* Round 5 Results! * ATTACH REPLAYS HERE *

  • Thread starter Duke


Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area
Round 5 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 20 September 2005

Submitted by Torc Talk:
TRACK: Swiss Alps I
CAR: Hyundai Accent Rally Car 2001
Mode: Arcade hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Power ±0%, Weight -10%
Tires: Dirt
Settings: TCS & ASM set to 0 (zero), top speed open

Pos  Driver        Team          Time      Points  Total
1    philct        GTPlay        88.358    30      106
2    Z.            GTPlanet      88.405    27      104
3    King-gt       GTIRN         88.484    25      125
4    Franconen     GTWeb         88.788    23      121
5    Persian Pride GTN           88.816    21      109
6    LDM           Team Numbers  89.666    20       90
7    Jump_Ace      GTTimes       89.970    19      123
8    Tontonfredo   Crazy Team    89.992    18       85
9    Loxley        Team GTX      90.542    17       85
10   Freemen       SoGT          90.800    16       91
11   Whitewolf     GTRP          91.045    15       83
12   Tosk          Torc Talk     95.093    14       84
13                 GTChallenge   DNS        0       47
14                 GT4Portugal   DNS        0       23
Well done, everybody - very close results in the top 5!

Below are links to the replay files collected as of 20 Sept 2005:

philct -1'28.358
Z. - 1'28.405
King-GT - 1'28.484
Franconen - 1'28.788
Persian Pride - 1'28.816
LDM - 1'29.666
Jump_Ace - 1'29.970
Tontonfredo - 1'29.992
Loxley - 1'30.542
Freeman - 1'30.800
Whitewolf - 1'31.045
Tosk - 1'35.093
Team GTX Round 5 time submitted via email and backup submitted via PM to Duke. 👍
Got everybody above.

As of 55 minutes to deadline, I have no information from GTChallenge, GTRP, or GT4Portugal. Anybody have any info on those guys?
until results are up, is it ok to talk about which drivers ran this round for each board?
Z. was doing the honours for GTP!, go Z.! 👍

BTW since your online Duke, does that mean results be posted very soon after deadline?
cool, i´m still shocked about the next round, hope this one is a good one for gtplanet... anyone else running?

just curious... as always
GTRP submitted and received. 👍

Still no word from GTChallenge or GT4P, either via email or PM here. :(

I've got to leave for work in a minute but I will compile the results and get them posted ASAP once I get in.
oh no! we have to wait for Duke to get to work!

Speed Duke! :lol:
I spanked him for it on a bad day and he's scared to do it again...
Results will be up very soon.

Something like that. :D But actually, last race we had the winning run and I knew it (Hugo, city track, FF car = sure thing, though Ramon did well 👍 ) and today Duke announced he would be swift about it, so I didn't bother either. 👍

And if I don't start, it seems noone else will.
Well done Z 👍 2nd!!! 👍 :cheers:

Wonderful B-day present :D

Congrats to the other podium guys as well 👍 :cheers: