- "Go!" - SFGTP5 - Results & Photos Thread (More photos than results as yet...!)


Staff Emeritus
Feel free to post memorable moments / quotes / experiences /favourite combos / pet-hates here, and I'll be generating write-ups and photos over the next few weeks or so! 👍



SFGTP 5 五 :D

in association with

Proudly present:


The Official SFGTP5 logo from ceiling_fan's design studios!


After his monster 12 hr drive, Kylehnat arrives and is allowed a beer break before assuming the "supervisory role" in getting the RIGGRacing cockpits assembled by D.Pritchard, RadRacing & Smallhorses.


Smallhorses & RadRacing fit (or is that fight?) another set of seat rails into place.


Kylehnat "bossing" hard!


The completed LAN1 side. D.Pritchard's massage parlour / race station rounds out the lineup.


Another view of LAN1 (and a partially started LAN2) ready & waiting for everyone else's equipment to arrive on Saturday morning.


Front to Back: alrivers, raz_10, EDK & billyjoebobx refamiliarise themselves with GT4 physics as ceiling_fan & Kylehnat observe.


L to R: & Kylehnat & ceiling_fan watch LAN1 as D.Pritchard & cmpinberkeley smile for the camera.
raz_10's face is fixed in the concentration stare that won him lots of races over the weekend, while he warms up on LAN1, and RadRacing & the back of jmgyro's head are visible on LAN2.


With the networks established on both LANs, the FF Racecar handicap gets underway. Sadly we were 1 networkable PS2 away from the full 12 seat setup, so 2 sets of 5 were run instead. RadRacing & EDK face the camera on LAN2.


Another view of LAN2 with EDK, Kylehnat & alrivers grappling with the FF Race Cars. Meanwhile over on LAN1, ceiling_fan's Mugen Motul Civic holds 5th place while billyjoebobx pursues raz_10's VW Beetle Cup Car.


Who says there's no motion blur in GT4? Oh, wait... the whole picture is fuzzy. :ouch: D.Pritchard, Vaxen, ceiling_fan, billyjoebobx & raz_10 fight for FF Race Car honours.


jmgyro watches the race on LAN1 as (L to R) alrivers, Kylehnat, EDK, RadRacing & cmpinberkeley duke it out on LAN2.


Into Day 2 (hence everyone's change of clothes!!!) and a 6-way setup is established for the infamous Clio Endurance. 49 laps of Midfield Raceway Reverse await 6 teams of 2 drivers. raz_10, ceiling_fan, & EDK can be seen driving their stints, along with the top of D.Pritchard's head!


Alternate view of the Endurance LAN, ceiling_fan's head, EDK, & D.Pritchard can be seen clearly, Kylehnat is obscured in the background on the end station, and in the "Race Cave" shielded from view by EDK's whopping TV is Vaxen!


Various co-drivers look on as their teammates thrash their Clios. billyjoebobx, alrivers (looking startled by his snacks and in his party clothes from the night before!), jmgyro and by the looks of things RadRacing is getting his coat!
Was it something we said? :lol:


billyjoebobx, jmgyro & RadRacing drive one of their many stints in the Clio Cup Car during the Endurance Race.


Close up of the neglected LAN1 during the Clio Endurance race.


itgirlxx takes over on jmgyro & ceiling_fan's endurance race station after a mechanical failure forces them out of the race. For some strange and bizarre reason with 38 laps gone the DFGT that jmgyro was using stubbornly refused to shift gears anymore despite numerous resets. Their car was parked on the inside of the hairpin, and itgirlxx kept it there by standing on the brake pedal for the remaining 12 laps of the race!


itgirlxx feigns driving the Clio Cup Car and tries to put off RadRacing on her left and EDK (in the wonderful "Beeriodic Table" T-shirt) on her right.


Shortly after a power-breaker trip cuts the last race of the 18 in the "Dutcho Schtyle Raysching League" our wine-waiter, alrivers busts out a celebratory bottle of bubbly. ceiling_fan appears to have developed a neck-crick which may have turned him into his alter-ego exhaust_fan!


As the bubbly flows, the dismantling begins.


With bubbly in hand (and a regulation soft drink for our minor, ceiling_fan) we assembled for the group photo.
"We have definitely got everyone, right?"


"Yeah, sure. Everyone's here, say "cheese"."
(L to R) Back Row: ceiling_fan, cmpinberkeley, EDK, D.Pritchard, alrivers, Kylehnat, billyjoebobx
Front Row: RadRacing, raz_10, Smallhorses, Vaxen


Smallhorses & Vaxen seem to be having a slo-mo start to a foot race as the rest of the guys begin a toast to the great weekend of racing. :)


Drinking to the toast!
"Hey, wait a minute, if everyone's here, and itgirlxx is taking the pictures, who the heck just flushed the toilet upstairs?" :confused:
Oops. We forgot jmgyro! :guilty:


Reassembled again as a complete posse this time, including jmgyro on the end of the back row, EDK makes a gesture so shocking that ceiling_fan feels obliged to point it out, and alrivers just has to turn away! :lol:


Let's try that again, sensibly, children. Oh, there's always one, isn't there? :sly: The complete 五 - "Go!" lineup.

Thanks to Sage for the censored edits! :lol:
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Reserved for Results Day 1...

A sneak peek at what went on:

SFGTP5 FF Race Car Handicap

1st) Citröen Xsara Rally Car '99
2nd) Honda Integra Type-R Touring Car '02
3rd) Honda Motul Mugen Civic Race Car '87
4th) Volkswagen New Beetle Cup Car '00
5th) Honda Gathers Drider Civic Race Car '98

Racers all start in the Citröen, progressing downwards through the slower cars with either 1st or 2nd placed finishes in a race.
Overall winner is the first person to outright win a race in the slowest car, in this case, the Honda Gathers Drider Civic Race Car '98

SFGTP5 MR Challenge Pick'n'Mix

Lotus Esprit Turbo HC '87
Honda NSX '90
Toyota MR2 GT-S '97
Opel Speedster Turbo '00
Hyundai HCD6 '01
Acura NSX '91

The premise is simple (theoretically, although I managed to take a sheet of finest handwoven silk and turn it into a Sow's Ear this time around. :dunce: :banghead:) each driver gets 6 races and drives each of the cars only once. Tracks are not announced in advance so no-one knows what's coming and which cars to save for faster or more twisty tracks.
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Reserved for Results Day 2...

A sneak peek at what went on:

The Infamous and Utterly Exciting Worldwide Signature Event of a GT Party: The Renault Clio Endurance!

49 laps (set to 50, but everyone gets to finish :)) of Mid-Field Raceway Reverse in Renault Clio Sport Trophy V6 24V Race Car '00 on Racing Soft tyres.

2 x best of 5 laps time-trial qualifying sessions are run for each driver in order to categorise us in speediest to not-so-speediest order, in this case 1 through 12.
Drivers 1 & 12 are paired, Drivers 2 & 11 are paired and so on and so forth until we're left with 6 teams of 2 drivers.
A 6-way LAN is prepared and racing (much more laggy than the 5-way setups it has to be said :() and general mayhem ensues for the best part of 2 hours! 👍👍👍

There follows a new event for the SFGTP faithful, based upon the successes at "The Dutcho" and the last couple of UKGTP events, we give it a shot here.

Dutch Schtyle Raysching League.

2 x 5-way LANs are reinstated after the Clio Race. 24 cars that've never been used at an SFGTP before are selected (and added into the "Favourites" list) although we only made it through 17½ of those! :P (Due to a power failure during the 18th race!) This means due some cunning mathematickery by jmgyro that all drivers have 15 races each.
The LANs are assigned points, in this case:

1st 10 points
2nd 9 points
3rd 8 points
4th 7 points - and demoted to LAN2 for next race
5th 6 points - and demoted to LAN2 for next race

1st 5 points - and promoted to LAN1 for next race
2nd 4 points - and promoted to LAN1 for next race
3rd 3 points
4th 2 points
5th 1 point

Based on the time-trial times for the Clio Endurance Qualifier, the 5 slowest drivers start on LAN2, slowest on pole and so on, and the next 5 drivers on LAN1, with 2 fastest drivers sitting out the first race. This means the faster drivers have to "graduate" to the "High-Points" LAN, while the slower drivers get a chance to gain some high point races to begin with.
This is all unnecessarily complicated by having to have 2 drivers sit off each race some of whom should be promoted or demoted in each case, and some drivers coming back on for races that should've been promoted or demoted the previous time which resulted in our host's brain dribbling slowly from his ears as he tried to figure out who belonged where and when and eventually he turned into a gibbering simpleton!

Amuse S2000 Street Version '04
Honda S2000 LM Race Car '01
Tommy kaira ZZ-S '00
Nissan C-West Razo Silvia (JGTC) '01
Volkswagen Golf V GTi '05
BMW 320i Touring Car '03
Plymouth 'Cuda 440 Six Pack '71
Nissan mm-R Cup Car '01
Honda NSX-R LM Road Car '02
TVR Tuscan Speed 6 '00
Hyundai Accent Rally Car '01
Mercedes-Benz E 55 AMG '02
Toyota au Cerumo Supra (JGTC) '01
Lancia Stratos '73
Dodge Viper GTS-R Team Oreca Race Car '00
Nismo 400R '96
Playstation Pescarolo C60/Judd Race Car '04
BMW M3 '04
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COOOLNESS!!! haha me 2. Just kidding. Is this photos going to go on GTPlanet Facebook?
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Awesome pics, nice to put a few more faces to names, and the whole event looks like it was great fun and expertly organised! Congrats and kudos to the hosts once again :)👍 Looking forward to seeing the results too!
Once again, it appears as if Imageshack has become "ImageCack" as the pictures keep disappearing. :grumpy:
Trying to rehost them now...
LOL, how cramped were you guys! I can't wait for the results myself :) Looks like you all had a real blast and that pic of Rachel looks like she is actually racing and not just standing on the brake.


Is EDK watching a dirty movie?

Have you ever driven the Gathers Civic at Midfield FWD? :sly:

Seriously, I don't know what that look is about.

I just remember spending that whole race being frustrated that I could out corner the Beetles but they would just take it back on the straights, eventually landing me in 4th or 5th. :grumpy:
Have you ever driven the Gathers Civic at Midfield FWD? :sly:

Seriously, I don't know what that look is about.

I just remember spending that whole race being frustrated that I could out corner the Beetles but they would just take it back on the straights, eventually landing me in 4th or 5th. :grumpy:

Could it possibly be your intense racing face? :dopey:
Is that the Civic which stops before you hit the brake pedal? Might be the Motul.

Also, Mrs Smallhorses isn't struggling to reach the pedals, is she? :D Kind of slumped...a bit.
Is that the Civic which stops before you hit the brake pedal? Might be the Motul.

Actually, it's both of them. :ouch:

Our Handicap consisted of -

1. Citroen FF Rally Car (Can't for the life of me remember the proper name. I just remember it had a wide ass and was impossible to overtake with or in. :grumpy:)

2. Integra LM Race Car (Worst of the bunch IMO, but I had to drive it at Sarthe II (without chicanes) and watch it bump the limiter at 153 MPH all down the mulsanne :yuck:)

3. Motul Civic (Don't recall much about that one, think I had just one race in it, at Deep Forect Reverse. Great Track for me, had some fun early fighting it out with Vaxen and took second to D.Pritchard)

4. VW Beetle Cup Car (Best of the bunch for me, loads of fun on RM's at Hong Kong Reverse, if you ever have the chance. 👍 I took 2nd to Nick's Motul there.)

5. Gathers Civic (Really balanced car, but man is it slow. I was first to get into it, but ended up running it in 3 or 4 races, finally ending up in 3rd to Jack's 1st while tussling with alrivers' and Vaxen's Beetles at my treasured Seattle Forward)

Endurance winners Smallhorses and Vaxen

Here are some serious racing game faces.
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Do I have a strong English accent in that video? I don't think I do, lol.
Bases solely on when you say the word "garage" I'd say yes, but overall, definitely not strong.

Edit: but I do think you look a bit like Jill Hennessy.
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Actually, it's both of them. :ouch:

2. Integra LM Race Car (Worst of the bunch IMO, but I had to drive it at Sarthe II (without chicanes) and watch it bump the limiter at 153 MPH all down the mulsanne :yuck:)

I liked this car, actually beat a couple of Xsara with it.

Why can't i get this quote thing right?
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Actually, it's both of them. :ouch:

2. Integra LM Race Car (Worst of the bunch IMO, but I had to drive it at Sarthe II (without chicanes) and watch it bump the limiter at 153 MPH all down the mulsanne :yuck:)

I liked this car, actually beat a couple of Xsara with it.

Why can't i get this quote thing right?

You have to make sure not to delete the QUOTE part inside the symbol [/] at the end of the quote and type your comment after it below.
Why can't i get this quote thing right?

If you're going to trim a post down, you still need to leave the [/QUOTE] tag at the end of the trimmed quote, this way the software recognises the
as the beginning of the quote and the end of the quote when it sees the tag with the forward slash.
If you chop off the entire end of the quote including the tag, the software never sees the instruction to close the quote and doesn't generate the quote window.

Today's posts are brought to you by the word "Quote" :D