Jay-Z wants to run for U.S. President

And being wealthy enough to afford to be educated at Yale doesn't necessarily mean you'll come out of the process as anything but a stupid chimp (although it sure gives you the chance not to). It works both ways.

Sorry for double post I forgot about multiquoting :scared:

You still need to be reasonably book smart to actually graduate though, it's not like they just gift you a degree.
I'm not necessarily trying to flame you but is KRS-ONE really that much more "retarded" than Terronium 12? I could be wrong, but you seem awfully ready to crap on anybody who is a rapper, even if you're not sure who they are.

I don't have time to explain the relevance of my name as that's really a non-issue at the moment; see how Ricardo responded?

Actually telling me who/what KRS-ONE is/stood for...that's what I was after. You don't like the fact I dislike rap for any and everything it stands for, including more than majority of known rappers today? Tough 🤬 is all I can tell you.
I very much doubt he'd have any of that were it not for daddy. But maybe I am misunderestimating him. Tee-hee.

See this:

You still need to be reasonably book smart to actually graduate though, it's not like they just gift you a degree.

Degrees aren't easy. Degrees need work and knowledge, even if they're non-traditional ones like "Media Studies" and "Creative Dance" - but particularly BA, BEng and BSc degrees. Postgraduate degrees like Bush's MBA are the same, but moreso. Daddy may have paid for the course, but Dubya himself put in the time and effort to get both a BA and an MBA.

If you want to keep believing he's a gibbering buffoon, go ahead.

I also quite like the phrase "misunderestimating". One can underestimate reasonably. One can understimate unreasonably - misunderestimate.
People would be shocked at how Dubya has been living his life; he is a very active man. Just for reference, he is a very avid & very quick mountain biker (for his age), a hobby he picked up after his knees took a toll from running.
People would be shocked at how Dubya has been living his life; he is a very active man. Just for reference, he is a very avid & very quick mountain biker (for his age), a hobby he picked up after his knees took a toll from running.
I remember when Tony Blair resigned as PM, The Daily Show did a retrospective of how much a toll the job had done on the man (stuff like counting the new wrinkles in his face, and noting how large the bags under his eyes became). Then they went "and here is how much a toll the job has taken on President Bush... OMIGOD, he's in better shape then he was when he was elected!"
See this:

(1) Degrees aren't easy...

(2) If you want to keep believing he's a gibbering buffoon, go ahead...

(3)I also quite like the phrase "misunderestimating". One can underestimate reasonably. One can understimate unreasonably - misunderestimate.

1) Mine is! (English lit/philosophy double major (Done in 6 months, so unless they're saving all the tough bits for that period I feel qualified to comment))
2) Done and done! But to be fair, I'll be more specific: I think he's a gibbering buffoon in comparison to every other leader from a democratic western state that has been in power within my lifetime. Is he a gibbering buffoon compared to some random putz on the street who didn't make it past grade 7 and blows their welfare cheque on liquor and lottery machines? Probably not as much so. Gibbering buffoon is a broad term.
3) Nobody said that what you like has to correspond to what is actually a real English word that is qualified to be used in a formal setting by the leader of the free world, so... enjoy it! Estimations can be reasonable or not, the judgement of whether they're reasonable is a subjective one. An underestimation is valuing something too lowly. A Misunderestimation is a nonsensical redundant half-word coined by the monkey ex-president. There's a reason it's the only word in this post that my Chrome spell-corrector has underlined in red. Even my computer thinks Bush is an idiot.
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1) Mine is! (English lit/philosophy double major (Done in 6 months, so unless they're saving all the tough bits for that period I feel qualified to comment))

Undergraduate degrees take three years. What will you be a Bachelor of after six months?

2) Done and done! But to be fair, I'll be more specific: I think he's a gibbering buffoon in comparison to every other leader from a democratic western state that has been in power within my lifetime. Is he a gibbering buffoon compared to some random putz on the street who didn't make it past grade 7 and blows their welfare cheque on liquor and lottery machines? Probably not as much so. Gibbering buffoon is a broad term.

Jay-Z didn't get his high school diploma and once stabbed his own brother. He is the random putz in the street, only he happens to be rich through music. He can't even sing - he speaks quickly while music happens. Compared to that, Bush is Stephen Hawking.

3) Nobody said that what you like has to correspond to what is actually a real English word that is qualified to be used in a formal setting by the leader of the free world, so... enjoy it! Estimations can be reasonable or not, the judgement of whether they're reasonable is a subjective one. An underestimation is valuing something too lowly. A Misunderestimation is a nonsensical redundant half-word coined by the monkey ex-president. There's a reason it's the only word in this post that my Chrome spell-corrector has underlined in red. Even my computer thinks Bush is an idiot.

Look up the word "portmanteau". Follow that up with the word "neologism".

My computer underlines "fawcet".

Edit: And "liquor". Oh, the ironing.
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He is the random putz in the street, only he happens to be rich through music. He can't even sing - he speaks quickly while music happens. Compared to that, Bush is Stephen Hawking.

This, my dear sir, is being sigged. :lol:
He can't even sing - he speaks quickly while music happens.

Ugghh, you sound so much like my dad it makes me cringe.

It's obvious you have a low opinion of Jay Z but I think you fail to give him the credit he deserves. So he doesn't have a high school diploma; a lot of people from backgrounds like his don't. So he doesn't 'sing'; there are a lot of other people 'speaking quickly while music happens' but few enjoy the success that Jay Z does. So he stabbed his brother; sure that's a terrible thing to do but it pales in comparison to the thousands of lives lost as a result of Bush's 'war on terror'. Whichever way you look at it Jay Z has achieved a great deal considering where he came from.
Ugghh, you sound so much like my dad it makes me cringe.

It's obvious you have a low opinion of Jay Z but I think you fail to give him the credit he deserves. So he doesn't have a high school diploma; a lot of people from backgrounds like his don't. So he doesn't 'sing'; there are a lot of other people 'speaking quickly while music happens' but few enjoy the success that Jay Z does. So he stabbed his brother; sure that's a terrible thing to do but it pales in comparison to the thousands of lives lost as a result of Bush's 'war on terror'. Whichever way you look at it Jay Z has achieved a great deal considering where he came from.

THough he got it wrong, Bush was aiming to save the world with the war on terror. Jay-Z got it wrong too - he was aiming for the heart but got the shoulder.

He's a rich, petty thug.
Go on then. What were his real motives - bearing in mind that everyone thinks he's a moronic sub-primate intellectual trainwreck?

What do you think Jay "I'll try to kill family members in a disagreement over money and also deal crack" Z would do in office? What lofty ambitions for the world's leading superpower do you think he'd enact? The only thing he'd want from Afghanistan is to fly there and inject himself with the whole country.
Go on then. What were his real motives - bearing in mind that everyone thinks he's a moronic sub-primate intellectual trainwreck?

Who knows but I'm sure it had more than a little to do with a certain black and viscous liquid. Incidentally, I was unfamiliar with Jay Z's shooting of his brother so I just looked it up; he was 12 at the time.
Who knows but I'm sure it had more than a little to do with a certain black and viscous liquid.

Assuming that's true, imagine you don't have any of it. No-one else in your country has any of it. That'll be a fun world for you.

Incidentally, I was unfamiliar with Jay Z's shooting of his brother so I just looked it up; he was 12 at the time.

You mean he was above the age of criminal responsibility when he illegally obtained a firearm and used it on a member of his own family in a dispute over a necklace?

Well thank goodness.
Assuming that's true, imagine you don't have any of it. No-one else in your country has any of it. That'll be a fun world for you.

I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say here. That Iraq and Afghanistan are the only places on Earth that have oil? That Bush went to war because the alternative was living without oil?

You mean he was above the age of criminal responsibility when he illegally obtained a firearm and used it on a member of his own family in a dispute over a necklace?

Well thank goodness.

Your ironic thanking of goodness is not lost on me. Where is the good in a society where a 12 year old is not only able to obtain a gun but think that using it on his own brother is the only way to solve their dispute?

You see Jay Z as a problem. I ask what caused it.
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say here.

That you believe fighting for oil cannot also be fighting for freedom.

Your ironic thanking of goodness is not lost on me. Where is the good in a society where a 12 year old is not only able to obtain a gun but think that using it on his own brother is the only way to solve their dispute?

You see Jay Z as a problem. I ask what caused it.

He was 12 in 1981-2. Blame Reagan if you like.

I don't see Jay-Z as a problem at all. However, I see Jay-Z as President to be the mother of all :censored:ups.
Who knows but I'm sure it had more than a little to do with a certain black and viscous liquid. Incidentally, I was unfamiliar with Jay Z's shooting of his brother so I just looked it up; he was 12 at the time.
Oh, you're one of those people. You believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, too?
If, in the catastrophic event Jay-Z is somehow elected to be President, it would do nothing more than harm the credibility of the US to incredible lengths and would cement the stereotype world-renown that Americans are a bunch of idiots. What good could a thug do for running the country?

Legalize weed? Would probably be one of the first things that's passed his mind.

What credibility does he have? No one (except utter morons) is going to take anything he says seriously. I'd imagine he'd be in some kind of scandal within his first year in office. He'll probably have to read from a script even in private as I honestly cannot imagine him having anything near an acceptable vocabulary. I would rather vote for Marshall Mathers III than to vote, or even contemplate such an action over this outright buffoon.

Do I have anything positive to say about the matter? Yes, but it isn't AUP-friendly.

Oh, you're one of those people. You believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, too?
Of course I don't. To think any such thing would be an insult to the people who died as a result of the tragedy.

Do you mean Guinness?
Last time I checked, Guiness came from Ireland (pretty far from Iraq) and is rarely described as viscous.

That you believe fighting for oil cannot also be fighting for freedom.

Nowhere did I state that that is my belief. Though I suspect in the context of our discussion that a fight for oil was carried out under the pretence of fighting for freedom.
If, in the catastrophic event Jay-Z is somehow elected to be President, it would do nothing more than harm the credibility of the US to incredible lengths and would cement the stereotype world-renown that Americans are a bunch of idiots. What good could a thug do for running the country?

Legalize weed? Would probably be one of the first things that's passed his mind.

Based on the past and current crop of elites(that includes the president) that rule washington I would say america have already cemented itself as a nations of ignorant individuals.

As for someone like Jay-Z wanting to legalize the use of weed, I'll be for it. I don't smoke weed or nor do I endorse it, but the government have NO RIGHT in telling a individual what they can/cannot do with their body as its not a moral agent. Wit
As for someone like Jay-Z wanting to legalize the use of weed, I'll be for it. I don't smoke weed or nor do I endorse it, but the government have NO RIGHT in telling a individual what they can/cannot do with their body as its not a moral agent. Wit
So you think people should be allowed to do cocaine or whatever drug they want b/c it's their body, ignoring the fact that a lot of people have ended up dead from even just doing it once?

The govt. doesn't want anyone to kill themselves whether it's intentionally, or indirectly, and hard drugs have been causes of the latter for many years now.
Not to mention the crime that typically goes along with drug use, theft, shootings, etc.
Not to mention the crime that typically goes along with drug use, theft, shootings, etc.

Same thing happens with the abuse of booze. The reason why pub-owners and beer companies don't do drive-bys on each other is because their business (i.e. the production and sale of alcohol) is legal (unless you live in somewhere like Saudi Arabia), whereas drug dealers have to defend their business from cops as well as competitors, and usually instead of lowering their prices, drug dealers, in their heavily profit-motivated world, prefer to shoot/stab their rivals. I'd much rather elaborate on this in any threads in this sub-forum dedicated to marijuana and its illegal status.
Same thing happens with the abuse of booze. The reason why pub-owners and beer companies don't do drive-bys on each other is because their business (i.e. the production and sale of alcohol) is legal (unless you live in somewhere like Saudi Arabia), whereas drug dealers have to defend their business from cops as well as competitors, and usually instead of lowering their prices, drug dealers, in their heavily profit-motivated world, prefer to shoot/stab their rivals. I'd much rather elaborate on this in any threads in this sub-forum dedicated to marijuana and its illegal status.

Exactly. The thread is getting off topic. Weed is not a hard drug and its effects are arguably less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes. Legalising it would reduce the amount of associated crime.

To return to the topic, Jay Z knows the brutal and violent reality of the drug world and many times has said in his songs that he pursued a career in the music industry to escape that lifestyle. If by some miracle he were to become president I doubt that you would see America become a 'hustler's paradise'.
Same thing happens with the abuse of booze. The reason why pub-owners and beer companies don't do drive-bys on each other is because their business (i.e. the production and sale of alcohol) is legal (unless you live in somewhere like Saudi Arabia), whereas drug dealers have to defend their business from cops as well as competitors, and usually instead of lowering their prices, drug dealers, in their heavily profit-motivated world, prefer to shoot/stab their rivals. I'd much rather elaborate on this in any threads in this sub-forum dedicated to marijuana and its illegal status.


The prohibition era showed us that banning any addictive substance will lead to violent crime, as people will still want it, even if it's illegal.


Not to mention the fact that alcohol can kill you directly. Weed can't.
His campaign slogan 'Look for me'

Also, as president, Jay Z would not be able to address the subject of alcohol since he has his own brand, I forget which type or what it was called.
Hence he will never be president etc.