Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
Yes I believe in the constitution. I was.extremely tired and not thinking totally clear with my last post and also some things I said people took it for everything like harder punishment for convicted crime. Well Sheese duh I'm not talking for everything nor did I even hint what I said was for everything.

Freedom is.good and should be. I just think a certain way for some stuff that's all. I do know we.have fallen away from god and are.going downhill because of.that.
Well my opinion here wont be as valid as other opinions for US residents,but many friends live and work in the US and I used to be there a couple of years ago(2008).
You clearly have some facts incorrect and aren't up on the current political back and forth.

Well the things about this presidential election this time is that is not entirely controlled by media but by acts,
Such as breaking Bush's debt record within the first year. That issue won't go away.

after the obvious hit on Osama a huge support from right wing voters is expected,the same can be said about military and anyone who was affected by the war on terror(military relatives and 9/11 victims),
Except now there is a lot of back and forth on whether this is Obama's victory or was he just continuing Bush's policies? Even some who say it is Obama's victory argue that he doesn't give proper credit to the Bush Administration. In polling it did help his approval numbers get out of their record low, but it isn't a suddenly huge popularity boost.

other strong point in Obama's favor is the free health care that he accomplish during his campaign
Not free, by any definition. Unless you are very poor you still pay like everyone else, but you now have to buy it and don't get a choice to not to. His administration has been sued by nearly half the states over it being unconstitutional. And nothing is accomplished as it doesn't go fully into effect until 2014.

and the recuperation of the US economy during the last year,
$4 a gallon gasoline. Costs are up across the board. The recuperation is actually having a null effect due to the fact that prices are going up. From my personal view my company is still laying people off and I haven't seen a pay raise in almost 4 years.

apart from that (and without baing racist)the guy is black,and large percent of US population are black people favored by his administration.
The race card is definitely in his favor, which is actually depressing.

So taking in count his victory rate over Mc Caine,and the success aspects of his administration ,you can assure that the average US voter will be most likely to have a vote on Obama.
I don't know. Last year's Congressional elections had many people that supported Obama's plans lose their position. Add on to that the fact that some of his successes are not seen as positive and that he also has failures and highly questionable economic plans and has no real plans to prevent us from getting into insurmountable debt, which is a big topic now, as well as the fact that his promises of transparency and changes in foreign policy have turned out to be nothing of the sort, he maintains Guantanamo Bay, has a soldier held in solitary confinement for telling the truth about the government's illegal and/or accidental activities in the war, and I think he won't be able to walk in and offer a winning smile full of promises as he did before. He can't say he will bring change whenever an issue comes up that he isn't well versed on.

Honestly, I think he will look popular until the debates. But then he will be in trouble. Too many false promises and lies from last election for him to duck out on. But that will depend on who his opponent is.

But that is my opinion,I'm not very interested in foreign politics because they not affect me in any way,and foreign policies in the US are reduced to the "war on terror".
And that would be one of those false promises from the election.
Freedom is.good and should be. I just think a certain way for some stuff that's all. I do know we.have fallen away from god and are.going downhill because of.that.

And what makes you think that?

Your stated desire for freedom seems in direct contradiction of this:

I'm Christian and believe the gov should makes law based on Gods way. That's why my previous post seems religious. I'm for God and would want to do and rule as God says.

The Iranians, in 1979, wanted to use a religion (Islam) as the basis of their post-Shah government. And do you know what happened after that? It became a theocracy, and freedoms were extremely restricted.

Don't think this is exclusive to Islam, though. I've already cited my own country as a reference.

If you want to live your life by your interpretation of what the Bible says, sure, go ahead, just don't force others to follow it.
I'm not.

And what makes me think what?

Well if its about we have fallen away from god statement then here.

Just look at where were at now. Look at how ****** and anti god our gov is. They're despicable and pathetic. All the crap programs and how they take away our freedom to do certain things. Like they took god out of school. No more pledge allegiance and punishment for having the bible in school or talking about god isn't done anymore in some. Approving gay marriage and abortion. Taking the ten commandments out of school and removing landmarks. Some even wanting to remove the word god from all our currency etc. The gov has not been for Israel for a long time. God says about Israel , I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you. In congress when someone led in prayer many walked out. Or when some talked about god many have walked out. Tobama not having national day of prayer. The gov puts down Israel and agrees with Muslim more and says Israel did bad things in war and should show restraint when hezbolah fired many thousands of rockets into Israel. Without did mad in the UN about Israel during that recent few years ago fight. Obama withholding stuff that was promised Israel when bush was president. Obama had no right to butt in. It had nothing to do with him. Obama telling Israel they won't have our help if Israel fights Iran cus of nukes and what ahmud whatever spelling his name is, has threatened Israel tons.

Tons of other stuff that I can't think of. But the us has fallen away from god and the us is going downhill.

Watch the Hal lindsey report for more info and proof of what I say. Or go to his site.

I hate the us gov with a Passion.
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Just look at where were at now. Look at how ****** and anti god our gov is. They're despicable and pathetic. All the crap programs and how they take away our freedom to do certain things. Like they took god out of school. No more pledge allegiance and punishment for having the bible in school or talking about god isn't done anymore in some. Approving gay marriage and abortion. Taking the ten commandments out of school and removing landmarks. Some even wanting to remove the word god from all our currency etc. The gov has not been for Israel for a long time. God says about Israel , I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you. In congress when someone led in prayer many walked out. Or when some talked about god many have walked out. Tobama not having national day of prayer. The gov puts down Israel and agrees with Muslim more and says Israel did bad things in war and should show restraint when hezbolah fired many thousands of rockets into Israel. Without did mad in the UN about Israel during that recent few years ago fight. Obama withholding stuff that was promised Israel when bush was president. Obama had no right to butt in. It had nothing to do with him. Obama telling Israel they won't have our help if Israel fights Iran cus of nukes and what ahmud whatever spelling his name is, has threatened Israel tons.

Tons of other stuff that I can't think of. But the us has fallen away from god and the us is going downhill.
Where does your ideal system leave room for Jews, Muslims, other less popular religions, and atheists? I agree that taking down things that have been there for long periods of time or preventing the pledge from being spoken is wrong. But not forcing religious teaching and prayer in public schools is fine by me so long as the rules are the same for all religions.

But the fact is most of the problems you see can be solved by respecting rights and liberty. You see the US as having gotten away from God, but before even that I see problems as having been brewing since we got away from the Constitution. For example, you see the prayer being taken out of federally funded public schools in the 60s as the problem. I see the federally funded schools and their being mandated in the to early 1900s as the problem. You see having "In God we Trust" taken off our printed money as a problem. I see the printed money with no backing as the problem. You see Obama reversing Bush's aid to Israel policy as a problem. I see Bush giving out money that wasn't his to give as a problem. You see legalizing gay marriage as a problem. I see government having anything to do with marriage as a problem.

See, all these problems you see wouldn't even exist if we were following the Constitution.
Foot, yer right. I agree. Well about that we should follow the constitution as it was intended. If the constitution says something to the affect gay marriage and abortion should be legal then I'm not sure what I think. I dont approve as you know, so I'm not sure, hmm.

I don't know about bush using money not his to give or school thing you said. I thought bush approved that and it was ok for him to do that.

I'm not about forcing anyone to do anything, but then that gets in the way of me wanting gay marriage and abortion illegal.

The way I think about certain stuff maybe has to do with how I wish things were and how things should be like in heaven. Like how god intended things to be. For us to love and obey god etc. I think that's how I think or see things. Maybe I forget there's others out there who don't believe and aren't saved.

Hopefully you can kind of see like what I'm trying to say but not using the right words and to be honest there's a lot I don't know so how I think or what I said here so far is on the surface or in general and not details.

I don't mean bad. I wish good for everyone. I will always want to do the right thing.

You know what I mean I hope.
Foot, yer right. I agree. Well about that we should follow the constitution as it was intended. If the constitution says something to the affect gay marriage and abortion should be legal then I'm not sure what I think. I dont approve as you know, so I'm not sure, hmm.
It doesn't say that. It says nothing about gay marriage or abortion. It gives very specific powers to the federal government, limiting the scope of the federal government's power. Then the 10th amendment says that anything not explicitly named as a power of federal government, or specifically denied to the states, is the power of the states. It is why murder is often a state crime and murderers go to a state penitentiary. Similarly, you think abortion should be illegal, probably because, like me, you define life beginning at some early stage of conception, not at birth. So, you likely think abortion should be considered murder. That is fine, but that is a state issue, not a federal one. So, in all honesty the president's opinion of abortion shouldn't matter as anything more than a marker of his character.

On marriage I have a very different opinion. It is not in the constitution, which is why the state issues a marriage license. So no matter what there should not be a federal law on gay marriage. Its not their jurisdiction. But think about something for me. If you are married, or not but hope to be one day, ask yourself why you have to have the state's approval to spend your life with someone you love even to the extent of joining finances? Why does that even matter? If the state told you you couldn't do it would you love your wife any less? Would you consider her less of a wife? No. So, why have any laws regarding marriage of any form? At that point who can and cannot be married is simply a matter of churches and lawyers.

I don't know about bush using money not his to give or school thing you said. I thought bush approved that and it was ok for him to do that.
Federal money is your money. Or as Bush and Obama have both been running amazingly high deficits, it was likely your children's or grandchildren's money. But when we are in a deficit we shouldn't be handing money to other people. Would you give donations if you couldn't make your house payment?

Hopefully you can kind of see like what I'm trying to say but not using the right words and to be honest there's a lot I don't know so how I think or what I said here so far is on the surface or in general and not details.
I see what you mean, but I think a lot of what you think should, or could, be done is based on your lack of understanding the US constitution.
Yes lack of understanding as also I haven't read the whole thing.

I was just thinking. Since I'm for god then I shouldn't compromise on anything. If god has law and rule, ten commandments and anything else he says in the bible what is right or wrong then I should make my laws the same. Because he would. But he does give us the choice, so I'm not sure then what I think.

You can probably know what I mean a tiny bit maybe, and know why I might be conflicted or unsure.
The thing with religion though, is that i don 't believe in any god, or follow any sort of spiritual guideline. Why should I be paying taxes to have my (theoretical) children being lead in Catholic prayer at school? As for gay marriage, there are lots of Reform Jewish synagogues that perform gay marriage services, so why isn't that religion's rules used? If you want to say "One nation, under God", you have to listen to Jews and Muslims too, because they share the same God as you. And if you want to get technical, the Jews were the first ones, so they should have the final say, right? Of course you don't agree with that, and that's what I think about religious based laws too. Your freedom to practice your religion also includes my freedom from your religion. That doesn't mean you can't put a Jesus fish on your car, or pray in public places, it simply means you can't pass any laws which make following yours a law.

Or as FoolKiller said, why should I be paying for a school at all? Or having the government tell me that I can ge married?

I'm Canadian, so the US Constitution doesn't apply to me, but I'm offering my point of view as if I was an American citizen.
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Please forgive me for if this bothers anyone or upsets anyone etc. I don't mean thus as a reuse comment or anything bad. This is in a calm tone. Won't sound friendly but not sure how else to say this. After this I probably should stop and leave.

I was thinking. If I'm Christian or anyone is then we should obey god and love him. We then should make law as he says. So if someone can't live that way then don't live here. That might not be the right words. Please forgive me cus this may not sit well with anyone and I don't mean any of this as a put down or fight.

I'm really sad that some people don't believe in god. I don't mean to turn this into a god debate or fight. I think I'm just feeling sad and its hard for me not to share.

Anyway. I kinda think I would want to govern based on what god says in all subjects. So that would mean no gay marriage, no legal abortion. I would not have taken god out of school but I would not force anyone to do anything they don't want to. Man I'm contradicting myself maybe. Oh well. I believe what I believe and feel how I feel.

All I mean is I think our laws should be based on God and I should serve him.

I don't know much about muslim and don't mean to on purpose do bad here. Again please forgive me.

Muslim religion is hate and violence. They do not have the same god as Christians. There's is a false god. There is only one god. Muslim and the Koran teach you to hate the Jews and anyone not Muslim. Their goal is kill all the Jews/israel and do anything it takes. Convert infidels to muslim and if they won't convert then kill them. Koran is bad news. No not all muslims are like terrorists. But when I see how the only ones I know about and hear about are anti Jesus, destroy the Jews and Israel and anyone not Muslim that says something to me. I dislike muslim religion and am not going to say anything else.
Yes lack of understanding as also I haven't read the whole thing.

I was just thinking. Since I'm for god then I shouldn't compromise on anything. If god has law and rule, ten commandments and anything else he says in the bible what is right or wrong then I should make my laws the same. Because he would. But he does give us the choice, so I'm not sure then what I think.

You can probably know what I mean a tiny bit maybe, and know why I might be conflicted or unsure.

This is why local government is best. You don't want girls sitting on coathangers in your town, so you prohibit it within your community. But it can be legal in Abortiontown on the other side of the country. So all the undesirable abortion-getters can go live over there and you can be happy within your community and nobody will have a problem.

And if you say something like, "But, hey, my tax dollars are going towards taking care of those godless people," well, we are against that too. That's why it's wrong for the government to take people's money and use it for things that aren't in the constitution.

You are mistaking living for governing, and you are giving away your social duty as a christian to the government. Governments should not have anything to do with religion whatsoever. Ours exists for the purposes outlined in the constitution and that's pretty much it. It's debatable whether a government like we have is even the best means to those ends. But, at least we know for sure that everything else it tries to do is not what it was meant to do.

It's not the government's job to legislate morality and uphold your religion. That's your job. You don't spread your religious beliefs through government force but through social conformity and understanding.

You are terribly mistaken about Islam and muslims. I don't know who filled your head with such hateful ideas, but it is wrong. There is no debate here. Yes, there are people who want to see Israel destroyed and Jews exterminated. These people are hardly representative of how Islam teaches muslims to be. Would you call Christianity a religion of hate and violence if a group of people from the bible belt blew up a KFC in Africa because they wanted all black people eliminated?
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Agreed actually.
Sorry if I seem like a hard add. I don't mean anything bad in my talking.

Bye and take care of yourselves, all of you.
I was thinking. If I'm Christian or anyone is then we should obey god and love him. We then should make law as he says. So if someone can't live that way then don't live here. That might not be the right words. Please forgive me cus this may not sit well with anyone and I don't mean any of this as a put down or fight.

If you want a Christian theocracy, I suggest you move to the Vatican. America isn't a Christian theocracy, never has been, and never will be. You can't kick people out of your country for not believing in God. Freedom of religion is a right in America. That means you can't impose your religion on anyone else. The problems in countries like Iran stem from using religion as a basis for law, it's just not a good idea at all.

IAnyway. I kinda think I would want to govern based on what god says in all subjects. So that would mean no gay marriage, no legal abortion. I would not have taken god out of school but I would not force anyone to do anything they don't want to. Man I'm contradicting myself maybe. Oh well. I believe what I believe and feel how I feel.

What about the example I brought up earlier? Reform Jewish synagogues believe gay marriage is OK, and the Jews came before Christians did. Jesus, your saviour, was a Jew. Shouldn't the Jewish opinion hold some weight too? There's another thread for gay marriage, and we can take this there if you'd like. What FoolKiller was saying, and I'd like to reiterate, is that the US government shouldn't be involved in marriage at all. You'd still be able to get married at your church, and two men or women could be married at a church accepting of it, or have a contract drawn up by lawyers.

Muslim religion is hate and violence. They do not have the same god as Christians. There's is a false god. There is only one god. Muslim and the Koran teach you to hate the Jews and anyone not Muslim. Their goal is kill all the Jews/israel and do anything it takes. Convert infidels to muslim and if they won't convert then kill them. Koran is bad news. No not all muslims are like terrorists. But when I see how the only ones I know about and hear about are anti Jesus, destroy the Jews and Israel and anyone not Muslim that says something to me. I dislike muslim religion and am not going to say anything else.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians all believe in the same God. They all believe in the story of Abraham. The key difference comes from Abraham's sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Muslims believe Ishmael was the true descendant of Abraham, and Jews/Christians believe it to be Isaac. This is a very large over-simplification, but all three religions believe in many of the same stories, and all of them come from Abraham's covenant with God. I'm sure you know that the Old Testament and Torah are pretty much the same thing.

Muslims aren't anti-Jesus. I'm sorry, but that's completely untrue. If you believe Muslims hate Jesus, I don't know what to tell you. Muslims think that Jesus was a prophet of God, and think Jesus was one of God's greatest messengers. They believe Jesus will be the one to usher in Judgement day for Allah. If they hated Jesus, why would Jesus be the one to start judgement day? The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, Sunni muslims, and the ones you hear about on the news are Shia muslims, and the "terrorists" are an even smaller group of that small group.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians all believe in the same God. All 3 religions have a common basis, back to Abraham and his sons, and are the same God. I understand what you're saying about not wanting to upset anyone, but to come in and attack Islam for being violent and saying that they hate Jesus just shows me you're ignorant about other faiths and really have no idea about Islam at all.

Just to clarify, "Allah" translates to "the God". Allah isn't a different God, it's just another word for God, the same God you believe in as a Christian. Also, it's not just Muslims who use that word. Eastern Orthodox Christians use that word too, so there are Christians who refer to God as Allah.

This is why local government is best. You don't want girls sitting on coathangers in your town, so you prohibit it within your community. But it can be legal in Abortiontown on the other side of the country. So all the undesirable abortion-getters can go live over there and you can be happy within your community and nobody will have a problem.

And if you say something like, "But, hey, my tax dollars are going towards taking care of those godless people," well, we are against that too. That's why it's wrong for the government to take people's money and use it for things that aren't in the constitution.

I was thinking. If I'm Christian or anyone is then we should obey god and love him. We then should make law as he says. So if someone can't live that way then don't live here.
But this was never a Christian nation. Nowhere in our founding documents does it mention Christianity. There is a reference to a creator, nothing more. That is a reference that can apply for any and all religion, or even be considered non-secular.

Anyway. I kinda think I would want to govern based on what god says in all subjects. So that would mean no gay marriage, no legal abortion. I would not have taken god out of school but I would not force anyone to do anything they don't want to. Man I'm contradicting myself maybe. Oh well. I believe what I believe and feel how I feel.

Why mix religion and government?
Mark 12:13-17
13 Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. 14 They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not? 15 Should we pay or shouldn’t we?”

But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. “Why are you trying to trap me?” he asked. “Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” 16 They brought the coin, and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

And they were amazed at him.

And that same lesson is also in Matthew and Luke. Try that lesson. Follow your own integrity and do not care what the government does so long as you are free to practice your religion. Give to the government what is the government's, and give to God what is God's.

Because this:
All I mean is I think our laws should be based on God and I should serve him.
Shows that you feel you can't be properly faithful without altering how other people are allowed to be. That is not the integrity that Jesus taught. He never confronted the Romans to tell them they were not being faithful. He confronted the elders of the Temple who allowed gambling inside its doors, but he did not preach altering laws. He preached you living your life by God's teachings. Nothing more.

I don't know much about muslim and don't mean to on purpose do bad here. Again please forgive me.
You're forgiven, but you should really do some research on Islam.

Muslim religion is hate and violence.
Only the extremists. It is no different than the inquisition, the crusades, the KKK, abortion clinic bombers, or men who would drag homosexuals behind their trucks.

It should be noted that Mohammed met with a Christian king and they met in peace. Mohammed did not preach Jihad against non-believers, only those that would deny them their faith.

They do not have the same god as Christians.
Actually, they do. They believe Mohammed to be a descendant of Abraham's children he bore with his concubine. They do not believe that Christ is the savior, just a prophet. They worship the God of Abraham, which is the same God of Jews and Christians.

Muslim and the Koran teach you to hate the Jews and anyone not Muslim. Their goal is kill all the Jews/israel and do anything it takes. Convert infidels to muslim and if they won't convert then kill them. Koran is bad news.
You read a copy of the Koran?

No not all muslims are like terrorists. But when I see how the only ones I know about and hear about are anti Jesus, destroy the Jews and Israel and anyone not Muslim that says something to me. I dislike muslim religion and am not going to say anything else.
Turn off Fox News and step away from the hate-speech filled evangelists. Anyone telling you that is ignorant or a liar. I know and work with plenty of Muslims and aside from their accent and skin color you would never know.
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If you want to live your life by your interpretation of what the Bible says, sure, go ahead, just don't force others to follow it.

Oh, you're not?

I'm Christian and believe the gov should makes law based on Gods way.
You said that. Click the link, it's in your post. You said the government should make laws - laws which, by definition, apply to everybody - "based on God's way." You just stated that you want the government to force God's way upon every person in the United States.

Oh wait, I see it now, I see what you're doing. You're doing exactly what every other immoral American is doing - using the government to force your immoral ways upon everybody so nobody can blame you for doing it yourself. Is that what you're doing?
How about this instead:

You go ahead and follow God because you're allowed to do that, and so can everybody else; and the government can only do what it is allowed to do, as stated in the Constitution.
Ok how's this?
The gov can do what they want but I'm going to follow god.

As long as the Government doesn't interfere with my life, I don't give a damn what you do. You can belief in whatever fancy bearded guy you want to; just don't bother me about it, and don't expect the government to make laws based on some crazy book that has been re-written a thousand times and has hundreds of versions currently in use.
No I'm not and my ways are not immoral. They are not my ways but gods. And I never meant to sound like I want to force anything. If anyone thinks gods ways ate wrong or immoral then they are sorely mistaken.
No I'm not and my ways are not immoral. They are not my ways but gods. And I never meant to sound like I want to force anything. If anyone thinks gods ways ate wrong or immoral then they are sorely mistaken.

I don't believe in God, and certainly not a manuscript with paradoxes and contradictions left and right. Pretty sure you were told not to judge others as well, but you don't seem to think that way.

Isn't there something in Matthew about solving your own problems before looking at others?
I'm outta here. Not gonna post on stupid threads any more. Tired and not in a good mood at all today. Been to since 3 am and its 3:42 pm now. Been tired all day. Plus I'm in a lot of pain. Left arm bicep tendonitus for 2 and a half weeks. Hurts like crazy today and medicine hasn't helped at all that I can tell. Took 1200 mg ibuprofen and some vicadin and naproxin. Grrr.

Sorry for my tude and for upsetting people. Really, me sorry.

Ok. I go now for good, probably.
I don't believe in God, and certainly not a manuscript with paradoxes and contradictions left and right. Pretty sure you were told not to judge others as well, but you don't seem to think that way.

Isn't there something in Matthew about solving your own problems before looking at others?

Sorry u feel that way.

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"
Ok now I gotta say this.
You who do not believe yet you toss scripture at people. And in a bad rude way. Hypocritical that was.

That statement to me, you should not have said it. Sorry you feel that way does not warrant such a response. I said sorry genuinely.

Me gone now.
Ok now I gotta say this.
You who do not believe yet you toss scripture at people. And in a bad rude way. Hypocritical that was.

That statement to me, you should not have said it. Sorry you feel that way does not warrant such a response. I said sorry genuinely.

Me gone now.

Actually, the point is you should probably follow the advice you seem to preach so willingly. The hypocrisy is on your side, not his or mine. That is the point.
Ok now I gotta say this.
You who do not believe yet you toss scripture at people. And in a bad rude way. Hypocritical that was.

That statement to me, you should not have said it. Sorry you feel that way does not warrant such a response. I said sorry genuinely.

Me gone now.

On the last page, you referred to Islam as a violent religion that hates Jesus. Pretty judgemental if you ask me (and not to mention, dead wrong). I don't think it makes me a hypocrite to use scripture which you claim to live your life by as a means to show you where you're wrong.
I am right. In Koran it teaches hate in part and to destroy Israel.

Yes you are hypocritical and a jerk in what u said. I'm fed up with all the bull **** from u guys. I'm in a bad mood and now am going off. I know I'm not doing good but oh well.
Then why is it only Muslims are the terrorists and people were after? Muslims are taught to hate Jews and Israel. Thats hezbolah and all the others.