He misspoke. Just like when Biden said 200 million Americans had died of covid. I am sure what he means is that 85% of covid positive people wore masks.
Which I would be inclined believe if it wasn't for the fact that
Trump has apparently said this before, and also is using the findings of an independent study (that he has very clearly misinterpreted) to say that 85% of American who have a mask have gotten COVID. If he admitted that he screwed that up, I would be less gung-ho on that specific faux-pas.
And yes, I do think Biden's claim, screw-up or not, was hilariously stupid, and that he also needs to admit that he messed that up as well. That doesn't give Trump a free pass, though.
Now, it'd be great if you answered my, Famine's and Eunos_Cosmo's other questions, particuarly
are you OK with Trump denying an American Citizen their 5th Amendment rights, and why do you defend this man constantly? A man who has demonestrated to not care about your, my, or anybody elses Constitutional rights?
Edit: Also, the fact that he's still making his 85% claim is still, at minimum, him spreading misinformation that could potentially get people killed.