So whats your take on the possibility of a livery editor in GT5?

to edit livery or not to!!!

  • yeah I think this will add to the game

    Votes: 353 71.2%
  • I think it's a bad idea / waste of space

    Votes: 32 6.5%
  • I might/might not use it and don't really care

    Votes: 111 22.4%

  • Total voters
I know this image has ben posted to death.. but...



surely this picture ends the topic and it can be concluded/locked.
The picture is from years ago, and represents more of a road-map of plans. Still nothing close to confirmation of the feature. Unless you have faith... I have faith :D
I know this image has been posted to death.. but...



Wow, that is some trippy shopping skills :eek:

I also think is safe to say that 12 of those 19 features have been confirmed. 7(or if we're lucky, 6) more to go:sly:
I know this image has been posted to death.. but...

(a scene from Heaven)


I have some faith. Kazunori-dono wants to include everything he can from real life, and he's aware, I'm sure, of the car art done in Forza and other games, and how it has grown entire communities around it. I don't think it would be that hard to put together something like Forza 1's livery editor with Forza 3's color palette, vinyls, decals and effects. That would be about enough to create almost any race car livery from history or the imagination. Eh... maybe 200 layers...

This is a long weekend for me. I should dig up some of my rides from Forza 2 and snap some pics, so you can see what came from my twisted self. ;)
surely this picture ends the topic and it can be concluded/locked.

This was for GT HD, but it never made it in to that.

And it's not yet been confirmed for GT5 so it's still up in the air.

At least we know they at least considered it.

I have some faith. Kazunori-dono wants to include everything he can from real life, and he's aware, I'm sure, of the car art done in Forza and other games, and how it has grown entire communities around it. I don't think it would be that hard to put together something like Forza 1's livery editor with Forza 3's color palette, vinyls, decals and effects. That would be about enough to create almost any race car livery from history or the imagination. Eh... maybe 200 layers...

This is a long weekend for me. I should dig up some of my rides from Forza 2 and snap some pics, so you can see what came from my twisted self. ;)

:tup:Please do
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Well, I spent way too long on this, but here's a start on my livery gallery, courtesy of Forza Central. Here's my gallery itself, and... let's see if this works... ahh, good. If you go to the gallery, start at the back, since the newer, cooler pics come first.

Anyway, as you can tell, I love that F355 Challenge. And I love that livery editor... when it isn't slipping layers around. And despite this, I want to spend a little more time in it while I wait for Forza 3 to ship.

Hopefully GT5 will let us explore our creative side like this. We don't need a thousand layers a side, just a couple hundred, with a load of good decals. That should be enough to create any race car from history or our imagination.
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Does changing the colour and putting go faster stripes actually improve the performance of the car? :rolleyes:

All I'd like to see included is a customisable number plate on the road cars, and the ability to place a number of my choice on race cars. Simple as that. Doesn't need anything more. Liveries should be as per the real-world counterparts as provided in the game.
"All I'd like to see included is a customisable number plate on the road cars, and the ability to place a number of my choice on race cars. Simple as that. Doesn't need anything more. Liveries should be as per the real-world counterparts as provided in the game."

Well- what if I wanted to start from scratch, like i.e- take a BMW M3 '01, and turn it into the M3 GTR race car? I'm sure the race car will be in there, but if its not, then you can make another car that PD doesn't have, have precise tuning to get the exact handing and power ratio so that others can display it on the forums? From wheels, tires, to tints on the window, to the number of the paint color used on the car. Wouldn't that spice a lot of things up? At least, that's what I plan to use the livery editor for.
"All I'd like to see included is a customisable number plate on the road cars, and the ability to place a number of my choice on race cars. Simple as that. Doesn't need anything more. Liveries should be as per the real-world counterparts as provided in the game."

Well- what if I wanted to start from scratch, like i.e- take a BMW M3 '01, and turn it into the M3 GTR race car? I'm sure the race car will be in there, but if its not, then you can make another car that PD doesn't have, have precise tuning to get the exact handing and power ratio so that others can display it on the forums? From wheels, tires, to tints on the window, to the number of the paint color used on the car. Wouldn't that spice a lot of things up? At least, that's what I plan to use the livery editor for.

Exactly.👍 Here is part of my response from another thread regarding livery editor:
And what happens when your favorite specific model of car is left out? Hit the livery and add the colors/patterns/decals to transform that car into its counterpart.

Example: Maybe the standard '96 vette is in the game but no 'Grand Sport' edition.
Turn this:


Into this:

...tweak the performance and got yourself a whole new model of car that wasn't included before. That could go for any specific car model that wasn't in included in the game. As long as you have the base car model, you can have any special edition/racing version you like. Another example: In Midnight Club LA, it had the 2008 Corvette ZO6. I took it to the editor, slapped on some simple "ZR-1" decals I made, upgraded the performance, and whalla...a ZR1 was born (not 100% accurate but you get the idea). I've seen alot of people doing this because they had the base model but not the upgraded or special edition. Plus alot of special edition models have the same performance as the base model, just added decals/stripes/numbers. A livery doesn't always have to mean neon green cars with pink teletubbies on the side.
Honestly, there's no reason not to have both. Its almost year 2010, neither one is a stretch to have, and both would be a huge addition to the GT series.
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Its a racing game, i want to be able to make my cars look like racing cars. :) Sure, there will be some people who tart up their cars but that doesnt mean its not realistic! people can do whatever they want to their cars.. A livery editer would just make it a bit more fun and personal.
Does changing the colour and putting go faster stripes actually improve the performance of the car? :rolleyes:

All I'd like to see included is a customisable number plate on the road cars, and the ability to place a number of my choice on race cars.

And we all know that personalised number plates improve the performance. :rolleyes:
I thought I'd share some of my own livery work with the class again, done in Forza 2 and 3, to show you why it's cool to be able to do your own race cars, rather than wait for DLC. Which you might have to buy with real money.







In reality i just want the option to be able to change the color of my car after i buy it. Even if only to another stock color would be fine, but at least give me the option.
Even if they added livery editor, I'll probably wouldn't user it a lot. Maybe stripes here and there, just simple colors to make it nice.
Exactly.👍 Here is part of my response from another thread regarding livery editor:

I did that exact same thing (turning the Z06 into a ZR1). I can post pics of some recreations I did in Midnight Club Los Angeles, because this is the exact type of thing I'd be doing in GT5 if it had the same type of thing. I don't need any race decals...
Z06 into ZR1 (the window in the hood has a little more detail than what appears)
Saleen S7 into S7-R
2006 Dodge Charger SRT-8 into Charger Daytona Edition (this one I'm currently working on to make a newer version that will look awesome, I'm sure)

As you can tell, I do a lot of recreations into different versions of certain cars, tuned versions, etc. I like stock-looking cars.
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If we get one, I will be creating Flyin' Miata windshield banners and stickers for all Miata owners. (since I work there) :)
Depends on how it's set up. Entirely.

I customized the hell out of cars in NFS: Underground, UG2, and Carbon, but pro street only on occasion, and now in SHIFT NEVER.
Because they made it a massive pain in the ass.
Somebody needs to head over to my storefront for some more realistic CF.

End of shameless plug...

You do have some nice looking carbon, but I like my variations. ;)

And thanks, micdog. I'm not exactly a master at using the livery editor in Forza, but I can still recreate just about any car from racing history without having to worry about DLC. And as you guys can see, with a little imagination, I can make up a scheme that looks like it belongs on the track. I can't remember where the HPI/Friends Reunited Lexus came from, but if you come across some images from any race car, either you or a friend can redo it in Forza, or trick it up to make your own variation. I'm hoping this capability is in GT5, because it is a big part in making online teams and leagues in other games, especially PC games which support more than 8 cars.
As long as I can take the piss by making this...

...I'm gonna love the livery editor.
i definately think this can only add to the overall game.
Just think about it some teams/cars are not going to be included in the game but with a livery editor u could potentially recreate various vehicles from different respects of the racing world. this in addition to a huge nultiplayer online mode could recreate a full grid of race cars from throughout history eg group a racing, lombard rac ,wrc and the list goes on 👍
Being able to recreate any race car from history is certainly half the story. There are four or five SuperGT Supras in GT4, but as I recall, there's only one Mercedes Benz E190. While it's probably the coolest livery, suppose you want a scheme for another car, or just want some variety? You can either...
  • Wait for DLC, and hope that Polyphony makes another E190 racecar or two... whenever they get around to producing downloadable cars, which you might have to buy with real money.
  • Or, with a livery editor, make your own, or pay someone with game credits to make one for you if you don't feel up to it.
I've always wanted to make my own livery scheme in these games, which is what every race driver or team does. When I figured out Forza's livery editor, I went on a tear, and have created dozens of liveries. Even made up a few virtual identities for these guys, and race cars with livery schemes for each.

So, when GT5 comes around, and assuming there's a livery editor, I'm set with dozens of liveries I can recreate for my online racing.

Another thing, just think of the club and team aspects online. Here at GT Planet in the Forza section, alba had the bright idea to make a GT Planet livery we could all share, and invited those of us with Forza 3 to participate. More than a dozen liveries came of it as we joined in, and they were all very nice, ranging from simple tuner style embellishments to full blown race car schemes from a few of us. We shared liveries and decals freely, and it was a blast to see everyone's work. Imagine if everyone had a GT Planet-style livery to participate in online races and competitions here, even if it's just the GT Planet logo.

Think of racing teams and clubs, who want an online identity. They could invite some of us here at GT Planet to design a scheme, with variations for those who want them, paid for with game credits. Or they could design it themselves. Who can beat the bragging rights of having a custom designed racing scheme for their car, or team, just like a real driver?

This is the one thing that has me wanting to fire up Forza again. The racing is okay, but it's the ability to make as many race cars as I can conceive that truly makes it cool. There are two things which would take Gran Turismo to a plateau no other game has reached yet, and that's having Race Mod return with a good livery painter, and a Career Mode which follows the progression of real world motorsports. Put this together with a huge list of cars and tracks, and the physics of the Time Trial demo tweaked to perfection, and you'd have the greatest racing game of all time.