Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
I wonder how good the online racing will be on the console side? probably 60 percent of the drivers will be on a controller. Not everyone went out and got a new wheel I will just see if they will give Logitech support then buy. But andy did say on sim pit that they gave support to the newer wheels first we will see. one week left
You'll still have to be selective as to which lobbies you enter, same as any game. Sounds silly, but if it's a North American lobby for example, and the title is full of spelling mistakes or deliberate misspells like "Fazzzt Carz Only" than I will usually avoid lobbies like that if I'm looking for serious racing. The more organized the lobby looks, usually the better the racing is. I'm hoping there's something involving the Online Driver Rating that helps in that process.

It's important to note too, since we don't have a lot of info on how it works, to be really careful at first in choosing lobbies. It's not easy to recover a poor online driver rating, it takes a lot of perfect races to reverse the effects of a bunch of bad races. I'm not talking about results I'm talking about contact. Note also that a part of your online driver rating is number of lobbies quit or Quit% and that could come into play as well. For me, if I enter a race and the flag drops and everyone is flying all over the place, my goal will be to stay our of trouble, avoid contact, and just finish the race in one piece. There are now consequences to bad behaviour so any consideration of retaliatory behaviour should be out the window.
Just watched Team VVV new xbone video… it looks so much cleaner and crisper compared to the PS4 version… Really hope SMS can sort the PS version out to be the same as Xbone n PC

Yea it's a serious flaw! Depending on how much you are affected by it of course. For me it gives me a motion sickness feeling, it's not great and very distracting.

I watched the ps4 stream today and honestly had to look away a few times to clear my head, it was like vertigo.

The SMSrenderteam have been active over at NG and discussing it with us, it's pretty much official now that it's a fault with the PS4 version and its going to be "looked into" whether or not that means a fix, who knows.

In the mean time, I just moved my DPO from PS4 to XBO and once/if the PS4 version is patched/fixed I'll grab that version as well. No biggie.

Here are the images posted from direct feeds, direct captures and verified by the SMSrenderteam as NOT ENCODING/CAPTURE ISSUES. (this is what we meant by cause issues with collision detection)

Comparison ps4 vs Xbo
I have a Project Management job interview on wednesday that, providing it goes well, will give me a 3,000 pound bonus for signing up. Something tells me 213 quid of that could be gone instantly if I get the spot. ;) Nice find!
Well good luck if you get the job you can buy me a wheel too lol I will pay shipping
Is this the ghosting thing?


  • PCARS motion blur.png
    PCARS motion blur.png
    48.7 KB · Views: 22
WOW! Didn't realise it was that bad. 👎
If there isn't a day one patch to fix this, I will be sending it back.
Cancel the preorder then. I can tell you it won't be in day 1 patch. That patch has been already approved and done a few days ago. If it's a simple fix and they look into it my best bet is at least 2-3 weeks before you will see it on your console (cause Sony has to test and approve it). That is if it's a simple fix. Obviously it can take longer.

If it's such a big deal and you can't wait, better cancel it.
Cancel the preorder then. I can tell you it won't be in day 1 patch. That patch has been already approved and done a few days ago. If it's a simple fix and they look into it my best bet is at least 2-3 weeks before you will see it on your console (cause Sony has to test and approve it). That is if it's a simple fix. Obviously it can take longer.

If it's such a big deal and you can't wait, better cancel it.

Sounds like the same old story we get from EA/Ubisoft. Funny how these things are starting to come out the woodwork.
Sounds like the same old story we get from EA/Ubisoft. Funny how these things are starting to come out the woodwork.
I'm not sure what can be done differently. Obviously people want this to be improved so devs are looking into it. Things take time, it's not magic. I'm not sure what should have been done differently here. I guess another approach is fire and forget and don't release any patches. Anyway, I did give you a warning as you said "I'll be sending it back". This way I'll save you some postage money, unless of course the place offers free returns :)
I'm not sure what can be done differently. Obviously people want this to be improved so devs are looking into it. Things take time, it's not magic. I'm not sure what should have been done differently here. I guess another approach is fire and forget and don't release any patches. Anyway, I did give you a warning as you said "I'll be sending it back". This way I'll save you some postage money, unless of course the place offers free returns :)

Or another approach is test the game properly before release dates are announced.

*Forget about it. I can't be bothered to get into a discussion about it*
Or another approach is test the game properly before release dates are announced.
They did and I think this particular issue wasn't caught or they didn't think much of it. Anyway, there are still plenty of other bugs and improvements to be made to the game. Even with testing, to release a perfect game is impossible. You can see how much the game has been delayed and it still has bugs.

I'm not giving them excuses or free pass just cause they have a small budget. I'm pretty vocal about all the bugs that I hate and would like to get rid of. But it is what it is, sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day for them to cover everything.
In F1 it's quite difficult to follow the car in front due to air disturbance.
You have less grip and your tyres wear out faster.
Will we see this in Formula A?
It should be fixed easily I would think. Looking at the gif is giving me headache. It is like 3D affect :crazy:

What makes you think that it is an easy fix? It is an AA method that causes this perceived ghosting that apparently several games on PS4 are using and it is the first time that I m seeing such a fuzz being made about it. If it really was that bad, Sony wouldnt have certificated it, but oh well.
Lol so many people complaining about the graphics. Once you start playing the game you wont notice it. Concidering gt6 compared to project cars on ps4 that is a massive gap graphic wise. I really to be honest dont care about graphics thats why I dont own a pc with high enough tech for project cars. Im happy to play on my ps4.
Not to start a console war but in my experience a lot of games run smoother on the much maligned xbone/360 in comparison to the PS4/3, I have all these consoles and have had the same games on both, xbox usually looks smoother and ps always seems to have that slight ghost/blur.

I'm going up town later, hopefully Game will have PCars running for me to check it out.
I wonder how good the online racing will be on the console side? probably 60 percent of the drivers will be on a controller. Not everyone went out and got a new wheel I will just see if they will give Logitech support then buy. But andy did say on sim pit that they gave support to the newer wheels first we will see. one week left

I'm fairly sure the whole Logitech support thing is between Sony and Logitech. Nothing to do with SMS.
there will be qualifying in karts? i was looking to career footage on youtube and all the kart seasons started with a sprint race from the bottom of the pack
Dammit. I didn't really take any notice of this ghosting before it was brought up here. Although when racing in car it doesn't look too bad, still hasn't dampened my enthusiasm though.
If it really was that bad, Sony wouldnt have certificated it, but oh well.

Why wouldn't Sony certify it? The have certified unplayable brokenness a lot worse than this. Look at Driveclub for instance. And the "oh well" part is typical of WMD members. it seems as if it's OK to say anything about Project CARS as long as it isn't critical.

I understood that SMS paid QA testers to make sure Project CARS is working on console, either they didn't pay them enough or there weren't enough or they were all blind.
Why wouldn't Sony certify it? The have certified unplayable brokenness a lot worse than this. Look at Driveclub for instance. And the "oh well" part is typical of WMD members. it seems as if it's OK to say anything about Project CARS as long as it isn't critical.

I understood that SMS paid QA testers to make sure Project CARS is working on console, either they didn't pay them enough or there weren't enough or they were all blind.

Or maybe it's because it's nowhere near as bad as people are making out.
I never noticed the ghosting from all the ps4 videos I have watched until it was brought up on here by people who it seems like to take videos and pause them frame by frame and pick every little thing up that's wrong with It.

Just look at the bloody grass thread with someone moaning about non moving grass! I mean jeez come on its a racing game not a bloody agricultural sim!

I still re watch all ps4 footage on YouTube and unless you are actively looking for it it's not noticeable.

I've been to my local game shop and when RACING (heaven for bid that's what this game is for) and not purposely going into turn 1 at xxxmph nit picking on things it isn't noticeable at all.

I really feel sorry for developers these days (other than some who deserve major ass whooping for what they send out) as everything gets nit picked to the finest detail.

Games are harder than ever to develop with everything that people want with advances pphysics/lighting etc and nothing in this world is ever going to be 100% at release if ever. Iphones are the worst for it with endless bugs and major firmware release floors and they are a multi billion pounds company!!!
I understood that SMS paid QA testers to make sure Project CARS is working on console, either they didn't pay them enough or there weren't enough or they were all blind.
Honestly, if I were among the QA team, I probably wouldn't have picked up either unless I played the PS4 and XBOX version side by side.
Iphones are the worst for it with endless bugs and major firmware release floors and they are a multi billion pounds company!!!

That's because stupid people will queue up for days to get their hands on anything with an apple logo on it. They are letting apple get away with releasing inferiour products.

And I apologise to the balanced, less outspoken members of WMD that I may have offended. My comment was not aimed at yous.