* Round 6 Results! * ATTACH REPLAYS HERE *

  • Thread starter Duke


Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area
Round 6 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 22 September 2005

Submitted by GTPlanet :
TRACK: Cathedral Rocks I
CAR: Subaru Impreza Rally Car '03
Mode: Arcade hot lap driven in Free Run
Modifications: Full Quick Tune, Power +20%, Weight -10%
Tires: Dirt
Settings: TCS & ASM open, top speed open

Pos  Driver        Team          Time      Points  Total
1    Zoky          GTIRN         95.851    30      155
2    WernerWinkels GTRP          96.833    27      110
3    holl01        GTPlanet      96.845    25      129
4    Arwin         GTTimes       97.051    23      146
5    Sphinx        GTN           97.461    21      130
6    Mistral       GTWeb         97.605    20      141
7    Montoya-gt    GTPlay        98.501    19      125
8    LastCURVE     Team Numbers  99.028    18      108
9    DukeOfNemesis SoGT          99.504    17      108
10   zoud          GTChallenge   99.833    16       63
11   Phylantropy   Crazy Team    100.525   15      100
12   Rypien        Torc Talk     100.957   14       98
13   TKM_[PT]      GT4Portugal   100.986   13       36
14   Wity          Team GTX      101.308   12       97
Here are links to the replays submitted to date:

Zoky - 1'35.851
Werner - 1'36.833 (max)
Werner - 1'36.833 (xps)
holl01 - 1'36.845
Arwin - 1'37.051 (1)
Arwin - 1'37.051 (2)
Sphinx - 1'37.461 (max)
Sphinx - 1'37.461 (xps)
Mistral - 1'37.605
Montoya-gt - 1'38.501
LastCURVE - 1'39.028
DukeofNemesis - 1'39.504
zoud - 1'39.833
Phylanthropy - 1'40.525
Rypien - 1'40.957
Rypien - Backup Time
TKM_[PT] - 1'40.986
Wity/Chalkie - 1'41.308 - Read warning for this replay.
i´m already on record saying that when BC5 started i didn´t imagine i would see the results of round 6 the way they will be

Anyways, TorcTalks time for this round was sent via email a while ago.

Good luck to all the mudslingers for this round. 👍
OK, 8 in so far - I'm glad to see GTChallenge back on the course.
@ Arwin : Is the time I saw on GTT real? Never manage to break that ****ing limit though I have enough margin to break it. :(

@ Duke : Time must be in by now. 11h45PM, GMT-5
@ Arwin : Is the time I saw on GTT real? Never manage to break that ****ing limit though I have enough maring to break it. :(

You mean the time Hugo hoped I would drive? Don't worry. I couldn't break the limit either.
GT4Portugal Time Sent by PM and Email.

Im having problems with email server so... dunno if email will be sent properly.

Good Luck Everyone
Got a full field this time! It's good to see GT4Portugal and GTChallenge back out on the track. I'm going to hold off an hour nutil the official deadline, but I just might match Arwin's 2 minute results posting this time!
Hi folks!

I just did a .2 faster time then my old saved time which Rico submited but I'm not 100% sure if it's clean or not.I would like very much to submit that time but I can't risk a DNQ for my team.I also can't upload a replay at the moment so someone could check it as well so I don't know what to do :guilty:
Any quick sugestion would be great...an hour left untill deadline... :indiff:
If Rico already submitted the first time, you may submit the faster time to my Private Messages here, now. Replay is not required until later.

But really, I want you to be pretty confident it's clean, not just a shot in the dark.
just find someone with your system and send the replay for a check... 1 hour is plenty of time to check things... hope you get it
Hi follks!

I just did a .2 faster time then my old saved time which Rico submited but I'm not 100% sure if it's clean or not.I would like very much to submit that time but I can't risk a DNQ for my team.I also can't upload a replay at the moment so someone could check it as well so I don't know what to do :guilty:
Any quick help would be greatl...an hour left untill deadline... :indiff:

Oh boy, that's really annoying! But I wouldn't risk it. It is very easy to have a small touch in this race, and knowing you I think your old time is probably good enough anyway.

Best thing you can do is really watch the replay, very very carefully, and maybe if you have a digital camera you can make a movie of it or some screenshots or something?

Just some wild thoughts.
Oh boy, that's really annoying! But I wouldn't risk it. It is very easy to have a small touch in this race, and knowing you I think your old time is probably good enough anyway.

Best thing you can do is really watch the replay, very very carefully, and maybe if you have a digital camera you can make a movie of it or some screenshots or something?

Just some wild thoughts.
I don't now Arwin,it's a win or lose situation...I could be risking my win with not submiting that time and I could be risking my DNQ as well,why the hell did I put myself in this situation,running out of time.. :ouch: :scared:
The douable moment is after that fast left turn( turn after T2).Screenshot wouldn't do any good since there's a invisible wall and I can't determine if there was a speed drop as I started to brake at the cruscial moment :indiff:
@fasj..replay is not an option as I can't load my max drive on my old ps2 at home!
I think I'll risk it,will check the replay a few more times first...
And thx for the quick response
Good luck to all the ralliers in this round 👍 ... looking forward to viewing the end products :cool:

Go the dirt maestro's! 👍
Hi folks!

I just did a .2 faster time then my old saved time which Rico submited

Wait a minute here - did you mean 0.2 seconds, or 2 seconds?
Duke...sorry I did a typo in my mail...the time to be sent for zoky was 1.36.031...and not 1.37.031...I just checked my sent mail...