What makes Christianity "better" than any other religion?

  • Thread starter CDailey
What makes Christianity "better" than any other religion?
To put it simply, Christianity is the only religion where the founder is still alive (if you wanna call Jesus the founder).
Originally posted by Jpec07
To put it simply, Christianity is the only religion where the founder is still alive (if you wanna call Jesus the founder).

Absurd - the founder of Dougism is still alive.

He's in Montana now, but He'd be happy to take your calls when He returns home to Compton (He would have a nicer house, but He has five out-of-wedlock mouths to feed just like the rest of us, ya know?!). He realises you've probably got questions - for instance, He, like Christians, claims that the world "just was." You might ask Him to clarify this. Further, He wishes to inform you that all scientific theories that discredit His theories are incorrect. All other scientific theories are correct. Perhaps you have questions about this? If so, ask Him. Finally, He wishes you to pray to him every day. Shall you do this, nothing will happen (except maybe an image of Him will appear in your dirty sink). Shall you fail to pray to Him daily, nothing will happen. No image will appear in your sink, unless you arrange the water to fall into an image pattern, which He frowns upon. If you have questions about the praying schedule, give Him a call.
Anybody care to address my previous question? How do you decide who is following the True path?
Originally posted by neon_duke
Anybody care to address my previous question? How do you decide who is following the True path?

My religion says that it's the true path (but so does every other religion), but I personally feel it IS the right path. My friend put it this way... "So you found your identity in it?" when he asked why i'm muslim. That being said, the right religion is what you feel is the right one, isn't it?
Originally posted by M5Power
Absurd - the founder of Dougism is still alive.

He's in Montana now, but He'd be happy to take your calls when He returns home to Compton (He would have a nicer house, but He has five out-of-wedlock mouths to feed just like the rest of us, ya know?!). He realises you've probably got questions - for instance, He, like Christians, claims that the world "just was." You might ask Him to clarify this. Further, He wishes to inform you that all scientific theories that discredit His theories are incorrect. All other scientific theories are correct. Perhaps you have questions about this? If so, ask Him. Finally, He wishes you to pray to him every day. Shall you do this, nothing will happen (except maybe an image of Him will appear in your dirty sink). Shall you fail to pray to Him daily, nothing will happen. No image will appear in your sink, unless you arrange the water to fall into an image pattern, which He frowns upon. If you have questions about the praying schedule, give Him a call.

yep,... good point.
Originally posted by Jpec07
To put it simply, Christianity is the only religion where the founder is still alive (if you wanna call Jesus the founder).

Actually, Christianity is the only religion who's founder was totured to death, if you want to call Christ it's founder.
Originally posted by M5Power
Absurd - the founder of Dougism is still alive.

He's in Montana now, but He'd be happy to take your calls when He returns home to Compton (He would have a nicer house, but He has five out-of-wedlock mouths to feed just like the rest of us, ya know?!). He realises you've probably got questions - for instance, He, like Christians, claims that the world "just was." You might ask Him to clarify this. Further, He wishes to inform you that all scientific theories that discredit His theories are incorrect. All other scientific theories are correct. Perhaps you have questions about this? If so, ask Him. Finally, He wishes you to pray to him every day. Shall you do this, nothing will happen (except maybe an image of Him will appear in your dirty sink). Shall you fail to pray to Him daily, nothing will happen. No image will appear in your sink, unless you arrange the water to fall into an image pattern, which He frowns upon. If you have questions about the praying schedule, give Him a call.
Where in Montana? :D

You have to understand the Gospels to understand what Jpec07 is talking about, but I think he hit the nail on the head. There's three things that makes Christianity so great.

1.) The Virgin birth of Christ as prophesized.
2.) The death of Christ for ALL of mans sins.
3.) The resurrection of Christ and his ascension into heaven.

On a human level, one could argue that Mary was not a virgin, she simply lied to keep the prophecy in order, but #2 and #3 had too many witness' to deny it truth as it was told in the New Testament. In the death of Jesus we see that He was killed by professional Roman guards who were in the business of killing. To make sure he was dead, they took a spear and lunged it into his abdomen and into his chest cavity (as it was practice to puncher the heart) where he bleed out. Then and only then was he given to his followers for burial. Because of the nature of his life and his threat to the pharoses, His tomb was guarded once again by professional Roman guards, yet a boulder sized stone blocking the entrance to Jesus’ tomb was removed. Jesus was seen by many people before his ascension.

Originally posted by emad
My religion says that it's the true path (but so does every other religion), but I personally feel it IS the right path. My friend put it this way... "So you found your identity in it?" when he asked why i'm muslim. That being said, the right religion is what you feel is the right one, isn't it?
I suppose it is.

Bin Laden, hard-line Israelis, the Taliban, Fred Phelps, and the Westboro Baptist Church all believe thay have found their identity in the right church.

People regularly denounced these violent extremists as not "true" Muslims, Jews, or Christians.

Who is to say they are not? Who is to say that it is not you who have made a mistake and are not a true believer?

That's the question I'd like to see someone tackle.
good point...i don't think i could give a good enough response to it. At least one that would make sense to anyone other than me
many say they have never been approached by muslims, jews etc trying to push their religon on them, but what you dont realise is that america and briton are religous strong holds, but not to the point where it is frowned upon to be of another religon. In some parts of the world if you went around preaching of christ you'd either get beaten or killed. Not everywhere but it does happen. Its the same in a way in britain, there are some places where there are strong racist communities and if you were not of the colour of the 'mob' you'd better run.
racism in the us and canada extends to the judicial system - innocent muslims can be detained almost indefinately for matters of "national security" - imo, that's the most unconstitutional thing a western government has ever done...other than allowing slavery and not letting women/coloured people be treated as humans till very late in the game
Originally posted by emad
racism in the us and canada extends to the judicial system - innocent muslims can be detained almost indefinately for matters of "national security" - imo, that's the most unconstitutional thing a western government has ever done...other than allowing slavery and not letting women/coloured people be treated as humans till very late in the game

Rather than saying Western Governments "allowed" slavery, it may be more accurate to say they abolished it. Hmmm?
the most unconstitutional thing a western government has ever done...other than allowing slavery and not letting women/coloured people be treated as humans till very late in the game

so, abolishing slavery is an unconstitutional act? i never knew that
Originally posted by emad
so, abolishing slavery is an unconstitutional act? i never knew that

What? Try being coherent for once. You're on a tangent about about how unfair life is and everything you post somehow revolves around you poor uncle. Guess what... nobody gives a crap. And that's only for those who actually believe you. So the West is bad, they had slaves, they treated women badly, piss piss piss, moan moan moan. If your that up in arms why don't you go to Afganistan and cry to Bin Laden? Otherwise, please just give it a rest. This thread is about religion, not your uncle. The same goes for every thread.
So...it's perfectly ok, that in a feeling of superiority that governments can arrest people based on their beliefs? That's why i brought it up man. Considering the longest i've ever been without seeing this person since i was born was about 3 weeks, i'm really ****in bummed about what happened to him. But the reason i bring it up is the fact that legislation has been passed to allow this sort of thing to happen to people based on their religion and their origins.
'Life's a biatch and then you marry one' ;) .
I read some interesting paper quite recently, which raised some fact ( I forgot specific details), but the long and short of it is, if the whole religion thing is correct (which I'm not swinging with it) then the short version is we're all going to hell. I'll try and find the details of it again, but yea it makes the point somewhere that we're all going to hell. Somehow in detail all the religions mannage to contradict each other or something and unless you support every single religion then you're going on a trip to meet satan. BTW didn't read the last 2 pages of posts, sods too lazy and tired, so just thought I'd add my 2 cents.
If christianity is right, then I'm going to hell.

I would never accept someone else to take responsibility for my actions. Bless you Jesus but I think you're purpouse was more than to die for idiots and fools.
Originally posted by emad
because only special people can see him and talk to him. That's why only m5 has seen him

Ahhh.....I see, or rather don't see.
Where in Montana?

You have to understand the Gospels to understand what Jpec07 is talking about, but I think he hit the nail on the head. There are three things that make Christianity so great.

1.) The Virgin birth of Christ as prophesized.
2.) The death of Christ for ALL of mans sins.
3.) The resurrection of Christ and his ascension into heaven.

On a human level, one could argue that Mary was not a virgin, she simply lied to keep the prophecy in order, but #2 and #3 had too many witness' to deny it truth as it was told in the New Testament. In the death of Jesus we see that He was killed by professional Roman guards who were in the business of killing. To make sure he was dead, they took a spear and lunged it into his abdomen and into his chest cavity (as it was practice to puncher the heart) where he bleed out. Then and only then was he given to his followers for burial. Because of the nature of his life and his threat to the pharoses, His tomb was guarded once again by professional Roman guards, yet a boulder sized stone blocking the entrance to Jesus’ tomb was removed. Jesus was seen by many people before his ascension.

Those are some good points.
There is no "better" religion, because the rating is in the eye of the beholder, so to speak.
There are, however, right and wrong religions. If you are a Christian, you know that Jesus is the only way to Heaven, and since Christianity is the only religion that believes this, it is the "right" one. Obviously, one that doesn't believe this is the "wrong" one.
In the end at all involves faith. Any religion does, some more so than others.
When you talk about Christians thinking they are better than others, well...Let's use the news as an example, shall we. You don't hear about the good stuff, which there is like 98.1% more of, just think of Christianity like that. There are normal people that go to church; they aren't all the "old church ladies" type you are referring to.
I saw Jehovah Witnesses mentions earlier. I don't consider them to be "Christians". If you learn about them, there whole religion is wack. My dad used to do the same thing Gil's dad would do. Take'em inside and talk to them.
FYI, my dad is a deacon at a Pentecostal church (as if I spelled that right - I should probably learn how to, eh).
I saw somewhere in here that Christianity is the "easiest" form of religion. Church once a week, and the rest of the week you do whatever you want. Well, it's not supposed to be like that. Church is only supposed to be gathering with fellow believers and worshipping together. You are supposed to do what you do at church at home everyday.
If you would read the bible, you could probably debate much better. As for me, I’m a firm believer. I’m leader of lighting and sound for my church youth group (my church is the largest church in the upper-half of West Virginia, I believe).
I find it hard to believe in other things. I mean, if you don’t believe in Christianity do you still believe that God created everything? If not, what do you believe?
Christians aren’t supposed to “push” it onto others. If you think about it, if God wanted it pushed he wouldn’t have given man a free will. Christians are only there to present their beliefs. Take it, please take it, but if you must you can leave it. We aren’t supposed to chase you and push you. If we push, will It really be what God wants? He wants it to be your choice.

That’s my 3 cents. I’ll probably say more later…
Originally posted by neon_duke
I suppose it is.

Bin Laden, hard-line Israelis, the Taliban, Fred Phelps, and the Westboro Baptist Church all believe thay have found their identity in the right church.

People regularly denounced these violent extremists as not "true" Muslims, Jews, or Christians.

Who is to say they are not? Who is to say that it is not you who have made a mistake and are not a true believer?

That's the question I'd like to see someone tackle.

OK...If you are a true Christian that means you are a follower of Christ. His words and his examples. Did he tell people to go out and be violent to others? Just compare the people who do these things to the leader they are "suppose" to be following.
These extremist actions don't even remotely mirror the actions of the person they say they are following.
Originally posted by GTJugend
If christianity is right, then I'm going to hell.

You don't have too.

I would never accept someone else to take responsibility for my actions.

I would.

Bless you Jesus but I think you're purpouse was more than to die for idiots and fools.

You're right. I'm neither an idiot or a fool. Neither is my family or a lot of my friends.
Originally posted by DGB454
OK...If you are a true Christian that means you are a follower of Christ. His words and his examples. Did he tell people to go out and be violent to others? Just compare the people who do these things to the leader they are "suppose" to be following.
These extremist actions don't even remotely mirror the actions of the person they say they are following.
You're missing or ignoring my point. Go here:

www.godhatesamerica.com and/or www.godhatesfags.com . These are Christian websites, run by a Baptist minister and his parish. They honestly and fervently believe they are following the true Word of God. They quote plenty of Scripture to back up their beliefs. They believe they are doing as God did and wants them to do.

The fact that I think they are an ingrown hair on the ass of mankind just proves to them that they are right.

My point is, they are looking at the same Book you are looking at, and coming up with a very different interpretation. Who is to say that you are right, and not them? They believe with equal fervency that they are following Christ. How can you disprove that?