Polyphony Digital partnership with Ayrton Senna Institute announced

Ok, back to topic.

My view on this whole Ayrton Senna deal (and the Gordon/Loeb/Vettel deal in GT5 for that matter) is that, I feel as if PD are losing focus.
It used to be about the cars, tracks, tuning, and the racing. Oh, and it was all about quality as well. Boy were the pre-GT5 games of high quality or what?

It's as if all these new features and race driver appearances are poor attempts to make the game stand out in some odd kind of way, and get fresh blood introduces to the franchise. I think they should concentrate more on giving us, the hardcore fans, what we really want instead, but that's me.
The world's changing and so is Gran Turismo. I think we'll see great technology and great racing in GT6. All the things besides pure racing (tracks, cars, tuning) are made to create more atmosphere.
Screw the atmosphere, the game pretty much has this aspect covered, what was the point of the special events in GT5, none, they were even more useless than seasonals and could have been integrated in the licenses mode.

Fill the game with well planned content, competent AI and a well crafted career. Is all it needs, not stupid "special guests" that serve nothing but waste development time.
I wonder how we are supposed to experience Senna's career.

We'll hardly have any relevant cars, any relevant tracks, any relevant drivers...
Oh I know, they must've tweaked the museum thing and probably added an animated Senna, in Jeff Gordon manner of course, who just doesn't want to stop talking.

And he'll teach us how to drive, lovely.

Reiza Studios still owns the exclusive rights for Senna :indiff:
F1Racer Moderator • 19 hours ago
I hope this doesn't put the kybosh on anything Reiza had planned.

Renato Simioni F1Racer • 15 hours ago
It doesnt :) We have exclusive rights for Senna on the PC platform. GT6 is naturally PS3 only.

What did I assume? I openly asked you question which isn't assumption and there is even a punctuation feature called a question mark to indicate that. Whatever tone you put into my comment is your own making and probably something you might want to question within yourself. Also I was explaining to you where another user was coming from since I've dealt with them many many times, thus not assumption again. So where am I assuming when, one I openly ask you questions that you can easily clarify, and two explain another user and why they think the game should be more up front. Also how would you know what core parts are left out if they were left out? We aren't getting any descriptive info or game play so how is one to know even after the release of the game...

How is my rationale wrong exactly? Also from the angle you are talking about, I guess GT6 subforum should be shut down along with the tons of threads that do speculation or educated guesses based on past knowledge of this company and the system they operate on.

Youre reaching. Take a step back, please. Your judgemental post was short sighted and you assumed things with your rhetorical question. Your rationale is wrong towards me because you alluded that I am not "a rational shopper" but an impulse buyer. I answered your critical question by saying I would wait for more information before jumping the gun. As for the rest of your post, I couldn't be bothered. All youre doing is overreacting and playing some internet bait argument game I'm not concerned with. 👍
I wonder how we are supposed to experience Senna's career.

We'll hardly have any relevant cars, any relevant tracks, any relevant drivers...
Oh I know, they must've tweaked the museum thing and probably added an animated Senna, in Jeff Gordon manner of course, who just doesn't want to stop talking.

And he'll teach us how to drive, lovely.


How exactly would they get the voice work done?
I really doubt that there will be an animated Senna in the game.
+1 for that. At least I hope there will not be an animated Senna with some silly voice over. I still cringe when I think about Jeff Gordon showing up in GT5, along with his telephoned in lines. I hope PD doesnt drop the ball on this. Intially I was stoked but as more time passes I become ever more worried. I hope they get it right, but we'll have to wait and see when the DLC comes out
They could use actual video of him, or audio. Maybe they can get Bruno to do some voice acting speaking for his uncle's history?
They could use actual video of him, or audio. Maybe they can get Bruno to do some voice acting speaking for his uncle's history?

I like this option. IMO its definately the best way to go since an animated Senna would not sit well with me and likely a few others. I would rather see this route taken for sure.
It's as if all these new features and race driver appearances are poor attempts to make the game stand out in some odd kind of way, and get fresh blood introduces to the franchise. I think they should concentrate more on giving us, the hardcore fans, what we really want instead, but that's me.

While I agree with the sentiment, there's not much point. Some members here sort of prove that PD doesn't have to put effort into pleasing the hardcore fans; they'll buy the next installment sight unseen thanks to the name on the tin. The smart money is on hunting that fresh blood: it's certainly easier than trying to please the hardest category; those who used to be in the first camp, but now question picking up the newest game.
they'll buy the next installment sight unseen thanks to the name on the tin.

Sorry to bring this off topic but don't all fans of any of their favorite series do this? I like how it's made into a big deal because others don't like it, such as some on this forum... :yuck:
Sorry to bring this off topic but don't all fans of any of their favorite series do this? I like how it's made into a big deal because others don't like it, such as some on this forum... :yuck:

Sure, of course they do... and your point?
While I agree with the sentiment, there's not much point. Some members here sort of prove that PD doesn't have to put effort into pleasing the hardcore fans; they'll buy the next installment sight unseen thanks to the name on the tin. The smart money is on hunting that fresh blood: it's certainly easier than trying to please the hardest category; those who used to be in the first camp, but now question picking up the newest game.
Yeah, I guess you're right... unfortunately. :(
Youre reaching. Take a step back, please. Your judgemental post was short sighted and you assumed things with your rhetorical question. Your rationale is wrong towards me because you alluded that I am not "a rational shopper" but an impulse buyer. I answered your critical question by saying I would wait for more information before jumping the gun. As for the rest of your post, I couldn't be bothered. All youre doing is overreacting and playing some internet bait argument game I'm not concerned with. 👍

Once again I implore you to show me how, since I was actually asking you so you could clarify. If you want to take it as a defensive act that's fine but welcome to the internet where what you perceive as an attack is based on the way you read things, not anything with factual merit. Once again I asked, hence the question mark, you could have easily ended all that with "no I'm not, I actually buy things based on blah blah blah". You couldn't be bothered because you have no defense? Or you lost interest or something else? Now before you jump again this is what is called a question and though you may find it rhetorical that is a subjective matter in itself and not for you to decided for both parties.

If you're really not concerned then why do you feel the need to defend, when you could easily just inform me why you actually buy the game. For what merit do you see in it? Perhaps I'm trying to learn or see from your view, rather than the brick wall you wish to put up because you don't want me to counter what you might say.

That is all. Welcome to GT sub forums!

Yeah, I guess you're right... unfortunately. :(

he usually is, my question is once again can you blame people that use to be in group one then realize "wait, why am I just supporting something that no longer is trying to meet my growing needs like others? Why am I not questioning or asking for more?"

I'm glad to be more informed and not in group one and just going along picking up each GT without looking at it critically. Since I think we could all agree that it could be so much more than it is.

from Kaz about Senna in GT6:

"First we will include the tracks that he used to race on kart and maybe the tracks and cars from Formula 3. Later, on Formula 1, the first races that he made a pole position. I hope to be able to include the majority of these events for the players to enjoy, or even racing against Ayrton".

The article also says that all these content will be DLC, though it doesn't say whether it will be paid or not.

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