Wow, the season opener on Friday is gonna be hectic. There were a few things on my mind that i just wanted to put out there:
-Since everyones pace is similar i think overtaking will or should take place on the 2 straights. This is of course if the pace with your opponent is similar. Sometimes because of the exaggerated slipstream, the chasing car will probably be given the impression that he can breeze past, but i dont think its safe to overtake anywhere else besides the 2 straights.
Of course if u see your opponent make a mistake that slows him down an overtake elsewhere might be possible.
- a particular corner worries me from previous races on Suzuka.
Its the fast corner that leads to the chicane. For some reason when a driver uses slipstream to get on the INSIDE lane ALONGSIDE his opponent, the driver on the outside does not back out or tap off which usually results in a race ending crash.
If a driver does get DIRECTLY ALONGSIDE us on the INSIDE lane, we will have to tap off and give advantage the him.
U can re-pass on the next straight anyways.
-Another thing that concerns me is that when 2 drivers are having a battle a 3rd driver will use slipstream to try and overtake both, which usually leads to nothing good.
Maybe on Monza's straight yes, but i dont think Suzuka will allow this
-Of course if it is the last few laps, u might consider one of these riskier overtakes, which is understandable, but keep in mind also that this is a championship and the aim is to collect valuable points which build up race by race.
We should all have fun this season and we will all make mistakes during the season, but i think if we keep a 'championship mindset'( sometimes better to settle for points rather than none), we can avoid some mistakes.