FM Vs GT - Discussion Thread (read the first post before you post)

  • Thread starter Scaff
I guess I'll just listen to JC's rants and that's going to be it, most likely. If I want some info on a car, I'll just google it. Same thing I said about GT5's museum, really.

Listening to Clarkson could make it semi-interesting, at least.
Who is this other fellow doing the voice work, though? I haven't watched a full AutoVista video yet (trying to avoid those), but from the few clips I've seen, this guy doesn't seem to give too much info on specific parts on the cars. He seems to give a quick 10 second summary & that's it.
Forza 3 has better specular lighting. Still not liking the color shading though. But the way the lights are reflected is amazing.

I'm sure kaz is beating himself up for not thinking of those techniques.
Why doesn't forza use the rear view of a car for cockpits? I know without it is a better view, but that's why you have a rear view mirror for that. That is one of the reasons I prefer GT5/TDU way of cockpit view.
Why doesn't forza use the rear view of a car for cockpits? I know without it is a better view, but that's why you have a rear view mirror for that. That is one of the reasons I prefer GT5/TDU way of cockpit view.

That is a very good point and a legitimate area where GT shines.

Time constraints maybe? I am sure T10 have the assets for that feature but maybe not all cars.
Why doesn't forza use the rear view of a car for cockpits? I know without it is a better view, but that's why you have a rear view mirror for that. That is one of the reasons I prefer GT5/TDU way of cockpit view.

That looks great and all, but what's the point? Then you have problems with cars like the Lotus Exige and koenigsegg's. If it's for realism's sake, when was the last time you rotated your head 180º at speeds lower than 15mph? The Forza rear view is more practical IMO but I guess GT's view gives the wow factor if that's what your into
Kinda wierd, but I still feel more immersed in Forza's game world than GTs. No doubt the full cockpits are an extremely nice touch, and maybe an area Forza needs to catch up on (I'm guessing other areas such as the lighting and the actual racing took precedent for this installment) but perhaps for the next Forza eh?
Kinda wierd, but I still feel more immersed in Forza's game world than GTs. No doubt the full cockpits are an extremely nice touch, and maybe an area Forza needs to catch up on (I'm guessing other areas such as the lighting and the actual racing took precedent for this installment) but perhaps for the next Forza eh?

Hopefully forza 5 does that and the hand animations correct.
Why doesn't forza use the rear view of a car for cockpits? I know without it is a better view, but that's why you have a rear view mirror for that. That is one of the reasons I prefer GT5/TDU way of cockpit view.
I think it's a case of "additional workload vs. payoff". The car you're in would probably have to be more detailed and run even more polys to give you a decent view of the rear seats (as opposed to a relatively low-detail interior when seen through the windows, for example).

That'd probably ask more out of the console than the current car models, with relatively little gain from it. I mean, especially with the now more usable rear-view mirrors, how much time are you spending during a race, looking back? I'd say it's less than five percent...

It's a very nice touch that GT5 has, and it's one thing that GT5 clearly has over FM4. However, in my opinion, there's relatively little to be gained by doing so, but I'd assume that it'd have a noticible impact on the performance.

So, I'd attribute that to priorities. T10 probably deemed it more important to keep that 60FPS and the screen free from tearing than to have fully detailed rear seats that you're only going to see for a few seconds in every race...
I mean, especially with the now more usable rear-view mirrors, how much time are you spending during a race, looking back? I'd say it's less than five percent...

How do you set your car up for a corner then if you don't know where your opponent is? I rather say I look as much behind me as I look at the road ahead. One of the cornerstones of clean racing.

It's a nice gimmick, having fully moddeled interiors, not essential of course. But it adds the little something seeing the engine moving in the 430 or peaking over your left shoulder in the McLaren F1.

But I give you interior looks a lot nicer (and usable) in FM4 than it did in FM3. Besides the granny driving position, but that seems to be fashionable now.
Checking for potential opponents (when the rear view mirrors aren't enough) doesn't really take a lot of time of looking back, for me. It's a quick glance at best (one I wouldn't be able to do in that same fashion IRL anyways, which makes the point a bit moot, in my opinion; I can't turn my head 180° and snap back in a matter of a second).

If an opponent's besides my car, I understand looking our for him. And I can do that just fine through the door windows of the car, which I do often if I know someone's close by because he's gained on me or because I just passed him. However, if I'm clearly in front of another driver, I'd also say that it's his responsability to make sure he's not dive-bombing me because he wanted to overtake me by braking late on the inside like a boss...

I don't know how most other people do it, but I hardly look back that much... I make sure the rear view mirror is usable to see approaching cars and check if need be. Which isn't all that often, even in rather close races.
So is the GT series dead?

What does Forza have over GT?

From what I can see a "better" car list, not a bigger one at only half of GT. But one with more popular cars.

Some of the engine sounds are better. SOME, not all. I heard the GTR engine sounds the other day and they are awful, and way off.

Ummmm, what else.... oh you can do engine swaps, which is cool. And the custom paint jobs/vinyls etc which is cool if your talented enough to make decent ones.

Ummm, ok I'm out of ideas. Oh "Autovista" - A gimmick used to make Forza look a lot better than it really is.

What does GT have over Forza-

-It's on the PS3, so there are loads of steering wheels to choose from, and it's not on a console that is notorious for self destructing and has AA batteries in the controller. :yuck: Free online network.

-Better graphics. Forza looks great in some screenshots. But there's no doubt GT is better in that department. Yes yes I know some of the standard cars are bad but even they look good during gameplay from chase cam. GT's premium cars look amazing during gameplay (especially from chase cam) compared to Forza 4, where they still look like Forza 3 with washed out colours and generally look cheap and fake. The tracks and environments still look washed out and cheap as well. The real life tracks in Forza also look not as accurate as GT.

-More cars, more tracks.

-More realistic, the physics in Forza 4 still look fake, steering assist is present in simulation mode.

Forza 4 looks like a great game, no doubt. But Forza probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for GT. Forza was only created as Xbox's version of GT. And the xbox itself was only created as a competitor to the PS.

How can you say that GT is dead? GT is the original, the OG, the top dog. GT takes gamers and turns them into pro racing drivers. Heck it took me to silverstone for free!

GT taught me about cars, and the different makers. It taught me how to drive fast.

GT has the passion, the games are always oozing with style and quality.

GT is the 2012 Nissan GTR and Forza is the corvette ZR1.

You guys think that just because the gaming sites gave it a good review its better? Those clowns know nothing about cars and they probably just get paid to write good reviews.

Wow what a rant, I just get sick of reading people who think GT is a joke and that Forza is the king. Wake up.

Forza is xbox's version of GT. Nothing more. They aren't even directly competing. I mean how many people actually own both an xbox and a ps3? Sure you guys will say me me me! but you are hardcore gamers. The majority will have one or the other.
Regarding cockpits, GT5 has 200 and FM4 has 500+. I think its a tall order to model the rear view interior for everything.

Also I have never looked out the back window whilst driving. iRacing also has no option to look back as you cant in a race car and you have to rely on mirrors.
Wow what a rant, I just get sick of reading people who think GT is a joke and that Forza is the king. Wake up.
Perhaps you should take heed to your own words. You've made enough posts where one can re-arrange Forza & GT in your sentence, and throw it right back at you....
Some of the engine sounds are better. SOME, not all. I heard the GTR engine sounds the other day and they are awful, and way off.

Simple answer: no. Better still...I was listening to the Gallardo (in GT5) the other day and guess what? The HKS CT230R sounds more like the actual real life Gallardo, and that too is wrong.

Ummm, ok I'm out of ideas. Oh "Autovista" - A gimmick used to make Forza look a lot better than it really is.

Is that a card you really want to play?

-It's on the PS3, so there are loads of steering wheels to choose from, and it's not on a console that is notorious for self destructing and has AA batteries in the controller. :yuck: Free online network.

Are you grasping at things, having no real idea what it is you're talking about?

-Better graphics. Forza looks great in some screenshots. But there's no doubt GT is better in that department. Yes yes I know some of the standard cars are bad but even they look good during gameplay from chase cam. GT's premium cars look amazing during gameplay (especially from chase cam) compared to Forza 4, where they still look like Forza 3 with washed out colours and generally look cheap and fake. The tracks and environments still look washed out and cheap as well. The real life tracks in Forza also look not as accurate as GT.

Looking and being accurate are two completely different matters.

-More cars, more tracks.

Most of which aren't (or can't be) utilized properly in the immediate game itself.

-More realistic, the physics in Forza 4 still look fake, steering assist is present in simulation mode.

Think about this, and then try again.

Forza 4 looks like a great game, no doubt. But Forza probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for GT. Forza was only created as Xbox's version of GT. And the xbox itself was only created as a competitor to the PS.

And the Playstation was *only* created to compete with Sega. See how that discredits whatever logic it is you're attempting to apply?

How can you say that GT is dead? GT is the original, the OG, the top dog. GT takes gamers and turns them into pro racing drivers. Heck it took me to silverstone for free!

I don't even know what this is supposed to prove.

GT has the passion, the games are always oozing with style and quality.

I..I'm not even going to bother with this one. I'm far too tired.

GT is the 2012 Nissan GTR and Forza is the corvette ZR1.

So Forza has the bigger, more powerful engine and is lighter? Again, your own applied logic defeats you.

You guys think that just because the gaming sites gave it a good review its better? Those clowns know nothing about cars and they probably just get paid to write good reviews.

Oh, the irony. Not particularly you (although I honestly wouldn't put it past you, given this reply).

Wow what a rant, I just get sick of reading people who think GT is a joke and that Forza is the king. Wake up.

And it's your job to prove to them that their opinion is wrong, right?

Forza is xbox's version of GT. Nothing more. They aren't even directly competing. I mean how many people actually own both an xbox and a ps3? Sure you guys will say me me me! but you are hardcore gamers. The majority will have one or the other.

This has to be the single most self-handicapped argument I've ever seen here. So, they aren't competing because they're not on the same console (this begets logic the more it's said), and not only that, but because not everyone can afford both?

By that logic, Lamborghini shouldn't even exist; Ferruccio did nothing but waste his time, what he should have done is work directly at Ferrari.
Regarding cockpits, GT5 has 200 and FM4 has 500+. I think its a tall order to model the rear view interior for everything.

Also I have never looked out the back window whilst driving. iRacing also has no option to look back as you cant in a race car and you have to rely on mirrors.

You do realise the entire interior is modelled in Forza 3 right? It would require little to no work what so ever to incorporate an "over your shoulder" rear view.

The day Forza beats GT is the day it has better physics and track accuracy.
Until that day comes, GT is still king

Last I checked, the FM Laguna Seca is more accurate compared to the GT version and physics? Could you have a more opinionated opinion?
I was specifically referring to the Nurburgring, but well done for Forza on Leguna
You do realise the entire interior is modelled in Forza 3 right? It would require little to no work what so ever to incorporate an "over your shoulder" rear view.

Last I checked, the FM Laguna Seca is more accurate compared to the GT version and physics? Could you have a more opinionated opinion?
The day Forza beats GT is the day it has better physics and track accuracy.
Until that day comes, GT is still king
So, iRacing and rFactor beat GT5, then, I guess?

Ummm, ok I'm out of ideas. Oh "Autovista" - A gimmick used to make Forza look a lot better than it really is.
Wow, you run out of ideas fast...

  • Car clubs
  • Storefront
  • Acution house
  • Lots of multiplayer modes
  • Rivals mode
  • Modelled cockpits in every car
  • XBL being more stable
  • XBL not being prone to being hacked :sly:
  • Better car list with more diversity despite having less cars
  • More in-depth tuning options (tyre pressure, anyone?)
  • Leaderboards
has AA batteries in the controller.
Never heard of the Play and Charge Kits, eh? :sly:

-Better graphics. Forza looks great in some screenshots. But there's no doubt GT is better in that department.
If you can ignore the issues with the framerate, the tearing and tearing and are only driving premium cars on the better looking tracks, sure...

And the xbox itself was only created as a competitor to the PS.
And the Playstation was created because Nintendo didn't coorporate with Sony after Sony wanted exclusive rights to manufacturing the Super CD addon for the Super Nintendo - so it's all Nintendo's achievement, really.

How can you say that GT is dead? GT is the original, the OG, the top dog.
Top dog in terms of sales, yes. Where else? In your opinion, maybe.

GT taught me about cars, and the different makers. It taught me how to drive fast.
That's saying more about yourself than about GT, really.

GT has the passion, the games are always oozing with style and quality.
Oozing with quality? Yeah, right :lol: Why do the standard cars spring to mind, all of a sudden, when quality is mentioned? And the weird menues when style is?

GT is the 2012 Nissan GTR and Forza is the corvette ZR1.
In which case, FM would be the passionate one, no?

You guys think that just because the gaming sites gave it a good review its better? Those clowns know nothing about cars and they probably just get paid to write good reviews.
No, it's not just because of that. It's just another indicator to Forza being a great game. Also, I'd say that the Inside Sim Racing guys do know what they are talking about, for example. Probably moreso than most of us do.

Wow what a rant, I just get sick of reading people who think GT is a joke and that Forza is the king. Wake up.
Pot calling the kettle black, eh?

Forza is xbox's version of GT. Nothing more. They aren't even directly competing. I mean how many people actually own both an xbox and a ps3? Sure you guys will say me me me! but you are hardcore gamers. The majority will have one or the other.
Why exactly are you even in thhis thread, then?

So because 1 track is more accurate it means you can just apply a general statement across the entire game?
Some people can and will. And they'll manufactur a reason as to why the inaccuracy on FM's 'Ring is more valid in this context than GT5's inaccuracy on Laguna Seca.
You guys think that just because the gaming sites gave it a good review its better?

In a nutshell, yes.

I won't bother with the rest of your opinions as there just that. Your opinions.

You forgot about leaderboards as well BTW.
Wow you use post history it must mean ur scary
I see this thread is not even for discussion just a bunch of dumb fanboys slinging bs. I don't have Forza4 yet so I can't say anything about the physics. As for Forza3, the physics are a joke because of the un removable steering aid.

I'll wait and see
but I stand by what I said earlier if Forza4 has better physics and track accuracy specifically for Nurburgring, because that is the track of all tracks. I'll give in to Forza supremacy, but until then GT is still king.
So, iRacing and rFactor beat GT5, then, I guess?

Wow, you run out of ideas fast...

  • Car clubs
  • Storefront
  • Acution house
  • Lots of multiplayer modes
  • Rivals mode
  • Modelled cockpits in every car
  • XBL being more stable
  • XBL not being prone to being hacked :sly:
  • Better car list with more diversity despite having less cars
  • More in-depth tuning options (tyre pressure, anyone?)
  • Leaderboards
Never heard of the Play and Charge Kits, eh? :sly:

If you can ignore the issues with the framerate, the tearing and are only driving premium cars on the better looking tracks, sure...

And the Playstation was created because Nintendo didn't coorporate with Sony after Sony wanted exclusive rights to manufacturing the Super CD addon for the Super Nintendo - so it's all Nintendo's achievement, really.

Top dog in terms of sales, yes. Where else? In your opinion, maybe.

That's saying more about yourself than about GT, really.

Oozing with quality? Yeah, right :lol: Why do the standard cars spring to mind, all of a sudden, when quality is mentioned? And the weird menues when style is?

In which case, FM would be the passionate one, no?

No, it's not just because of that. It's just another indicator to Forza being a great game. Also, I'd say that the Inside Sim Racing guys do know what they are talking about, for example. Probably moreso than most of us do.

Pot calling the kettle black, eh?

Why exactly are you even in thhis thread, then?
but I stand by what I said earlier if Forza4 has better physics and track accuracy specifically for Nurburgring, because that is the track of all tracks. I'll give in to Forza supremacy, but until then GT is still king.

Some people can and will. And they'll manufactur a reason as to why the inaccuracy on FM's 'Ring is more valid in this context than GT5's inaccuracy on Laguna Seca.

See? :sly:
I agree Luminis.

It's hard to find praise about GT that doesn't mention "the ring"

All I can say is good job PD made that track. It's saved there bacon many a time in debates to certain members.
Yeah, they did that part of the game very, very well and I commend them for doing so.

But even being the mayor 'ring nut I am, it's not the only track that matters. It's great to have my favourite track that well represented, but even I get bored of hotlapping on the 'Ring, because that's where the weather effects, day/night transition and the premium cars really shine. It's important, no questions asked. But even the mighty 'Ring isn't the be all, end all.

And the fact that you can single out the 'Ring as a positive example that easily just shows one of GT5's flaws I've been ranting about a few times already: The lack of consistency.
You guys think that just because the gaming sites gave it a good review its better?
Not better, but it tells you the quality of the game, atleast most of the time.

Those clowns know nothing about cars and they probably just get paid to write good reviews.
By your logic I can assume that PD paid you to write the above, amirite?