Is the negativity ever going to end?

  • Thread starter Boxster
I have. It is drowned in endless repetition of the same complaints.
Well create new threads about sunshine and rainbows. Try yourself to drown the "negativity", if it bothers you so much.

You Can Do It GIF

Nobody is saying that you cannot enjoy the game and have your opinion. Hell, I'm happy for you! But you have to deal with a huge community here.

You happy guys can make your own "GT7 Praising Thread" and try to make it stay on the first page for a week or so. Whining about whiners won't stop the whining. :P
Words of wisdom.
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I have. It is drowned in endless repetition of the same complaints.
Almost like those complaints have merit, and people are pissed off, and will continue to be pissed off until something changes. Which Polyphony has shown no desire to do.

Again, you are free to make your own positive threads if you wish. Brow beating people for being pissed off when they have every right to be is sure going to endear you, though.
Funny thing is most people who are complaining about everything and sundry are still playing the game. How's that for funny? 🤣😂
You don't think that we all like the GT Series so of course we'd be playing it and have negative things to say about it? It deserves the negatives this generates because it doesn't live up to the early games in the series.
You don't think that we all like the GT Series so of course we'd be playing it and have negative things to say about it? It deserves the negatives this generates because it doesn't live up to the early games in the series.

That's my point. Complaining but not doing anything in principle. If I really hated it, I would sell it or delete it. Not moan about how terrible it is but still play anyway.
This game is soooo bad and oh btw, just managed to get the amuse nismo supperleggera it's sick bruh lol.
To be blunt, people enjoy complaining. And complainers holler louder than anyone. The percentage of people who are enjoying the game is most likely greater than the percentage not enjoying it, but they're not saying anything. I remember years ago studying statistics of people who feel wronged vs those who are satisfied with something they received. The ones who felt wrong were something like 8 times more likely to say something vs someone who was happy. It's the vocal minority.

The ones complaining about GT7 do have some valid points, there are flaws. But if you look close, you'll see it's mostly the same few people, on every thread, putting their same 2 cents worth in, and spending a large portion of their day on here disagreeing with anyone who defends anything PD.

And in creating this post you've given them another reason or place to vent, which is quite counterproductive, unless you were trying to do that.
We've seen a lot of newcomers recently disparaging any poster who disagree with them, and repeating the same complaints in post after post as if it's something new each time.

The toxicity of it has been quite shocking at times, with some weakly disguised racism towards Japanese people generally, and wishing of violence towards PD staff as examples of things I've seen around, and have reported.

Coming from the Sport forum that was mostly about the races it's been a bit of a culture shock!
I've read through dozens of pages of the most recent threads regarding the current issues and haven't seen a single comment that could be considered as "weakly disguised racism towards Japanese people".

Not one.

Not one that is even remotely similar in tone to that sort of thing, nor have I seen any "wishing of violence towards PD staff".

These are pretty serious things to say, so perhaps you could provide evidence?

I'm not saying they aren't there, I'm telling you I've seen nothing like it at all.
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Seeing problems but doing nothing about them. Apart from ranting and raving 🤣
Oh, excuse me for not telling you about our secret plan of launching a nuclear bomb at Polyphony's HQ. :)

Ranting and raving is what we can do when there are so many simple ways to solve the game's economy problem, many which have been suggested in other threads. And as I said, the ones who are actually playing can see the problem and express their disappointment.
To be blunt, people enjoy complaining. And complainers holler louder than anyone. The percentage of people who are enjoying the game is most likely greater than the percentage not enjoying it, but they're not saying anything. I remember years ago studying statistics of people who feel wronged vs those who are satisfied with something they received. The ones who felt wrong were something like 8 times more likely to say something vs someone who was happy. It's the vocal minority.
Bold claim, but doesn't matter. The fact it's spread across multiple social media sites, more well-known figures are speaking out, and articles are being written about it show there's a significant amount of the community upset that PD/Sony should probably take notice on.
The ones complaining about GT7 do have some valid points, there are flaws. But if you look close, you'll see it's mostly the same few people, on every thread, putting their same 2 cents worth in, and spending a large portion of their day on here disagreeing with anyone who defends anything PD.
You & others are literally the other side of the same coin.

Edit* To add, it's quite funny to claim it's a vocal minority. As much as I see just the same people arguing in favor of PD's actions, I've seen a noticeable amount more of users displaying their complaints, varying from new users to people who haven't been active here in years.
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I'm flipping furious, I am! I bought this game on the PS4 knowing full-well that it'd be terrible, but there's been nothing that I could write to the Telegraph about! At 1080p, I couldn't come up with any performance complaints no matter how hard I tried, then the progression isn't horribly-paced after I cottoned-on to the fact that completing the Café Menus was what unlocked all the content!

Hideously fine game, I don't know why I bother sometimes! Exclamation marks!

That said, the lack of an X2014 fan car made me mutter 'oh, that's a bit of a shame' once.

Of course people here get tired of complaining but their dissatisfaction is warranted at the end of the day. Some take it too far for sure but we shouldn't have to just sit here, be quiet and take it like a good little customer when PD are completely ignoring the glaringly obvious negative feedback and implementing anti-consumer practices in their product.

At the end of the day PD are making a game to sell to customers, and the vast majority of them have voiced their displeasure, and they've been ignored, while Kaz's response is as empty and meaningless as ever.
3000 metacritic reviewers and people here on this site (probably the same 3000) are far from the vast majority of GT7 customers. For reference there was an estimated 1 million copies sold in the first 3 days. Your vast majority turns into a minority. The vast majority are enjoying the game (when it works).
This is one of the largest forums for information and discussion of Gran Turismo, made up of thousands of members, this website doesn't just discuss the positives of the game,
but also the negative. PD has made some very disastrous mistakes of late, and thus the flow of negative comments is to be expected.
I wouldn't mind campaign in a single player game that went back to its roots, instead of 7 hour tech demo that's for sure, then again paying 70$ for a full fledged game is asking too much these days, apparently
It's the way of the world now . I remember paying £30 UK for a GT game an thinking " Wow this is a lot " but I balance it up by the hours of entertainment it gives me .

I suppose I could buy a Call Of Duty game and enjoy the single player , I mean i'm sure the 3/4 hours of play time will be worth the cost .

One thing I will say . I'm still a bit ( more than a bit actually ) ticked off that there is no qualifying in GT 7 , running around chasing the rabbit feels more like a obsticle course than a race .

I do kinda wonder why the " The real drving simulator " doesnt have a proper Qualifying system , i'm sure the people who decided to not add this have never entered a proper race series themselves ............. there again......
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This day and age with so many " We want it now " entitled types , I somehow doubt it .
I mean lol, we paid for it, surely we'd like some actual gran turismo for our money, not a stripped down tech demo and empty promises and doubletalk.

Would it be also entitlement if I ordered a meal somewhere and only got the appetizers, but not the main course, and then complained?
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