Update 1.07 now up

  • Thread starter Keshian
I do not see your logic. By stopping eBay sales how is PD making more money? Or where are they losing money by others eBay sales?

If PD had a store where you could buy cars for real money that then it makes sense - but they don't.

I'm speaking generally, not specifically for PD. In the future though, if PD starts releasing DLC and people resell, well.. then....

And also, companies that copywrite do this, period. They don't want someone else selling a portion of their product when they could do so themselves. In PD's case, while they don't have paid DLC (yet?), they do have issues with licensing they must uphold. In the future if DLC were released and was being resold, they would be losing money. It's easier to stop the practice before it become so large that it is hard to control. Who knows what PD have up their sleeve in terms of DLC.

It is bad practice to resell licenses when the original company that owns the license has not given you permission (obviously they get royalties). Lawsuit soon to follow.
I'm speaking generally, not specifically for PD. In the future though, if PD starts releasing DLC and people resell, well.. then....

And also, companies that copywrite do this, period. They don't want someone else selling a portion of their product when they could do so themselves. In PD's case, while they don't have paid DLC (yet?), they do have issues with licensing they must uphold. In the future if DLC were released and was being resold, they would be losing money. It's easier to stop the practice before it become so large that it is hard to control. Who knows what PD have up their sleeve in terms of DLC.

It is bad practice to resell licenses when the original company that owns the license has not given you permission (obviously they get royalties). Lawsuit soon to follow.
You can be sure, if DLC will cost some $, cars won't be tradeable, just like stealth/chromeline cars.
There's already a system, that won't make you to trade those cars, so... no, they didn't made that updated to prevent DLC cars sharing (if they will ever release it).
Indeed. Forgive me for forgetting to add the sarcasm tag.

Remote B-Spec and gifting add a lot to the game and take nothing away... why PD would actually choose to remove one right after adding the other is strange, to say the least.

Or: Conspiracy theory: this is to convince a lot more people to sign up for Remote B-Spec? [/sarcasm/joking/really]

Who knows. When 1.08 comes out, it may all become clear. 1.06 was a big step forward. 1.07 is a small step sideways, and it might be that things that are disabled in 1.07 will be "fixed" in 1.08.

That was due to threat of civil action from a couple of publishers (Blizzard, in particular, if I recall correctly), which I think is an important distinction to make.

*sigh* why does everything always lead back to gold-farming?

They definitely changed something with a few cars... I was racing my old 09 GTR which was sticking to the track like glue the other day and now I quit out twice to make sure I didn't have the wrong tires on... getting sideways all weird and into walls I never did before...it's like all my tires have dropped down 3 nothces or something...

Have you played with the car since 1.05 I feel that some things have changed from then... under 1.06, some of the car handling felt a bit different (better breakaway on some cars), but I haven't downloaded 1.07 yet.
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Well I haven't downloaded the update yet, but to be honest, I'm pissed. Like a lot of you guys said, I let a friend borrow one of my cars, and now it looks like I'm not getting it back. Way to go PD. I guess it's true, a few bad apples ruin the bunch...
Who is the first to see updates standards?

Thx PD for two patches in one week. I start to like you again, even when the patches didn´t bring any useful for me.
I have yet to DL 1.07, but I'm not sure about the PP changes with regard to tyres.

Tyres are an integral part of preparing the car for the race so should really be included in the PP figure. 1.06 was fine, given that I often used a tyre with less grip and enjoyed the extra HP. There was a balance to be struck between power and grip, which has now been removed.

Restrictions on tyres can still be set, but again that removes the choice element from the player's point of view. Making the compound choice could win or loose you a race, and for me it's a shame that everyone will be effectively running cars to the PP limit with the same high grip tyres, as opposed to some having less grip in the corners but better straight line speed (which you were free to choose dependant on the track, your car, environmental conditions and your opponents).
Hmm So i'm the only one that think GT5 Cars are just to cheap and not rare enought ?

As for the patch they should really remove whole show after buy part. It's annoying as hell.
I have yet to DL 1.07, but I'm not sure about the PP changes with regard to tyres.

Tyres are an integral part of preparing the car for the race so should really be included in the PP figure. 1.06 was fine, given that I often used a tyre with less grip and enjoyed the extra HP. There was a balance to be struck between power and grip, which has now been removed.

Restrictions on tyres can still be set, but again that removes the choice element from the player's point of view. Making the compound choice could win or loose you a race, and for me it's a shame that everyone will be effectively running cars to the PP limit with the same high grip tyres, as opposed to some having less grip in the corners but better straight line speed (which you were free to choose dependant on the track, your car, environmental conditions and your opponents).

I think it's better for PP system to don't include tyres value. Why ? Because you can now tune your car to certain PP and still can play two races with two diffrent set of tyres.

Sorry for double post
Hmm So i'm the only one that think GT5 Cars are just to cheap and not rare enought ?

As for the patch they should really remove whole show after buy part. It's annoying as hell.

You should also be able to select multiple cars at once to buy. not just one by one.
So, now PD implements the 1 million credit thing?


Now that everyone who wanted got virtually all the cars in the game, PD is now giving them exclusivity?

I never once used the trading system, but to be fair a massive ammount of this forum cried about the duping of all these expensive cars, such as the FGT and Red Bull X1. PD have only done something about it, something that the people of this forum asked for.

Is it a good change? i don't know because it does not really effect me. I'm happy that they are still updating the game, however.
No more racing events in the patch? Then this patch sucks as does every other patch that doesn't fix GT5's biggest problem, not enought races.
Here is what I don't understand. GT5 has a 20 million cr. limit. Last week they modify rewards so you get LESS credits but MORE xp per race / championship. Tonight they remove the ability to trade cars over 1 million? Are you ****ing kidding me? I am not trying to play this game for as long as it took them to put together 200 car models and 20+ tracks just to get the cars that I want to race with. PD has to be the WORST development company I have ever purchased a game from. I had such high hopes for this game's future. AT THE VERY LEAST PD should have issued a warning to gamers of the changes so that they would not have lost vehicles that they had on loan. THEY DIDN'T EVEN DO THIS.

Kinect + FM4 + DFGT W/ XCM. FTW!!!

Yeah, PD's thinking seems to be that since it took them more than 5 years to get the game out (half-assed and unfinished as it is), it should take you at least that long to play it. Who knows? Maybe by the time we're all done grinding our way up to L40 A- and B-spec (say around 2025ish), they'll have GT6 ready to go.
Until PD realizes how some players are making millions per day in Remote B-Spec and cut that out, too. :lol:

Or people just have to go back to rubberband grinding in A-spec. Indy, here I come! Leave the unit on for a day, and you're back up to 20,000,000 credits. I've got all but a couple of the X2010 colors (yes, I was bored), and I'll have those two soon.

I'm sure the next update will limit how many times you can run Indy in a day... ;)
I usually log out of the PSN when I do an endurance race. I didn't this time because I didn't think a patch would come out. I've heard of people saying it kicks them out of races when a patch is released. I am at the halfway point of the Nurburgring 4 hours. Is it going to mess up when the race finishes and kick me to the mandatory update screen or do you think it's safe for me to continue and finish?

I'm currently racing 24 hours of le mans, and was afraid this would happen to me also when they released the 1.07 update, but it did'nt! I only got the update info-screen and choose not to install...and continued the race :bowdown:
Did I say I'd delete all further duping rants? Gosh, I did! And I did!

Seriously... Stay on this topic and off at one.
What kind of crap is this update?! :crazy:

I have like 5 x Cars Gifted to friends (Minolta, 330, 7,...), and now I have lost all of those cars?!

This is just plain lame. 👎:grumpy:
Does anyone know if the forced Skid Recovery Force (ie. do we have ability to change the setting from ON to OFF) was removed from Seasonal Challenges in update 1.07 ?
The trading / gifting ban feels a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Like most of you I have used a second account and the save game thing to acquire cars over the past month or so I reckon would have cost me upwards of 100 million credits that otherwise I would never have come close to owning.

Now there are a number of people out there who will say that you can earn them the hard way but you have to be some sort of fetishist to want to fritter away all of your life grinding dull races to earn money just the get the cars you are really keen on. I already have B-Spec doing Dream Car Championships most of the time to support smaller priced purchases and modding costs to get the cars you do have ready for online.

In many ways this trading thing was an issue but it was the lesser of two evils when compared with the alternative way of earning cars. It's ironic this comes a week after all the prize monies have been reduced making it actually even harder to earn money to buy the sort of cars you really want to play with.

Anyway, as I say it doesn't really affect me much but I feel sorry for people just coming to the game now who are not getting the same opportunity to build up a nice collection of several hundred truly desirable cars. Had I been restricted in this way I don't think I would still be playing GT5 to anywhere near the same extent I do.
Same here i borrowd my F1 to my friend last wensday before v1.06 the next day we have a nice option for it now my friend is a day to late to give it back ... come PD cut me some slack i spend ages to get that F1 undo 1 mljn trade restriction

All I want to see is more events for A-Spec, more polished Standard cars (or change them to Premium), and improved AI!

Please PD, improve the AI. And then add more events!
So now its technically impossible to ever own all cars + modify, chassis refresh or engine refresh them.

Hell its almost impossible to afford to do it with 300 cars....

PD really wants you to grind... Give up your job and loose your family and house in the process :lol:
E-Bay itself considers it illegal. Which is why said auctions are illegal.

The whole point (on PD's end) would not be that people are selling these cars... it's that people are scamming others out of cars and sometimes, even actual cash, with promises of X2010s and FGTs.

i agree with you.👍
they could make a ''trade slot'' that could be used like this:idea:: when you and the other player put your cars for trade in the slot - and - when you both check and agree (that its what you want to trade) cars are locked and sent to the players. No scamming no cheaters - job done.

i like to trade cars cause i am 40 years old, (played - finished and own all original gt games - PD always got my money - even in PS2 when there was the option of copying and play copied games on a modified console) and i dont have the time to play with this game to the part that i could own all cars like i did with the preious one's. trading was a very nice addition...pitty it is now so limited

wish i hadent gifted my minolta 88v (favorite grind car untill i got an FGT) to my best friend thinking that i would get a new one from my second account by doing the ''like the wind'' race. (dont know if the car is above the limit but i think it must be...)
The thing is, there must be a reason they did this and reducing the cr reward at the same time. If I was an optimist I would think they are about to add that driver's club thing as well as other events or A-Spec races and they want the prizes to be worth something to people.

So if we get a 5 million dollar car as a prize it will have more "value" now that a player can't just replicate it for him/herself to infinity. That would make more people want to play in these events with "special prizes" if multi-million dollar cars were harder to come by in GT5 in general. That would be a good thing for GT5, but if it makes any sense at all I fear PD will not do it..
the one trade per day is okay but i think 1mil is seriously low.

and still no saving between championship races or endurance? ugh