and the lights go into my parents room, and they can't sleep with them on. It was 2:30 AM when I quit, sorry about it.
Sorry for being irritating yesterday. I parked up but had to leave the game to switch off my PS3.

I'd rather not disclose my age but lets say I'm still in school. The PS3 is in the living room and the lights go into my parents room, and they can't sleep with them on. It was 2:30 AM when I quit, sorry about it.

Well we aren't going to change the race start time and it will be 2:30AM every time we race. When you leave a open room you open up for everyone having the game to enter. We call them random people. They can't enter the track, but everyone get's a message blabla1 entered the room, blabla1 left the room, then 5 minutes later ughugh2 entered the room and ughugh2 left the room.

Its distracting and thats why we want people to stay in the room. I can understand if it happen something not expected like a flood, tornado or war.. but parents going to bed 2:30AM isn't unexpected. Might I say I think this isn't the championship for your timezone?
Are the stewards planning to be on for some stewarding some time today? Or is it not necessary this weekend?
Well we aren't going to change the race start time and it will be 2:30AM every time we race. When you leave a open room you open up for everyone having the game to enter. We call them random people. They can't enter the track, but everyone get's a message blabla1 entered the room, blabla1 left the room, then 5 minutes later ughugh2 entered the room and ughugh2 left the room.

Its distracting and thats why we want people to stay in the room. I can understand if it happen something not expected like a flood, tornado or war.. but parents going to bed 2:30AM isn't unexpected. Might I say I think this isn't the championship for your timezone?

Don't both of you forget this was an endurance race, so normal races will finish ~30 minutes earlier than this yesterday
Well we aren't going to change the race start time and it will be 2:30AM every time we race. When you leave a open room you open up for everyone having the game to enter. We call them random people. They can't enter the track, but everyone get's a message blabla1 entered the room, blabla1 left the room, then 5 minutes later ughugh2 entered the room and ughugh2 left the room.

Its distracting and thats why we want people to stay in the room. I can understand if it happen something not expected like a flood, tornado or war.. but parents going to bed 2:30AM isn't unexpected. Might I say I think this isn't the championship for your timezone?

I wasn't trying to persuade you into changing the start time. I've managed to make 2 pre season races without any trouble. I was just trying to give an explanation as to why I left the room (I know it wasn't a good one).

But unfortunately since I can't guarantee something like this not happening again, I think it'd be better if you guys removed me from the championship. It'd leave a space for someone who can make every race.

Sorry for leaving a space for the randoms that entered.
No offence Immortal but spamming around about other leagues is not nice
Second that commentator is bad. The only thing he says is the F-word every 2 seconds. I can do that too.
Steward Report

ADR_BRONCO receive a 30second penalty for going wide in corner 4 in lap 1,2,6,8,11,13,14,15,16,,18,19,22,23,24,2 7,29,31,32,34,37,38,40,41,42,43,44,45 and 47.
Every lap it looks like BRONCO wants to go wide, but get saved by some over steering that makes him stay on the track. It looks like he thinks it's allowed but rules are very clear on it so no excuse not understanding the rules.

3. Cutting Corners
This one is quite simple. At least two wheels must remain in contact with the track at all times possible. Curbs are counted as part of the track. That green asphalt you see just behind the curb? That’s not part of the track. Those handy white lines they paint at the edge of the tracks are what defines the track edges.
Rest of the race had a few incidents, but we concluded with no further action on all of them.

Poleposition bonus point GTPL_IMMORTAL
Fastest lap bonus point GTPL_IMMORTAL

Stewards suggestion to rule change

We also been having another discussion on teamspeak after the replay was watched and its about success ballast.
We seen people stop on the finish line to avoid ballast and we act on it. We want people to be able to race and not fear the ballast so we have talked about resetting the ballast after each race

That means you cannot get more than 60kg and you have to race with it for one race. If you win again, well you keep the 60kg, but we wont add more

So in theory we reset the ballast after each race to 0 and add new ballast after position.

This will not start before the next race is done as everyone believed it would count after this race (marco waited for Arkano to take 3rd) But we found it rather sad that people wait to avoid the ballast and have then reconsidered it.
First of all, sorry i left on such a short notice after the race but i had to pick up my brother and was already late. Chat filter screwed me, but i wanted to congratulate Immortal for a very good win and also Skeng for a great battle at the end.

Stewards suggestion to rule change

We also been having another discussion on teamspeak after the replay was watched and its about success ballast.
We seen people stop on the finish line to avoid ballast and we act on it. We want people to be able to race and not fear the ballast so we have talked about resetting the ballast after each race

That means you cannot get more than 60kg and you have to race with it for one race. If you win again, well you keep the 60kg, but we wont add more

So in theory we reset the ballast after each race to 0 and add new ballast after position.

This will not start before the next race is done as everyone believed it would count after this race (marco waited for Arkano to take 3rd) But we found it rather sad that people wait to avoid the ballast and have then reconsidered it.

I agree with this ruling. It is impossible to race the NSX with more than 40-50 kg ballast.
Steward Report

ADR_BRONCO receive a 30second penalty for going wide in corner 4 in lap 1,2,6,8,11,13,14,15,16,,18,19,22,23,24,2 7,29,31,32,34,37,38,40,41,42,43,44,45 and 47.
Every lap it looks like BRONCO wants to go wide, but get saved by some over steering that makes him stay on the track. It looks like he thinks it's allowed but rules are very clear on it so no excuse not understanding the rules.

3. Cutting Corners
This one is quite simple. At least two wheels must remain in contact with the track at all times possible. Curbs are counted as part of the track. That green asphalt you see just behind the curb? That’s not part of the track. Those handy white lines they paint at the edge of the tracks are what defines the track edges.
Rest of the race had a few incidents, but we concluded with no further action on all of them.
I know the rule I didn't know that I didn't have two wheels on rumble strip though. I was up for 25 hours I had no clue what I was doing most of the time, the race felt like a dream.

I find it interesting how you seem to not go wide enough in that turn, you didn't even have your outside wheels touch the rumble strip from what I saw.
We will discuss the ballast system more this week and try to find the perfect solution for it .

Marco what I found interesting about your race is you did 8 or 9 laps your first two stints then you did 6 lap stints the rest of the race , I found that weird you could of done a 4 stop but you did a 5 stop . I think that gave the advantage back to me , when we both pitted with 11 laps to go I knew I would have a chance to beat you .

Bronco , I think its all about the entry into that corner , the entire mercedes arena is tricky and its all about throttle control and hitting the apex right . Sometimes if not most I do get 2 wheels outside there .
I agree with this ruling. It is impossible to race the NSX with more than 40-50 kg ballast.

I actual disagree. The reason for this rule was to prevent someone from dominating the entire Championship. it seems like some guys can easily be on the podium whit 40kg(Skendigi), 90kg(Immortal), 70kg(Marco). So if they can be on podium whit this amount of ballast i don't see the point of having it if it don't add up.
If it takes 200kg to the leader to give the rest a chance, well then the guys not being able to stop them dominating need more practice in my opinion.
I actual disagree. The reason for this rule was to prevent someone from dominating the entire Championship. it seems like some guys can easily be on the podium whit 40kg(Skendigi), 90kg(Immortal), 70kg(Marco). So if they can be on podium whit this amount of ballast i don't see the point of having it if it don't add up.

I think we can make the system better though , It hurts the nsx more than the gtr and lexus , im not sure about the Supra.

We know 2 things for sure , It hurts the NSX the most and the Lexus the least , Persian got a lot of ballast last season and was still mighty quick we practiced alot and even though I had ballast but less ballast than him I was slower .

I think this is because the Lexus has alot of torque.
Marco what I found interesting about your race is you did 8 or 9 laps your first two stints then you did 6 lap stints the rest of the race , I found that weird you could of done a 4 stop but you did a 5 stop . I think that gave the advantage back to me , when we both pitted with 11 laps to go I knew I would have a chance to beat you .

I feel like a fool saying this but i actually misread the lap count before my last stop and instead of doing an 8 lap stint in the end i did 11 laps. My decision on doing 5 stops instead of 4 was taken because i saw that i couldn't catch Immortal with my original strategy of 4 stops and i was aiming for the win only or 4th in any other case since i didn't want to get more ballast if i didn't win. So i took the risk.

I actual disagree. The reason for this rule was to prevent someone from dominating the entire Championship. it seems like some guys can easily be on the podium whit 40kg(Skendigi), 90kg(Immortal), 70kg(Marco). So if they can be on podium whit this amount of ballast i don't see the point of having it if it don't add up.

I'm here to have fun just like everyone else. I can assure you, racing with so much ballast is very frustrating and kills the fun. I prefer starting every race from last place and have 0 ballast than have 100kgs of ballast and start from pole.
I think we can make the system better though , It hurts the nsx more than the gtr and lexus , im not sure about the Supra.

We know 2 things for sure , It hurts the NSX the most and the Lexus the least , Persian got a lot of ballast last season and was still mighty quick we practiced alot and even though I had ballast but less ballast than him I was slower .

I think this is because the Lexus has alot of torque.

I like that you actually want to make it better, but the system we have now took a season before everyone understood it. The things suggested so far is easy to understand and close to what they actually do in the real world.. In the real world they actually get ballast between qualifying and race also. But that is hard to get to work into GT5.

We have a few top runners, no matter how much ballast we give them, they will always be top runners. The mid runners are very close now and they will be no matter what ballast system we have. But the system we do have ruin the race for people that are good. Next race IMMORTAL will have 1200kg and everyone could go into the game and try that. It feels like a bus and not a race car, the fact IMMORTAL still is pretty good with it proves to me he is just that good. Why ruin the fun for him or anyone else being able to reach the podium.

The fun thing here is racing, we do not have any followers that want a exiting championship. Of course we want it, but maybe we should rather work hard to a get a position that we deserve than make the good guys pay for the rest of us not being fast. Last season Maxitsu, Arkano and me had a nice battle for 5th and that was exiting. No matter what we threw onto IMMORTALPILOT's car he still pretty much dominated it.
It could also be said that the ballast system is fine as it is but Immortal is just too good for our league .

The proposed system would help the NSX drivers but it would also make it easier for Immortal to dominate . At least with this system he has to manage his races and ballast , he has won 3 out of 4 but with the proposed ballast system he would probably have won 4 of 4 .
It could also be said that the ballast system is fine as it is but Immortal is just too good for our league .

The proposed system would help the NSX drivers but it would also make it easier for Immortal to dominate . At least with this system he has to manage his races and ballast , he has won 3 out of 4 but with the proposed ballast system he would probably have won 4 of 4 .

If your only problem is Immortal's dominance, give me a GT-R, problem solved. 👍
It could also be said that the ballast system is fine as it is but Immortal is just too good for our league .

The proposed system would help the NSX drivers but it would also make it easier for Immortal to dominate . At least with this system he has to manage his races and ballast , he has won 3 out of 4 but with the proposed ballast system he would probably have won 4 of 4 .

Maybe IMMORTALPILOT is to good, but he drive with the same things that are available to everyone. Maybe his way of go kart abuse the game makes him win, but we have the same chance to win. If he find it challenging to do his time trials up front I only see a pore loser complaining about that to be honest.

Suggested rules do give him 60Kg if he wins and that put into a GT-R with 1130 stock is 1190kg witch still is pretty heavy. We aren't going to remove it, but fantasy ballast of 1220 witch IMMORTAL have already had would be gone. If we want to win because the handicap for the good drivers are insane we should maybe find something we can win without handicap the best guys so much the fun for them goes away! Fishing comes to my mind....