Israel - Palestine discussion thread

That combined with the I'll crash my car into that group of people is indeed worrying. But it's still a lot less deadly than an exploding Palestinian in a bus.
But no less sensationalized or quick to criticize for the media.

The Palestinian Bar Association decided in its meeting today to award an honorary law degree to the martyred hero Muhannad Al-Halabi and to hold its next swearing-in ceremony in [his] honor… the martyred hero Al-Halabi was an outstanding student at the faculty of law.

19-year-old Muhannad Al-Halabi attacked and stabbed a group of people in Jerusalem’s Old City, which was confirmed by Israeli police. The young law student was then shot dead by police.
Netanyahu: Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews

Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem's Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked public uproar when on Wednesday he claimed that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was the one who planted the idea of the extermination of European Jewry in Adolf Hitler's mind. The Nazi ruler, Netanyahu said, had no intention of killing the Jews, but only to expel them.

In a speech before the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, Netanyahu described a meeting between Husseini and Hitler in November, 1941: "Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jew. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here (to Palestine).' According to Netanyahu, Hitler then asked: "What should I do with them?" and the mufti replied: "Burn them."

Great way to help the already volatile situation.

Netanyahu: Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews

Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem's Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked public uproar when on Wednesday he claimed that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was the one who planted the idea of the extermination of European Jewry in Adolf Hitler's mind. The Nazi ruler, Netanyahu said, had no intention of killing the Jews, but only to expel them.

In a speech before the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, Netanyahu described a meeting between Husseini and Hitler in November, 1941: "Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jew. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here (to Palestine).' According to Netanyahu, Hitler then asked: "What should I do with them?" and the mufti replied: "Burn them."

Great way to help the already volatile situation.

The same guy who does this?

Netanyahu: Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews

Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem's Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked public uproar when on Wednesday he claimed that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was the one who planted the idea of the extermination of European Jewry in Adolf Hitler's mind. The Nazi ruler, Netanyahu said, had no intention of killing the Jews, but only to expel them.

In a speech before the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, Netanyahu described a meeting between Husseini and Hitler in November, 1941: "Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jew. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here (to Palestine).' According to Netanyahu, Hitler then asked: "What should I do with them?" and the mufti replied: "Burn them."

Great way to help the already volatile situation.

No. Where did this idea come from?
At best it's slight fiction. I cannot see how the Mufti convinced him to do this.
Doesn't seem that far-fetched to me although for obvious reasons, we'll never know the whole truth.

There are recordings of the mufti broadcasting from Berlin to the Arab world in Arabic, in which he says, “Kill the Jews wherever you find them – this is God’s will.”

“The Treaty of Versailles was a disaster for Germany and for the Arabs, but the Germans know how to get rid of the Jews, and this is why the Arab world has such close relations with Germany.

“The Jews took advantage of the previous war to settle in the Holy Land. The Jews are a threat not just in Palestine, but in every Arab country, since this is where the Allies plan to resettle the millions of Jews who were expelled from Europe. The Arabs must fight with all their strength to put an end to this plot.”

For the record, Bibi has further clarified his remarks:

My intention was not to absolve Hitler, but rather to show that the forefathers of the Palestinian nation -- without a country and without the so-called 'occupation,' without land and without settlements -- even then aspired to systematic incitement to exterminate the Jews."
Israel declares the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, linked to Hamas, as a illegal terror organization. Full Facebook remarks from the Prime Minster below:

The Security Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has decided to declare the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel as an illegal organization. Following the decision and pursuant to his authority, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon has signed the defense regulations. The declaration means that any entity or person belonging to this organization henceforth, as well as any person who gives it service, or who acts on its behalf, will be committing a criminal offense and is subject to imprisonment. It will also be possible to seize all property belonging to the organization.

For years, the northern branch of the Islamic Movement has led a mendacious campaign of incitement under the heading 'Al Aqsa is in danger' that falsely accuses Israel of intending to harm the Al Aqsa Mosque and violate the status-quo. In this context, the northern branch has established a network of paid activists (Mourabitoun / Mourabitat) in order to initiate provocations on the Temple Mount. This activity has led to a significant increase in tension on the Temple Mount. A significant portion of recent terrorist attacks have been committed against the background of this incitement and propaganda.

Outlawing the organization is a vital step in maintaining public security and preventing harm to human life.

The northern branch, headed by Sheikh Raad Salah, is a sister movement of the Hamas terrorist organization. The two movements maintain a close and secretive cooperation. The northern branch of the Islamic Movement is a separatist-racist organization that does not recognize the institutions of the State of Israel, denies its right to exist and calls for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in its place. The northern branch of the Islamic Movement belongs to radical Islam and is part of the global 'Muslim Brotherhood' movement. The two movements share an extremist ideology and a common goal – the destruction of the State of Israel.

The Security Cabinet decision is directed against elements that drive and support incitement and racist activity, undermine regional stability and cause harm to innocent life. This move is not directed against the Arab and Muslim public in Israel, the great majority of which upholds the laws of the state and disavows incitement and terrorism.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "The Security Cabinet decision was made following a series of in-depth discussions with all relevant legal and security elements; the goal is to stop the dangerous incitement at home and prevent harm to innocent life. My government will continue to act as necessary against incitement and terrorism; at the same time, we will continue to invest resources for the betterment of Israel's Arab and Jewish citizens alike.
Both Hamas and Netanyahu and his political affiliates keeps the conflicts running. Just my thoughts.

Sad but true, Frz. Netanyahu and his right-wingers and Hamas (add in Abu Mazen and the corrupt PA for that matter) Have yet to miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Both Hamas and Netanyahu and his political affiliates keeps the conflicts running. Just my thoughts.

Sad but true, Frz. Netanyahu and his right-wingers and Hamas (add in Abu Mazen and the corrupt PA for that matter) Have yet to miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
And what would you do in Bibi's shoes? Send them a few boxes of Halvah and hope it calms them down?
Im lost. I get Halvah but what the heck do you talking about?
You said Bibi is just keeping the conflict running, High Test said Bibi is taking advantage of an opportunity. So given the information about the threat they are facing in this postwhat would you do if you were in Bibi's shoes? Pretty simple.
Israël is getting ready to annex a new piece of the West Bank.

And of course, the UN has, with all its power, condemned the annexation.
A couple of stabbings, a couple of shots fired, and that's about it.

Israel and Palestine are pretty much on the same level as Africa when it comes to the world caring about it.

And that is very sad that it is that way. Forget whose side people are on, forget the IDF and Hamas. I just feel for all those people in those zones who want nothing but a peaceful and fair existence, whether they be Muslim, Jew or Christian. Those people are the ones that deserve to be talked about but of course all we ever hear is 'Israeli person shoots person x', 'Hamas person kills person y', 'Bomb blast kills persons z'. It's very sad.
A couple of stabbings, a couple of shots fired, and that's about it.

Israel and Palestine are pretty much on the same level as Africa when it comes to the world caring about it.

This happens irrespective.
I'm referring to the big decision makers. Petty conflicts and violence are worldwide.

So a fully armed military member is allowed to execute a far less armed individual, and there is absolute no outrage by anyone because is the same thing that has happened for quite some time now, this happens and no one gives a ****.

Jews have put the Palestinian people under huge constraints for nearly a decade now, there is no outrage, there is no media exposure and since ISIS becaume the hot topic no one cares about the people living there.

I brought this up, because even if is just one dead person, it shows that the social and economic constraints that Palestinian people are subjected to forces them to be radicalized (out of job and with family members killed, they radicalize themselves, they have no other opportunities of living, same basic constraints that lead to the formation of ISIS in Syria and Iraq).

The following statement will come across as racist, offensive and irrational, but I hope, and I seriously want Hezbollah and the Iran armed forces to invade and execute all the Jews in illegal settlements, to force them out and flee so they don't come back to those areas.

Once ISIS is overrun, and opposition in Syria is defeated, is very likely that a major influx of weapons and military equipment will be accessible to Palestine and Lebanon, which will be combat trained ready, supported and financed by Syria, Iran and likely Russian equipment. If there is no such pressure Israel will not give up the occupied lands, and the social problem will see the rise of a new ISIS-like military.

Around 70 years ago Hitler and it's gabinet sought the extermination of the Jew race as a way of solving many of the problems that Germany had back at the day, but the problem is not race, but customs. It is irrational to kill women and children over the basis that the race is flawed, when the problem is an ideological one, if Israelis occupy lands that do not belong to them (by international law) and the former local population is eradicated (because that is exactly what they did), then former occupants have all the right in the world to execute the occupying force now living there.

The Zionist and mostly conservatives Jews must be eradicated, this people do not look for a fair coexistence with people from other areas, they use the exact same argument that IS uses to establish their caliphate (in the jewish case is that nonsense of the former Kingdom, which is the same **** argument). The Zionist do not live in equilibrium with their surrounding environment, they will always feel entitled to a land that is not theirs, and they will use any means to reinforce this idea.

People in Israel need to realize this before **** hits the fan, because once the war with ISIS is over, the Shia Muslims will swarm Israel, the Zionist government needs to go, otherwise it's gonna get bloody in the upcoming months, and even years.

To think that Bill Clinton almost fix the issue 20 years ago, now is likely that any chances that of diplomatic solution has banished. Due to several years of war and attrition, and the only ones they will have to blame is Israel themselves and the countries that supported that government through this decade.
there is no media exposure

You made a similar mistake recently - there is media exposure, perhaps just not in the place you live. For example, your link was Al Jazeera, that's a TV news channel in over 140 countries including Britain, where I'm writing to you from.
Seriously? I mean, seriously?? You're calling for the deaths of everyone in the "illegally occupied" areas? Women? Children? Babies?

Dude, that is right out of the Nazi playbook.
Yes, people don't like it, in Israel military service is mandatory for any inhabitant that is at least 18 years old, regardless of gender, making them effectively part of Israeli military and thus they become non civilians.

If the occupants want to stay there and be anihilated by invading forces, that is a complete different matter, that didn't stop US-Coalition and Russian bombing in Syria, which at the end of the day apply the same ****ing rules and create the same refugee problem, because they had to evacuate the combat areas.

If you want to call me Nazi, go ahead, I'm not saying that children and babies should be exterminated in those areas, but if they stay there that's what's going to happen, as the Israelis themselves BOMB the ****ing HOSPITALS WITH ****ING CHILDREN, and the half the Muslim brotherhood with seek to even numbers with them.

Israel is not better than ISIS or the ****ing Saudi Kings, they are the same, and I truly hope they are eradicated from the areas they occupied, I'm not calling for ethnic cleansing, I'm calling for the eradication of extremists who believe they can oppress others for their own sake and occupy lands product of a war of attrition.

Everybody loves the idea of using the Nazis as a free card for Israel to commit atrocities, and that **** needs to stop, and need to stop from the west, because Israel is doing the genocide, the fact that they were victims of a genocide does not mean that they are allowed to do so.
You made a similar mistake recently - there is media exposure, perhaps just not in the place you live. For example, your link was Al Jazeera, that's a TV news channel in over 140 countries including Britain, where I'm writing to you from.
Do you have an actual opinion, or something to say other than inflate your own ego for things I have said in the past?

You live in the UK, I get it, no outrage for what is happening, that I don't get.

Edit: I'm sorry if I'm being blunt and offensive, but I'm getting sick of what's happening there, and I'll be damn if I don't express my actual opinion about it.
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You live in the UK, I get it, no outrage for what is happeni

It's called 'learned to live with it' .

This has been going on longer than I've been alive, and I assume that is the same in @TenEightyOne's case.

Your view is a tad extreme, but you're probably right. As long as there are hardliners in charge, on both sides, nothing will change. Israel will keep expanding, and the UN will do nothing about it, apart from releasing statements that it's wrong.
The Palestinians will keep on opposing and fighting the Israelis.

As you say, once IS is defeated, and former enemies turn into allies, Israel could have another war on their hands. A lot of countries are already getting fed up with Israel, since more countries are calling for recognition of the Palestinian authorities. So, when that war comes, Israel might just find out how few countries will still support them. The 'mighty' UN can't do ****. Just look at Syria. Will that change for Israel? I highly doubt it.

This is one of those cases where the world should just stop caring about, because there is no easy solution.