GT5 Track textures (56K WARNING)

  • Thread starter ST-2
Ok, and I would rather not. I don't get your point?

His point is much like yours actually.. It's his opinion of what he wants.. why must you shoot him down for saying he likes something that you don't?

People don't have to justify why they want something over something else.
IMO GT5 looks more real. Just because FM has more tire marks how does that make it look better? It almost looks as if some ricers participated before you entered and messed the track with their Civics.
And that's my point too. It seems that T10 paints tire marks around just to liven a track up. And then there are unfinished tracks like NISSAN Speedway which have almost no skidmarks, and the track becomes a pattern of repeating texture tiles when you race. And all the tracks are too smooth, except for small sections of some tracks like Sebring. The Nurb is not only too smooth, but as wide as a four lane hiway in F2, and it looks to be the same in F3.

His point is much like yours actually.. It's his opinion of what he wants.. why must you shoot him down for saying he likes something that you don't?

People don't have to justify why they want something over something else.
Some people have problems if GT or Polyphony look better than Forza or Turn 10.

But there is the simple matter of preference too. Suppose someone prefers B-Spec Bob to Forza 1's drivatar. I can see their point to an extent, especially if they spell it out. Personally I think the Drivatar is a brilliant idea, and I called for something like that here on the boards years ago. It does seem like T10 does scour our boards for ideas many times.

But what I don't get are people who abuse logic and reality, such as saying, "Those reflective tracks in Prologue aren't realistic at all," when I've had to deal with dazzling glare from the setting or rising sun shining right into my face. Or "Those tire squeals aren't realistic at all," when they most certainly are. My Supra sounds almost exactly like the sounds in GT4 and Prologue when I push it around a turn on V rated sports tires. And this is especially appalling when someone prefers the grumbling sounds of F2, which sound like a massive truck or SUV, even on tiny cars like a Miata.

Preference is one thing, but torturing a point is another.
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I dont understand why people are comparing GT5 to Forza 2. Forza 3 comes out in October and if you think the Forza 2 graphics looked good they are nothing compared to Forza 3. :sly:
Amazing how people have different eyes.

GT5p and real life:


Man...could GT5p look any more clean and glossy? It's like they took a Zamboni around the track laying down armor all. I like how the FM track resembles the wear, the skid marks, grain, bumps.

I agree completely with you. The trees are so different in both videos, there are many more in GT5:P, though that may be due to date differences, I'm not sure.

Can you post a comparison pic from FM2 too?
I think, except for the saturation, GT5P is not far away from the real thing.

Thanks for proving my earlier point. You guys have to keep comparing GT5:P to Forza 2 just not be hit by reality, which is that GT5:P is not perfect. But you keep comparing it to Forza 2 just to feel it is, and to not listen to the game's flaws.

Frankly, I agree with them. Let's compare how being rushed manifests between the two series in a couple of examples:

Forza 1
Cars are inaccurately modeled.
Damage is questionable, partial, and different for different makes.
Handling is a pain, even with a wheel controller.
Brakes are sluggish.
Driver views are iffy, and 3D transition isn't smooth from distant to close.
Pop-in even with objects less than 500 feet away, such as turn markers. Yikes!
Physics in some ways are questionable, or wrong.
Graphics are running at 30fps, and replays a flickering mess. However, environment reflections absolutely crawl at between 6-8 fps.
Livery editor issues.
Game occasionally crashes.
Limited garage space and only 32 replays (WTH?!) even with a universal hard drive in the XBox.
(I could go on but you get the point)

Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
Mid-engined cars handle like front engined cars, front drive cars still handle too much like RWD cars.
Less than one-third the cars of GT2, no used cars.
No damage, no skidmarks, NO REVERSE LIGHTS - ohnoes!!

I don't know what you were expecting me to say, but no matter how many problems Forza, Forza 2, or Forza 3 had/will have, you can't change the fact that not having damage in all cars in GT5 is questionable, and rushed.

For the last time, GT5:P's graphics are overall better than Forza 2's, but Forza 2's are still better in certain, though limited, aspects. That's all I'm saying.

I was not the one that brought Forza 2 into the discussion, but the OP.
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His point is much like yours actually.. It's his opinion of what he wants.. why must you shoot him down for saying he likes something that you don't?

People don't have to justify why they want something over something else.

I wasn't shooting him down. On the contrary, I saw it as me being shot down for my opinion. :indiff: Why must I be shot down?

I thought we were just stating friendly opinions. Wow do people get worked up for no reason.
For the last time, GT5:P's graphics are overall better than Forza 2's, but Forza 2's are still better in certain, though limited, aspects. That's all I'm saying.
Frankly, I don't agree with you. A few skid textures on a track don't make graphics any better. F3, we'll see.
Thanks for proving my earlier point. You guys have to keep comparing GT5:P to Forza 2 just not be hit by reality, which is that GT5:P is not perfect. But you keep comparing it to Forza 2 just to feel it is, and to not listen to the game's flaws.
I wont compare GT5:P off-screen photos/screencaps anymore with Forza 3 until we finally get proper in-game (not touched up/photomode) material, or at least photomode pics from GT5.

Everytime i do this i get "man that GT pic is touched up" even when using direct feed screencaps. Im also tired of that stupid "FM3 tracks look better than GT5s" while all the trackside textures are a blurry mess, without proper grass on them, 2D tree splines that always "look" in your direction, overdone, blocky, geometry and so on.
Im also annoyed from the constant "GT5 tracks are bland and boring" argument.
Just look at the F1 Suzuka comparison, where does the track look more bland than the real one, where?

Sorry, i will end this here, its getting really tiresome.

Just one more thing: I dont say FM3 looks bad (its looks good, which was not the case with FM2) and i know that GT5P isnt perfect.
Tenacious D

It makes it more realistic than if it didn't have any, at least. A track without skid marks? Not realistic. A track with many, many skid marks? It's in the realm of the possible, at least.

G.T.Ace, you are right about all that. But in the end of the day, people keep comparing GT5:P to something else than real life. Just how often do we see GT5:P pics compared with Forza pics? This thread is an example of that one.

I will end it here too, because it's pointless to go on if people don't listen to my explanations.
GT5p has got skid marks on the track, which was pointed out earlier in this thread with photo's of GT5p track surfaces.

The FM2 pictures on the first post look a little desaturated to me, but I don't know if it's like that in the game. And where there is grass on the real pics on alot of areas, the FM2 pics have alot of sand instead of grass.
@L: Of course people compare GT5:P with other things than real life, its a game.
And there are MANY real life comparisons, also MANY in this thread and they all prove that the game is extremely close to real life, at least closer than any other racing game on the market, what is the reaction on this? "There are not enough skid marks on the tracks", yeah right.

If you like it more with overdone rubber on the track surface, fine, thats your opinion, does it make the game look more real? No.
For me, since I don't go to these tracks in real life, I have no issues what-so-ever with how any game interprets the tracks, as long as they don't go over the top in making them look half interesting, I'm happy..

And tracks 'change' in real life, sometimes slightly re-modelled, re-surfaced, buildings change, grandstands change, trees change (;)), time of year and foliage etc, etc..

So really, as long as the track itself is relatively accurate, has the curves and main 'features/bumps' in the right places, that'll do me! I actually prefer them to be a little less boring then real life, but possibly not quite as loud as I've seen in NFS Shift!
It makes it more realistic than if it didn't have any, at least. A track without skid marks? Not realistic. A track with many, many skid marks? It's in the realm of the possible, at least.
Well, if you think it's realistic to have skid marks strewn around willy nilly where there probably wouldn't be any, I'm glad it gives you warm feelings. However, it's funny that you never mention unfinished tracks in F2 like NISSAN Speedway which have very few skidmarks at all, and hardly an uneven surface to be found, or the four lane highway T10 call the Nurburgring Nordschleife. ;)

But anyway, maybe F3 will bring world peace.
For me, since I don't go to these tracks in real life, I have no issues what-so-ever with how any game interprets the tracks, as long as they don't go over the top in making them look half interesting, I'm happy..

And tracks 'change' in real life, sometimes slightly re-modelled, re-surfaced, buildings change, grandstands change, trees change (;)), time of year and foliage etc, etc..

So really, as long as the track itself is relatively accurate, has the curves and main 'features/bumps' in the right places, that'll do me!

The voice of a sane man :lol:
Amazing how people have different eyes.

GT5p and real life:


Man...could GT5p look any more clean and glossy? It's like they took a Zamboni around the track laying down armor all.
Is called different time day.

I love the 'Best Motoring' look that PD give to its tracks, a sunny morning day looks spectacular and very dynamic, much better than a dull low contrast light.
So should those kids over at be comparing Forza 3 to GT 2 or 3 then crapping their pants over the difference? Because that's essentially what you're doing.
How? Right now we're comparing Prologue to F2, and they're pretty much the same age.

Also I like the more vibrant and saturated, yet very clean and fresh look of GT5 more than those washed-out graphics of Forza or GRiD.
Forza1 (Xbox) = Forza2 (X360)? :confused:

They jumped on me about the same Thing Zer0

I questioned why Forza 2 had 350 cars, but Forza 3 only had 400 cars, why just a 50 car jump in 2 years.

Turns out that Forza 2 = Forza 1.5, Windows 2000, ugly red headed step child or whatever you want to call it

Forza 2 was a game that used Forza 1 assets, like a Gran Turismo HD type game, basically Forza 1 from the original Xbox ported to the 360 but upscaled and touched up.

For Forza 3 Turn 10 scraped all the Forza 2 car models and started over from scratch to produce decent looking (at least in photomode) cars.

In the end, basically, Forza 2 is a Xbox game disguised a 360 game so Turn 10 could beat PD to the market by many months and steal a portion of the console sim racing fan base. But just like rushing the 360 to launch it had terrifying consequences, the RROD with the 360 and a host of bugs and problems with Forza 2.

It's all fair and dandy if they want to say Forza 2 wasn't a real 360 game and shouldn't be compared to GT5, but please, please do not scoff at the 4 year wait for GT5 when the wait for a PROPER Forza has been just as long.
I was just saying that it's not exactly fair exactly for the reasons you highlighted, but I guess the kicker to your post puts a very true perspective on it. Turn 10 simply should have not released Forza 1.5
But that's not the reason to blame us for comparing - blame Turn 10. We just take what we have, saying "it's just a Forza 1.5" isn't an excuse - it's like incriminating yourself.

Of course when the full game comes out we'll start on comparing GT5 vs. F3.
I questioned why Forza 2 had 350 cars, but Forza 3 only had 400 cars, why just a 50 car jump in 2 years.

I thought Turn 10 have defended the number of cars by saying they want to spend the money where it counts (getting the cars you really want to drive) and getting the full damage licenses etc? It might be a cop out (like KY saying they are just testing the water to see whether people really want a damage option) but it does make sense to a point, especially considering Turn 10 probably doesn't have quite the budget PD does to aquire licenses...

I would certainly like to see more cars, but I didn't unlock all the cars even in Forza 1 and I do agree with the ideal of focusing on all the aspects before worrying about adding size.

Turns out that Forza 2 = Forza 1.5, Windows 2000, ugly red headed step child or whatever you want to call it

I always felt win2000 was the first real solid OS to not bear the NT name in the title... I would think the red headed step child was Millenium...

For Forza 3 Turn 10 scraped all the Forza 2 car models and started over from scratch to produce decent looking (at least in photomode) cars.

It's all fair and dandy if they want to say Forza 2 wasn't a real 360 game and shouldn't be compared to GT5, but please, please do not scoff at the 4 year wait for GT5 when the wait for a PROPER Forza has been just as long.

So wait... if they scrapped forza 2 to make forza 3, doesn't that actually mean forza 3 has only really been in production for about 2 years, not 4?
I would certainly like to see more cars, but I didn't unlock all the cars even in Forza 1 and I do agree with the ideal of focusing on all the aspects before worrying about adding size.
Wide car choice is also an aspect ;)

I always felt win2000 was the first real solid OS to not bear the NT name in the title... I would think the red headed step child was Millenium...
True, was also going to point out this mistype.

So wait... if they scrapped forza 2 to make forza 3, doesn't that actually mean forza 3 has only really been in production for about 2 years, not 4?

Meh, no excuses. PD had TT, GT PSP etc. too. And they seem to have the upper hand now, given the fact that PS3 is about 1 year younger than the 360.
So wait... if they scrapped forza 2 to make forza 3, doesn't that actually mean forza 3 has only really been in production for about 2 years, not 4?

Well, you are right there. It will be 2.5 years from Forza 2 to Forza 3, and if the Q4 release date for GT5 holds up it will be 4.5 years from GT4 to GT5

400 cars from Turn 10 in 2.5 years, 1,000 from PD in 4.5 years. Sounds nearly even. We'll have to wait and see about the track count.

BTW, check out these stunning road textures from Forza 3's LeMans. GT5 sure has a long way to go before it's road textures match Forza 2's, let alone the beastly, hyper real road textures of Forza 3

Wide car choice is also an aspect ;)

Well I just get the feeling that car collection seems to be a primary focus of the GT series... perhaps at the cost of other gameplay areas..

Meh, no excuses. PD had TT, GT PSP etc. too. And they seem to have the upper hand now, given the fact that PS3 is about 1 year younger than the 360.

True... but it's not like PD wasn't planning GT5 before GT4 even hit shelves (this is just how it goes with games and consoles) and TT was awful close to GT just with different rules and layout and GT PSP remains to be seen but seems like it's development was large parts - port gt4 - and - license the same things you will be licensing for GT5. The idea being that both actually served somewhat as parallel development and maybe even development tools/practice for GT5... in any event not really getting in the way of GT5 so much.
400 cars from Turn 10 in 2.5 years, 1,000 from PD in 4.5 years. Sounds nearly even. We'll have to wait and see about the track count.

Well to be fair, 400 cars licensed and modeled for (hopefully good) damage. I don't know if it's fair to downplay the "lesser" cars that make up a lot of GT5's 1000...

I don't know how you factor license costs in considering which shop has the bigger budget.

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