Should PD have let the modding slide? ... OP Updated.

Should PD allow this activity in GT5?

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I blame PD because 99% of modded car problems aren't modded car problems, they are lobby control problems. PD has only ever given the host barely enough control to actually run a room even after years of begging for something better.

If we had a thorough lobby control system, mod cars wouldn't be a problem. If we could at least set PP and HP and weight at once, as common sense would dictate, they would be a much smaller problem.

The excuse is saying that mods = bad always and only.

I was talking more about people saying it's pd fault because they didn't put engine swapping in first place or stuff like that, you're right about the lack of lobby option.

I don't think they are only bad, looking around in threads when i see a black f10 or engine swaps/stuff like that done right it's great, but from my experience online this hybrid thing created more cons than pros. With more filters would be probably different indeed.
I don't think they are only bad, looking around in threads when i see a black f10 or engine swaps/stuff like that done right it's great, but from my experience online this hybrid thing created exposed more cons than pros. With more filters would be probably different indeed.

Should PD/Sony let the Hybriding/modding slide?

yes and no , it kinda depends doesn't it ...

If you are looking towards some cars like for example the -1000pp X1 , 80k hp Veyron or a 30k hp civic then i would say no , seeing these cars are just plain stupid ... if you keep them offline i really couldn't care but coming into a 500pp lobby with a 800bhp / 800kg car ( don't know if this is possible but it is an example ) then you can ban them as far as i care ...

If you are looking towards the realistic hybrids out there , then i would say PD should actually support it ... why you might ask , well it is easy because what is happening out there is so damn commen in the real world they should have implemented it in the " real driving simulator " ...

Something that is happening a lot apperantly is using chasis swappes , the reason behind this is that the wheels fit the body better ( it might improve the handling but seeing i have no hybrids i cannot discus that point ) but as far as the better fitting goes i have seen some screenshots of absolutely superb looking cars ... If PD only had implemented spacers to the tuning parst this would have been solved .

Engine swappes , this is so commen in the world ( or at least in my wolrd :P ) that this should have ben a basic feature in the game ...

So far i have only seen a few people who try to abuse the hybridding feature , as for the mayority ( that spelled correctly ? ) they try to add a new dimension to the game and personally i can only support this ...

Some people out here and i won't mention names have posted screens of there creations that almost made me drool .... so keep it up 👍
What i've read over the past 2 pages is, to say the least, alarming.

1/ Cars can be hacked in such a way that provides the user with an unfair advantage in terms of handling and grip levels.

2/ When hacked cleverly, they can still fit within any limitaltions set by a lobby host despite attempting to use these limits to keep the hacked cars out.

3/ Such clever hacks have become impossible to detect.

The conclusion is that, essentially, this is cheating. If this is not cheating i don't know what is!?

Furthermore, this is what causes me and should cause Sony and PD the gravest of concerns. What this means is that i could be racing against illegal hacked cars without even suspecting it.

Worse still, it could mean that a legitimate car that's been tuned very well and is being driven very well could be wrongly assumed to be hacked by someone who is less knowledgable in tuning and/or not as good a driver.

Consequently, they are ruining the game, if they haven't already ruined it. It's bringing the game into disrepute. So much so that i'm questioning whether or not i should continue hosting open lobbies, or even race against anyone anymore. Surely, Sony/PD cannot let this slide!
Not all hybrid/hacked cars are cheats. I thought we already went over what cheating was.

Plus, I think you try out the honor system. 👍
Not all hybrid/hacked cars are cheats. I thought we already went over what cheating was.

Plus, I think you try out the honor system. 👍

I fail to understand your last statement. 👎

Back on topic:
Well how about i phone Sony directly and present them with my argument and we'll see what they have to say on the matter. That way, it won't be hearsay or rumours. It will be their standpoint and it will be indesputable as it will have come straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I'll get back to you.
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What i've read over the past 2 pages is, to say the least, alarming.

1/ Cars can be hacked in such a way that provides the user with an unfair advantage in terms of handling and grip levels.

2/ When hacked cleverly, they can still fit within any limitaltions set by a lobby host despite attempting to use these limits to keep the hacked cars out.

3/ Such clever hacks have become impossible to detect.

The conclusion is that, essentially, this is cheating. If this is not cheating i don't know what is!?

Furthermore, this is what causes me and should cause Sony and PD the gravest of concerns. What this means is that i could be racing against illegal hacked cars without even suspecting it.

Worse still, it could mean that a legitimate car that's been tuned very well and is being driven very well could be wrongly assumed to be hacked by someone who is less knowledgable in tuning and/or not as good a driver.

Consequently, they are ruining the game, if they haven't already ruined it. It's bringing the game into disrepute. So much so that i'm questioning whether or not i should continue hosting open lobbies, or even race against anyone anymore. Surely, Sony/PD cannot let this slide!

Easiest solution to your problem: Tuning prohibited.
Easiest solution to your problem: Tuning prohibited.

wrong again, i can put an untuned 800HP motor in the car, add untuned X2010 suspension, add untuned chassis with stock downforce, etc, etc...and the game is still reading it as a stock Subaru BRZ for example, or whatever the car may be.
Well how about i phone Sony directly and present them with my argument and we'll see what they have to say on the say on the matter. That way, it won't be hearsay or rumours. It will be their standpoint and it will be indesputable as it will have come straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I'll get back to you.

Please do, and also keep us informed of how it goes 👍
I fail to understand your last statement. 👎

Hmmm, I missed a word. Let's go from this:
Plus, I think you try out the honor system. 👍
To this:
Plus, I think you should try out the honor system. 👍

Is that more comprehensible to you?

Back on topic:
Well how about i phone Sony directly and present them with my argument and we'll see what they have to say on the say on the matter. That way, it won't be hearsay or rumours. It will be their standpoint and it will be indesputable as it will have come straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I'll get back to you.

Please do come back with information, don't be sad if you end up empty-handed though.
wrong again, i can put an untuned 800HP motor in the car, add untuned X2010 suspension, add untuned chassis with stock downforce, etc, etc...and the game is still reading it as a stock Subaru BRZ for example, or whatever the car may be.

So why cant I get my cars in then with just a swapped chassis or just a swapped engine, all untouched?
Hmmm, I missed a word. Let's go from this:
Plus, I think you try out the honor system. 👍
To this:
Plus, I think you should try out the honor system. 👍

Is that more comprehensible to you?

Please do come back with information, don't be sad if you end up empty-handed though.

Has nothing to do with comprehension and everything to do it not being a complete sentence to begin with. Full sentences are much easier to understand you see.

I fail to understand your last statement. 👎

Back on topic:
Well how about i phone Sony directly and present them with my argument and we'll see what they have to say on the say on the matter. That way, it won't be hearsay or rumours. It will be their standpoint and it will be indesputable as it will have come straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I'll get back to you.

I'm curious to see what happens with this phone call. You can PM me with the outcome if you don't want to post it on here for obvious reasons.
Was sure it was a complete sentence. Thought the one missing word threw him off. I don't know sentence structure that well, I try my best.
I think they care but I also think they carefully measure their actions. It's a business as much as some hate to admit it, and their business is theirs alone.
Has nothing to do with comprehension and everything to do it not being a complete sentence to begin with. Full sentences are much easier to understand you see.

I'm curious to see what happens with this phone call. You can PM me with the outcome if you don't want to post it on here for obvious reasons.

Thanks. I'll make the call on monday. Anyone with correct language skills can do this, so it surprises me that others have not volunteered their services. You don't have to be some big-shot lawyer nor lie about being only need make yourself sound like one.

Was sure it was a complete sentence. Thought the one missing word threw him off. I don't know sentence structure that well, I try my best.

Yes, it makes much more sense now. This is why God invented proofreading!? ;)
TBH the game was boring before the civic came out, now its becoming exciting again looking for new hacked cars to collect.
Yes, it makes much more sense now. This is why God invented proofreading!? ;)

Sorry for being in a rush. :rolleyes: Besides, it's not that I don't proof-read. You'll find that a lot of posts may alter by a word here and there every once in awhile because even after posting there was a mistake, or I was not fond of the structure.
whenever your point is not liked by others they will always resort to some other means of which to attack.

I imagine no one has bothered calling Sony on the phone because the anonymous cubicle worker working out of the outsourced call center that you'll get transferred to when you actually get off of hold would probably know less about the hybrids then the people on this forum do.
I imagine no one has bothered calling Sony on the phone because the anonymous cubicle worker working out of the outsourced call center that you'll get transferred to when you actually get off of hold would probably know less about the hybrids then the people on this forum do.
This, Take notes.

Dear sailor.

In order for you to be successful on you're contacting with the Sony major big wigs:

You will have to travel, to the main corporate center, Might want to book lodging and accommodations, You will need it.

Protest that GT5 has been ruined by the "plague" of hybrids, While avoiding being arrested or escorted off the property,also, you will definitely need to purchase a mega phone sunset, if you really truly want to get your point across.

But it's just advice.

But honestly though, i could never be happier with "hybrids" I am in love with my realistic creations.
Can't go wrong with a RB26 Sil80 with a good stance and proper sound and yea i don't always want to race in public lobbies but when i do, i use my regular cars.
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I imagine no one has bothered calling Sony on the phone because the anonymous cubicle worker working out of the outsourced call center that you'll get transferred to when you actually get off of hold would probably know less about the hybrids then the people on this forum do.

Or just let it go because PD doubtlessly already know about it =/

Private lounges are your friend.
i'd be willing to bet PD knows and realizes they can't do anything about it without reworking the way the entire game handles car and save data, and because they've been focused on GT6 and not GT5 for a long time they'll just let it go, GT5 had a good run i'd say, now the users are simply making it what it should have been from the start from a customization standpoint.
now the users are simply making it what it should have been from the start from a customization standpoint.

In real life, less than 0.5% of cars would ever have any sort of modification or customization. Why should a driving simulator be any different?
In real life, less than 0.5% of cars would ever have any sort of modification or customization. Why should a driving simulator be any different?

So just because most people in real life wouldn't customize and modify their car in real life, we shouldn't be able to in a darn video game? That sounds totally ridiculous.
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