The Weekly Arcade Time Attack: Week 5

  • Thread starter GT Pro
GTPr01 (GT); TheGTAFather (GTA)
Welcome all to the ‘Weekly Arcade Time Attack’ series, whereby the ultimate aim is to be able to establish GTPlanet-dominated 'online rankings' for each and every car & track combination posted on each Sunday that begins the week, as well as helping find our true positions of skill amongst all the online GTP racers here.
Once you think that you've nailed your best time, post it and I'll update the first page. The combinations for each week will be decided via PM'd suggestions from participants. I may, however, need to alter some combinations depending on their suitability (short-to-medium length tracks and reasonably easy-to-maneuvre vehicle are currently most sought).

:: Posting your times::

When posting your time please do so in the following format:

[ PSN - Time (e.g., 1'02.345)]

Week 1: Mine's BNR34 @ Suzuka East Forward (Professional)
Week 2: Jaguar XK-R @ Suzuka East Forward (Professional)
Week 3: Honda Integra Type-R @ Eiger Nordwand Forward (Professional)
Week 4: Honda NSX-R @ Suzuka Circuit (Professional)

Week 5: Volkswagen Golf GTi '05 @ London Forward (professional)
{6/7/06; 12.00 GMT – 13/7/08: 12.00GMT}

Current GTP positions:

#1 - GTP_Spyrrari1 - 1'01.233 (current WR holder)
#2 – LiLFaF - 1'01.285
#3 – GTP_Chronos-GT - 1'01.433

#4 - DrKrFfXx_ - 1'01.466
#5 - GTP_Beerz - 1'01.511
#6 – GTRP_Klopfer - 1'01.582
#7 - Zocker_16_GTRP – 1'01.616
#8- GTP_Superwally – 1’01.703
#9 - GTP_Mr_P – 1’01.732
#10 - GTP_MisterWeary - 1'01.819
#11 - CMir – 1’01.861
#12 - GTC_Wayne - 1'01.875
#13 - GTP_CWR 1'01.908
#14- GTP_doggyollie - 1'01.920
#15 - GTP_Vaxen - 1'01.994
#16 - GTP_nd4holdenspd - 1'02.134
#17 - GTP_bobzed - 1'02.233
#18 - GTP_vanuber7 - 1'02.354
#19 - GTP_hyperuk - 1'02.357
#20 - GTP_Jake - 1'02.505
#21 - GTP_ccxftw - 1'02.641
#22 - osrg - 1'02.870
#23 - GTP_CerealKiller 1’02.945
#24 - Sonzilla – 1’03.060
#25 - GTP_gitSehT - 1'03.140
#26 - Oofie - 1'03.640
#27 - GTP_chemicaL - 1'03.648
#28 - GTP_bigracer - 1'06.811

So without further ado, start your engines and thrown on your helmets racers and above all have fun!
What a perfect way to train myself using the interior view. If I can get good at it, I used to be pretty fast as London too, so maybe I can do a smidge better this time.:dopey:

First time on this track, I'm still searching for the best possible lines for some turns, and 4 out of 5 times, I turn too early or too late for the final corner.

My best T1 was 16.135, but on the lap above it was a 16.3xx
I used the 05 one.. heh I might do the 02 one too to just get it in the top ten
Currently on a 1'02.390. I'm hoping to break into the 1' before I'm done.

EDIT: 1'02.221 and I can see another 0.3 in sectors 1 and 2 👍
Well in my lap I had:

T1: 16.2xx
T2: 33.3xx

However I have seen:

T1: 15.9xx
T2: 32.9xx

So I will be shooting for the sub 1'02 mark 👍
Mt best T1 was 16.135 and T2 was a 33.2xx.
My first time on this track, so a lot yet to learn. I'll give it another go today to try and shave some tenths. 👍
I gave it a 15 lap trial ( I love London !)

T1 - 15.989
T2 - 32.889
Fin - 1'01.875

Can be improved on T2 & T3 :sly:
Well I really tried with the interior view, but it's just not fast. At first I couldn't break 1'03, then I set a ghost lap in the "chase" view, then I could only do high 1'02s in the interior view, so I switched back to chase view, and ran a 1'02.2xx (I can't remember the exact time, if anyone is online now and could check my time in the rankings that would be great). Why is the interior view slower anyone?
It's not like the view is slower.. you haven't just adjusted to it yet.. :)

No, see you use bumper cam, I mean the actual interior view, with steering wheel, dash, hands and all. I adjusted to it over yesterday and today. I can be reasonably quick in it (enough to beat punters and maybe a few of the slower clean drivers), but no matter how damn hard I try, it's still 0.5-1.0 seconds slower than the chase view. (Which in turn is some 2-3sec slower than you guys.:()
I've driven some time with the interior view, and in some corners I'm faster with it too. The extra wheel in my sight turning in no sync with the "real" wheel confuses me and I just can't drive the esses in Suz, for example, as good as in the bumber view.. but that's another thread.. :)

But it is harder in some way, not necessarily slower, though.. :) ..I know there are very fast people who uses the interior.
Did anyone online now find out my time? My PS3 is already off, and will be off for 24hrs. (I should be asleep right now)