What makes Christianity "better" than any other religion?

  • Thread starter CDailey
I'd remove the word "Christian" from that last sentence.
Originally posted by neon_duke
You're missing or ignoring my point. Go here:

www.godhatesamerica.com and/or www.godhatesfags.com . These are Christian websites, run by a Baptist minister and his parish. They honestly and fervently believe they are following the true Word of God. They quote plenty of Scripture to back up their beliefs. They believe they are doing as God did and wants them to do.

The fact that I think they are an ingrown hair on the ass of mankind just proves to them that they are right.

My point is, they are looking at the same Book you are looking at, and coming up with a very different interpretation. Who is to say that you are right, and not them? They believe with equal fervency that they are following Christ. How can you disprove that?
Okay, firstly I have to say I didn't go to either of the websites above. Temper your responses with that in mind.
Christ (new testament) was espousing the point of loving your neighbor as you love yourself.
I'm assuming that all the scripture quoted from the sites above is old testament.
I'm of the belief that the old testament is for our learning. Otherwise we'd still be going to Jerusalem yearly on the day of atonement and sacrificing the blood of animals for our sins.
But if you run thru the New testament, you will see that Christ is about the forgiveness of sin, simply by asking. No need to slay the family goat.
It is plainly stated in the book of Acts that there is a "new" law empowered by the death of Christ on the Cross.
While the Baptist Minister and his parish above truly believe that they are truly following the "true" word of God, I'd have to say that, like the Pharoah that finally released the Children of Israel, their hearts have been "hardened" to the truth of the Word.
All through the New testament, we are warned to beware, and be aware that there are false prophets out there.
That's why the Book of Timothy admonishes us to study the Bible for ourselves, and be able to rightly discern the word of God.
In that respect, God seems to advise us to be well-versed (no pun intended) in the Word, So that people like those above, that use the Bible as a weapon, not as a means of teaching God's love, do not "fool" us into misusing the Bible.
Originally posted by neon_duke
You're missing or ignoring my point. Go here:

www.godhatesamerica.com and/or www.godhatesfags.com . These are Christian websites, run by a Baptist minister and his parish. They honestly and fervently believe they are following the true Word of God. They quote plenty of Scripture to back up their beliefs. They believe they are doing as God did and wants them to do.

The fact that I think they are an ingrown hair on the ass of mankind just proves to them that they are right.

My point is, they are looking at the same Book you are looking at, and coming up with a very different interpretation. Who is to say that you are right, and not them? They believe with equal fervency that they are following Christ. How can you disprove that?

Like Gil I haven't gone to those sites and probably won't. Just the name of those sites tell me what they are all about. They are about hate.

You missed my point on the earlier post or you are ignoring it.

If they were Christians they would be doing as Christ did. We measure ourselves to Christ. We always come up short but we continue to be more like him. If they compare themselves to the example Christ set how would they measure up? A blind man could see the difference. Believing in someone isn't the same as being a deciple of that one you believe in. I am betting that the minister of that Church has a tight grip on his congregation and feeds them the scriptures he wants them to know to support his claims and doesn't encourage them to read the Bible for themselves.
God doesn't hate America or Homosexuals. God gets angry but he is always willing to forgive and forget. God doesn't hate.

By the way Milefile....meh, never mind. it isn't worth it.
Originally posted by DGB454
Like Gil I haven't gone to those sites and probably won't. Just the name of those sites tell me what they are all about. They are about hate.
Yes. You should try them, anyway, for the education.
You missed my point on the earlier post or you are ignoring it.
No, I didn't. Nice try though. I fully understand what you are saying. Please read on.
If they were Christians they would be doing as Christ did. We measure ourselves to Christ. We always come up short but we continue to be more like him. If they compare themselves to the example Christ set how would they measure up? A blind man could see the difference.
They believe they are sinners as all mankind are sinners. However, they strongly feel they are doing what Christ did, to the best of their ability. You think you are doing the same. There's absolutely no way to make a value judgement about who is more correct. You believe one thing and say that a blind man can see the difference. They believe something else, and say a blind man can see the difference.
Believing in someone isn't the same as being a deciple of that one you believe in. I am betting that the minister of that Church has a tight grip on his congregation and feeds them the scriptures he wants them to know to support his claims and doesn't encourage them to read the Bible for themselves.
God doesn't hate America or Homosexuals. God gets angry but he is always willing to forgive and forget. God doesn't hate.
They feel they are disciples of God's word. It cannot be put more plainly than that. Your God doesn't hate. Theirs does. They do feel that true repentance leads to Salvation, just like you do. They're basing their beliefs from a Bible just like yours, though I would suspect with a little heavier emphasis on the Old Testament, as Gil mentions.

The point is, they are trying to spread what they feel is the Good Word, so that all can repent their sins and share the joy of knowing Christ. So are you.

Anything you can say against them can be immediately reversed, and applied to you. How do you get around that?
Compare their life with Jesus teachings and his life. If you knew the Bible and studied what Jesus taught and what he was about then you would know what I'm talking about.He didn't teach hate or live as though he hated.
And no you didn't get my point. Nice try though.
OK, does it make it clearer for you if I call them "Godians", and not "Christians"? They are referring to the "Father" portion of the Trinity, Jehovah, the Judeo-Christian God. They are comparing their life with God's teachings and His "life", for want of a better word. They quote Scripture and know what God said in the Bible (Old Testament, conceded). The Scripture they quote teaches hate, and God's actions described in that Scripture clearly describe the horrible punishments God inflicted on those who did not conform to His way. The God described in that part of the Bible hated, was clear about what He hated, and was thorough in punishing those who did those things. Ask the Babylonians; ask the Sodomites and the Gamorrites, ask Pharoah; heck, ask enybody on Earth who was not descended from Noah and his unnamed wife... and even some who were.

God hates. God uses His wrath. So these people are true "Godians", and Muslim extremists are true Muslims. Religion doesn't get off the hook just because you disagree with the way some people practice it. They are True Believers too (unlike, say, Billy Graham).
Can someone adequately explain the purpose of Christening/Baptism to me? I'm just curious what you'd have to say.

The way it comes across in the service (CofE) I found to be highly offensive.
Originally posted by neon_duke

God hates. God uses His wrath. So these people are true "Godians", and Muslim extremists are true Muslims. Religion doesn't get off the hook just because you disagree with the way some people practice it. They are True Believers too (unlike, say, Billy Graham).
God gets mad and punishes, and yes his punishments can and have been downright brutal (See Old Testament), but He doesn't hate. In the new testament you will not see punishments like those in the old testaments. Nor will you see the children of Israel called to vanquish/conquer, as they were in the Old Testament.
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and anyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.
He that loveth not knoweth not God for God is Love. Beloved let us love one another." I John 4:7-8 (KJV)
Thanks Gil.
I thought eventually ND would end up there. The only thing I wanted yo add is that even when God appeared to hate it was anger. He was angry at the way people were. He would have forgiven them if they would have repented and turned to him. He is above all a loving compassionate God.
Would you stop loving your child because he has turned his back on you and did as he pleased? You would hate his actions but still love your son.
Originally posted by Famine
Can someone adequately explain the purpose of Christening/Baptism to me? I'm just curious what you'd have to say.

The way it comes across in the service (CofE) I found to be highly offensive.

Baptism is just a public representation of being born again. I have heard it described in a few different ways.
The water represents either the earth where we are buried(the old life is buried) and we are raised back up in a new life with Christ or it represents the blood of Christ where we are immersed and it washes away (or covers)sin.

Out of curiosity, what did you find offensive about it?
The presentation by the Church of England (and indeed this is stated) is that the child being Christened is "cleansed of it's sins" (indeed it's often been stated in history that a child should scream/cry at a Christening, as it is a sign that the devil is being cast out).

How anyone can think a 1 year old child is a "sinner" and vessel for evil is just beyond me.
Originally posted by Famine
The presentation by the Church of England (and indeed this is stated) is that the child being Christened is "cleansed of it's sins" (indeed it's often been stated in history that a child should scream/cry at a Christening, as it is a sign that the devil is being cast out).

How anyone can think a 1 year old child is a "sinner" and vessel for evil is just beyond me.
I agree with you.
The way that I was raised, baptism is indeed for the redemption of our sins. As such, we are baptised after we reach the "age of understanding". Meaning, once we are old enough to be accountable for our actions, and old enough to accept responsibility, and have an understanding of why we are asking Jesus into our heart, then we submit to the act of baptism.
As for the "age of understanding" that can be any age that a person reaches and "gets it,," and convince the "leadership" figures that they do indeed understand the responsibility, and obligation, they are taking on.
I used to be a Christian, but I never was religious. Not to long ago I discovered the religion i'm going to follow, almost all of you are going to hate it, but i don't care I'm going to become a Satanist. Why? you might say. I think it has to do with music or probably just cause I'm interested in it.

Music: I listen to metal and rock. My favorite artitst (Slayer) has a couple of 'satanic'-sytle songs such as "Hell Awaits", "At Dawn They Sleep", "Necrophiliac", "Altar of Sacrifice", "Disciple", "God Send Death" and "New Faith"

example of lyrics: (Altar of Sacrifice)
Blood turning black, the change has begun
Feeling the hatred of all damned in Hell
Flesh starts to burn, twist and deform
Eyes dripping blood realization of death
Transforming of five toes to two
Learn the sacred words of praise, hail Satan (Satan, Satan, Satan [echo])

Interesting: I'm fascinted by pictures of Satan, hell, dying, blood, gore, and anything related to that. So when I die I hope to go to hell. Everyone keep saying that hell is the bad place and heaven the good place to spend eternity. For me its the opposite way. I know that my opinion was different than any other posted. I don't care if you hate my religion or beliefs. Does anyone else agree with me?
Slayer has some appeal. I forgot the name of thier old drummer but man that guy could wail. For those of you who have not heard any Slayer, you should check them out. Pay major attention to the sweet drumming and try to ignore the vocals. :)

Anyway, a band like Slayer who is just cashing in on an image is no reason for a spiritual belief. I'm glad you don't really believe it and are just posting here for shock value. Otherwise I would say that you're increadibly easily persuaded.

Imagine if I started worshiping Jesus Christ just because I heard a few Creed songs. That would make me stupid.

note: I'm not calling anyone who worships Jesus Stupid. I'm calling anyone who worships Jesus because Creed worships Jesus stupid.
Yes, Slayer are a phenominal band, talent wise...Dave Lombardo thier on-off drummer is perhaps the greatest living exponent of the skins. I have seen them twice, once in their hayday of 1991 and recently 2 years ago...

that last seriously satanic statement they made was on their 1988 offering South of Heaven but even that had mild satanic-connotations. they respect thier fans too much to spout satanic mantras like they did in the early 80's they have matured and so have thier fans (with a few exceptions).

the album God Hates Us All isnt really satanic but they still have thier roots in shock-horror and live that out today...i love Slayer because they havent lost their heaviness or attitude, they have just progressed and matured but still have that raw edge and aggression that keeps them at the top of thier genre, always fresh, always inventive and always hard hitting...

On topic:

Famine, i dont know much about the COE service but in the Catholic rite of Baptism, children are admitted into the faith and are accepted as children of God. Various oils and prisms are used to cleanse (not cover) the child so that they may enter in a pure state. The rite also affrims the parents faith and assures that they bring the child up in the Catholic tradition and to reject the tempation of Satan. Its a vitally important part of Catholicism and my daughter was Baptised in November last year and i didnt feel offended in anyway.
I pity the believers,. I'm sorry for that, but, man,... how desperate does one need to be?

Why is it so hard to just say "I'm here,I'm alive and breathing, I'm happy for that, it's all that matters..."... period.....?

Quick Poll:

Why do you think that people feel the need to "believe"? Is it because their scared to die or becuase it's a good template for human behavior?

WHY?????,..... think hard about this,.... "WHY is it important to believe"?
There are quite a few Atheists out there, too (like myself). I agree with the post above. I dont belive the stories and how everything came to be. It makes no sense, and it's not belived by alot of people. I dont get why more people aren't Atheist..

My personal beleifs, don't hate me for it, but. I think epople belive in a god or some higher being so they can think good things will happen down the line. Maybe so religion will stop them from going out and killing people in fear of god getting them. In my opinion its a way to shelter themselves from things they dontwant to belive..
Religeon was invented by the people in charge as a way of preventing the lower classes from uprising. The church has no power these days though.
Originally posted by Crayola
The church has no power these days though.

Mabye not the small town church where you live, but think about how the catholic church helps half of the african people to die in aids because of their massive lies and propaganda against condoms. That's power.
When I meet thousands of Catholic African tribesmen, I'll start really giving this statement some thought.

I was disappointed in JPII for not facing up to facts, however, and lifting the ban. I just can't seem my way to go so far as to blame them for it.
For me, what makes Christianity better than other religions is that the faith it takes to believe in it's core teachings, which is the belief the Christ died for our sins so that "we" can have eternal life. With out Christ, all we have is a temporary existence. Christ also lived and walked this earth, healed sick people, rose people from the dead, and set a living example of how we should model our own actions. But more so, I think that Christianity is the only 'true' religion. The other thing that makes Christianity so important to me is the personal relationship that I have with Christ. Unless you have experienced, it's hard to imagine it. There are many times that my strength comes from Christ and not of my own will or energy. If you have 'faith' in the teachings of Christ, you see that all other religions are false. There is no forcing the issue of Christianity on anyone, it is purely a 'take or leave it' situation.
If you have an understanding of the primacy of reason, you see that all religions are false.
But we've been around this ring before, and no need to rekindle it. I just couldn't resist a small counterpoint.
Originally posted by Pako
With out Christ, all we have is a temporary existence.

Any other type of existence is totally undemonstrable, and even if it were, it's superiority over temporal existence would also be totally undemonstrable.
Originally posted by neon_duke
If you have an understanding of the primacy of reason, you see that all religions are false.
But we've been around this ring before, and no need to rekindle it. I just couldn't resist a small counterpoint.

:) And once again we have to agree to disagree. You can either believe my personal experiences to be true or not. I have no scientific proof for you how I can feel God's love in my life. I have no scientific proof for you that can show you how God works in my life and the lives around me. You would have to have some amount of faith I suppose to believe what I am telling you or you would have to experience these things for yourself. Those experiences are not logical nor are they reasonable, but wheither or not Christianity is reasonable or not really isn't the issue. ;)
