Polyphony Digital partnership with Ayrton Senna Institute announced

While I agree with the sentiment, there's not much point. Some members here sort of prove that PD doesn't have to put effort into pleasing the hardcore fans; they'll buy the next installment sight unseen thanks to the name on the tin. The smart money is on hunting that fresh blood: it's certainly easier than trying to please the hardest category; those who used to be in the first camp, but now question picking up the newest game.

Hmm ... GT would not have been where it is now if it is was not doing right. So I think they are pleasing the hardcore fans as well. As far as Aryton Senna with online updates. I think it is great idea. Aryton Senna special event something like that would be great

from Kaz about Senna in GT6:

"First we will include the tracks that he used to race on kart and maybe the tracks and cars from Formula 3. Later, on Formula 1, the first races that he made a pole position. I hope to be able to include the majority of these events for the players to enjoy, or even racing against Ayrton".

The article also says that all these content will be DLC, though it doesn't say whether it will be paid or not.

Interesting, that's a big promise on Kaz's part, let's hope he comes through:tup:👍
Interesting, that's a big promise on Kaz's part, let's hope he comes through:tup:👍

That would involve replicating the entire F1 grid for that year, so I don't see that aspect of his wishes happening. Secondly I wouldn't expect PD to include Estoril or Imola because the layouts of those circuits as they were in the 1980's simply don't exist anymore, and PD have never imagined retrograde configurations of any other circuits they've ever modelled.
That would involve replicating the entire F1 grid for that year, so I don't see that aspect of his wishes happening. Secondly I wouldn't expect PD to include Estoril or Imola because the layouts of those circuits as they were in the 1980's simply don't exist anymore, and PD have never imagined retrograde configurations of any other circuits they've ever modelled.

He said a "majority" , not the "entirety". And I'd settle for modern layouts vs. nothing at all. Even if they make a bold attempt at several of them I'd be more than ecstatic as would most GT fans IMO.
That would involve replicating the entire F1 grid for that year, so I don't see that aspect of his wishes happening. Secondly I wouldn't expect PD to include Estoril or Imola because the layouts of those circuits as they were in the 1980's simply don't exist anymore, and PD have never imagined retrograde configurations of any other circuits they've ever modelled.

I suspect we may get a handful of cars from each year -- there's no chance the full grid will be recreated; just look at NASCAR. Not sure how the licensing will even work, but best case scenario we may get maybe a max of 4-5 other cars so there could be 2-3 of each car per race, which isn't bad at all. I'm sure the year of the car won't really matter and we'll surely have 1985 cars racing with 1987 cars and such, for example. But again, who knows what the licensing will even allow for non-Senna F1 cars.

As for tracks, I suspect we'll certainly use modern layouts for tracks like Monza, Spa, etc. It looks like we may possibly get some DLC tracks like Estoril and maybe some others. We only got two real DLC tracks for GT5 though (Spa and Motegi) so I wouldn't expect a bunch of tracks or anything. I think Imola may be out of the question because as has already been mentioned it'd be poor taste to include it in a Senna pack. That said, it was and still is a fantastic circuit and I'd love to have it, either in its pre-1995 or pre-2007 configuration or even its current configuration.

Estoril was Senna's first pole and win so if they're going to add any new tracks (non-kart) for the Senna feature, that one is going to be the first on the list. His second win was at Spa which we already have, but as I said earlier I suspect they'll just use the modern layout without the old bus stop chicane -- which was far superior to the current layout; I really don't know why they've changed it twice since 2002 when it was already perfect. Also, Senna's first shining moment, Monaco in 1984, is already in the game so that will likely be another track with a big part in the Senna feature -- especially since he won a record 6 times there.
He said a "majority" , not the "entirety". And I'd settle for modern layouts vs. nothing at all. Even if they make a bold attempt at several of them I'd be more than ecstatic as would most GT fans IMO.

Well that's why you can't trust whatever he says. The first thing he says is "we will include [these features]", and then immediately goes on to say "we hope to be able to include the majority [of these features].

Kaz and PD clearly hope it will secure a few more purchases of the game upon release due to the timing of this announcement but I think it's pathetic that they make these announcements so prematurely that he has no idea what will or won't be in this particular feature.


I suspect we may get a handful of cars from each year -- there's no chance the full grid will be recreated; just look at NASCAR. Not sure how the licensing will even work, but best case scenario we may get maybe a max of 4-5 other cars so there could be 2-3 of each car per race, which isn't bad at all.

I believe the Formula One licensing restrictions revolve around having two or more cars from the same year being in the same game, but having one car per year is okay.

As for tracks, I suspect we'll certainly use modern layouts for tracks

I suspect they will do that if they do try to incorporate F1, but it seems a bit cheap to claim to simulate early stages of Senna's career and then merely shoehorn modern track layouts in their place.

I suspect they'll just use the modern layout without the old bus stop chicane -- which was far superior to the current layout; I really don't know why they've changed it twice since 2002 when it was already perfect.

I think they envisaged less accidents happening by changing it to the post-2002 configuration, then changed it from the 2004 configuration because they wanted to change the pit entry. The FIA loves adding braking zones to circuits.
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The more I think about the whole Senna deal, the crappier I feel it will get, and I'm a Senna fan. Where the hell is PD heading, seriously?
Once again I implore you to show me how, since I was actually asking you so you could clarify. If you want to take it as a defensive act that's fine but welcome to the internet where what you perceive as an attack is based on the way you read things, not anything with factual merit. Once again I asked, hence the question mark, you could have easily ended all that with "no I'm not, I actually buy things based on blah blah blah". You couldn't be bothered because you have no defense? Or you lost interest or something else? Now before you jump again this is what is called a question and though you may find it rhetorical that is a subjective matter in itself and not for you to decided for both parties.

If you're really not concerned then why do you feel the need to defend, when you could easily just inform me why you actually buy the game. For what merit do you see in it? Perhaps I'm trying to learn or see from your view, rather than the brick wall you wish to put up because you don't want me to counter what you might say.

That is all. Welcome to GT sub forums!

he usually is, my question is once again can you blame people that use to be in group one then realize "wait, why am I just supporting something that no longer is trying to meet my growing needs like others? Why am I not questioning or asking for more?"

I'm glad to be more informed and not in group one and just going along picking up each GT without looking at it critically. Since I think we could all agree that it could be so much more than it is.
I'm saying dont assume. You labeled someone without actually reading or understanding of the post. So your question was not even needed. Instead of working yourself up over what someone else thinks about game content, you could actually read whats posted? If you don't feel there is enough content, that's fine. But don't impose your line of thought on others by making false claims or trying to label someone because they differ in opinion to you. Especially when you nor I even know what the game offers as is.
Kaz and PD clearly hope it will secure a few more purchases of the game upon release due to the timing of this announcement but I think it's pathetic that they make these announcements so prematurely that he has no idea what will or won't be in this particular feature.

Well, no matter what strategy they pick, they get flamed in one way or another. If they reveal things early on in the process, they get critique for being vague or not keeping their "promises". If they keep things secret for a big reveal near the release, they get critique for not communicating with their customers. And that's all fair I guess, different people have different preferences. Some wants insight early on, others only want concrete, confirmed facts.

Some wants both, and they wander down a path paved with disappointment.

So with that bit out of the equation, I think the timing was perfect. What better place and time for an announcement about a partnership with the Ayrton Senna Institute than the Brazil Game Show?

from Kaz about Senna in GT6:

"First we will include the tracks that he used to race on kart and maybe the tracks and cars from Formula 3. Later, on Formula 1, the first races that he made a pole position. I hope to be able to include the majority of these events for the players to enjoy, or even racing against Ayrton".

The article also says that all these content will be DLC, though it doesn't say whether it will be paid or not.

I don't like the 'maybe'. I'd love to see F3 content in the game, it would also make for some interesting online races. Fingers crossed :)
Well, no matter what strategy they pick, they get flamed in one way or another. If they reveal things early on in the process, they get critique for being vague or not keeping their "promises". If they keep things secret for a big reveal near the release, they get critique for not communicating with their customers. And that's all fair I guess, different people have different preferences. Some wants insight early on, others only want concrete, confirmed facts.

Some wants both, and they wander down a path paved with disappointment.

So with that bit out of the equation, I think the timing was perfect. What better place and time for an announcement about a partnership with the Ayrton Senna Institute than the Brazil Game Show?

I absolutely agree. I don't have any problem with the timing of their announcement. Too early is never good.

But what I don't get is that they don't seem to have much of a clue of what content will become available, only a bit more than a month away from release...
I absolutely agree. I don't have any problem with the timing of their announcement. Too early is never good.

But what I don't get is that they don't seem to have much of a clue of what content will become available, only a bit more than a month away from release...

Well, the release of GT6, that is. But the Senna content is DLC and may be half a year or more away. Which would make this an early announcement, which in turn would explain the rough outlines.
Well, the release of GT6, that is. But the Senna content is DLC and may be half a year or more away. Which would make this an early announcement, which in turn would explain the rough outlines.

Yea, you're probably right. My assumption was that they planned this DLC not so long after the release. Probably a rather over-optimistic thought ;)
Talking about opportunistic timing, we have a Brazilian F1 Grand Prix on the 24th of november. Should they have secured a deal with the involved right holders, there is a possibility we get some joint announcements.
The funny thing about this thread is that most people didn't even know who Senna was until one film came out, I find it very silly.
I didn't know he was until Dave gave me a link to a Top Gear video, who Jeremy was speaking about as well his history (which was well worth it).

And a "certain somebody who I'm not going to mention his name" thought otherwise...
That would involve replicating the entire F1 grid for that year, so I don't see that aspect of his wishes happening. Secondly I wouldn't expect PD to include Estoril or Imola because the layouts of those circuits as they were in the 1980's simply don't exist anymore, and PD have never imagined retrograde configurations of any other circuits they've ever modelled.

That's not entirely true. In Gran Turismo 4, Polyphony included 3 versions at different times (1974-85 era, 1993-2004 era and 2005) of the Fuji Speedway track.
That's not entirely true. In Gran Turismo 4, Polyphony included 3 versions at different times (1974-85 era, 1993-2004 era and 2005) of the Fuji Speedway track.

PD pointed out at the time that they had been able to scan/photograph/whatever the Fuji track for GT4 before the changes were made to the track.
PD pointed out at the time that they had been able to scan/photograph/whatever the Fuji track for GT4 before the changes were made to the track.
If PD were really so inclined, I think there's more than enough photo and video available for most major tracks in the world to make a reasonable recreation of just about any circuit. Older Monaco for example, would make for a much better racing track than that chicane plagued monstrosity we have now.
I am rather confused about this announcement, I don't know what to expect. I am not entirely sure PD can handle this right.

@TokoTurismo Try and get your hands on the movie. The Top Gear piece was great but the movie covers a lot more territory and is very well done.

Personally I was really disappointed about the movie when I saw it the first time. There are better documentaries about Senna out there. You can find some of them on Youtube or Veoh. Those are more in deep about the man and the circumstances of his death which "Senna" somehow just glosses over.
Or at least license the Monaco GP track. The GT5 layout isn't exactly the same as the one used in F1.
Not for me, I want less chicanes [zero preferably} not more and tighter ones. Imagine the run from Portier through the tunnel, down the hill, a quick left/right flick and carrying huge speed through Tabac and onto the Gazometre hairpin. Much, much better for online racing IMO and it could be coupled with the modern version of the track to suit all tastes!!

Of course, but this is PD. I just don't see them doing the full job properly so I'd be happy if they at least get one version of the track right, the current.

The best classic Monaco track that I know is in rfactor2.
Of course, but this is PD. I just don't see them doing the full job properly so I'd be happy if they at least get one version of the track right, the current.

The best classic Monaco track that I know is in rfactor2.

Now this is what I'm talking about!! From 1:02 on is the best part...but the whole thing is epic IMO.


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