Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Lol so many people complaining about the graphics. Once you start playing the game you wont notice it. Concidering gt6 compared to project cars on ps4 that is a massive gap graphic wise. I really to be honest dont care about graphics thats why I dont own a pc with high enough tech for project cars. Im happy to play on my ps4.

I think you have misunderstood, no one is complaining about the gfx. We are experiencing a bug in the game and are raising this (escalating) this as an issue, which is the correct procedure.

While the bug in question may not affect you, it does affect others. I played PCars and on PS4 after a few laps it's making me feel nauseous. Like motion sickness, it's a similar issue to how oculus needed to fix certain bugs as users were feeling ill.

This isn't so much a gfx issue, but more of a physical one (for me and some others) it's fantastic that you are not effected by this particular issue, but you should also support the community when they find a bug in the game and follow the correct procedure in trying to resolve it.

No one is banging a drum here, we can confirm that the PS4 version is a smear fest, it's causing issues with people feeling sick, it's also raising issue regarding the collision detection, performance and yes, to a degree its looks.

There is no denying that the Xbox version, running on a much weaker console, actually looks better than the ps4 version in terms of "clarity" as this smearing, ghosting, frame interpolation is NOT apparent on the dx11 version of the game.

This effect is almost exactly the same as enabling "frame interpolation" on your TV (the soap opera affect) it has that same strange look/feel to it and looks awful in motion.

You may not notice it right away (like some don't notice frame interpolation is enabled on their TV), but some will, and after doing a few laps with the screen just turning to mush does affect you after a while.

It's a disorientating feeling, sickening almost drunk like... and you have no way to be precise (as seen by the images) the discussion is good and valid and you should support it, if not, how many users will back SMS again!

They don't need another shift on their cv, they don't want to become ubi and be hated by the community by denying issues. The more bugs we report, they more they can fix, the more we trust and invest in them. It's not a bad thing, it's just a shame the ps4 version is going to be bugged at launch. The ps4 is more powerful, more capable, has a better set of Api to work with, but unfortunately the testers all missed a glaringly obvious bug. Perhaps this is the reason why Ian bell said he preferred the Xbox version but was unable to say why. He may not have noticed the bug, but it could easily have made him "feel" uncomfortable.

We are all having a good, in depth discussion and performing more tests over at NG you really should support it, instead of bashing the people who are trying to help ;)
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Or maybe it's because it's nowhere near as bad as people are making out.
I never noticed the ghosting from all the ps4 videos I have watched until it was brought up on here by people who it seems like to take videos and pause them frame by frame and pick every little thing up that's wrong with It.

Just look at the bloody grass thread with someone moaning about non moving grass! I mean jeez come on its a racing game not a bloody agricultural sim!

I still re watch all ps4 footage on YouTube and unless you are actively looking for it it's not noticeable.

I've been to my local game shop and when RACING (heaven for bid that's what this game is for) and not purposely going into turn 1 at xxxmph nit picking on things it isn't noticeable at all.

I really feel sorry for developers these days (other than some who deserve major ass whooping for what they send out) as everything gets nit picked to the finest detail.

Games are harder than ever to develop with everything that people want with advances pphysics/lighting etc and nothing in this world is ever going to be 100% at release if ever. Iphones are the worst for it with endless bugs and major firmware release floors and they are a multi billion pounds company!!!
whilst that's all completely true, i noticed the strange vertical object ghosting thing before it was brought up on here, just from watching the VVV footage, no pausing. it didnt bother me much, just thought it was a combination of motion blur and youtube capture, then a lot of other people saw it too. i'll reserve judgment because compressed youtube videos are never great, it can't even handle track texture detail and looks a mess. the final product will be excellent, i have no doubts.

also i was entirely pleased with the inRage Twitch stream i watched last night. although not the highest quality (and in German lol), it looked great.

and it's out in less than a week! my wife has been warned that she may not see me for some time.
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Honestly, if I were among the QA team, I probably wouldn't have picked up either unless I played the PS4 and XBOX version side by side.
That's interesting as when i played it on PS4 it was certainly apparent from the moment i picked the pad up and i have not played the Xbone version, However itst not as bad as i thought it looks in vids.
Ok just back from town and they had it on in Game, I had 3 races and yes there is blur there, you don't notice it as much when you are racing so it's not a game breaker. When I was spectating though it was very noticeable on slow corners, especially the cones and the boards around the edge of the tracks which were quite blurred, as I say it isn't a game breaker for me and I'm still really excited about getting it.

As for the PS 4 version it feels really good although not being a fan of the ds4 that will take some getting used to, I was racing in GT3's with the Ai on 50%, I struggled in the first race on Spa so switched to Donington and won easily so it does look like the Ai is better on some tracks than others but also me getting used to the handling/pad might have had something to do with it.

Really excited to get my teeth into this game now, roll on Friday!
That's interesting as when i played it on PS4 it was certainly apparent from the moment i picked the pad up and i have not played the Xbone version, However itst not as bad as i thought it looks in vids.

Because you went there thinking "I've seen so much blur/ghosting, I hope it looks better than in the videos". Of course that is the first thing you did notice. TBH, after deleting my profile for the last time last week, I forgot to turn Motion Blur off (which makes it even look "worse" as in the PS4-Youtube videos and I didn't notice until I read the discussion here about it. If you read about how bad it looks like, your mind will be focused on this issue. If there wouldn't have been this discussion, 90% of the people compaining before ever playing it about what they saw in videos wouldn't even notice this as an issue. The same effect is on the PS4 version of GTA5 and Last of Us as well and yet I never heard someone complaining about it.
Because you went there thinking "I've seen so much blur/ghosting, I hope it looks better than in the videos". Of course that is the first thing you did notice. TBH, after deleting my profile for the last time last week, I forgot to turn Motion Blur off (which makes it even look "worse" as in the PS4-Youtube videos and I didn't notice until I read the discussion here about it. If you read about how bad it looks like, your mind will be focused on this issue. If there wouldn't have been this discussion, 90% of the people compaining before ever playing it about what they saw in videos wouldn't even notice this as an issue. The same effect is on the PS4 version of GTA5 and Last of Us as well and yet I never heard someone complaining about it.

Its funny you should mention GTA5. I played it last night and for the first time i noticed the motion blur. I have this game since release on PS4 only noticed it yesterday after reading so much about blur here and on the other site.
And I apologise to the balanced, less outspoken members of WMD that I may have offended. My comment was not aimed at yous.

Not offended at all. Being at WMD has convinced most of us that it is more rewarding to actually work and analyze a problem if there happens to be one. Thats why many WMD members are irritated when faced with epic whining and crying without any effort to get to the root of an observation.

The neogaf thread were the SMS Render Guru participated is a good example of how this can also go down. If there is a problem, SMS will do something about it, just like they did with the other 100k bugs that have been reported and analyzed before, over at WMD.
Not offended at all. Being at WMD has convinced most of us that it is more rewarding to actually work and analyze a problem if there happens to be one. Thats why many WMD members are irritated when faced with epic whining and crying without any effort to get to the root of an observation.

The neogaf thread were the SMS Render Guru participated is a good example of how this can also go down. If there is a problem, SMS will do something about it, just like they did with the other 100k bugs that have been reported and analyzed before, over at WMD.

Thanks for proving my point at least. :lol:
Because you went there thinking "I've seen so much blur/ghosting, I hope it looks better than in the videos". Of course that is the first thing you did notice. TBH, after deleting my profile for the last time last week, I forgot to turn Motion Blur off (which makes it even look "worse" as in the PS4-Youtube videos and I didn't notice until I read the discussion here about it. If you read about how bad it looks like, your mind will be focused on this issue. If there wouldn't have been this discussion, 90% of the people compaining before ever playing it about what they saw in videos wouldn't even notice this as an issue. The same effect is on the PS4 version of GTA5 and Last of Us as well and yet I never heard someone complaining about it.
Even if we did not know about the blurriness on PS4 as soon as the game starts in person you notice it straight away it's impossible to miss.

Not offended at all. Being at WMD has convinced most of us that it is more rewarding to actually work and analyze a problem if there happens to be one. Thats why many WMD members are irritated when faced with epic whining and crying without any effort to get to the root of an observation.

The neogaf thread were the SMS Render Guru participated is a good example of how this can also go down. If there is a problem, SMS will do something about it, just like they did with the other 100k bugs that have been reported and analyzed before, over at WMD.

Yeah after reading the SMSteam guys replies am certain this will be fixed pretty dam soon! :cheers:
That's interesting as when i played it on PS4 it was certainly apparent from the moment i picked the pad up and i have not played the Xbone version, However itst not as bad as i thought it looks in vids.
I mean, the blur is noticeable but would't have raised it as a genuine issue. It wasn't until DF brought the flaw to my attention that it became obvious. I really hope though that SMS will patch in an option to turn it off. It won't detract from my experience with the PS4 version, but there's no denying that I do prefer the XB1 version's cleaner look.
Thanks for proving my point at least. :lol:

I haven't proven anything and i've never seen the PS4 version in person, on my TV. And yes, i would have favored to be able to disable motion blur completely, but sometimes things are more complicated than any of us can imagine.
Ok just back from town and they had it on in Game, I had 3 races and yes there is blur there, you don't notice it as much when you are racing so it's not a game breaker. When I was spectating though it was very noticeable on slow corners, especially the cones and the boards around the edge of the tracks which were quite blurred, as I say it isn't a game breaker for me and I'm still really excited about getting it.

As for the PS 4 version it feels really good although not being a fan of the ds4 that will take some getting used to, I was racing in GT3's with the Ai on 50%, I struggled in the first race on Spa so switched to Donington and won easily so it does look like the Ai is better on some tracks than others but also me getting used to the handling/pad might have had something to do with it.

Really excited to get my teeth into this game now, roll on Friday!
thanks for the feedback. i also agree that the DS4 stick is bad, i bought some lovely nipple covers and put them on (and on the pad lol) to give better grip. thankfully i'll be playing with a wheel though. i'm in town tomorrow, i'll send the family somewhere boring and slip into Game and hope they have it
Because you went there thinking "I've seen so much blur/ghosting, I hope it looks better than in the videos". Of course that is the first thing you did notice. TBH, after deleting my profile for the last time last week, I forgot to turn Motion Blur off (which makes it even look "worse" as in the PS4-Youtube videos and I didn't notice until I read the discussion here about it. If you read about how bad it looks like, your mind will be focused on this issue. If there wouldn't have been this discussion, 90% of the people compaining before ever playing it about what they saw in videos wouldn't even notice this as an issue. The same effect is on the PS4 version of GTA5 and Last of Us as well and yet I never heard someone complaining about it.
haven't noticed any blur whatsoever in TLoU. you sure it's there? must. go. play. must. scrutinise!
thanks for the feedback. i also agree that the DS4 stick is bad, i bought some lovely nipple covers and put them on (and on the pad lol) to give better grip. thankfully i'll be playing with a wheel though. i'm in town tomorrow, i'll send the family somewhere boring and slip into Game and hope they have it

Get some of these also


Game sell them for £9.99

edit: Just seen you have a wheel, For those without a wheel these are a must for PCars due to the DS4 triggers.
Get some of these also


Game sell them for 9.99 and will help immensely for those sticking with the Dual Shock
is that for people with huge sausage fingers? or people who like to use 2 fingers (oo-er) for their triggers? looks really odd. i don't have a problem with the triggers, at least they curve the right way like the xbox pads.
is that for people with huge sausage fingers? or people who like to use 2 fingers (oo-er) for their triggers? looks really odd. i don't have a problem with the triggers, at least they curve the right way like the xbox pads.
It's just they have no where near the travel as the Xbox pads, These give you so much more precision.
I am Setting up an release party with some friends and wonder if we are able to do free racedays online. So basically practice with any cars on a track with unlimited laps?
i just figured something out. we're on Build 998 now? SMS must have deliberately put this ghosting blur effect bug in so they'd have an excuse to do 2 more builds to fix it so they'd get to the big 1000 and we'd all be super happy! :lol:
We all love a conspiracy theory:sly:
Quick questions for anyone who knows about console versions: (1) Can rules be turned off or modified? (2) Can the rain intensity be adjusted (Codemasters has light and heavy rain in the F1 games). Thanks!
It is an AA method that causes this perceived ghosting that apparently several games on PS4 are using and it is the first time that I m seeing such a fuzz being made about it.
Any example?

Halo (360) used something like this but it's not common because:
Bungie's solution with Reach is to blend elements from the previous frame into the present one with a slight off-set, producing a very smooth look.

The disadvantage with this technique is that in fast motion, ghosting is a serious issue, resulting in a look rather akin to what we saw on very early, latency-heavy LCD displays. In the beta there were two big problem areas - first of all, the ever-present view weapon would ghost badly, even when you're just walking about. Over and above that, fast, dramatic motions such as swinging the gravity hammer or reloading would result in a hugely obvious ghosting in the player's direct field of view.
Quick questions for anyone who knows about console versions: (1) Can rules be turned off or modified? (2) Can the rain intensity be adjusted (Codemasters has light and heavy rain in the F1 games). Thanks!

I think certain rules can be adjusted. Usual flags settings and such. Rain wise, yes, last time I played it there was light rain, heavy rain, storm, thunderstorm. But the rain still builds within that so light rain doesn't just happen, you get cloud cover come in and the rain starts very lightly before increasing intensity.