Kaz interview on Eurogamer - Standards are here to stay! Poll added

  • Thread starter Johnnypenso

Kaz says the standards are going to be in GT7. Is this a deal breaker for you?

  • If standards are in GT7, I'm out.

    Votes: 171 19.5%
  • I will buy GT7 regardless.

    Votes: 498 56.9%
  • On the fence, I'll wait for the reviews and then decide.

    Votes: 206 23.5%

  • Total voters
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Oh boy, all of the clichés are coming out, from "don't like it don't use it" to "It's a driving game, not a crashing game".

Realistic damage useless in a realistic racing game, oh the logic.
Well, one thing is VISUAL DAMGE (which I was talking about, and saying its not necessary at all and would take a huge waste of PD resources to implement) and the other thing is mechanical, non-visual damage which is already implemented, therefore I dont know why people complain about damage when mechanical damage is already there... And if people love carnage and car bits and pieces flying everywhere, better buy another kind of game, GT is not the proper game for this.
Well, one thing is VISUAL DAMGE (which I was talking about, and saying its not necessary at all and would take a huge waste of PD resources to implement) and the other thing is mechanical, non-visual damage which is already implemented, therefore I dont know why people complain about damage when mechanical damage is already there... And if people love carnage and car bits and pieces flying everywhere, better buy another kind of game, GT is not the proper game for this.
Mechanical damage is very poorly implemented and visual damage is just as important, you can't simulate damaged suspension properly without the visual of it.

Why is GT not the game for this? Because you don't care for it? Because they haven't done it yet? I suppose GT is not the game for anything new in that case.
PD could easily hire more people or outsource instead of blowing up money racing the Nurb and other places. If they are short on staff they should priorize their man hours instead of wasting them on stupid things like "perfect sky" or the useless "moon buggy".

As for crash kid, Are you kidding me? No one would crash on purpose if you would have damage since it would RUIN YOUR RACE!!!. Because of the fact that there is NO damage it is that people crash onto walls and gain advantage. The real problem is that they CAN'T do it!!! PD should just concentrate on Physics and sale that to other game developers. So then you can buy a racing game that says "powered by GT physics" since that is the only thing they get right.

I would like to see you lap the Nurb with DAMAGE ON, you wouldn't last a second bumper boy.
:lol: are you trolling me? Now you accuse ME of being a crash and bump player when I've deffended the opposite? I usually do race many times with damage enabled.
As I said there is mechanical damage available. And also penalties available that penalize you if you ram into another car, so I dont know why are you complaining.
Investing resources into realistic damage I think it is a bit pointless unless terminal damage is allowed for majority of cars in the game and I rather they spend more time on improving driving physics.
Well, one thing is VISUAL DAMGE (which I was talking about, and saying its not necessary at all and would take a huge waste of PD resources to implement) and the other thing is mechanical, non-visual damage which is already implemented, therefore I dont know why people complain about damage when mechanical damage is already there... And if people love carnage and car bits and pieces flying everywhere, better buy another kind of game, GT is not the proper game for this.

that is a lame excuse and second mechanical damage is only available in online races... and is optional! talk about realism...
Maybe PD should delay GT7 for another four years and add all the stuff people want and make a lot more premium cars then take out all the standard cars. Maybe then we will have people shouting because GT7 is taking too long , people no longer pre ordering etc.
:lol: are you trolling me? Now you accuse ME of being a crash and bump player when I've deffended the opposite? I usually do race many times with damage enabled.
As I said there is mechanical damage available. And also penalties available that penalize you if you ram into another car, so I dont know why are you complaining.

you are trolling yourself by buying into whatever Kaz and his PR team says.
that is a lame excuse and second mechanical damage is only available in online races... and is optional! talk about realism...
If you are asking of offline races damage, then I agree that we should be able to enable or disable it. But thats another topic.
I find it odd that it's a standard practise in game design to have negative consequences for the player failing to perform their task correctly. Fail to shoot the bad guy, he shoots you and you die. Fail to jump over the spikes, spike goes up your bottom and you die.

Gran Turismo doesn't have this. Failure to drive correctly has no real consequence, at worst you loop it and carry on going. There is no point at which the game says "you're just sucking TOO DAMN MUCH, start again".

There was reasons for this way back when. Not terribly good reasons, but understandable ones. In a modern racing game...not so much. Having damage heightens tension. Playing a shooter is much less exciting with God mode on. You are still entertained perhaps, but there can be no feeling of achievement because you literally couldn't fail.
Well, one thing is VISUAL DAMGE (which I was talking about, and saying its not necessary at all and would take a huge waste of PD resources to implement) and the other thing is mechanical, non-visual damage which is already implemented, therefore I dont know why people complain about damage when mechanical damage is already there... And if people love carnage and car bits and pieces flying everywhere, better buy another kind of game, GT is not the proper game for this.
Than GT shouldn't claim itself to be a "simulator" if it can't even simulate damage like in real racing. Oh wait, it's a "driving simulator"? Where's them street lights then?
PD's budget is matched only by Turn 10, and yet we can't expect PD to achieve the same things as much smaller teams who are working on much smaller budgets? Amazing. The mechanical damage in Gran Turismo is utterly pathetic, and is in no way realistic. Friggin Mario Kart has a more believeble damage model, with far bigger consequents than GT. Visual damage is important for immersion. Not crashing is not a valid arguement, 'cause guess what. It happens. Even in the top league of motorsport, it happens. When a car looks perfectly fine after crashing into a wall at 200 km/h it breaks all immersion.

PD's has the budget, but lacks both the skills and common sense to improve their games. Which is why it has become the worst of the worst in its genre. A game that is an insult to both its players and to the motor industry.

When people say they don't want standard cars, it's because of consistancy in quality. You don't usually see 10 year old models in franchises that has a budget like Gran Turismo. Also, those other franchises tend to evolve over time, instead of releasing the same unfinished product time and time again. Some people want quality. Others are fine with below mediocrity.

Dispite having more ressources than just about any other racing sim dev, PD consistantly fails in even the most basic of things. The tire model is awful. Then there's the sound where first they promised that sound would recieve a major overhaul for GT6, then they said it would come in an update, and now, the word is that it will come for GT7 instead. Why are we supposed to believe this crap? Consistancy in quality is non-existant, as is the damage model.

AI is awful. Game design is truely awful, not even giving us the options to set up our own racing events. It's truely baffling how awful the game is. But what is even more amazing, is that people continue to support this 🤬
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Maybe PD should delay GT7 for another four years and add all the stuff people want and make a lot more premium cars then take out all the standard cars. Maybe then we will have people shouting because GT7 is taking too long , people no longer pre ordering etc.

I would rather they did that instead of releasing half baked games. Any way GT5 took about 5 years to be released and they still weren't able to make all the cars premium. What about hiring more people instead of blowing money racing the Nurb?
Maybe PD should delay GT7 for another four years and add all the stuff people want and make a lot more premium cars then take out all the standard cars. Maybe then we will have people shouting because GT7 is taking too long , people no longer pre ordering etc.
I feel like there could be a solution to this issue, I just can't put my finger on it. A smaller budget? No that isn't it. Fire some staff? No that can't be right. Downsize to a smaller office? Don't think so. Whatever could it be?
Realistic damage is completely USELESS in a game like GT, and that would take a lot of resources for PD to make.
GT is a sim and damage is part of racing. Yamauchi should know, according to their blog they've got in a big accident this year at nurburgring and then had spent quite a bit of time in the pits to fix the car.
In Forza if I crash into a wall or back of another car I practically lose, the car can't go faster than 15 km/h, steering, braking, gearbox is screwed up. In GT it's all nice and dandy, you don't even lose much speed by going into a wall or even off-track, it's a very well known technique of getting into a corner by bouncing off AIs in GT. Doesn't work at all in any other sim.
GT is a sim and damage is part of racing. Yamauchi should know, according to their blog they've got in a big accident this year at nurburgring and then had spent quite a bit of time in the pits to fix the car.
In Forza if I crash into a wall or back of another car I practically lose, the car can't go faster than 15 km/h, steering, braking, gearbox is screwed up. In GT it's all nice and dandy, you don't even lose much speed by going into a wall or even off-track, it's a very well known technique of getting into a corner by bouncing off AIs in GT. Doesn't work at all in any other sim.
have you ever tried online racing with full damage on? its pretty much as you described in forza.

Than GT shouldn't claim itself to be a "simulator" if it can't even simulate damage like in real racing. Oh wait, it's a "driving simulator"? Where's them street lights then?
oh yeah, where's the air conditioning in cars, where's the cd player, where is the gps navigator... sigh.
If Kaz did delay GT7, he'll only delay it to play Project CARS. ;) "I'm too lazy to develop GT7 just yet, so I'm going to take a 5 year off to play pCARS. I'm sure the my fans can wait and believe I'm making the game."

If you are asking of offline races damage, then I agree that we should be able to enable or disable it. But thats another topic.

It is the same game, how can it be another topic??? It is one of the main reasons why the game sucks nowadays.
Car becomes useless at runs at very low speed. thats it. I think gearbox doesnt stop working but still its useless anyway.

If you hit a wall at +250 Km/h guess what, the car wouldn't be able to run at all.
have you ever tried online racing with full damage on? its pretty much as you described in forza.
No, I don't play racing games online because my internet isn't good enough for it. If damage works online it should work in career. At least make a switch in the difficulty settings like it is in every other game. As it stands GT career is very easy to play since there's no potential threat of losing a race if you lose focus or misjudge your braking point, the rubberbanding allows you to catch up with the AI pretty easily as well. The most thrill in GT6 single player comes from license tests and special events, because you're racing against the clock and disqualified for going off track or bumping into others.
And you would die depending on the car you were driving, therefore you wouldnt be able to play again!! How unrealistic :sly:
Well in the game you won't die, you'll just be out of the race like in real life. However in real life, you'll end up with serious injuries or even die. GT should be simulating the cars getting totalled to the point you can't move them, and you'll be forced to restart it. This will teach drivers how to drive carefully on the track for both in the game, and in real life. Ahh I forgot, GT is a "driving simulator", nevermind we got Project CARS and iRacing(?), for that. :sly:
Than GT shouldn't claim itself to be a "simulator" if it can't even simulate damage like in real racing. Oh wait, it's a "driving simulator"? Where's them street lights then?

Here's one of them

And you would die depending on the car you were driving, therefore you wouldnt be able to play again!! How unrealistic :sly:

Did you see Kubica's crash in Montreal? Anyway obviously your console is not going to grab a knife and kill you but the car at least should be a complete wreck. And yes it would be cool if your whole career would end due to that crash and you would have to start all over again.
Did you see Kubica's crash in Montreal? Anyway obviously your console is not going to grab a knife and kill you but the car at least should be a complete wreck. And yes it would be cool if your whole career would end due to that crash and you would have to start all over again.
Next-gen Senna Tribute - crash into a wall and die at interlagos. :)
Sorry if I've offended anyone.
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