After running a test last night with Torc and crash, my conclusion is that the online play is broken when it comes to tires. Even when tire sim is off, you still get wear and feel your tires going out. We also ran one with is ON and why they chose to make tire wear = to how long the race is, is beyond me. So you run a 100% race option tires will prob last 17 laps or so? But you run a 3 lap race, tires LITERALLY wear during first lap.
^^^double post, double post^^
Don't compete? One of my favorite quotes reads, "I don't know what the key to success is, But the key to failure is trying to please everyone." It just can't be done. Sorry.
YAY!!!!!! I think I MAY break the game.
Running a great!! race. in 6th with 6 laps to go on melbourne on 50% (29 laps), gaining on Messa.....................BAM!!!PSHHHHHHHH "It looks like you've picked up a puncture, nurse it in best you can" Im 🤬 🤬 so I go in the pits, JUST so happens EVERYONE ELSE IS!!!! (except the leaders of coarse) so I go into the pits in 7th.... I COME OUT IN LAST!!!!! 5 SECS BEHIND 23rd!!!!!!! WITH NOW 5 LAPS TO GO!!!!!!! Seriously this game is absolute garbage!
Well I'm going to have to trust people. It will be obvious if someone sneaks it on.
I'm not too sure about that. Only possible way to notice is a faster cornering speed or exit out of low speed corners, which is near impossible to spot. And imagine how much of an edge pad drivers will have in wet conditions. They will be able to throw the cars around the corners with little problems, and we will have to tip-toe around, could be around 10 seconds slower.
Banning it outright plays a hefty disadvantage to the pad users, allowing it for pad users only plays into the pad users hands, especially in wet conditions. Looks like the only fair way is to allow traction control all around. I'm not supportive of the idea, but it seems to be the only fair way.
This is the best post in this thread.Whats going on here!?
50% races? Where'd that come from?
TC in the race too? What?
Second race series? How has this popped up again?
This is silly. Everyone signed up knowing what to expect. Honestly we shouldnt even have the first race if the ground rules cant be standardized. Grafph, you just need to set out the rules of your race series and stick to them. There are people being turned away, while some who have signed up want to change the rules.
And you can keep quiet until you've actually got the game. You're just causing aggravation and confusion.Petergrafpt, my name isn't drumc0de. lol. What's going on? Did I get replaced or something?