Once again I implore you to show me how, since I was actually asking you so you could clarify. If you want to take it as a defensive act that's fine but welcome to the internet where what you perceive as an attack is based on the way you read things, not anything with factual merit. Once again I asked, hence the question mark, you could have easily ended all that with "no I'm not, I actually buy things based on blah blah blah". You couldn't be bothered because you have no defense? Or you lost interest or something else? Now before you jump again this is what is called a question and though you may find it rhetorical that is a subjective matter in itself and not for you to decided for both parties.
If you're really not concerned then why do you feel the need to defend, when you could easily just inform me why you actually buy the game. For what merit do you see in it? Perhaps I'm trying to learn or see from your view, rather than the brick wall you wish to put up because you don't want me to counter what you might say.
That is all. Welcome to GT sub forums!
he usually is, my question is once again can you blame people that use to be in group one then realize "wait, why am I just supporting something that no longer is trying to meet my growing needs like others? Why am I not questioning or asking for more?"
I'm glad to be more informed and not in group one and just going along picking up each GT without looking at it critically. Since I think we could all agree that it could be so much more than it is.