Kaz interview on Eurogamer - Standards are here to stay! Poll added

  • Thread starter Johnnypenso

Kaz says the standards are going to be in GT7. Is this a deal breaker for you?

  • If standards are in GT7, I'm out.

    Votes: 171 19.5%
  • I will buy GT7 regardless.

    Votes: 498 56.9%
  • On the fence, I'll wait for the reviews and then decide.

    Votes: 206 23.5%

  • Total voters
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If GT7 includes standards, a lot of comparison videos will be standards on GT's side and autovista in Forza

I said it
Is it just me or does @SimTourist mention Forza in almost any post he makes in this thread? :)
SimTourist, the majority of people on this side (atleast those who gave Forza a try) know how good that game is. Yes T10 is alot more consistent than PD regarding the quality of their game assets, have superior sound samples and a livery editor.

But why rub it under our nose with every post you make? We got it. Forza does soes many things better.
Is it just me or does @SimTourist mention Forza in almost any post he makes in this thread? :)
SimTourist, the majority of people on this side (atleast those who gave Forza a try) know how good that game is. Yes T10 is alot more consistent than PD regarding the quality of their game assets, have superior sound samples and a livery editor.

But why rub it under our nose with every post you make? We got it. Forza does soes many things better.
IMO, he's a spamming troll who only intends to stir the pot. It is pretty obvious what his intent is.
I think if PD are going to simulate a full 200 car grid on Nordschleife in GT7 or a full 60 car grid like Blancpain series, who will care about standard car quality?

..and what makes you think they could do that? Even if they could, the answer to your question would still be x people.
I can't believe standards will still be in GT7, I only use cockpit view for the immersion, and those featureless silhouettes are terrible. I'd prefer them to be taken out to increase GT7's overall quality. Does that mean standards in GT8 too? Is Kaz waiting until he has 1000 "premium" models to then drop the standards?

I'm much more interested in the racing itself rather then the number of cars, PD needs to focus on the racing as it's akin to Ridge Racer right now (start behind the cars in single file and overtake them before the laps run out). PD can give me 10,000 cars but if the game isn't there then I will not be interested.

I believe GT7 will have enough premium cars to omit the standards altogether, I want a decent career mode with some sort of story and progression, and real championships with qualifying and tight, intense racing with rules and flags, the racing just isn't there from the PS3 era games.

To me GT has become the real car collecting and hot lapping simulator.
Is it just me or does @SimTourist mention Forza in almost any post he makes in this thread? :)
SimTourist, the majority of people on this side (atleast those who gave Forza a try) know how good that game is. Yes T10 is alot more consistent than PD regarding the quality of their game assets, have superior sound samples and a livery editor.

But why rub it under our nose with every post you make? We got it. Forza does soes many things better.
It's hard to persuade diehard fans they are blind and wrong thinking GT6 is a good game to play. You need to be persistent to brake the barrier and be able to open their eyes.:boggled:
I can't believe standards will still be in GT7, I only use cockpit view for the immersion, and those featureless silhouettes are terrible. I'd prefer them to be taken out to increase GT7's overall quality. Does that mean standards in GT8 too? Is Kaz waiting until he has 1000 "premium" models to then drop the standards?

I'm much more interested in the racing itself rather then the number of cars, PD needs to focus on the racing as it's akin to Ridge Racer right now (start behind the cars in single file and overtake them before the laps run out). PD can give me 10,000 cars but if the game isn't there then I will not be interested.

I believe GT7 will have enough premium cars to omit the standards altogether, I want a decent career mode with some sort of story and progression, and real championships with qualifying and tight, intense racing with rules and flags, the racing just isn't there from the PS3 era games.

To me GT has become the real car collecting and hot lapping simulator.

If GT7 features a bonnet cam, then that will serve as a suitable substitute for the silhouette interiors of the 'standard' cars. Such a feature would feel just as atmospheric, without the annoyance of a pitch black area bombarding your screen.
That's a pretty strong statement from someone who started his post with a huge, sweeping insult to the largest fan base in racing games.

My counter argument is in my reply, not everyone have the same priorities as you do. Some people play as little offline as they possibly can and stick to online, some people like to do TT and hotlap while tuning cars, some people just like collecting as many cars as they can, some people like using photomode. But to be honest it doesn't matter why someone else prefers GT over other games, that's there own decisions and you have NO RIGHT to try and belittle people for it.

Think about what you're saying before you post.
YOU!....are correct sir. The post you are referring to made by me was over the top, even for me. My apologies.
If GT7 features a bonnet cam, then that will serve as a suitable substitute for the silhouette interiors of the 'standard' cars. Such a feature would feel just as atmospheric, without the annoyance of a pitch black area bombarding your screen.

But people will be expecting a cockpit view in every car for the PS4 generation, perhaps a selection of generic ones would be suitable if PD really must insist on having these standards.
I don't wanna be mean to JohnnyPenso but the dude's freaking me out these days with that Project Cars.

In fairness to him it looks like a very promising game, and one which offers what he wants from a driving game/racing sim. I hope for his sake that it's as good as it looks though, he's made it his avatar for goodness sake :lol:
In fairness to him it looks like a very promising game, and one which offers what he wants from a driving game/racing sim. I hope for his sake that it's as good as it looks though, he's made it his avatar for goodness sake :lol:
If Project Cars sucked the dude's gonna break everything in his house like that dude from Citizen Kane. However it does look pretty good even in beta so I don't have low expectations.
But people will be expecting a cockpit view in every car for the PS4 generation, perhaps a selection of generic ones would be suitable if PD really must insist on having these standards.
If they made templates, I think they'd make a poor effort of it, and people would be heartbroken that they effectively ruined an interior of a car that they perhaps loved. The fact is, as much as we'd like all the cars to be premium, it will take much longer to put together than we want it to. I think PD is in a state of improvisation when it comes to 'standard' cars. The simpler the solution, the better if you ask me.
Personally, I think 1400+ cars with fully detailed interiors is a bit out of reach. I'd love it, everyone would, but deep down does anybody think it's legit achievable?
YOU!....are correct sir. The post you are referring to made by me was over the top, even for me. My apologies.

Apology accepted. like I said, just make sure that what you're about to post is actually want you want to say.

Off topic, any idea on how many cars PCars is supposed to have?

Personally, I think 1400+ cars with fully detailed interiors is a bit out of reach. I'd love it, everyone would, but deep down does anybody think it's legit achievable?

Sure it is, if we want to wait another 5 years for GT7.
Personally, I think 1400+ cars with fully detailed interiors is a bit out of reach. I'd love it, everyone would, but deep down does anybody think it's legit achievable?
If you take away the duplicates I'm sure you're gonna get an achievable number.
Personally, I think 1400+ cars with fully detailed interiors is a bit out of reach. I'd love it, everyone would, but deep down does anybody think it's legit achievable?

Unless a new car modelling/scanning technique is developed in the next few months or PD bring in a huge number of staff to work on it, nope. In fairness Kazunori Yamauchi did say that they were more focused on bringing in new premium cars than they were on upgrading standards, so by his own admission it isn't really their priority.
Apology accepted. like I said, just make sure that what you're about to post is actually want you want to say.

Off topic, any idea on how many cars PCars is supposed to have?

Sure it is, if we want to wait another 5 years for GT7.
Right now only 67 cars but that number will increase.
If GT7 includes standards, a lot of comparison videos will be standards on GT's side and autovista in Forza

I said it

GT7 will easily have better gfx considering on PS3 which was way complicated they were able to do so much with it. So on PS4 it should be more easier for them. Autovista they are mainly using for advertizing the game with so called all in game footage.
I spent a few months playing both GT4 and GT5 simultaneously when the latter first released, to collect paint chip info. I can tell you that other than a few of the touched-up standards in GT6, the vast majority of Standards are untouched from their PS2 roots. The models are the same as they appeared on disc in GT4. Yes, it's the Photo Travel models (with the proper 3D rims, not GT4's on-track paper ones), but they weren't touched up.
Thats what I was talking about, people should not be confused and think standard in-game ps3 cars look the same as in-game ps2 cars.
Also physics were updated. People should not assume that keeping ps2 cars from gt3 was only a copy paste affair, it took more than that.
How's Lisbon?
Haha, well, i think US and Canada are more similar and have the same language (except for Quebec)
Is it just me or does @SimTourist mention Forza in almost any post he makes in this thread? :)
SimTourist, the majority of people on this side (atleast those who gave Forza a try) know how good that game is. Yes T10 is alot more consistent than PD regarding the quality of their game assets, have superior sound samples and a livery editor.

But why rub it under our nose with every post you make? We got it. Forza does soes many things better.

His avatar is of Dan Greenawalt, who is the creative director at Turn 10...
Also, I want standards to stay. Models will obviously get improved over time, as they are doing now, but while that's going on, I want to drive a car I love which doesn't happen to be the top spec model, which a lot of you guys so desperately want rid off.
Yikes. Surely at least 150 to 200 cars are needed for it to be a major title?
If the sheer volume of cars at launch is the determining factor in whether a racing sim is a "major title" then you're right, it won't be a major title.
If the sheer volume of cars at launch is the determining factor in whether a racing sim is a "major title" then you're right, it won't be a major title.

I don't think that the sheer volume of cars at launch is the determining factor in whether a racing sim is a "major title", but I do feel that 67 is very very low.
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I don't think that the sheer volume of cars at launch is the determining factor in whether a racing sim is a "major title", but I do feel that 67 is very very low.

It is more than enough as long it has good variety. Majority of people do not use more than 50cars I am sure. Hence I do not understand the logic of having standard cars. I will not be surprised if there are no standard cars. They are just considering it nothing more
It is more than enough as long it has good variety. Majority of people do not use more than 50cars I am sure. Hence I do not understand the logic of having standard cars. I will not be surprised if there are no standard cars. They are just considering it nothing more

You're probably right, variety is a key factor. I just feel that as the number of cars is so often used in the marketing of driving/racing games/sims these days, a number below 100 will stick out as being particularly low.
I feel like telling a short story:

Once upon a time a guy ordered an R8 from an Audi dealership. Let's call this guy Sam. once it arrived he went to the dealership to pick-up his new car: a new generation automobile with a ton of horsepower and beautiful lines.

However there was a surprise for him, something he was not expecting. The guy who sold him the car, lets call him Kaz, went to Sam and said:

-"Well, we had some extra, old S3's over here, so we think of offering every new generation R8 customer one. It's free."

Sam was not happy:
-"Do you went full retard? Do you think I want that piece of crap? Look how bad it looks next to my R8. And do you think I want my garage with an average horsepower like this? This is madness of you."
-"But it's free, and you are not obliged to drive it. You still have your R8. We thought it would be nice of us to make that offer" - Kaz repplied.

-"No this is unacceptable, I don't want my R8 anymore. In fact your brands sucks."

-"But you always told us that we should give more options to our customers, that we impose too much on them, and we thought, well this is a nice opportunity to bring some options and freedom to our customers to chose other cars to drive, even if they don't have the power or looks of your order and expectation."

-"Yeah, I know I am not obliged to drive that S3 piece of 🤬. But I don't like it, so I feel like no one else should have this option. I know I could let the car here to rot and go drive my R8. But I take issue that you are offering this thing I don't like, to other people. You are imposing them choices and offering them more cars to drive. That's just wrong in so many ways. I will only allow R8 on my private track, but that's not enough, I also want everyone to drive R8 on public roads, because that's what I want and I don't care what other people want. You suck and are retarded."


Well and that happened in a parallel universe.
I'd be fine with standard cars if they looked somewhat like the RUFs - those look borderline-PS3 level.

I'm NOT ok with seeing assets with the quality from two generations ago. At this point one generation difference is becoming not such a big deal, but two? No. I'm not supposed to see that many pixels in this era of gaming.

To answer the Poll:

I won't buy a "next gen / allready outdated" ps4 just for gt7. Regardless of what an unfinished joke the game will be this time.
Project Cars all the way.
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