Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.07 Now Available: Tire and Progression Bugs Addressed

  • Thread starter Famine
Same here. It's a real pain to afford nice things when you are only able to work part-time. So you have to spend your money more wisely. MTXs are not something I consider to be a wise investment, at least not in their current implementation. Maybe if it was like GT Sport where I could buy a moderately expensive car for a reasonably low price I'd consider giving PD a bone every now and then.

Same principle applies in real life. I’ve gotten to where I have because I’m cheap, and I invest wisely. The current state of GT7’s MTX’s are junk investments right now. Same with their general IG economy. It’s like Venezuela and Greece all over again!
Staring at the Key West forecast. 81 degrees F (27.2C) and sunny. All. Year. Round.
I started thinking, maybe global warming isn’t a bad thing.
Hate to bring more bad news but Key West will be one of the first places underwater as global warming progresses 😢
Man, the servers are STILL down? This is just a disaster. As a fan of Gran Turismo since 5 it's disappointing that they've botched this launch so bad.

I really wonder what's taking them so long. We know it's not because of the earthquake, they said so on Twitter. If it was just a small bug fix it would be back online hours ago.
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Hate to bring more bad news but Key West will be one of the first places underwater as global warming progresses 😢
I don’t believe that considering there’s entire countries that have been well below sea level for thousands of years. Not to mention the highest point in Key West is a mere 18 feet above sea level and the entire island is nowhere near going under. In fact the opposite is happening.
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I am disappointed that I can't play the career at the moment. I had hoped to try out another couple of the Gr4 cars in the TC700 events to see how they react in terms of tire life, fuel consumption and how they react to various intensity of rain.

Personally, I couldn't care less about the unicorns and how expensive they are compared to race payouts. It will even out eventually, just as it did with GTS.

What I do know is that there are people crunching at the moment to get this game working, and I'm sure they'd appreciate it if we gave them some space to do the job properly.
Wasting away in the northeastern seaboard of the good ol’ US of A. With GT7 down I thought today would be a good day to go outside and enjoy the nice weather, but I didn’t have any. Just cold and rainy. So I sat indoors, loaded up my weather app and stared at the forecast for Key West. 😢
New Hampshire was rainy, but it was like 65 degrees out. Not the worst ever....And, has the benefit of not dyeing in a hurricane.
New Hampshire was rainy, but it was like 65 degrees out. Not the worst ever....And, has the benefit of not dyeing in a hurricane.
It’s actually warmer at night where I am than it was during the day. Tomorrow will be beautiful. A week from now it’ll plunge back down to dreadful.
More time to look at the GT7 figures:

20M cr = 200€ = 1 legend car

I would like a NFT for that kind of cash!

We should have known....
The greed started at the pre-orders ...
No collectables in the collectors edition ...
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So much hype around this game "being for the fans" "25th-anniversary" blah blah blah, its the fans and the buyers and long time players who have made this game what it is, now they're acting like the Rolling stones charging 500$ for a vip experience thats just a free poster - to fans that have made them millionaires, Polyphony now want, expect, demand you spend more real money after buying the game ($130NZ dollars here) to buy more cars cos you can't sell cars any more and post-release they are cutting the winnings in half. it just seems like a money grab by polyphony and its shareholders and a big middle finger to lifelong fans, 25 years of goodwill ruined in a **** game with microtransactions. This is Grand Turismo Sport 2 -Not grand turismo 7.
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We should have known....
7 is the number for bad luck in Japan...
No, it's not. The opposite is the case: 7 is considerered a lucky number.
The numbers 4 and 9 are unlucky numbers in Japan due to their pronunciation, 4 being very close to the pronunciation of "shi" (death) and 9 being close to "ku" (agony).
That's also why there is a very well-known F1 track record of Japanese drivers avoiding the number 4 on their car like the plague, like Satoru Nakajima.
I’m going back to GTsport. My friends and I just want to race each other in race cars. We have every gr1/2/3/4 car in gtsport. We have all the tracks unlocked. It’s basically playing gt7 except no og tracks. Big deal. It’s about the racing. That’s all we care about.
Agree. So far, GT7 has been a disappointment, and now right now it's a disaster. Can I get a rebate?
The more you like GT or even just GTS before, the more you hate GT7 at current state...
Really PDI? Are you just aging enough to simply lie down and grab? Japanese Studios these days are slowly but steadily walking into the sunset.

It just keeps going down.
The game/company/franchise will never get better. As I've said before this update is announced.
Also if it's effort and reward you're after, what was wrong with the method of the old games? Winning race and championships? Look at all the cars you were rewarded with in GT4, for winning events:

The problem was the method being unrealistic, getting prize cars after winning race events?
Truthfully I'd rather have monthly paid DLC cars than a game designed to push me into MTs.
Don't suggest another paying content. If they do they don't deserve to claim the game has the number of cars after said update. Better not have both.
It really breaks my heart to see GT go down this route. The PD we all knew and love has now been consumed by greed, even abusing its fans like forcing MTX upon them. I don't know how some of you are doing it, but I would've lost my sanity years ago had I not moved over to Forza back in 2015.
Moving to Forza and never looking back is a trend that has started long ago since 2010, the PS3 dreadful era of GT. Deserved to be a laughing stock on that era. Forza is just always better and leagues ahead. Some even started it in the Forza 1/2.
Listen, i'll criticize whatever i want, but seeing people say that "collecting cars is the main goal" or whatever, just boils my ice cold bottle of water. Sure, i can still drink it, but its gonna be annoying to drink it since its just hot and not refreshing.
They're using collector levels. Even that part also warrants criticism.
Or more than 24 hours with the players all stop playing the game after the server went up. That's what this franchise deserves.
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I'm honestly really saddened by the direction the devs are going with GT.
I love the GT series so much and i want to see it succeed so badly, but it's like they don't want that? I have no idea...

I hope they'll respond to the outrage of the community and fix these issues.
There are quite a few that share my sentiment. If you look at the people the come from AC and other more hard core games, their main concern is the driving aspect. The player base that are are hard core into sport mode will remain and the majority that will collect cars will be done with the game after 2-3 weeks. People threatening to sell or sold the game are not the long term players. There is a lot of depth in every other aspect of the game. People who complain are usually the loudest of the bunch vs people that will just enjoy the game. At the end of the day, the game is ultra expensive to make and compared to other sims, it offers a lot.
“Quite a few” sounds arbitrary. Show us these quite a few sim racers who are fine with the current state of this game. Love the fact that Polyphony has made it harder to earn credits with this update. And don’t mind having to grind for cars that cost an arm and a leg…. to actually race with mind you. Links?

Meanwhile in the real world, the Metacritic score is still plummeting. Prominent GT Sport Sim racing YouTubers like Super GT have publically scolded Polyphony on Twitter. (And this is Steve’s bread and butter). Actual FIA GT Sport Sim racers… Valerio Gallo, Matthew Thomas, Jonathan Wong, Baptiste Beauvoir have expressed dissatisfaction with the state of this game. It doesn’t get more “hardcore” sim racer than actual GT Sport Competitors.

Gran Turismo Reddit is tearing GT7 to shreds also.

“Quite a few” are satisfied with the current state of this game, and share your sentiments? Who? Any one who is relevant? Serious question.
In GT Sport, you could play the entire game offline but only save your progress while being online. Have they changed that? Or can't we do anything else but arcade races because they botched the update?
No, it's not. The opposite is the case: 7 is considerered a lucky number.
The numbers 4 and 9 are unlucky numbers in Japan due to their pronunciation, 4 being very close to the pronunciation of "shi" (death) and 9 being close to "ku" (agony).
That's also why there is a very well-known F1 track record of Japanese drivers avoiding the number 4 on their car like the plague, like Satoru Nakajima.
Thanks for this insight, edited it in the original post.
This is the new world. In it you have a good game, a really good one, and you broke it just for the money. I think GT7 has take the wrong way. Allright, microtransactions are here to stay. But you can do in a better way. For me it's ok to pay a dollar for a car, maybe. It's better for me than spend X hours to get the money. But no the ridiculous amount of around 120 dolars for a jaguar, for example. It's more than the 25y edition itself. There are 424 cars... I don't want to make the calculations...

The Gran Turismo Series is one of the best due to something, and it's not the microtransactions. Of course you can add them, but, please, in a better way.
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All Music Rally reminds me of is how much of a step down this game's soundtrack is. Maybe I'm in the minority, but most of the new tracks are just bleh, across the board. Some I do like, but the majority is not good I'll admit. Perhaps I'm just too fond of Sport's very solid collection of lounge and chill music. Past tracks are welcome, but they are used as a crutch for the rest of the soundtrack.
I like two songs, one in the Music Rally(Tokyo) and one on the tracklist(Spanish girl).
It surely comes down to personal taste, but I remember the early version to be very good in general and my friends felt the same, not just the random few now that're good by chance or accident.