Interviews of Kazunori Yamauchi: See post 1. Translations, revelations & discussion.

  • Thread starter aurelio_911
No, in the video there is a scene where the blocks are moving the whole time on the screen.

I think its just the screensaver build-into the TV set itself; as the game is pauzed there wouldn't have been any change for a while - and to prevent burn-in (common with alot of LCDs or Plasma screens) the tv-set would add this effect.
however when they ask to him about weather he smile and turn his face like to tell "oh yes there will be"... for me is strange that in one interview they tell about this for sure and in this nearly... they have to keep something new for future news:sly:
I don't believe I'm alone when I say, there isn't another feature that could be added to GT5, in heaven, earth, reality, or fantasy I would be willing to wait another 6 mos. for.

Not even a damage system that featured fatalities? :sly:

How about Mad Max style upgrades so you can cruise down Route 246 road warrior style with sirens blaring and shotgun battles between drivers down the straight? :sly:

Actually that reminds me, I hope this game has a buttload of muscle cars. I'm hoping Kaz's recent infatuation with that Corvette has inspired him to bring a lot of muscle into the game :D
Can't believe nobody mentioned that pic: polyphony-digital-studios-tgs09-110.jpg

For me personally it's quite a hint. I really hope this car is in the game, as far as I know the gtpsp will only have the 4 Paganis of GT4, but than again, the game has some 100+ new cars compaired to GT4 and we know only like...10 of them, I guess we'll see...
Can't believe nobody mentioned that pic: View attachment 69690

For me personally it's quite a hint. I really hope this car is in the game, as far as I know the gtpsp will only have the 4 Paganis of GT4, but than again, the game has some 100+ new cars compaired to GT4 and we know only like...10 of them, I guess we'll see...

Yes 👍 that car is pure awesomeness :D
For me it looks like someone stuck random posters over some sketches they don't want media to see and are not willing to rub off.

Sneaky man. Good thinking! That never crossed my mind, but it probably is the truth.
Does the JVN video work for everybody? Whenever I click play it looks like its about to load and then it just goes black and nothing happens. I tried it in two different browsers same problem.

Any help would be appreciated.
Seems like he didnt want to say stuff on camera(??in the margin??), only off record. So in fact we have nothing. It got my hopes up though.

A better way to look at it would be to ponder why he confirmed to his friend "off the record" that rain & day/night cycles are in the game only to tell IGN a little while later that it's "possible". :dunce: Interviewing Kazunori Yamauchi is like watching an episode of Seinfeld!

I'ts quite obvious that sony's marketing department is restraining him somewhat.

There must be things that are in the game but that PD can't or wont tell us for some reason and that could only logically be that, there not sure it's good enough to make the final cut or because sony dont wan't us to know yet

Let's hope that means rain & time of day changes - I mean, since it will only take them 2 months or so to implement them into the game - what's the problem Kaz?

Thats what he's saying. He was justing asking for DEFINITE Confirmation on all the features he listed. I too am sceptical about the source from which we learned this info from.

Thank you for understanding that. ;)

1). Its clear that those flying squares are rain in the future!
2). Different "faces" to chose from or a photo from the pseye?

1). It's a screen-saver. Moving low-res blocks of gradient squares is the best thing to have paused on your brand new LCD HD television set to help it's longevity. :sly:

2). I would hope it's a test photo from the PSEye for creating a custom driver face - but.....knowing PD lately, it's probably just a racetrack by-stander. :grumpy:
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1). It's a screen-saver. Moving low-res blocks of gradient squares is the bets thing to have paused on your brand new LCD HD television set to help it's longevity. :sly:

LCD screens dont need those...
But they are on interior too so it might be right.
And they are working a that new game Omega(?)

Omega Boost - and that was already released in 1999. Those toys above the leaflet were made by Blue Box Toys a month after the game's release.

LCD screens dont need those...
But they are on interior too so it might be right.

All televisions need some sort of screen-saver to prevent screen burn-in.

LCD and Plasma screens are especially at risk for this.
isn't a screen saver... it would be very poor, and they could implemented it also in gt5p... this is surely a primate of rain that will be handled on in future... its true that the squares are also inside cockpit but they could be texture of rain's light effects...
the squares are spotting really like a rain effect on the glass...
isn't a screen saver... it would be very poor, and they could implemented it also in gt5p... this is surely a primate of rain that will be handled on in future... its true that the squares are also inside cockpit but they could be texture of rain's light effects...
the squares are spotting really like a rain effect on the glass...

It could be the Tv's own screen saver.
LCDs don't need screen savers, and I seriously doubt a TV would have one built in, because it wouldn't know it was receiving a static image without some pretty sophisticated (read: expensive) circuitry; circuitry that an LCD display wouldn't even need, since it doesn't suffer from burn-in.
LCDs don't need screen savers, and I seriously doubt a TV would have one built in, because it wouldn't know it was receiving a static image without some pretty sophisticated (read: expensive) circuitry; circuitry that an LCD display wouldn't even need, since it doesn't suffer from burn-in.

Bravias have an screen saver, you can even use it as an photo frame.
Can't find how the orginl one looks tho.
LCDs don't need screen savers, and I seriously doubt a TV would have one built in, because it wouldn't know it was receiving a static image without some pretty sophisticated (read: expensive) circuitry; circuitry that an LCD display wouldn't even need, since it doesn't suffer from burn-in.

Knowing Japan's advance in technology, I wouldn't be surprised if it really is a screen saver intelligent enough to detect static images.
... screen saver stuff ...

I guess a screen saver would work on the whole screen..
It doesn't seem to me that the squares affect the pause menu ... That's quite clear on the JVN vid, from 1.04 on.