Israel - Palestine discussion thread

Trying to take back land that they believe was illegally stolen from them?
And that would justify trying to kill as many Israeli's as possible by sending rockets into Israel?
Can't see that working, just plenty of bloody (Arab) noses.
And you don't believe that Hamas is trying to do exactly that by sending rockets into Israel? The only difference is that Israel does it so much better, just as they do everything better than those around them.
Hamas rockets sent to Israel don't have specific targets because they are incapable of doing so, so one day one may land in a kids school etc etc. And there would be very few tears shed in Palestine if that occurred.
Hamas and the residents of Palestine are reaping what they sowed.

the difference is that Israel KNOWS they are killing kids. They even make phone calls to the buildings they blow up. Is like a rapest calling to his victim's house saying "Get out now or I'll rape you when I get there." What a gentelman we would say... Not.

Israel is murdering innocent people on purpose. It's not war.
I don't think that's a fair or accurate analogy - one cannot get the full picture by considering just one side as the aggressor when there is quite clearly aggression from both sides here. Both sides are in violation of international law.

It is hard not to feel sympathy for the civilian population of Gaza. They are caught between two sides who are equally unconcerned for their welfare or for international law or human rights. Hamas either cannot or will not stop the more militant factions in Gaza from indiscriminately attacking Israeli civilians, and while that is the case, Israel have a clear justification to hit back. Israel, on the other hand, are completely unprepared to accept the fact that their behaviour (towards the Palestinians) is unacceptable and in breach of international law. And yet, the international community is hamstrung into inaction because no-one can come up with a solution that keeps both sides happy. It is hard to see how that can ever be achieved, however, when both sides refuse to acknowledge the others right to exist.
Let them kill eachother, seems to be the only way this will ever end.
I was thinking this myself. When will they finally end up killing off all of one side? Will that region finally be peaceful then? It's been going on for so damn long, where do they keep getting people to replace the one's who've died?
I was thinking this myself. When will they finally end up killing off all of one side? Will that region finally be peaceful then? It's been going on for so damn long, where do they keep getting people to replace the one's who've died?

The Palestinians killing all Israelis isn't possible. The other way round could be possible. If that should happen, which is very very unlikely, I think Israel has to fight off pretty much the whole region. And I don't think anyone will help them after they have commited genocide on the complete Palestinian population.

But as I said. Never going to happen.

And as we speak the Israelis have started their ground operations in Gaza.
Expect many deaths on the Palestinian side.
Sky News are reporting that Israel may have launched a ground assault in Gaza a few minutes ago.

Massive explosions have knocked out power across swathes of the city.

edit: An official statement from the Israeli government has confirmed that a ground invasion of Gaza has begun.
Israel advised civilians to leave the area. But the border with Israel is closed for anyone who doesn't have a foreign passport. Egypt has also closed the border at Rafah.

So, where can they go??
Watching the no comment feed from euronews right now. Not much to see right now, but a lot of sirens and some deep explosions in the distance (and one shot fired right now, looked like from a tank).
Israel advised civilians to leave the area. But the border with Israel is closed for anyone who doesn't have a foreign passport. Egypt has also closed the border at Rafah.

So, where can they go??
Good question. As far as I know, Israel advises Gazans to leave specific areas in advance of a targetted air strike. I don't know if any such advice applies to a ground invasion, however.
It really won't surprise me if we see the death toll reach into the 1000's. Such a small piece of land with 1.5 million inhabitants.
Israel advised civilians to leave the area. But the border with Israel is closed for anyone who doesn't have a foreign passport. Egypt has also closed the border at Rafah.

So, where can they go??
Exactly, just read that many families get phonecalls and pamflets dropped from the air from IDF, warning that they might be targeted, but the only place to shelter are the UN facilities and they are already full. So they choose to die in their own house instead...
I have trouble understanding the situation between Gaza and Israel and figuring out who's 'at fault'. Even after reading this entire thread, I'm left clueless. I've talked with my parents before about this whole situation, but because we're a Jewish family, I can't tell if my parents are extremely bias since they're putting all the blame on Hamas. :confused:
Both are to blame. Hamas for the rockets, Israel for the isolation of the Palestinians. But this goes back so far it is pretty much impossible to point out the culprit who started it.

Blame religion. That's the safest way out. Don't specify which one of course!
I have trouble understanding the situation between Gaza and Israel and figuring out who's 'at fault'. Even after reading this entire thread, I'm left clueless. I've talked with my parents before about this whole situation, but because we're a Jewish family, I can't tell if my parents are extremely bias since they're putting all the blame on Hamas. :confused:
Summed up here:
It might seem dumb, but that's basically the story.
I have trouble understanding the situation between Gaza and Israel and figuring out who's 'at fault'. Even after reading this entire thread, I'm left clueless. I've talked with my parents before about this whole situation, but because we're a Jewish family, I can't tell if my parents are extremely bias since they're putting all the blame on Hamas. :confused:
You can't really blame neither of the 2 for this. It has been escalating for over 60 years now with both parties hating eachother's guts. You can blame Israel for stealing land, building Jewish colonies on there, constructing a Berlin wall (never again...), and imprisoning the whole Palestinian population in a ghetto + using excessive violance when the conflict escalates. You can blame Hamas for past terrorist attacks and launching home made missiles over the border into Israel trying to kill Israelis...

We're at a point of no return, real peace is never possible as neither of the 2 parties really wants it anymore.
We're at a point of no return, real peace is never possible as neither of the 2 parties really wants it anymore.

From the Palestinian point of view, now at the end of their resources as well as their wits, it may be better to die a martyr than to live as a slave.

And from the Israeli point of view, it is certainly better to inflict subjugation and genocide and be seen as a monster than to receive it and be seen as dead.

In some situations, war is the perfect solution for insoluble conflict. 'Twas ever thus.
CNN is showing footage of the bombardment and you can hear people cheering on the background.

Because it is so wonderful and joyful to see people die because of bombs.
Hamas refused the cease fire, while Israel tried to obey it. That means Israel should have every right to crush Gaza, which clearly has no interest in peace or ending the conflict. Hamas picked a fight, and now (hopefully) they will get what they deserve. Israel's acts are justifiable.
It's part of war. It's exactly what the allies did in World War II.

Great! Does that mean the USA can shut up about 9/11? Al-Qaeda declared war on the west, surely the death of civilians in the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania is fair game, right?
Technology has changed no need to drop bombs in areas so dense and populated, that is just idiotic. Tactical strike teams or snipers are to go if you want o take out Hamas leaders not bombs
You played too much Call of Duty. War is far from being as precise as you think, especially in such an area.
Great! Does that mean the USA can shut up about 9/11? Al-Qaeda declared war on the west, surely the death of civilians in the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania is fair game, right?

No, because the destruction of the WTC and part of the pentagon didn't destroy military targets, not did they ensure the end of the war. The aggressor in warfare is almost always in the wrong.