ICGTC Season 4 - Ended

I agree with this. At least it'll make the front more interesting.

I wouldn't mind giving him a GT-R, same reason you gave ;)

Another thing, Doc said he leave because he was penalized and warned, I'm sorry to hear that, but I can't really say I understand. Childish behavior in my opinion. And I hope it's a isolated case.

Nissmann said he could drive every other weekend, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I would like a update on your status Nissman

After JoeTruck become a reserve we haven't seen him in the thread or in any lobby. Status update would be nice from you too.

And good race on Nurburgring guys, was one nice looooong battle ;)
I agree with this. At least it'll make the front more interesting.

I guess maybe we will see this next season .

ProPersian was a great challenge to Immortal in the Lexus , I think he is Immortals best rival .

Great endurance race by everyone , I really enjoy watching the replays and watching the midfield battles , the midfield is where the real fun is this season. Some great drives by Hurley , Artmann and Netherdragon . Considering that some of you guys hardly practice I think you did a good job .

Drive of the day would have to be Arkano , 1st race back and a podium .
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I guess maybe we will see this next season .

ProPersian was a great challenge to Immortal in the Lexus , I think he is Immortals best rival .

Great endurance race by everyone , I really enjoy watching the replays and watching the midfield battles , the midfield is where the real fun is this season. Some great drives by Hurley , Artmann and Netherdragon . Considering that some of you guys hardly practice I think you did a good job .

Drive of the day would have to be Arkano , 1st race back and a podium .

thanks for the compliment SkengD, i am missing racing so much that i can't wait to be back.. i think i have some nice stuff to show immortal when I'm back.. got a lot of plans for him :dopey: but i am still thinking what car to choose.. seems like i will be driving a nsx for the last 4 races when i'm back with makes it a bit better for me so i have only 3 cars to test in pre-season..

but for the ballast system i think adding 60 kg in 1st win & next race 30 - 25 - 15 - 10 would be a good option? if i'm wrong I'm sry i don't know how the tires act on this system but might be a good one?
On the interview in the news. I am intrested in one thing

Yamauchi-san: If the public demands it, it can be implemented. The problem we have is that in the same screen (the racing display, as we call it), we have to put in a lot of information, too much information. That’s why at the beginning, we only saw it necessary to insert the times of the leading car, but hey, it’s something we’re always giving a go.

It would be nice to see splittimes from cars were you actually race against.
the red times in the whole race from Immortal does have no meaning for most people.

I have a feeling they will try to keep the community happy whit cars, tracks and other DLC. To have the time to complete other games such like GT on Vita, F1(maybe), other stuff like GT academy events. And make sure when PS4 comes out GT6 will be the first main title.
Or maybe we have different success ballast for each car , this is something we would have to test ofcourse.

Or maybe we just leave the ballast system as is and have a rule where you can't slow down to get off the podium to lose ballast . Or a points penalty for such action.

Lots of or maybes ...... I just love the competition and this league , it only gets better even if Immortal is the Vettel of our drivers .

That was an interesting comment Maxi
but for the ballast system i think adding 60 kg in 1st win & next race 30 - 25 - 15 - 10 would be a good option? if i'm wrong I'm sry i don't know how the tires act on this system but might be a good one?

I want a system that can take a challenge.. by this system it looks like we will have to have 1 winner throughout the season.. What happens when he finish 4th or lower?

A reset system can be challenged and its easy to keep in order for me who have to do the calculation. It's a lot of work you guys do not see and as I'm sick of this game and its flaws I want to have a system that can be easier to work with.

The system we do have is something I have some control over, but the system you propose. I really didn't understand, and I read your post 5 times to try understand it and how it would work if it was put to the test.

And if you guys don't get it, if IMMORTALPILOT keeps winning he will always be at 1190kg, the system we have now he falls down to 1170kg and even 1150kg when he gets off the podium, and so far I don't see that many people here that can challenge him even with 1170kg (what he had yesterday)
Another or maybe is we give success ballast to cars that place 1st to 6th place .... Just a thought .
Now you make it more advanced.. I give up.. 3 more calculation for me to do while you practice for the next race!!!

EDIT: and we already have a 5-10minutes staged entry
We could help you out with those things Erik , I expect some of us other drivers to be doing some of your responsibilities when you move on to I Racing .

That's if we continue this series to a Season 5
Just to remind you, we started this discussion because people stop on the start finish line because they rather not finish on podium because then their next race the fun will be gone so someone behind them can have a chance to win.

It's easy to spot someone stopping on the finish line, but someone faking a spin to lose 3rd will be impossible to check. Making more people down to 6th avoid finishing will be a fun thing to watch, but its not racing. I tried to get a solution to that

I'm sorry, but lets keep this simple.
ok i have no problem with what erik said.. i just wanted to point out an idea with i guess would t be a good one anyway.. just to let you see i'm thinking too... :)

what erik said is the best imo...
Just to remind you, we started this discussion because people stop on the start finish line because they rather not finish on podium because then their next race the fun will be gone so someone behind them can have a chance to win.

It's easy to spot someone stopping on the finish line, but someone faking a spin to lose 3rd will be impossible to check. Making more people down to 6th avoid finishing will be a fun thing to watch, but its not racing. I tried to get a solution to that

I'm sorry, but lets keep this simple.

Its a bit like football here in Belgium. At the end of the league some players make a fault to get a 5th yellow card which means they don't may play there next match. To prevent to get suspended at more importent games in the play-offs after the league.
One player says he didn't take the card at purpose the other one did and got penalized for it, while everyone know both did it on purpose.

In F1 a few years back we saw cars end there race befor the last race to make sure they can change there transmission or engine whitout penalised.

In Both cases its all tactical and its called "SPORT", on the other side it makes fake results were some drivers/players/Teams gain on it and others don't. The same is the case whit ballast. But the answer is simple. We make it fair and we remove the ballast or we keep going whit it.

Werever i am on the field. As long you can drive against someone it doesn't matter were you drive to have fun. In the past i had nice racing at the front of the race, But also if not more at the midfield or at the back. Ok we all like finishing first, but hey. If Immortal have fun winning all races, let him. Then keep in your mind 2nd will count for a win becaus first is impossible to get. So Skendigi congratulations whit your win at the Nurburgring.
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Hahahaha , well done Maxi , thanks .

Well moving onto Laguna Seca I'm hoping for another close to full grid of racers
I know I'm really sorry, but I'm taking the moment to enjoy the current 'freedom' I have until August. In my defence I've been one of the most reliable people throughout this entire series, only missing around four races in four seasons ;)
In Both cases its all tactical and its called "SPORT", on the other side it makes fake results were some drivers/players/Teams gain on it and others don't. The same is the case whit ballast. But the answer is simple. We make it fair and we remove the ballast or we keep going whit it.

I never suggested to remove the ballast, I just suggested to remove the adding up to unnatural amount of it.

We don't want one man to dominate the championship, that's the reason for success ballast. Problem with today's ballast system is that anyone lucky enough to challenge the one guy dominating gets the same amount of ballast building up. And in the end this one guy have showed what he can do with a lot of ballast.
The system we have today works in a way that everyone should be able to win and in theory that's a nice thought, but in the real world, not so much the fact. Also it was invented with the old tyres that lasted half a race even on soft.

System will be like it is today except that it wont accumulate over races

1st place 60kg for 1 race
2nd place 40kg for 1 race
3rd place 20kg for 1 race


2nd Skengdigi
3rd Arkano

In Laguna IMMORTALPILOT will carry 60kg, Skengdigi 40kg and Arkano 20, then marco wins Laguna IMMORTALPILOT place second and Skengdigi 3rd

Ballast for SSR5 will then be
marco 60kg
Skengdigi 20kg
Arkano 0kg

This actually means people not capable of doing ballast will lose it after one race and can then go back to challenge the top guys.
And it also means the top guys will become heavy, but not so heavy they will lose the fun doing this SPORT as sport should be some sort of fun and equal for everyone participating. And it still will be tactical

The bonus of this system will make no more than 3 guys with success ballast and that could limit the time we might have to spend after a few races when 4-6 guys have success ballast. Shortening the staged entry.

We don't see people give away their spot for free. Ballast should be a handicap, but no need to tear off their leg in the process.

It's easy to keep track of for stewards, we can only think about ballast to the last race. And easy to understand for everyone.

We get a fixed ballast system, easier to tune the car for the ballast, instead of unlimited weight numbers we get 3 different ballast types.
The half off half on gives pretty strange results after a while.

I really don't understand why this is in someone eyes the same as removing the ballast or get more chance for one man dominating.
I know the rule I didn't know that I didn't have two wheels on rumble strip though. I was up for 25 hours I had no clue what I was doing most of the time, the race felt like a dream.

I find it interesting how you seem to not go wide enough in that turn, you didn't even have your outside wheels touch the rumble strip from what I saw.

You had two wheels on the curb, witch is allowed, but when the curb ends, the white line is what define the track. Here your car was outside several times. You made a to early apex and went wider to use the curb, witch would work perfect if you didn't go outside after the curb.

I guess that's why Skengdigi made a later apex making his move legit ;)
Another thing, Doc said he leave because he was penalized and warned, I'm sorry to hear that, but I can't really say I understand. Childish behavior in my opinion. And I hope it's a isolated case

This is not the case.

Had accepted the first penalty.

But the warning for dangerous driving was wrong in my opinion. So if this is the level of dangerous driving (for me) I said "I will waste your time no longer".

Also feel free to write in the thread what you want about me rather than send me a PM.
You mean this

I'm sorry to say but I have decided to retire from the championship. I've had 2 races and 1 penalty and 1 warning. So I will waste your time no longer.

Thanks and good luck.

Are you serious? You are one of the cleanest driver we have, but you had some side by side action that wasn't clean. Bad luck really and not looked at as a dirty driver. But we try to avoid situations like it because we try to make it fun for everyone.

But if you are serious to leave because you receive a penalty and a warning feel free, we can have fun also without you. But I enjoyed racing with you and hope you reconsider.

Maybe I did a mistake giving you a warning, but I tried to get you to use your head. You are coming up to the start finish line behind a slower car, you can easily pass him here and you had to try going outside and then go inside on the exit.. would have impressed me really, but with the slipstream in this game I really didn't see the need to go side by side in the last chicane of Suzuka.

A warning doesn't need to be taken as a almost penalty, but maybe a open up your eyes. It was a risk in making a pass and it wasn't needed in my honest opinion. The move was not illegal and there was given no penalty. If it wasn't legit you would have received a penalty.

I want you to reconsider leaving
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This is not the case.

Had accepted the first penalty.

But the warning for dangerous driving was wrong in my opinion. So if this is the level of dangerous driving (for me) I said "I will waste your time no longer".

Also feel free to write in the thread what you want about me rather than send me a PM.

Doc it wouldn't be fair to Gonzalez if we didn't do something about the incident , if you got pushed/bumped off track and lost about 15 - 20 seconds I'm sure you would have expected the stewards to look into it and that's exactly what we did .

We looked into the issue and gave a warning to you , not a penalty . We weren't saying you were a dangerous driver , please don't get it mixed up . Just try to put yourselves in our shoes and in Gonzalez shoes , we have to make these rules as fair and consistent as possible

I was disappointed to hear that you left us for that reason and like Erik said before I hope you reconsider and join us again , your great competition and not a dangerous driver , we all know this , your as clean and sportsman like as the rest of us but remember this is racing and a videogame and accidents / incidents will occur .
We have granted Marco a car change so he will be driving the Motul for the rest of the season.


Been cleaning up in the drivers list as a lot of guys either left or disappeared into thin air. We don't need a big list if people don't show up so the list is now more trustworthy ;)
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We have granted Marco a car change so he will be driving the Motul for the rest of the season.


Been cleaning up in the drivers list as a lot of guys either left or disappeared into thin air. We don't need a big list if people don't show up so the list is now more trustworthy ;)

Will be interesting to see how marco manages the tires on the motul , since Immortal had tire issues with the motul
Doc it wouldn't be fair to Gonzalez if we didn't do something about the incident , if you got pushed/bumped off track and lost about 15 - 20 seconds I'm sure you would have expected the stewards to look into it and that's exactly what we did .

We looked into the issue and gave a warning to you , not a penalty . We weren't saying you were a dangerous driver , please don't get it mixed up . Just try to put yourselves in our shoes and in Gonzalez shoes , we have to make these rules as fair and consistent as possible

I was disappointed to hear that you left us for that reason and like Erik said before I hope you reconsider and join us again , your great competition and not a dangerous driver , we all know this , your as clean and sportsman like as the rest of us but remember this is racing and a videogame and accidents / incidents will occur .

Well my replay must be different to yours.

I didn't bump or push him off track. On this lap which I passed gonzalez I caught him by 6 seconds, he was on old tyres and I had fresh tyres. I took him down the outside into the chicane, I left him enough room on the inside, at this point I'm ahead and have the inside line for the next corner on fresh tyres.
Now at this point what would you have tried to do?

A try to pass me around the outside of the exit of chicane at suzuka on old tyres.
or B drop in behind me and get my slip stream down the straight.

I'm sorry for gonzalez's loss of time but maybe he made the wrong decision.
Well my replay must be different to yours.

I didn't bump or push him off track. On this lap which I passed gonzalez I caught him by 6 seconds, he was on old tyres and I had fresh tyres. I took him down the outside into the chicane, I left him enough room on the inside, at this point I'm ahead and have the inside line for the next corner on fresh tyres.
Now at this point what would you have tried to do?

A try to pass me around the outside of the exit of chicane at suzuka on old tyres.
or B drop in behind me and get my slip stream down the straight.

I'm sorry for gonzalez's loss of time but maybe he made the wrong decision.

This part could be true with the known issues of the replay system. I'm still confused as to why you are making such a big deal out of a warning. Would you be happier if we just said racing incident? I know I wasn't at the race and I don't have a replay but I think I understand the problem enough. The warning isn't to shame anyone or make anyone feel bad about how they drove. The warning is to just give a heads up when something could have been done better. If Gonzales was on old tires im sure that you could have got him on the straight under slipstream then be long gone through the esses. Instead of putting his race in danger by being quite aggressive. The point of the warning was to get you to look at the other side of what happened instead of just sticking your nose up and saying, "I am right and no one will be right." Just take a look at it from the point of view of the stewards who are trying to be the fairest that they can be. When they see contact where someone makes an aggressive move that results in time lost for the other we have to act. We didn't penalize you so I see it as childish to argue the stewards on this matter. You may have an opinion on this matter but you shouldn't try and force it on the stewards.
Well my replay must be different to yours.

I didn't bump or push him off track. On this lap which I passed gonzalez I caught him by 6 seconds, he was on old tyres and I had fresh tyres. I took him down the outside into the chicane, I left him enough room on the inside, at this point I'm ahead and have the inside line for the next corner on fresh tyres.
Now at this point what would you have tried to do?

A try to pass me around the outside of the exit of chicane at suzuka on old tyres.
or B drop in behind me and get my slip stream down the straight.

I'm sorry for gonzalez's loss of time but maybe he made the wrong decision.

Always 2 sides to a story and I appreciate you telling us yours , It does look a little different on my replay. I totally understand what your saying about you being on fresh tires and Gonzalez being on old and 9 out of 10 times I would have done exactly what you did. I'm sure in hindsight even Gonzalez would of handled it differently but incidents do happen in racing.

We saw that it wasn't exactly your fault that is why we didn't give you a penalty we gave you a warning . Once again in hindsight maybe we should of warned both you and Gonzalez , maybe he was a bit too defensive on old tires but I cant blame him for being defensive.

The situation could have been handled differently by both drivers but what happened already happened and we cant try to change the past , all we can do is move on and learn from it .

I just don't see us giving you a warning as a valid reason for you to quit the league , the choice will always be yours but I was quite shocked when Erik told me you quit because of the warning.
Making a big deal out of this warning and cannot agree he caused a unneeded risky situation that made a fellow racer hit the sand because he drive a console game and doesn't have the easy access to see out the side window. Sim racing is close to racing indeed, but sometimes doing sim racing is totally different from the real world. We are a lot of different skilled people and Doc have raced here very little and the same with gonzales.

Doing side by side action I can do with IMMORTAL, Skengdigi, Arkano and everyone I raced with for several seasons is because I know how they react. Forcing someone to react to a risky move that wasn't needed to make a pass, I should call it a stupid move, but it's not allowed to call people stupid on this forum so I call it risky. (why give the slower car your slipstream and risk the slow car to pass you and slow you down for another lap)

In a real world race I would have gone for the same pass, but I learned to only go for safe overtakes instead of risking anything. I can fight for position against people I know as I said above, but doing sim racing is close to real life when to know how the other guys react to your move.
_BUT_ I never attack anyone before a long straight to lose the opportunity to slipstream by them. I'm not that old yet, I have some sense left in me!

Now let's end this, Doc moved on to another league and so did nissman, I really enjoyed the few races I had with you both, but discussion like this over a warning I can do without. I'm not a pro race steward, but I take from my free time to do my best to make a clean racing environment for everyone. Not going to sit and defend every decisions I make when everyone of them is done to prevent accidents in the next race.
Hello everyone, I'm new to this fórum but not new to GT. I'm looking to a competitive online championship. I'm browsing to the forum almost a week now looking for a decent championship and for what I'm reading here I'm impressed. I'm a very clean racer, I preferer to arrive last with a clean race and a clean car knowing that I've done my best.

I'm not new to GT5 online competitions (although I've been a little off for one year now), but I want to compete online again.

My question is is there any room for one more driver?
I think there is a "Nissan YELLOWHAT YMS TOMICA GT-R" left, so can anyone tell me how to apply to this championship, I know that it's already on the way but I have no problem joining at half the season .

I have no problem with any sorts of test or triage that you may choose to apply.

I'm current leveling up a new account with GTP_Wolverine, but for old reference my ols PSN ID is o_lobo78 (I've got almost every car in the game).

I'm a GT fan since GT3 and my PS3 doesn't know that there is more games outside the GT5 is the only game that I have and play ;)

I'm from Portugal and I drive with a DF PRO.

P.S. - Sorry for my poor english, but I'm a bit rusty on that, it should go better, or not ;)