Because they don't deliver the rest of the package like GT does. Simple as. Supercar Challenge has far superior FFB and modeling of weight transfer, braking is a true joy, but it's a niche product. FM isn't.
Which is precisely why I said narrowing it down to just physics and track accuracy is just futile. Both games have a very broad focus that includes more than the pure simulation aspect, and yet, it was only that small part of simulation aspect that was singled out the two only important criteria that FM4 would have had to fulfill in order to be better.
You have obviously no idea just how important those rare liveries/cars were/are in the core FM community, otherwise you would understand the grave implications such a "glitch" had at the time back then. Yes, to many it was far worse than loosing their CC details.
The only desperate thing I can see is you trying to defend a point you made and failed to do so. You stated XBL wasn't hacked. Well, it at least was "glitched" in respect of the FM2 AH.
So, I said it wasn't hacked, and it wasn't hacked. A glitch in FM2's auction house, okay. How the hell am I wrong in saying that it wasn't hacked, though, when it indeed wasn't? A glitch is a glitch and a hack is a hack, period.
And, well, I know the Forza core community quite well, but I'd say that it's more of an issue if a lot of people are losing real money due to their credit card info being leaked than a few gamers (and the core communitty that cared that much about stuff like that wasn't that big, even back then) having issues with FM2's auction house.
Hell, that whole thing cause notable financial losses to Sony, even their stock quotation went down! Adn you're comparing that to a glitch in FM2's auction house... I mean, that's not even in the same league of an issue. Even mainstream media reported about that stuff, and I doubt you'll find news about FM2's autcion house being glitched on actual newspapers!
I more than once mentioned that XBL is far superior to PSN. But not without its own flaws. If you don't want to hear that, stick a finger in your ear.
Nobody's saying it's flawless. Well, I am not. However, I can't see how the glicth in FM2's auction house stacks up to PSN being hacked, at all.
But that's something I noticed about a few people here: If you say something's better than the other, they automatically assume you consider the product you're preffering to be flawless. I don't know why, but I guess I won't get that, anyways, so I won't bother trying to wrap my head around that.
You are right in that respect.
It is a mathematical error to add up marks and make an average because that's not how it works.
10 is better than 1, but there's no information how much better it is. It's on an ordinal scale. Thus you can't do averages because it's mathematically incorrect. Simple.
IGN gives, afair, a final score which is not an average. Fair enough, if they think FM3 was a better game, then I can see their points.
The one thing I'm stating on the last couple of hundred pages is that FM is not the better car game: that's still GT to me and unless T10 don't get that bit right (on many layers), it will stay so in my opinion.
So, what you're basically saying is, them rating the game for what it is, all of it, and not overlooking its shortcomings is why you won't consider ratings important, eh?
Sorry, but that's just an excuse, in my opinion. If they criticize the sound, the graphics and the single player career, does that not make it a worse car game? What you're saying is, you're ignoring a lot of stuff and then go on to consider their rating to not be representative.
Granted, it's fine to like whatever game because of personal preferences. I know there are some games that were rated low which I enjoyed quite a bit because they catered to my personal taste. However, my personal taste is just going to be far less representative than a rating based on the game's entirety.
So, in conclusion, I'd say that the average rating of a lot of reviews (like what can be seen at Metacritic) is largely representative for how good a game is. Not for how good a certain part of it is, but the game as a whole. And I don't see much reason to look at it otherwise.
But I liked how you went from "the averages are not mathematically correct" to "they don't represent the important stuff properly". What do you expect, find a little text at the end of the IGN review that says "the physics are super awesome for a console racer, so we just added 1.5 points on top of the review to make it a 10/10 game, because it's all about cars"?
And, last but not least, I always get the feeling that some people are tailoring their 'priorities' to GT's strenghts, but that's a different topic alltogehter.