New G25/G27 users!!!!

Size of teams?

  • 4 racers

    Votes: 41 43.2%
  • 5 racers

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • 6 racers

    Votes: 49 51.6%

  • Total voters
Great idea thetossr about the hot laps, I think we know how we will form the teams, best two laps are team a and team b first driver. second fastest driver 2 for each team, etc etc,

so maybe we can see how many drivers we want for a specific team 4,5,6. I think the lap thing will gauge the high, medium, lower player skill the best. One lap test drive and we could even post them here or make thread to start off with some we can keep track. Hey i dont mind if i'm lower, with practice we'll all be better. we could spectate the lap of our future opponents/teammates. Like start times for the lap thing if most of us available, if not we can post them up here.

Update: we can decide if we are going to use premium/standard, if their is a certain car we can only use for our teams.

Is there a difference between premium and standard when it comes to the physics? I thought it was all cosmetic and level of detail.
So i should just purchase g25 since its cheaper. And FFB is basically the same between each wheels right?

From what I understand, you won't be missing anything if you got a G25. Same wheel just no lights and actually has a different shifter with more options. besides that the differences are minimal.
Also think league deserves a name and maybe a club. Any suggestions?

something clear and awesome, that gets across what we're about.

League of Logitech's :)

We will have a vote once we gets some names of what we think the leagues name should be. As far as the teams, that is all up to the members on what they want to name it. I will have everyone separated into teams once I get enough info on where they are located regionally.
From what I've heard, the DFGT wheel and the G25 wheel have an identical feel to them.. saw this on some review sites, but I'm not sure how accurate the information is.
I know G27 is the most silent of all of them, but only thing DFGT is lacking is the shifter padels and the clutch.

Personally I think i'll be just getting a DFGT to begin with.. if I get used to having a wheel, then I'll move to a G27 later on.
From what I understand, you won't be missing anything if you got a G25. Same wheel just no lights and actually has a different shifter with more options. besides that the differences are minimal.

It's my understanding that the G25 is discontinued. In any case, the G27's helical gears make it a great deal quieter than the other wheels, there is improved draw distance in the pedals for more accuracy, and additional buttons on the wheel. The only drawbacks are that the additional buttons aren't assignable in GT, and there is no option for sequential shifting on the G27.
From what I've heard, the DFGT wheel and the G25 wheel have an identical feel to them.. saw this on some review sites, but I'm not sure how accurate the information is.
I know G27 is the most silent of all of them, but only thing DFGT is lacking is the shifter padels and the clutch.

Personally I think i'll be just getting a DFGT to begin with.. if I get used to having a wheel, then I'll move to a G27 later on.

I played racing games casually for a long time. I couldn't bring myself to buy a wheel for fear that I might not get into it, but since then I play a great deal more seriously and have built a pvc racing cockpit with a seat from a toyota corolla. While it isn't a bad idea to start off small, you really can't go wrong with the G27 if you can afford another hundred bucks.
I'll do my best to have teams already made, a name picked out, and there will be a brand new thread that will be the official league thread. This should all be done the night of the release. I will be up all night baking for thanksgiving so I should have the league thread finished.
Do you plan on setting it up where everyone races the same car with the same setup? Just wondering since that will make for some exciting racing :)
Hi all, i'm quite new here but to sim racing. I've raced in "RaceDepartment" league in BMW Mini's. I have a G27 and can only race in "full manual+Clutch+all aids off". To me, it's the only way to race/sim.

I would love to join you like minded guys for some "clean, all aids off and gentlemanly racing".

Region: Scotland - i'm up for racing anytime day/night.
psn id: paulieGTR

I'll do my best to have teams already made, a name picked out, and there will be a brand new thread that will be the official league thread. This should all be done the night of the release. I will be up all night baking for thanksgiving so I should have the league thread finished.

yea although wifey will be baking also, i will be up all night also, think i'll be playing this game called GT5, any of you guys thinking of getting this game or heard much about it, ahh anyway go on then.


About the standard/premium cars i didnt know they were same or if are, or is just detail. we shall see soon.

GTwenty haha nice.
Do you plan on setting it up where everyone races the same car with the same setup? Just wondering since that will make for some exciting racing :)

There will be events for that but I don't think we should do it right away at least. Especially if online racing limited you to cars you own in your garage. How ever once the point system is created and teams are fleshed out there will be events liked that. A lot of the things we will try to do will depend on the online functions with the game.
It's my understanding that the G25 is discontinued. In any case, the G27's helical gears make it a great deal quieter than the other wheels, there is improved draw distance in the pedals for more accuracy, and additional buttons on the wheel. The only drawbacks are that the additional buttons aren't assignable in GT, and there is no option for sequential shifting on the G27.
Well there is a homemade option.
Don't know if this works in GT5 though.
A few days ago I received my playseat and G27. Love it. I wasn't too good with manual but after a day I've gotten very comfortable and am now working on my heel and toe technique. I would definitely be down to join the league you guys are talking about. Do I need to send anyone any info?
I was reading somewhere that you don't have to push triangle at the beginning of the race anymore to enable the clutch. You can now push in the clutch at the beginning of the race to enable it. Some one said earlier its already enabled when you start. Not sure which one is right but both options sound good to me!
I was reading somewhere that you don't have to push triangle at the beginning of the race anymore to enable the clutch. You can now push in the clutch at the beginning of the race to enable it. Some one said earlier its already enabled when you start. Not sure which one is right but both options sound good to me!

As far as sending info, All i need is your psn to formulate you on a team. You region would be helpful as well. I don't want people from the same region on the same team. I want to mix the teams up to add some variety to the league. We can have a vote on how the teams should be set up but That's the way I would prefer it.
As far as sending info, All i need is your psn to formulate you on a team. You region would be helpful as well. I don't want people from the same region on the same team. I want to mix the teams up to add some variety to the league. We can have a vote on how the teams should be set up but That's the way I would prefer it.

Just sent you a pm before I could read that. My psn is Stakin and I'm in California
yea although wifey will be baking also, i will be up all night also, think i'll be playing this game called GT5, any of you guys thinking of getting this game or heard much about it, ahh anyway go on then.


About the standard/premium cars i didnt know they were same or if are, or is just detail. we shall see soon.

GTwenty haha nice.

I like
4 to 6 guys with G25/G27 on my team. :) Team leader will be proven in the ring. :lol:

What about Fanatec GT3 RS wheels users can they join?

They are probably included as the same category as a G25/G27 user since both wheel has almost the same feature, except with some extra control here and there. And plus they are both rival wheel so it will be a good competition. :)
new member here
i just purchased a g25 but its backordered :(... so i may cancel it and get a g27 locally if it takes too long!...
Im excited to get to know some of you and learn things from this forum...
my previous experience only includes owning the gt4, and playing the gt5prologue for 3 days... so... not much.. oh, and also owned forza3 for about a month then returned the xbox... lol, too many things going wrong.

my username is super_pablo_ just like my username on the forum.
4 to 6 guys with G25/G27 on my team. :) Team leader will be proven in the ring. :lol:

They are probably included as the same category as a G25/G27 user since both wheel has almost the same feature, except with some extra control here and there. And plus they are both rival wheel so it will be a good competition. :)
How can i be added to the list?
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My Playstation network Identification is HeroPride.

I am a newb, I only played GT5P but only for a while, I stopped because i knew that the physics for GT5 will be different.

I would love to join a online community. You guys might help me land number 1 for the GT academy. Laughing out loud, I am just kidding.

Sorry for the weird text, I am only doing it because last time i had gotten an infraction.
Fame, sent ya request to psn. I was having z hard time deciding the number of racers per team myself. But i had another idea about the teams being split between rookie, amat., and pro. I have been practicing with the wheel on prologue and am new the series, where have i been, ah well its all good, on to my point, i was thinking that we could have teams in rookie level, pro level, amatuer level, coaches for each of these teams or captains of these teams to get everyone together, i know myself i am definately a rookie. But i think maybe we can get enough people that are interested and skills levels the same. Think of it as the Varsity, Junior Varisty and Freshman teams.

Guess we can decide on where to place people based on their lap, or their own feeling of the game after it launches.
I am thinking four to a team in this situation would best, i voted for six. its ever changing i guess.

Rookie sqaud: Hurricane43 Team name to follow
one day i will make varsity i swear i will lol.

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