Track Design Competition!

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
Thanks @twitcher for choosing me as the winner and for the next round of the competition...

Formula E at Washington D.C.
Keep it between 1 to 2.5 miles and a Pit Lane must be designed but it does not have to run parallel to the track

Best of luck
Here's my entry

2.1129 miles/3.4 kilometers
10 turns

This is probably the hardest one yet imo since its very hard to find a pit lane at all (ill post a pic showing the pit lane soon)



I chose this part cuz Abraham, WWII ,and Washington Monument :P
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Edit: This track is too long. My new track can be found here.

Here's a figure 8 track, running counter-clockwise.

Start-finish straight runs straight across the White House south lawn.
The Obama esses leads down through a tunnel.
An overpass after the exit marks the approach of the Clinton hairpin - brake hard!
Get on the accelerator as early as possible after Clinton because the fastest section of the track is coming up: The Kennedy right hander can be taken at full speed and it's absolutely critical to get the line just right through the Lincoln left hander so that you can carry as much speed as possible past the Smithsonians. Brake for the Ford chicane and then line up for the sharp Jefferson left turn. The straight leads you back towards the white house, a late apex through the Roosevelt corner will line you up for the Washington chicane and then you cross the finish line.


(South of the pitlane there's room for a kart track. It shall be named Carter.)
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I'd love to be involved in this as a contest holder (or whatever it is) and see what people'd design for the area I have in mind.

Washington D.C. with a pit lane and 2 miles huh?

Let me gamble a try. Pit lane is on the other lane of Connecticut Ave NW. Start/finish at B. Runs counterclockwise (I mapped it clockwise, oops)

Edit: Added pit lane in green (the actual exit is a hairpin then right-hander back onto the road.
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My first entry to the current round, and competition.
The United States Grand Prix

2.28mi / 3.67km
Direction: Clockwise

The track goes in front of the White House Lawn, and dips south below the Washington Monument.

(I can't think of a witty brochure-like description.)

The red line is the pitlane.
DC GP.png
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I realised that my first track was a bit too long (also, the Secret Service said that I couldn't build a racetrack across the White House lawn), so here is a new attempt. This layout is 2.17 miles long.
I'm sure they be much happier with you racing down the side of the pool of remembrance and past 3 other major monuments :lol:
Here's my go at a DC layout. I really liked the area, so I went a little further, making Club, National, GP, and Endurance length circuits.

Formula E would use the National layout (Club if National deemed too long...but it shouldn't be, I think it's right at 2.5 miles).

Start/Finish is located on Rock Creek & Potolmac Parkway NW, just south of Virginia Ave NW. Pits are on the front straight, using lane located on the outside of the track. All circuits run Clockwise.

•Club Circuit
1.75 miles
12 turns

•Formula E / National Circuit
2.5 miles
16 turns

•GP Circuit
4.25 miles

22 turns

•Enduro Circuit
6.30 miles
31 turns
Location : Wolfsburg, Germany
Track type : Street Circuit
Track length : 1.3375 Km (0.8311 mi)
Racing type : Stock Cars


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