Uh the camera angle already shifts dependant on the tilt of the car...
Im pretty sure the view in ths demo is a completley new view.
In Prologue the new front view was Mounted at bonnet height, as you always got a different view height from car to car.
It was a big improvement over bumper cam of Gt3, and you could get quite a good indication of body movement.
However the view shown in this demo,The view is quite high one, although the 1 does look quite tall, it is much more loose, and looks to me more like a cam set on the helmet of the driver. the swaying is very severe as well as the hard braking head dip, and when you look at the replay video although the 1 series does move about a bit on its suspension, its nowhere near the amount of movement that the onboard cam would suggest.
Remember how it was mentioned That KY had hoped to introduce some new views to GT4, and that a physics engine had been created for the drivers, and also mentioned the fact that these Physics drivers would also be present in The tin tops, this would seem quite unecessary, but maybe they have to be there so that the physics of the driver in the car, can give a representitve camera movement in this view.
It seems that the camera is Offset from the driving position though, to appear centrally in the car. Hmmm
What ever it is, Its definately different from bumper cam of GT3 and Bonnet height cam of GT4P.
And if it does in fact turn out to be related to the Virtual driver, I will welcome the extra challenge that will bring, but i do hope they will retain the cam from Prologue too.