SNAIL Tuner and Team Series IV

  • Thread starter hillracing

What cars to run next season

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  • Poll closed .
Haven't ran any yet wolf, will be on later to practice a bit with the new tune.

I have one question though. While I completely agree with success ballast, love the idea, and how it makes it much more fair during the later races, even at 50kg ballast, obviously someone who ranked in the top 16 in the world is going to be faster than me. I like the challenge and all, and competing with the aliens of this world, but I'm just curious as if there is maybe a better way to do this ballast, that would still remain less time consuming. I guess the idea I have jogging around in my brain would be maybe to add ballast after qualifying. take the lap times into consideration, and at ballast from the very beginning to make for a close race. I know sandbagging could occur in this idea, but it just food for thought.
Just ran a few laps with tire ware set to very fast. 1:57:003 was my best lap at 3 laps in but my tires were about 1/4 worn by then. DC5
There's a very good chance I won't be racing tonight. Sorry dabney and hill, circumstances beyond my control.
Dabneyd and kcheeb, I believe you guys already have the Daytona RC set up along with the changes spooble and I made to 5th and 6th gears?

FYI- I hurt my back today and it's incredibly sore! I tried to get in my race seat earlier and it was very painful. Will try again but it will be a race time decision if I'm in or not.
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Dabneyd and kcheeb, I believe you guys already have the Daytona RC set up along with the changes spooble and I made to 5th and 6th gears?

FYI- I hurt my back today and it's incredibly sore! I tried to get in my race seat earlier and it was very painful. Will try again but it will be a race time decision if I'm in or not.

Confirmed. Take 4 ibuprofen and you'll be good to go.
Just ran a few laps with tire ware set to very fast. 1:57:003 was my best lap at 3 laps in but my tires were about 1/4 worn by then. DC5


Will be fun tonight at least against the Integras!!!!

Bring it on ...

BTW, I'm running solo as my team mate had a trip today!!!

Practice anyone?
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WOW! Some great racing for me last night! Be-random, you had me pooping my pants when you slid out in between me and joe on the last race. Good race gamble, we managed to grab some points, and great team work.
WOW! Some great racing for me last night! Be-random, you had me pooping my pants when you slid out in between me and joe on the last race. Good race gamble, we managed to grab some points, and great team work.

The second race was great, I went last to first. The first and last races I was involved in incidents that dropped me out of the draft. There's not much you can do except hope for another incident. Having a teammate to draft with certainly helps get you run down any solo drivers. Both purple and gold teams ran me down in the last race.

On another note, who created/maintains the spreadsheet? The medal count isn't referenced correctly. I was going to fix it, but I can't edit it.
The second race was great, I went last to first. The first and last races I was involved in incidents that dropped me out of the draft. There's not much you can do except hope for another incident. Having a teammate to draft with certainly helps get you run down any solo drivers. Both purple and gold teams ran me down in the last race.

On another note, who created/maintains the spreadsheet? The medal count isn't referenced correctly. I was going to fix it, but I can't edit it.

Vol created the spreadsheet. I can put you in as an editor if you'd like. I don't know how to fix the medals.

I had some fun races last night also. Great battle in the second race. In the third one had some help from turbo chasing down Veloci.
The second race was great, I went last to first. The first and last races I was involved in incidents that dropped me out of the draft. There's not much you can do except hope for another incident. Having a teammate to draft with certainly helps get you run down any solo drivers. Both purple and gold teams ran me down in the last race.

On another note, who created/maintains the spreadsheet? The medal count isn't referenced correctly. I was going to fix it, but I can't edit it.

I agree.. running solo at least on this track is a little tougher than running in tandem.... but bad driving also helps for my last places! :ouch:

it was still a lot of phun!
WOW! Some great racing for me last night! Be-random, you had me pooping my pants when you slid out in between me and joe on the last race. Good race gamble, we managed to grab some points, and great team work.

Haha, yea... I just barely touched the grass on the outside of the kink which let to me sliding sideways across the infield. I did my best to avoid hitting anyone.
I found myself not only running tandem with Goat, but whoever I ended up behind just trying to push forward rather than passing everyone I drafted.
So with tomorrow night being the last race of this season I'm starting to think about next season. I'm thinking of adding a 4th car to the mix and am open to ideas on which car to add. Also I'm looking for feedback on any tweaks we need to make to the format or to the current cars for next season. I'm thinking we will take a week off from official STATS racing which should give us time to get any tweaks done and fill the grid if any team doesn't do next season. So let me know what you guys think and what you want to do. I'm also thinking of doing something similar to SPEC for a prize structure where the top 4 pick the next seasons tracks. Thoughts?
I think that maybe ballast should carry over into the following week, or something a long those lines should be done to make it more fair for the slower folks in here. I practiced my ass off last week and the leader was still 9-10 seconds ahead of me every race. I love the way this is set up, I really do, but I wish I had more a chance of winning. I did better than normal last week so maybe I just need to step it up to be on par with everyone. Not complaining, just trying to come up with a way to implement some things to make it that much more fair. The tracks idea sounds great, as far as picking cars though, I think that should be left up to you as these cars were pretty damn closely matched this month. I would like to have 2-3 different cars to race next week/following week. Get rid of the ones we have now and try some new ones, maybe some of the impreza tc's mitsubishi tc'. Actually any of the touring cars or dlc would make me happy.
So with tomorrow night being the last race of this season I'm starting to think about next season. I'm thinking of adding a 4th car to the mix and am open to ideas on which car to add. Also I'm looking for feedback on any tweaks we need to make to the format or to the current cars for next season. I'm thinking we will take a week off from official STATS racing which should give us time to get any tweaks done and fill the grid if any team doesn't do next season. So let me know what you guys think and what you want to do. I'm also thinking of doing something similar to SPEC for a prize structure where the top 4 pick the next seasons tracks. Thoughts?

I think that you should be forced to choose a different car for next season.

I think that maybe ballast should carry over into the following week, or something a long those lines should be done to make it more fair for the slower folks in here.

The ballast does carry over, to a point. For the first race, drivers are assigned ballast based on their championship standings. It's the same scale as after the first race.
We should go back to using the same car for all teams and use a pp, weight and power limit. Everything else is possible including full engine limiter.
I'd love all new cars next season. Maybe a little faster? I know it takes a lot of time/work to get them homologated, though.
Thank you for pointing that out Dab. I can honestly say that if we all put our heads together a bit on this, it could easily become more fun that the sunday night races. For whatever reason, having a team mate seems to make the races more fun/less stressful than usual. I love the sunday night races, but I also like the idea of tuning, and trying to get that tiny bit of edge, especially if you are a slower driver than the rest of the pack. Overall though Hill, well done this season đź‘Ť you've made this series something worth racing. When I first started it (before the ballast or anything) I absolutely hated, but now am glad I have returned.
Great racing tonight guys. Was a blast. Sorry for my laggy connection. Congratulations to Veloci_2nr for winning the drivers championship :bowdown:and to myself for the constuctors championship. LOL:lol:

So for next season if you can please vote that would be great so I can start the work of getting the cars equal for next season. Also if you placed in the top 4 from this season you can start thinking of what track you'd like to pick for next season. Once the cars are selected the tracks can bee picked.

One change I'm thinking of doing for next season is to keep the ballast from the last race on for the next race. The other thought I had was to make it so we have an even bigger window to play with on ballast by making each team build 2 cars. One weight reduced and one not. Than way you can even get a lower weight than the starting weight. I don't want to make to many changes because the series concept seems to be working but I thought I'd throw it out there. Anyways keep the ideas coming and lets get on to next season.