Where in Montana?
You have to understand the Gospels to understand what Jpec07 is talking about, but I think he hit the nail on the head. There are three things that make Christianity so great.
1.) The Virgin birth of Christ as prophesized.
2.) The death of Christ for ALL of mans sins.
3.) The resurrection of Christ and his ascension into heaven.
On a human level, one could argue that Mary was not a virgin, she simply lied to keep the prophecy in order, but #2 and #3 had too many witness' to deny it truth as it was told in the New Testament. In the death of Jesus we see that He was killed by professional Roman guards who were in the business of killing. To make sure he was dead, they took a spear and lunged it into his abdomen and into his chest cavity (as it was practice to puncher the heart) where he bleed out. Then and only then was he given to his followers for burial. Because of the nature of his life and his threat to the pharoses, His tomb was guarded once again by professional Roman guards, yet a boulder sized stone blocking the entrance to Jesus tomb was removed. Jesus was seen by many people before his ascension.
Those are some good points.
There is no "better" religion, because the rating is in the eye of the beholder, so to speak.
There are, however, right and wrong religions. If you are a Christian, you know that Jesus is the only way to Heaven, and since Christianity is the only religion that believes this, it is the "right" one. Obviously, one that doesn't believe this is the "wrong" one.
In the end at all involves faith. Any religion does, some more so than others.
When you talk about Christians thinking they are better than others, well...Let's use the news as an example, shall we. You don't hear about the good stuff, which there is like 98.1% more of, just think of Christianity like that. There are normal people that go to church; they aren't all the "old church ladies" type you are referring to.
I saw Jehovah Witnesses mentions earlier. I don't consider them to be "Christians". If you learn about them, there whole religion is wack. My dad used to do the same thing
Gil's dad would do. Take'em inside and talk to them.
FYI, my dad is a deacon at a Pentecostal church (as if I spelled that right - I should probably learn how to, eh).
I saw somewhere in here that Christianity is the "easiest" form of religion. Church once a week, and the rest of the week you do whatever you want. Well, it's not supposed to be like that. Church is only supposed to be gathering with fellow believers and worshipping together. You are supposed to do what you do at church at home everyday.
If you would read the bible, you could probably debate much better. As for me, Im a firm believer. Im leader of lighting and sound for my church youth group (my church is the largest church in the upper-half of West Virginia, I believe).
I find it hard to believe in other things. I mean, if you dont believe in Christianity do you still believe that God created everything? If not, what
do you believe?
Christians arent supposed to push it onto others. If you think about it, if God wanted it pushed he wouldnt have given man a free will. Christians are only there to present their beliefs. Take it, please take it, but if you must you can leave it. We arent supposed to chase you and push you. If we push, will It really be what God wants? He wants it to be
your choice.
Thats my
3 cents. Ill probably say more later