What makes Christianity "better" than any other religion?

  • Thread starter CDailey
I changed it to browsing now.

But anyway i agree with you on that. Its like the movie stigmata. It says at the end something like(havent seen it in quite awhile so may be fuzzy on this) you dont have to go to church and all that kind of stuff as long as you believe in your heart in jesus(it says jesus but i say believe whatever it is you believe) then you will be accorded all the same rights to heaven and whatnot as everyone else.

PS: gotta love my grammar
Christianity is no better or worse than any other "religion."
Plus, in my book "Christianity" pretty much covers all of the Christ-based denominations.

The reason we espouse our religion, and attempt to convert people is found in the last two verses of the Book of Matthew.

We are trying to get everyone "saved" and forgiven of their sins. It's part of the "Great Commission."

Yes, some proclaimed "Christians" forget that Christ wasn't about beating prospective converts into submission with the Bible.
Christ wants us only if we want to be wanted by him. He isn't/wasn't about forcing anyone to follow him or his ways.
Originally posted by GTJugend

I have seen this from the inside and today from the outside. What makes christians "special" is this matter that you can't be pure enough in yourself to be saved. Therefore all people need christ. Most christians see themself as better than people who aren't christian. It's just that they can't see it from where they stand. I have been on both sides so I know.

I don't understand why this"not being pure enough in yourself to be saved" is a problem. Most Christians don't see themselves as better than others. They see everyone as being able to make it to heaven. They see everyone as needing Christ to get there including themselves. They see everyone as falling short of the mark including themselves. They see everyone as imperfect including themselves.

I have been in both sides(a couple times) .
I believe baing a christian makes you weaker, not stronger. I believe that believing in any religion makes you weaker. I am an atheist and I don't believe in heaven, hell, sins or all the wonderful fairy tales that the bible teaches us, but that is MY opinion and I do not preach that to any one. I do share it like here, but I won't impose that on anyone. Religious preference (or lack thereof) is a highly personal choice and I will not impose my vies on anyone. My fiancee is anglican and I am perfectly happy with that, I even went to her chirch willingly, but didn't say communion, eat the stale cracker or drank the cheap wine. I too, have been on both sides, being raised catholic, having lived 5 years with a presbyterian father (my biological father, not a priest) and now a full blown atheist. I believe hell or heaven is what you make of your life here. This life is it, there is no more after and there was nothin before. I enjoy my life to the fullest now an have no regrets. When I diee I will die happy becase I lived my life for myself, not for some unknown mythological deity. I actually call my self a "recovering catholic", because I saved myself from years of mindless devotion. Anyway, no religion makes you better.
Originally posted by miata13B
Well, Christianity is a good example of religon pushing their beliefs upon others. It boils down to life in any region is a struggle for power. A perfect example of it is the Crusades, or the Colonization of other continents. Religon was a ruling form that basically wanted to infect every part of the planet. You're different, your wrong if you don't believe my beliefs.

Dominance theory -> A male in any species wants to spread his seed as much as possible. Religon, example Chrisitanity, wants to spread its seed as much as possible. (The reason why Contraceptives are against the christian religon until recently.) Christanity knew it wasn't going to convert everyone so they decided to over populate the place. Another example is the Hitler error (I meant to spell it that way too being a jew) Hitler was breeding a perfect race, but used the other extreme to get a population control. . . he killed everyone that was not in league with these so called super humans.
I am a little confused when I hear a lot of people saying that Christianity pushes their beliefs on others. Just out of curiosity I would like to know (truthfully) when was the last time anyone has had a Christian approach them and try and push their religion on them. I imagine it is more prevelant in certain areas like in the "Bible belt" but I just don't see it around here. In fact I can't remember the last time a Christian approached me trying to get me to believe in their way of thinking. I would go as far as to say it's that I am on a daily basis bombarded with non-christians trying to get me to believe in their way.
Originally posted by DGB454
Just out of curiosity I would like to know (truthfully) when was the last time anyone has had a Christian approach them and try and push their religion on them. I imagine it is more prevelant in certain areas like in the "Bible belt" but I just don't see it around here. In fact I can't remember the last time a Christian approached me trying to get me to believe in their way of thinking.

We have near weekly visits from the aforementioned Witnesses trying to force their beliefs onto everyone in our neighbourhood. And I live about 7000 miles from the Bible Belt.
My father (the Church of Christ minister) used to invite Jehovah's Witnesses in to the house and then start talking Bible with them.

Now he never, went after them. But whenever he got someone on the doorstep looking to talk Bible, he sure did.:lol:
Originally posted by Famine
We have near weekly visits from the aforementioned Witnesses trying to force their beliefs onto everyone in our neighbourhood. And I live about 7000 miles from the Bible Belt.

So "near weekly visits" from a so called Christian group is a lot?
I guess those guys can get a little annoying. There is an easy way to get rid of them. Tell them you are a Christian already. That works for me when they come over to my house about once a year. They hand me a leaflet then say have a goodday and move on.
Or just tell them that you are possessed, and that Beezebub will lead us all to the holy land.

Then close the door in their face.
I live in Korea and the damn Korean jehovas witnesses will knock on your door just like in the states... but the language is no barier for them... They carry their pamphlets in english too, and some of them even try out their broekn english with you... Also, when living in america I was many times approachec by christians in malls asking me if I had been saved, and many times by mormons too. I have never been approached by a jew or a muslim trying to convert me. Only hare krishnas do that like chirstians do it. Many christians think it's their job to try to "save" as many people as they can before they die, therefore spreding the word of their lord.
Oh man those jehova dudes..

Last I heard of them was 5 years ago, got tired of their monthly visits so I asked them "you got a book where you keep track of all your visits right?" they answered positively and I said to them: "I dont ever again want to see your faces here again. Write that in your book. Walk by this door don't you dare to ring my bell again". I was quite angry and I think they got my message, I never saw them again for the remaining years I lived there.

Friendly rejections doesn't seem to work on those nuts.
Hey anyone watch Jackass? One episode I think it's Chris Pontius dresses up as the devil and walks around with a sign saying "Keep God Out Of California". Shows how many religious nuts there are around (i'm not outlining america before you start) but this guy came up, ripped up the sign and punched him!
Originally posted by 911_Carrera
Hey anyone watch Jackass? One episode I think it's Chris Pontius dresses up as the devil and walks around with a sign saying "Keep God Out Of California". Shows how many religious nuts there are around (i'm not outlining america before you start) but this guy came up, ripped up the sign and punched him!

:lol: I wish I could've seen that.
Originally posted by DGB454
So "near weekly visits" from a so called Christian group is a lot?
I guess those guys can get a little annoying. There is an easy way to get rid of them. Tell them you are a Christian already. That works for me when they come over to my house about once a year. They hand me a leaflet then say have a goodday and move on.

I neither offered, nor was asked for, an opinion on the frequency of the visits.

If you say you belong to ANY other religion than their own, they will try and convert you - even if you belong to another Christian sect. Now THAT's pushy. They're saying that they think your interpretation of the Bible is wrong, and theirs is right...
Originally posted by Hyundai Racer
Many christians think it's their job to try to "save" as many people as they can before they die, therefore spreding the word of their lord.

It is,.... God says :rolleyes: "Jesus wont return until every human has been exposed to Christ." (to put it plainly).

Thats why it's their "job" to be pushy.....
Originally posted by Hyundai Racer
I live in Korea and the damn Korean jehovas witnesses will knock on your door just like in the states... but the language is no barier for them... They carry their pamphlets in english too, and some of them even try out their broekn english with you... Also, when living in america I was many times approachec by christians in malls asking me if I had been saved, and many times by mormons too. I have never been approached by a jew or a muslim trying to convert me. Only hare krishnas do that like chirstians do it. Many christians think it's their job to try to "save" as many people as they can before they die, therefore spreding the word of their lord.

Huh? I have never in my life seen a mormon approach anyone to convert them. What malls do you hang out in where there are mormons and hari krishnas and Christians all hang out in?

Sorry but this sounds like B.S. to me.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
It is,.... God says :rolleyes: "Jesus wont return until every human has been exposed to Christ." (to put it plainly).

Thats why it's their "job" to be pushy.....
Maybe I'm getting forgetful. Where does it say that?
Originally posted by Famine
I neither offered, nor was asked for, an opinion on the frequency of the visits.

If you say you belong to ANY other religion than their own, they will try and convert you - even if you belong to another Christian sect. Now THAT's pushy. They're saying that they think your interpretation of the Bible is wrong, and theirs is right...

Who knows?....Maybe it's just more convincing comming from a real Christian or they are just more determined where you live.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
It is,.... God says :rolleyes: "Jesus wont return until every human has been exposed to Christ." (to put it plainly).

Thats why it's their "job" to be pushy.....
Actually what it says is "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen (Matthew 28:18-19).

It's funny that everyone keeps bringing up all the "bad" examples of "religious folks". We are not all like the Krishnas in the Airports of the world looking for spare change for Rev. Moon. Nor are we all like the Jehovah's Witnesses, preaching that they are one of the only religious groups going to Heaven.

I agree with Famine, pushing your religion on someone who is already a faithful member of another form of Christianity is not only pushy, but downright rude.

I used to belong to a church that believed that they would be the only ones in Heaven. With my Bible, and some introspection, I read myself out of that church and into another, that believes that God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are for all who accept Christ as the Saviour, and keep his commandments.

I believe that those folks that are asking the people they meet if they are looking for spiritual direction, or seeking the "peace that passeth understanding" are carrying out the Great Commission as Christ intended. But for the most part, once they discover that you know and are known by the Lord, they will leave you alone.
I won't beat you over the head with my faith, or my Bible. If you find yourself seeking something...
Or you seem to be lost and looking for direction in your spiritual life and I'm the one you run into, I'll be glad to study with you. But, I'm not going to "clothesline" you in the mall and sit on your chest, yelling and screaming about how you're going to Hell.

Jesus said, "In my Father's house there are many mansions..."
I'd like to believe that that means that there will be room for many people of many of the Christian faiths.
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
Have you ever looked at another religion, compared it to yours and said "Look at that fool, he is so wrong, why can't he see that his religion is false?"

Yea, well that guy is looking at you thinking the same damn thing.

Religion is a synthetic answer to the unexplained. Simple mythology, whether you like it or not.

I don't like to play bullchit games. I'll keep my 10%. Believe what you want, its none of my damn business anyways.

I said this earlier.
if anybody asks me questions about my religion, i'll gladly answer to the best of my ability. if anybody has doubts of theirs, i'll offer to explain mine to them if they're interested but i'll try not to push it on to them lest i sound overly annoying (the people that go around handing out pamphlets and asking for people to convert to whatever they are can go nutso crazy). The only time i'm ever going to be offended is if somebody stereotypes Muslims as being fundamentalists and terrorists...then, god have mercy on your soul, it will take everything everyone around me has to hold me back. The very thing happened when i heard on the news, less than 2 hours after the wtc buildings fell and the anchor person blamed it on muslim terrorists. no proof, no evidence, just said "this was almost certainly an act of muslim terrorists."

From my knowledge, christianity, partly Judiasm (sp?) and islam have almost everything in common, but each claims to be the right one. to quote gil here
I used to belong to a church that believed that they would be the only ones in Heaven. With my Bible, and some introspection, I read myself out of that church and into another, that believes that God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are for all who accept Christ as the Saviour, and keep his commandments.
We believe in christ as being one of the prophets, and *i'm fairly sure* that christ is also going to be the one to come on the day of reckoning. We also believe in the same basic commandments but we have a few other additions to it. Only difference is that we have 5 pillars which are supposed to be the building blocks, but the 10 commandments are implied throughout the quran.

Personally, i feel my religion is the right religion. But since Islam completely acknowledges both Christianity and Judaism (sp?), they are both, in their own way, partially the right religion. Either way, whatever you are, don't expect me to push you or have any sort of resentment.

the only problem about religions in general i have is that a couple of my friends had more or less traditional *insert religion here* parents and they were very nice to me...until they found out my religion :(. but i'm guessing that's everywhere?


out of curiosity, how do u feel about the much more than 600-800 year intellectual blackout created by the catholic church back in the dark ages?

the only reason i ask is because my elective course is History of Science and Technology and because i's a history of science course and my prof does lots of archeological digs, she has some sort of umm...the best thing i can think of is dislike towards the church b/c they more or less forbade scientific progress. Granted, students DID get offended by the fact that 2/3 of the course was spent learning about accomplishments in the muslim world - but it's hard to talk about accomplishments in europe when, for 600 years, you had an "intellectual blackout"
Originally posted by emad
out of curiosity, how do u feel about the much more than 600-800 year intellectual blackout created by the catholic church back in the dark ages?
Truthfully? That's one of the major reasons I'm an atheist; certainly when taken in conjunction with the burning of the Library of Alexandria. There are other reasons, but those figure prominently.
Those people weren't true Christians. Just as the people who were responsable for 9-11 weren't true Muslims. I guess you would have to understand what Christianity is really all about to see that.

Emad..I am curious about something you commented on. You said Christ was a prophet. I don't understand a lot about the Muslum belief and I have a question about it and it's belief on that subject. Please send me a private message if you would like to discuss it.
Originally posted by DGB454
Those people weren't true Christians. Just as the people who were responsable for 9-11 weren't true Muslims. I guess you would have to understand what Christianity is really all about to see that.
The problem with this answer is: those people really think they are on the True Path. And with God/Allah/Jehovah being conspicuously mum on the subject, who is to prove them wrong? Except by holding another subjective opinion?
The way i see it, all religions are equal. It's a way to live your life with something to look forward to in life. I think being an atheist is a very dull way to live.
Originally posted by DGB454
Those people weren't true Christians. Just as the people who were responsable for 9-11 weren't true Muslims. I guess you would have to understand what Christianity is really all about to see that.

Emad..I am curious about something you commented on. You said Christ was a prophet. I don't understand a lot about the Muslum belief and I have a question about it and it's belief on that subject. Please send me a private message if you would like to discuss it.

According to Christianity, Jesus existed and was the son of God, born of a virgin (and all that jazz). In Islam, Jesus existed and was a prophet from God/Allah. I believe that Jesus is a lesser prophet than Mohammed according to the Qu'ran (although I could be wrong), and none of that virgin birth stuff or resurrection is mentioned (or believe, I should say).

I have at no point claimed to be a Christian - especially not to the face of a Jehovah's Witness. I don't try to get rid of them, because I treat ALL people (except Silverzone) with respect. One did infuriate me to the point of yelling into his face - when he claimed "godlessness" was to blame for many conflicts, including "this new one in Bosnia"... I politely pointed out that the Serb/Croat/Bosnian/Macedonian/Montenegran/Albanian conflict had been going on for about 1000 years, and generally hinged around which god was the right one...