FM Vs GT - Discussion Thread (read the first post before you post)

  • Thread starter Scaff

Nice to see they fixed the over the top brake glow...

You do realise that that pics has been set up to look like that right? Look at the grass and FM4 logo. See how they all appear as they shouldn't. Don't let me get in the way of your bashing though.
New physichs, i like it. đź‘Ť

Holy 🤬 That's a beast looks like T10 allowed you swap your engine for a T-rex.


You do realise that that pics has been set up to look like that right? Look at the grass and FM4 logo. See how they all appear as they shouldn't. Don't let me get in the way of your bashing though.

Tv and ouput setting of the pictures differ from each other thats why people choose too edit their pictures. Btw even if he hadn't done anything too those pics they would've still looked awesome. đź‘Ť
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Tv and ouput setting of the pictures differ from each other thats why people choose too edit their pictures. Btw even if he hadn't done anything too those pics they would've still looked awesome. đź‘Ť

I have not edited the 458 pic at all, it's on my storefront if you want to see for yourself.

Thanks for the comments as well.đź‘Ť
How comes the grass and FM4 logo look so bright?

Grass is that way as I wasn't looking at the grass when I was messing with the settings and the logo is just that way.

Bugatti Veyron SS @ Top Gear Test Track by GTP_Justin, on Flickr

Keep in mind compression may mess the pic up a little as well.

The pic is not edited, I hate editing game pics as it pretty much ruins the whole point of a photomode in my opinion.
Grass is that way as I wasn't looking at the grass when I was messing with the settings and the logo is just that way.

Bugatti Veyron SS @ Top Gear Test Track by GTP_Justin, on Flickr

Keep in mind compression may mess the pic up a little as well.

The pic is not edited, I hate editing game pics as it pretty much ruins the whole point of a photomode in my opinion.

I was talking about the settings in game being changed rather than any editing with PS afterwards. So did you change some of the in game photo settings before taking the pic?
I was talking about the settings in game being changed rather than any editing with PS afterwards. So did you change some of the in game photo settings before taking the pic?

Yes, although you can't do much with the in game tools(GT5 is still way ahead in the photomode dept).
But on the topic of mathematics, it won't do you any good. Those rules are set in stone and no matter how much breath you waste, you won't be able to change them.
So, how do you suppose to give a quick overview of the game in order to make them comparable? Use a median?

Besides, I don't even see why it's even necessarily an ordinal scale. They're giving ratings from 0 to 10. For five values. A game that achieves 9.5/10, 9.5/10, 9.5/10, 9.5/10, 10/10 is at 48/50, so it's pretty easy to use get an average and round it to the nearest .5, really.

The system they're incorporating is basically like what Metacritic is doing. Gather values and get an average. Which would make it an interval scale, really.

You couldn't do it if they were using ratings like "good, very good, spectacular", since you can't measure those (which would be the point to use an ordinal scale in the first place). Since they're using something quantifiable, an average is hardly invalid.
Now, this thread is kind of stupid as I'm pretty sure the world is big enough for both Forza and Gran Turismo. But just for the sake of it, I'll share my opinions on the matter.


Well, I have only played Forza 3. Only seen videos of Forza 4 so far and that stupid "review" on IGN (was that review for real? I was expecting a serious review of the game and instead I got someone reading a script written by Turn 10's marketing division), so as a judge I'm perhaps not the most educated one on the matter.

First of all, the paint shop in Forza (3) is for me the absolute highlight of the game. I love to recreate cars from various racing series. Something that could be improved however (and maybe this has been done in Forza 4?) is to allow graphics to be put on windows and wings as well. Some wings can be painted and stuff, but not all. I appreciate ho easy it is to work with paint jobs, given the fact that the main tool is the default hand control, extra points for that. However, more advanced graphics can be quite time consuming to create. I give the feature 8/10, because it's so nice that it's there, but there is room for improvements (based on Forza 3)

Next topic is car selection. It's the second best thing. There's a good balance between low powered and high performance cars. Even got some nice exotics, like Koenigsegg. Personally though I'm a fan of classic cars and cars with unique personalities, and in that respect at least Forza 3 had some catching up to do. Maybe Forza 4 is better there as well. I'd give the car selection 6/10.

Next topic is track selection. I'll be totally honest, I'm not a big fan of the tracks that are originally designed by Turn 10 themselves. To me it seems like they put too much effort in creating a spectacular scenery, that doesn't seem very real, and too little effort in making the track actually enjoyable. Like the Fujima Kaido for instance, really spectacular scenery but the road doesn't feel very real. In terms of track layout that specific track does not have so much variation either. The Turn 10 designed tracks only scores 3/10 in my book.
The tracks from the real world is a different story. Just the fact that Nordschleife is there is enough for me. 7/10 in score for that. Which gives an average track score of 5/10.

Graphics. I thing the field of view in Forza 3 is really bad. Has been fixed in Forza 4 though, so not a problem anymore. Rest is fine I suppose, the graphics are up to par with the general standard of this generation of video games. Extra points for the sun glare effect and the change of time effect in Forza 4, that's a huge improvement. Big minus points though for no night racing and no weather change. Autovista graphics seems out of this world, awesome. The graphics rendered during races seems to be mostly as they were in Forza 3 though, which again is totally okay and I didn't expect anything else. When it comes to my personal taste I'm not the biggest fan of the actual graphics art. Feels heavy and dark, too much of an FPS. It doesn't make the graphics bad, but it's not an aesthetic that I like. And as I am the one awarding the points here the result is a 6/10 for the graphics.

Damage is okay. The mechanical damage is fine, I appreciate that slamming into cars and walls makes bad things to your car. In Forza 3 it felt a bit generic though. The car always behaved the same when you had sustained a certain damage, some variation would be nice.
Cosmetic damage is okay too I guess. Most arcade car games have better cosmetic damage than Forza, but it's good enough for me. Damage score: 5/10

Now, Xbox 360 is supposed to be supporting a wheel again. That is great news. Bloody bad though that there's no standard that is supported by Xbox, that it always have to have some unique solution that only works for Xbox. If my computer can support the Logitech DFGT wheel, why can't Xbox?? Huge minus score. Another huge minus score is based on my experience of Forza 3 and the default hand control, I think it is really bad. I don't feel that I'm driving a car when I play Forza 3 with the hand control, it feels too much like an arcade racer. It's better than Mario Kart, but not by far. Maybe it gets better if you play every day and are familiar with how the controls work on your car, maybe it's easier to make precision steering then. But I'm not there and thus the score for controls is a devastating 2/10. I hope this has shaped up a lot in Forza 4. If not, I suspect I'll be mostly painting cars.

Gran Turismo

Now over to Gran Turismo. GT was not the first racing game I played. The very first racing game was probably NFS way back in the mid 1990's. The first proper racing game, which could arguably be called a sim, was a NASCAR game and an INDYCAR game for the Macintosh computer, don't remember who made those games though. Then in around 1998 or so I got Gran Turismo. It was a nice game and I played it a lot. Don't remember too much from it more than the HiFi mode, a Toyota Supra race car and the song "Sweet sixteen". Then I got Gran Turismo 2 and that really got me. Never got the PS2 though so I've always followed the GT series sort of from the shelf. Then when the PS3 came I bought it (mainly because I needed a DVD player and the extra bonus of getting one that could also play games as too much to resist). I bought GT5 Prologue too see what had happened to the franchise scince GT2 and the first thing that struck me was the graphics. Watching replays from High Speed Ring was an amazing experience. So that was when I fell in love with the GT series again, after not playing GT2 for probably 5 years or more. Now, I didn't give a background story like this to Forza and frankly it's because I don't have a personal relation to the Forza series. For me, Forza is a game and nothing more, while the GT series for mainly nostalgic reasons have a deeper meaning. Forza is like "nothing personal, only business" while GT is as close to a love affair that I suppose you can get when it comes to a video game. Will this make me biased? Yes, and that's why I think it's important that I am honest about it, because if I'm gonna pretend that I'm being neutral in this matter I'll end up like that IGN reviewer who sounds like he is reading a Turn 10 script while trying to convince his audience that he is unbiased.

So, for GT let's start with it's strong points. First of all the graphics. Now there is a big discussion on standard versus premium so I'm just gonna divide this section in two parts for that reason. One premium part and one standard part. First of all the premium part: It is amazing. Now it is not very even, for instance does all tracks not have weather or time progression. But those tracks that has both are by all means the state of the art. I mean, it's so far beyond "on par with this generation of video games", in fact it's probably on par with what the next generation on video games will be like. "What about the shadows" someone says, and yes, they look really bad at times, but I don't think that is really important. The important aspects of the graphics, from my point of view, is what you see when you are racing. If you have time to look at jagged shadows, pixelated edges where a smoke effect meets the body panel of a car, two dimensional trees, then you are not racing. Or if you are you are gonna end up last. Shadows would be better if they weren't jagged, but just the fact that they are there is plenty enough because with everything that happens during a race that is all the eye have time to register. The graphics aren't perfect when you look at individual things, but altogether and in motion it's pretty amazing. A race around Nordschleife in the night is the state of the art when it comes to this generation of video games, no question about it. It's a solid 10/10, partially because I'm biased and partially because it's that bloody good.
Standard then? Well, some cars do look very outaged, that is true. During racing the difference becomes a lot less apparent though because everything is in motion. Still well below this generation of video games that is drawing the total graphics score down to 8/10. DO REMEMBER THAT I HAVE ACCOUNTED FOR THE STANDARD GRAPHICS NOW, okay?

The second strong point is the car selection. It doesn't have everything, but +1000 cars in GT5 is quite amazing. The emphasize is on the Japanese market, that is true, but then again, the Japanese motor industry is one of the biggest in the world. "Lots of them are simply duplicates", someone says. Well, no. There are a lot of Skylines in GT5 that is true, but all of them are different versions. The difference might be subtle in some cases, but if you look at the real motor world you will find that there are plenty of subtle variations there as well. It doesn't exist only one Mazda MX5 model, there are probably hundreds of variations to them. Far from all are in GT5. And so what if there are more than one version of a car? You are not gonna drive a thousand different cars anyway, so why not have the choise to select the special one model that YOU prefer? "They could spend the time making other models", well yes and no. If you're gonna make five different R34 Skylines where the only difference is some aero parts and engine displacement, then you only need to make one base model and then make small adjustments to that. It's a lot quicker than to make a whole new car. To convert the time spent on making the "duplicates" into making new models instead would probably have a ratio on 1:100 or 2:100, so in reality we might be missing out on two or three cars at the most because of the "duplicates". Not a lot if you ask me. Now, a thousand cars with everything from Kei cars to LMP's and even the X2010 and X2011. You can have a Kei car cup and there are 16 different cars on the track, you can have a 4wd sedan car cup and there are 16 different cars on the track, you can have a Mercedes event with 16 different cars on the track, you can have an LMP race ith 16 different cars on the track. With the latest update it's even possible to have 16 different NASCARs... And as I'm personally a huge fan of 1960's cars I love that there's a lot of them, and that most of them are Japanese doesn't bother me at all. And as we've already accounted for the graphics this gives a car selection score of 8/10.

Track selection: As I am an old GT2 player, the original GT tracks do have a sentimental value for me that the Forza tracks doesn't have. I like the new tracks as well, especially Cape Ring which is very technical. Not a big fan of the rally courses, even if some of them are spectacular. Original tracks gets 5/10 (there could be a lot more of them) and real world tracks gives the same as for Forza, a 7/10 (as we've already accounted for the graphics, not even Nordschelife at night can award bonus points here) which gives a total track score of 6/10.

Car customization. I'll be honest. It's not very good. Paint chips are nice I suppose but very annoying that they disappear when you use them. Aero parts for some cars are nice, but there could be a lot more. Can't change rims on standard cars and can't add graphics to any car... It's kinda bad. I give car customization 2/10, it can be improved a lot.

Damage. Well, cosmetics are well below Forza, that's for sure. Mechanical damage is there, but not as detailed as Forza. I can't give more than 2/10 for that. Then again, damage is not the key aspect of a racing game, but it can be important for cultivating a realistic driving behaviour.

Controls. I have the DFGT wheel and I love it. It was hard to convert from the DS3 in the beginning but now when I've learned how to use the wheel it's simply fantastic. The car does whatever I want it to. It doesn't feel like I'm holding a controller, it feels like I'm in the car. It's an easy 8/10 for that.

Now, total score:

Forza (mainly based on Forza 3, plus videos and reviews of Forza 4)
Car customization: 8/10
Car selection: 6/10
Track selection: 5/10
Graphics: 6/10
Damage 5/10
Controls: 2/10
= 32/60, not bad

GT (mainly based on GT5)
Car customization: 2/10
Car selection: 8/10
Track selection: 6/10
Graphics: 8/10
Damage: 2/10
Controls: 8/10
= 34/60, also not bad

Now, there are plenty of other variables to consider, but I can't waste more time on this now so it will end with this. I will continue to play both Forza and GT, for different reasons. The world is big enough for both of them.
How can you judge Forza 4 just based on video you have seen ? Seriously. GT5 has gotten old. Its the same old recipes they keep service us for years. I played extensively Forza 4 and GT5 this week and I have to say that I won't be going back to GT5 anytime soon.
I will still be playing both games but I will admit that the bulk of my time will be in Forza 4. I think the only time the game will be out of my 360 is to finish off my Gears 3 SP since I got half way through before going on vacation... oh and whenever I decide to pick up FIFA11. I seriously can't wait to get home, crank up my surround setup and go at it in Forza again. Will give the GT5 spec2 a go but from what I've read, it's rather lack luster.
I will still be playing both games but I will admit that the bulk of my time will be in Forza 4. I think the only time the game will be out of my 360 is to finish off my Gears 3 SP since I got half way through before going on vacation... oh and whenever I decide to pick up FIFA11. I seriously can't wait to get home, crank up my surround setup and go at it in Forza again. Will give the GT5 spec2 a go but from what I've read, it's rather lack luster.

Once you play FM4, it will be hard to go back to GT5 and actually get excited.
Once you play FM4, it will be hard to go back to GT5 and actually get excited.

Only problem is.. I'm playing FM4 with controller. Not the biggest problem cuz it's awesome and fun but I want a wheel again for 360. My DFGT is calling me though and I've got to get some work on it lol
Only problem is.. I'm playing FM4 with controller. Not the biggest problem cuz it's awesome and fun but I want a wheel again for 360. My DFGT is calling me though and I've got to get some work on it lol

The next step that happened to me....will happen to you.

I went from the DFGT playing GT5 and Shift2 on the PS3. Then seeing FM3 picked up an XBox, and a MS wheel. After seeing more about FM4 coming out...well I grabbed a GT2, and recently got CSR Elite pedals. I am now sitting happy with my Xbox, Fanatec setup, and ready for any game coming on ANY platform. The downside? A pissed off wife that just doesnt understand why I "needed" a new wheel or "those dumb" pedals.
The next step that happened to me....will happen to you.

I went from the DFGT playing GT5 and Shift2 on the PS3. Then seeing FM3 picked up an XBox, and a MS wheel. After seeing more about FM4 coming out...well I grabbed a GT2, and recently got CSR Elite pedals. I am now sitting happy with my Xbox, Fanatec setup, and ready for any game coming on ANY platform. The downside? A pissed off wife that just doesnt understand why I "needed" a new wheel or "those dumb" pedals.

Friend of mine has an MS wheel that's collecting dust (he got rid of his 360 and has no console now). Said he'd let me borrow it for the time being until I finally order a CSR or CSR Elite. Definitely want to order my Fanatec setup but not sure how long it takes. Just got back from vacation on Monday and haven't looked in the steering wheel section of this forum to see how long it's taking. Don't want to wait 3 months for one. My lady already knows I'm buying another wheel but she's mad because she doesn't get why I have a Logitech MOMO Force wheel that collects dust, a DFGT AND I want another one lol. DFGT and Logi MOMO will be sold once I get the Fanatec
The new 2.0 update actually got me back into playing GT5 again. I downloaded the update Monday night and played for a good solid hour. The interior views added to Gt5 really brought some life back into the game for me especially since I drive with inside view only. Then Tuesday I ended up playing B spec mode in GT5 while I was playing Forza 4 at the same time. Both games have something the other game doesnt have and I have found a way to finally enjoy both at the same time. :)
The new 2.0 update actually got me back into playing GT5 again. I downloaded the update Monday night and played for a good solid hour. The interior views added to Gt5 really brought some life back into the game for me especially since I drive with inside view only. Then Tuesday I ended up playing B spec mode in GT5 while I was playing Forza 4 at the same time. Both games have something the other game doesnt have and I have found a way to finally enjoy both at the same time. :)

See..there you go bringing all your common sense in here and all. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts on all the muscle cars in FM4.
Now, this thread is kind of stupid as I'm pretty sure the world is big enough for both Forza and Gran Turismo. But just for the sake of it, I'll share my opinions on the matter.
Now, total score:

Forza (mainly based on Forza 3, plus videos and reviews of Forza 4)
Car customization: 8/10
Car selection: 6/10
Track selection: 5/10
Graphics: 6/10
Damage 5/10
Controls: 2/10
= 32/60, not bad

GT (mainly based on GT5)
Car customization: 2/10
Car selection: 8/10
Track selection: 6/10
Graphics: 8/10
Damage: 2/10
Controls: 8/10
= 34/60, also not bad

Now, there are plenty of other variables to consider, but I can't waste more time on this now so it will end with this. I will continue to play both Forza and GT, for different reasons. The world is big enough for both of them.

You cannot be serious... rating games without even owning them???

Yes, the world is big enough for both and a whole lot of other racing games. But, this isn't even a close race between Forza 4 and GT5 if taken as a "whole". The Forza experience from the menu system, music, leader boards, graphics, sounds, physics, car selection, track selection, damage system, AI, career mode, etc. etc. is top shelf stuff (I didn't say best in every little detail). I don't buy just one racing game and pledge allegiance to that game. New games come out all the time and each in a lot of cases leap-frog their closest competitor (F1, Rally, Nascar, etc.) and in the case of FM and GT broad appeal driving/racing. PD may return to fight for the best "all around" driving/racing game on the consoles at some point in the future (GT6?) but for now I can honestly say the case is closed. I have no preference, I own both, but if you are a serious virtual racing enthusiast Turn 10 is the development team that hit the nail on the head! Turn 10's success will benefit every virtual racing fanatic in the long run by putting pressure on their competition.
Of course GT5 can co-exist and make many happy. But if you have a choice, it is worth your time (and a lot of it) to check out FM4 as it provides an excellent virtual racing experience bar none (fall 2011).
NoxNoctis Umbra
Hey guys, Forza planet question, Can I use my GT planet ID or I need to create a new one?

You can create an account over again but with the same password and ID etc.

Or wipe the slate clean and come in anonymous. Lol.
Yes, the world is big enough for both and a whole lot of other racing games. But, this isn't even a close race between Forza 4 and GT5 if taken as a "whole". The Forza experience from the menu system, music, leader boards, graphics, sounds, physics, car selection, track selection, damage system, AI, career mode, etc. etc. is top shelf stuff (I didn't say best in every little detail). I don't buy just one racing game and pledge allegiance to that game. New games come out all the time and each in a lot of cases leap-frog their closest competitor (F1, Rally, Nascar, etc.) and in the case of FM and GT broad appeal driving/racing. PD may return to fight for the best "all around" driving/racing game on the consoles at some point in the future (GT6?) but for now I can honestly say the case is closed. I have no preference, I own both, but if you are a serious virtual racing enthusiast Turn 10 is the development team that hit the nail on the head! Turn 10's success will benefit every virtual racing fanatic in the long run by putting pressure on their competition.
Of course GT5 can co-exist and make many happy. But if you have a choice, it is worth your time (and a lot of it) to check out FM4 as it provides an excellent virtual racing experience bar none (fall 2011).

I share most of your views and like you i do own both systems and games as well as most other competitors like Need for Speed, F1 etc. But in the end it still depends on ones personal preferences. You can't make conclusions with your preferences for other people. everyone has do decide his own best "all around" driving/racing game on the consoles for himself. turn 10 hit the nail for you, for me they missed.
Even small details can make the difference.
Forza 4 gives me nothing as long as they don't get the Nordschleife right. It's the only track that doesn't bore me to death even after lapping a thousand times and i could hotlap it for a few thousand more. I would be the happiest person if i could put GT5 to its well earned rest, but thats not possible with the Forza 4 version of the ring. Forza even has my real life car in premium, Gt5 does not.
If i want a pure racing game, I prefer F1 over both Forza and Gt5.
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I share most of your views and like you i do own both systems and games as well as most other competitors like Need for Speed, F1 etc. But in the end it still depends on ones personal preferences. You can't make conclusions with your preferences for other people. everyone has do decide his own best "all around" driving/racing game on the consoles for himself.
Forza 4 gives me nothing as long as they don't get the Nordschleife right. It's the only track that doesn't bore me to death even after lapping a thousand times and i could hotlap it for a few thousand more. I would be the happiest person if i could put GT5 to its well earned rest, but thats not possible with the Forza 4 version of the ring. Forza even has my real life car in premium, Gt5 does not.
If i want a pure racing game, I prefer F1 over both Forza and Gt5.

I didn't think I needed to point that out... of course there is a matter of preference and if Nordschleife in the GT form is what floats your boat more power to you. My opinion, in my opinion :), was not intended to say everyone, without a doubt, would prefer FM4 but taken as a "whole" there is no contest. With that said, if you are a serious virtual racing enthusiast it would be hard to understand why you wouldn't enjoy FM4 (enjoy it a lot!). In your case you could just ignore the Nordschleife track. There isn't, and never will be, any game that excels in every way shape or form - that would be an unrealistic expectation.
My comments and opinions was just my $.02 in a FM vs GT thread. Forza 4 is the newer kid on the block and I don't understand why he cannot be welcomed into the virtual racing community for "everyone" to enjoy. Again, if GT6 pushes the envelop even further I will be more than happy to state my opinions on why I am playing that instead of FM4.

I didn't think I needed to point that out... of course there is a matter of preference and if Nordschleife in the GT form is what floats your boat more power to you. My opinion, in my opinion :), was not intended to say everyone, without a doubt, would prefer FM4 but taken as a "whole" there is no contest. With that said, if you are a serious virtual racing enthusiast it would be hard to understand why you wouldn't enjoy FM4 (enjoy it a lot!). In your case you could just ignore the Nordschleife track. There isn't, and never will be, any game that excels in every way shape or form - that would be an unrealistic expectation.
My comments and opinions was just my $.02 in a FM vs GT thread. Forza 4 is the newer kid on the block and I don't understand why he cannot be welcomed into the virtual racing community for "everyone" to enjoy. Again, if GT6 pushes the envelop even further I will be more than happy to state my opinions on why I am playing that instead of FM4.

Pretty well. There is no denying the graphics in Forza 4 being above the graphics of GT5. I do think the "Ring" is only truly represented by GT5 though. Forza 4 from what I have seen does everything else near perfection.

What really irks me is that in our age, in the day and age we live in, you either have to have an X-box or a PS3 depending on which game, and of course different wheels for either game.

Its unfair to the fans period. Whether one likes Forza or GT5 or whatever else.
I think the Race graphics (Premium) and Track list are still slightly in GT5's Favor.Really Interested to hear you guys's thoughts on the Physics Comparison.

I actually think had Forza been on the PS3 it would have sold more but Asking gamers to switch consoles and even changing Wheels (Logitech to Fanatec)is too much in my opinion.
I think the Race graphics (Premium) and Track list are still slightly in GT5's Favor.Really Interested to hear you guys's thoughts on the Physics Comparison.

I actually think had Forza been on the PS3 it would have sold more but Asking gamers to switch consoles and even changing Wheels (Logitech to Fanatec)is too much in my opinion.

No need to do all of that, it works both ways. The way I see it is now Xbox owners have an awesome Sim racing franchise to call their own. Some franchises being exclusive are great for genre development and those exclusive games usually take the best advantage of their console.

And the physics are much different and less forgiving than FM3.
Both games offer lots for the money are more or less multiple games in one. GT even tried to incorporate F1 and Rally, more or less successful although. I play most games in other genres about 20 hours in average. But i have been playing Gt5 since almost a year now and Forza 3 about the same time before that. So Gt4 was replaced by Forza 3 , which eventually got replaced by GT5.
If you keep enjoying a game for a long time, there must be something you like to do repeatedly. In Gt4, GT5 it was hotlaping the nordschleife for me, in Forza 3 it was the great online multiplayer part. But i didn't have so much time to play online anymore, so i cancelled my x-box gold membership. Just didn't seem to be worth the money as i didn't have so much time to play. I actually believe it should be free. I paid for the game , i paid for all the dlcs so why pay just to race other people? World of warcraft seemed to offer more for the buck. :dunce: Anyway i stopped to play Forza 3 because i had to pay for what i enjoyed most. I couldn't lap Nordschleife because it was just not accurate and didn't give me the results i expected. ( I drove my real life car, the crossfire SRT6 on Nordschleife. Accoring to car magazines it should be good for a time about 8:30. All I managed was 9:00, although i had experience with the track from Gt4, although i was faster than 98% of the leaderboard on this track. That was quite depressing. After i got some information in this forum , i know the track is too long.) Anyway I expected to replace GT5 with Forza 4, because a year has passed and GT5 has done its job. But now Turn 10 is selling me the same Nordschleife they have sold me 2 years before and had been depressing me. So did they hit the nail for me? No, they didn't. If they wouldn't charge money for their multiplayer, i would play Forza 4 longer for sure. But I guess I will get the gold membership for a few months , get some Dlc and then put the game to rest again and cancel the membership so i can spend the money on something else.
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We get it man, I am sorry FM is not the Ring simulator you hoped it would be. T10 did a marvelous job with this game and addressed many requests from the community. No game is perfect but it seems they did a great job releasing a consistent product with a great presentation and great community features as well as the updated physics to attempt the please those out there that whittle anything down to the smallest thing to complain about. This game has won my racing attention due the great parts outnumbering the bad parts by an overwhelming amount. I hope they hold the next one until the launch of new hardware by Microsoft to add features that were omitted due to time and hardware constraints.

I do agree with the XBOX live gold nonsense however.

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