(lower setting = quicker to compress)
Well, the problem is not that. I know that. the problem is ppl having compression < extention tunes everywhere in this forum because the game says it's good.
I say it's a typo, the thruth is extension < or = to compression.
I'm the only one here to tune that way, like 99.9999% of oldschool tuners for GT4 in GTVault and all my previous tunes for all GT games. I've still got my PSX, my PS2 and checked.
My tuning theory agrees with the official GT4 guide aswell, and results I have in GT5 are (very) satisfying, I just don't understand why you guys never tried the opposite.
Try to spot differences between 7-7/3-3 cars and 3-3/7-7 cars on 20 lap on various tracks (which I did because I didn't understood this problem with your setups.).
You'll see almost no difference because you still have the same comp-ext differences but an infinite dive/push phenomenon at ends of braking/curving/accelerating phases with the wrong setup.
Guess which one is it and guess on which half-rushed/unfinished/to be patched game there is a "small" typo.
Everyone here have setups that have low compression vs high extention.
Mine don't, as everyone has done since 15 years, and I have never saw that problem on any of my cars. I didn't verified what Scaff says.
Now if you likes car setups that goes boing-boing everywhere that's your problems guys, I'm just eager to start tuning comp
Just willed to help but if you want me to win easily a tuning comp by a few seconds before you understand, it's just not fair but I'm really ok.
As for now, I could win 10 times in a row if I wanted.
(+ppl uses toe to compensate this loss of handling, it'll be so easy)
Funky all those 8-6 / 8-6 setups or "same-same" comp/ext setups of all single major garage, don't you think ?
Because you all try sheeply 8-6 / 6-4 "because the game says" and it just don't work so you go to 8-6 / 7-5 and it still don't work so you go to 8-6 / 8-6. Of course it don't work this way, I keep telling everywhere ! The good things starts with the other way @ 7-5 / 8 -6 !!!
Now beleive me or not, but if not and I win vs 2-3 men garage a few times in a row, it'll be shame on you guys.