I was thinking. If I'm Christian or anyone is then we should obey god and love him. We then should make law as he says. So if someone can't live that way then don't live here. That might not be the right words. Please forgive me cus this may not sit well with anyone and I don't mean any of this as a put down or fight.
If you want a Christian theocracy, I suggest you move to the Vatican. America isn't a Christian theocracy, never has been, and never will be. You can't kick people out of your country for not believing in God. Freedom of religion is a right in America. That means you can't impose your religion on anyone else. The problems in countries like Iran stem from using religion as a basis for law, it's just not a good idea at all.
IAnyway. I kinda think I would want to govern based on what god says in all subjects. So that would mean no gay marriage, no legal abortion. I would not have taken god out of school but I would not force anyone to do anything they don't want to. Man I'm contradicting myself maybe. Oh well. I believe what I believe and feel how I feel.
What about the example I brought up earlier? Reform Jewish synagogues believe gay marriage is OK, and the Jews came before Christians did. Jesus, your saviour, was a Jew. Shouldn't the Jewish opinion hold some weight too? There's another thread for gay marriage, and we can take this there if you'd like. What FoolKiller was saying, and I'd like to reiterate, is that the US government shouldn't be involved in marriage at all. You'd still be able to get married at your church, and two men or women could be married at a church accepting of it, or have a contract drawn up by lawyers.
Muslim religion is hate and violence. They do not have the same god as Christians. There's is a false god. There is only one god. Muslim and the Koran teach you to hate the Jews and anyone not Muslim. Their goal is kill all the Jews/israel and do anything it takes. Convert infidels to muslim and if they won't convert then kill them. Koran is bad news. No not all muslims are like terrorists. But when I see how the only ones I know about and hear about are anti Jesus, destroy the Jews and Israel and anyone not Muslim that says something to me. I dislike muslim religion and am not going to say anything else.
Jews, Muslims, and Christians all believe in the same God. They all believe in the story of Abraham. The key difference comes from Abraham's sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Muslims believe Ishmael was the true descendant of Abraham, and Jews/Christians believe it to be Isaac. This is a very large over-simplification, but all three religions believe in many of the same stories, and all of them come from Abraham's covenant with God. I'm sure you know that the Old Testament and Torah are pretty much the same thing.
Muslims aren't anti-Jesus. I'm sorry, but that's completely untrue. If you believe Muslims hate Jesus, I don't know what to tell you. Muslims think that Jesus was a prophet of God, and think Jesus was one of God's greatest messengers. They believe Jesus will be the one to usher in Judgement day for Allah. If they hated Jesus, why would Jesus be the one to start judgement day? The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, Sunni muslims, and the ones you hear about on the news are Shia muslims, and the "terrorists" are an even smaller group of that small group.
Jews, Muslims, and Christians all believe in the same God. All 3 religions have a common basis, back to Abraham and his sons, and are the
same God. I understand what you're saying about not wanting to upset anyone, but to come in and attack Islam for being violent and saying that they hate Jesus just shows me you're ignorant about other faiths and really have no idea about Islam at all.
Just to clarify, "Allah" translates to "the God". Allah isn't a different God, it's just another word for God, the same God you believe in as a Christian. Also, it's not just Muslims who use that word. Eastern Orthodox Christians use that word too, so there are Christians who refer to God as Allah.
This is why local government is best. You don't want girls sitting on coathangers in your town, so you prohibit it within your community. But it can be legal in Abortiontown on the other side of the country. So all the undesirable abortion-getters can go live over there and you can be happy within your community and nobody will have a problem.
And if you say something like, "But, hey, my tax dollars are going towards taking care of those godless people," well, we are against that too. That's why it's wrong for the government to take people's money and use it for things that aren't in the constitution.