Update 1.07 now up

  • Thread starter Keshian
Of course the post got nuked, because your mad bro, and your a moderator, moderators always abuse their power on forums when they get mad. No problem, you will nuke this post too, just like you will nuke anything else you don't agree with. Have at it moderator.

It's not getting nuked because I didn't ask you to stop discussing moderator action in this thread.

If you would like to take a look at a little thing called the AUP at the bottom of the page:

Acceptable User Policy

You will note that you are asked to stop posting any content that a moderator asks you to stop posting. I asked you. You will stop. I hope that is clear.

As Toronado says, there is a place where you CAN discuss moderator actions.

As I have said, there is a place where you can discuss duping. Though I have been accused frequently of squelching free speech, I do not. I merely make sure that said free speech is in the right part of the forums.

Now let us officially stop discussing moderator action and duping in this thread (we can continue elsewhere) and go on discussing patch 1.07.
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Honestly, why does PD care that people are selling X1s on Ebay? I think if theres a moron out there willing to pay any amount of money for something like is stupid enough to actually do it, let them. Its their life. Before this update, im sure theres several forums where an X1 can be abtained rather easily.

Picture yourself a software/game developer. You create this amazing product that sells well and lots of people love and enjoy using.

You make some money, pay your workers, start developing the next big thing. During this time, some random person decides they can make money off of YOUR product. Would you want them using your product to get themselves rich (or not rich), without giving you some royalties? Hell, wouldn't you want to be able to control your product without having someone take it and profit from it without your permission?

It's the same basis behind licensed cars. Game devs pay a premium to put a certain car in the game. The motor company doesn't want their image used in a negative way, therefore this is REQUIRED, and whoever uses the likeness of the vehicle can get sued. Same principle.
Well, if it wasn't in gray people wouldn't be able to sell X2010s on Ebay.
That sort of thing has actually been happening for years and years now. I'd imagine if that was illegal someone would have stepped in by now to put a stop to it.

Law isn't strong in the field of video games, as you can see with the most common form of law-breaking - piracy.
Well, straight up piracy is a bit more cut and dried. :lol:
That sort of thing has actually been happening for years and years now. I'd imagine if that was illegal someone would have stepped in by now to put a stop to it.

Yeah, honestly it's no different than selling anything else on eBay. I bought a guitar amp for $2,000 and sold it for $2,800. Not illegal. I didn't make the amp, it wasn't my product, etc.
6.3 million copies sold and because the actions of less than 1% of GT5 users ( the greedy ones selling stuff on e-bay) PD over reacts and destroys the entire gifting system.
PD should have gone after the E-bay sellers and not punish the users that are not seeking to make money off trading.
Congratulations PD you fixed something that wasn't broken,did nothing to interfere with other users enjoyment of the game and was completely a non-issue for at least 6.1 million GT5 users. The only people who had a problem with the the gifting system as it was were the morally superior complainers here on GTP, and other forums, and the accounting department at Sony ( people are making money off our product we must stop this immediately ! ) If PD had made obtaining these cars easier in the first place there would not be people selling them on E-bay in the first place
Picture yourself a software/game developer. You create this amazing product that sells well and lots of people love and enjoy using.

You make some money, pay your workers, start developing the next big thing. During this time, some random person decides they can make money off of YOUR product. Would you want them using your product to get themselves rich (or not rich), without giving you some royalties? Hell, wouldn't you want to be able to control your product without having someone take it and profit from it without your permission?

It's the same basis behind licensed cars. Game devs pay a premium to put a certain car in the game. The motor company doesn't want their image used in a negative way, therefore this is REQUIRED, and whoever uses the likeness of the vehicle can get sued. Same principle.

I agree and understand.. I just dont know what to think of this. It doesnt bother me all that much its just a game. I have way more important stuff going on in "Real Life" than to let something like this in "GT Life" worry me to death. Its time to move on with life :cool:
6.3 million copies sold and because the actions of less than 1% of GT5 users ( the greedy ones selling stuff on e-bay) PD over reacts and destroys the entire gifting system.
And the proof that that is the reason for the change is...?
6.3 million copies sold and because the actions of less than 1% of GT5 users ( the greedy ones selling stuff on e-bay) PD over reacts and destroys the entire gifting system.
PD should have gone after the E-bay sellers and not punish the users that are not seeking to make money off trading.
Congratulations PD you fixed something that wasn't broken,did nothing to interfere with other users enjoyment of the game and was completely a non-issue for at least 6.1 million GT5 users. The only people who had a problem with the the gifting system as it was were the morally superior complainers here on GTP, and other forums, and the accounting department at Sony ( people are making money off our product we must stop this immediately ! ) If PD had made obtaining these cars easier in the first place there would not be people selling them on E-bay in the first place

I agree, and the price tag on the cars that are 20 million credits is rediculous. You have to run Indy 200,000 times to get the money for 1 of those cars.
I was fortunate enough to have duped the majority of the 75+ cars that are worth over 1,000,000 credits. I do regret that I do not have any of the X2010's. Oh well, at least I can still fetch them in the Vettell Challange. ( I do hope I get the Blue with white streaks on it, heh).

For those of us who are after fetching all 1000 cars that the game has to offer, it is 75 less cars that will not be available for duping. At least the cars with 6 digits on them are still worth the dupe, but it is regrettable that now we gotta grind to fetch those 20 million dollar classic 1960's race cars.
I agree and understand.. I just dont know what to think of this. It doesnt bother me all that much its just a game. I have way more important stuff going on in "Real Life" than to let something like this in "GT Life" worry me to death. Its time to move on with life :cool:

Hey, and that's your decision, which you are entitled to since you bought the game. I agree, just a game. Play it as you see fit, move on once you're satisfied. I will be doing this too, once my time comes.

Yeah, honestly it's no different than selling anything else on eBay. I bought a guitar amp for $2,000 and sold it for $2,800. Not illegal. I didn't make the amp, it wasn't my product, etc.

It is not the same. Selling the amp would be the equivalent of selling the gt5 DISC, not items out of the game. That would be like buying an album and selling individual songs when you do not have rights to do that. Selling the album itself is fine since you are not profiting repeatedly (i.e. pirating items out of the album or game, for lack of a better term)
Until PD realizes how some players are making millions per day in Remote B-Spec and cut that out, too. :lol:

I fully expect this to be temporary. It's too big a change to be permanent, and that they specified it was to prevent problems while trading means that they are thinking of changing the system to tighten it up.
Only thing of value to trade now is tickets, I just managed to send a LV. 21 Class ticket to my main account, I don't actually need to trade any more as I have collected all the cars in the game a while ago.

I do think this is a really stupid move by PD, they had just seemingly got back on track with 1.06 and now the level of criticism that will be aimed at them will increase a lot more than it has in the past. There is no technical reason to stop the trading process for cars over 1million credits, they insult the users by saying that. Even the 'Ebay' theory is nonsense, that has been going on for over 3 months now and they have had plenty of chances to stop that, heck they could have gone directly to Ebay to ban the sale of them.

Just silly really, won't affect me as like I say I don't need to trade now so I guess until PD better explain themselves the complaints will just increase ten fold.
It is not the same. Selling the amp would be the equivalent of selling the gt5 DISC, not items out of the game. That would be like buying an album and selling individual songs when you do not have rights to do that. Selling the album itself is fine since you are not profiting repeatedly (i.e. pirating items out of the album or game, for lack of a better term)
This has been done since at least 2001, because I remember people doing it with PSO back on the Dreamcast. It isn't illegal.
Until PD realizes how some players are making millions per day in Remote B-Spec and cut that out, too. :lol:

I fully expect this to be temporary. It's too big a change to be permanent, and that they specified it was to prevent problems while trading means that they are thinking of changing the system to tighten it up.

I'm done with B-spec. forever. screw the millions i say, give me indy!

I agree with your assessment as to it being temporary. My theory is that they're working on a system to limit the amount of save file restores in a given week/month/year/period/whatever, tied to the PS3 system. That way, restoring is possible in case of game corruption, but duping is next to useless due to time period and we can still gift cars between accounts/to friends/etc.

This has been done since at least 2001, because I remember people doing it with PSO back on the Dreamcast. It isn't illegal.

If it is not illegal, why do game companies ban accounts for selling items/gold in game on ebay? Blizzard bans accounts, NCsoft bans accounts, Squeenix bans accounts. Just to name the major MMO's out right now.
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Picture yourself a software/game developer. You create this amazing product that sells well and lots of people love and enjoy using.

You make some money, pay your workers, start developing the next big thing. During this time, some random person decides they can make money off of YOUR product. Would you want them using your product to get themselves rich (or not rich), without giving you some royalties? Hell, wouldn't you want to be able to control your product without having someone take it and profit from it without your permission?

That is exactly what I don't get. If I made something nice, sold it and made my money, why would I care if someone made money off of my product if it didn't hurt me in any way?

Second, just like other games can't they simply ask eBay to disallow the auctions?
And the proof that that is the reason for the change is...?
Big corporations like Sony only take action like this when their bottom line is affected or when other people are making money off their product.
I would even go as far as to suggest that Sony made PD make these changes and that PD were perfectly happy with things as they were.
The reason given by PD for changing the gifting system just stinks of corporate bull:censored: seriously I have not noticed a torrent of complaint on this or other GT forums about " issues during the trading process" on cars over 1 million credits
If it is not illegal, why do game companies ban accounts for selling items/gold in game on ebay? Blizzard bans accounts, NCsoft bans accounts, Squeenix bans accounts. Just to name the major MMO's out right now.
Because they don't want you doing it. That has nothing to do with legality.

Second, just like other games can't they simply ask eBay to disallow the auctions?
eBay doesn't ban auctions unless the items in question aren't legal to be sold.
E-Bay itself considers it illegal. Which is why said auctions are illegal.

The whole point (on PD's end) would not be that people are selling these cars... it's that people are scamming others out of cars and sometimes, even actual cash, with promises of X2010s and FGTs.
Because they don't want you doing it. That has nothing to do with legality.

Okay, you were taking that approach. It's not illegal per sae in terms of law practice, but it is against the TOS of certain companies, so I was taking that approach, as in illegal is regards to the TOS of the company regarding that game.

That is exactly what I don't get. If I made something nice, sold it and made my money, why would I care if someone made money off of my product if it didn't hurt me in any way?

Second, just like other games can't they simply ask eBay to disallow the auctions?

And that is capitalism at work. Everyone wants more money. Why not earn more money for someone reselling your product? :cool: I don't get it either, especially with these people rolling in more money than entire countries have....

Yeah as has been said, eBay doesn't ban the auctions but if they show eBay their TOS, then eBay will remove the auctions as they become illegal at that point.
They definitely changed something with a few cars... I was racing my old 09 GTR which was sticking to the track like glue the other day and now I quit out twice to make sure I didn't have the wrong tires on... getting sideways all weird and into walls I never did before...it's like all my tires have dropped down 3 nothces or something...
What a nice surprise, friends leaderboards is my fab, but I'm currently trying to finish Dragon Age before 2 cones out so can't try it out for a few weeks. Still got time for BSpec races in the morning tho :)

Nice little update this!

The whole point (on PD's end) would not be that people are selling these cars... it's that people are scamming others out of cars and sometimes, even actual cash, with promises of X2010s and FGTs.

PD has to know what cars and who they are sent to, as all this information travels through their servers, PD could easily police scamming by examining its server logs, instead they use a sledgehammer to break an egg, as I said earlier this stinks of interference by Sony's legal/accounting dept rather than a legitimate way of stopping scamming
E-Bay itself considers it illegal. Which is why said auctions are illegal.
That was due to threat of civil action from a couple of publishers (Blizzard, in particular, if I recall correctly), which I think is an important distinction to make.
And that is capitalism at work. Everyone wants more money. Why not earn more money for someone reselling your product? :cool: I don't get it either, especially with these people rolling in more money than entire countries have....

I do not see your logic. By stopping eBay sales how is PD making more money? Or where are they losing money by others eBay sales?

If PD had a store where you could buy cars for real money that then it makes sense - but they don't.
I don't think PD would have halted duping if people weren't selling cars on eBay.

now this sorted it out for me, I was going to buy Miura today and have my money back through savegame but it seems that I will have to forget about all this.
Until PD realizes how some players are making millions per day in Remote B-Spec and cut that out, too. :lol:

I fully expect this to be temporary. It's too big a change to be permanent, and that they specified it was to prevent problems while trading means that they are thinking of changing the system to tighten it up.

What is wrong with making millions per day in remote B-Spec racing ? That is legitimate in my opinion as these users are simply playing the game using a feature in the game.

If I want to earn 3m credits for my friend and he wants to gift me a nice car to thank me how is that an abuse ? Why bring the remote racing or car trading out if they don't want you to use them ?