UKGTP14 - XIV - Four No More [Now May 28-30]

  • Thread starter Roo


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United Kingdom
Hampshire, UK
UKGTPXIV - Four No More


Same as The Dertien - near Basingstoke. Ish.


See poll. 29th - 31st October would be best for me. Again, you can arrive Friday and leave Monday if wanted; if it's the 29th you can turn up anytime on Friday, otherwise I won't be back until 10pm 'cos of Scouts. If you didn't already know (I didn't, had to look it up) GT5 is released during the first week of November.


We've got the whole house this time round, so there's more space indoors. All the bedding I had last time is no longer available (I managed to break it all, basically) so bring something to sleep on. There's a Travelodge and a Premier Inn nearby, or there's hotels more local to the venue but only if you're feeling rich.





3x TVs
2x PS2
2x memory card
2x GT4
1x G25/DFP
3x DS2
3x headphones


Again, recycled, unless anyone comes up with some new ones.
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Seeing as my new to be employers still haven't told me which version of Fawlty Towers I'm off to, before the end of October is possible. I'll be a maybe.


1 x TV
1 X PS2
however many I can find x memory card
1 x GT4
1 x DFGT
1 x DS2
1 x headphones (not that I'll remember them)
I'm a yes. Don't mind which date it's on either.

I can provide:

1 x PS2
1 x GT4
1 x DS2
1 x headphones
1 x memory card
1 x assorted cables
Hi Chaps.
Thanks for the invite, unfortunately we have a couple of do's around those times that we've already booked up for. So I'm a no :guilty:
The only possible one I can do is the 22nd-24th October if Mrs. F isn't working that weekend. And even that's a bit of a reach.

I shall make my box of joy available to anyone who wishes to collect it.
Also, the 12th-14th November is the Classic Motorshow at the NEC which I'm intending to go to. So preferably not then. Of course, any GTPer who wants to meet up at the NEC with me that weekend is welcome to.
I can do any of those dates, but would prefer either of the October ones.

I would like to point out that we can't really hold one if Famine can't make it. Apart from the fact he's been an ever present since they started, no one else really knows how to setup the network. We've all helped out in the past, but we always have to confirm with him that it's done right. I'm beginning to think the network needs his brain in the vicinity to function.
We could always let Roo set it up...

You're right though, can't say I've ever really paid proper attention to what Famine actually does when setting up the networks.
I can happily write it all down. It's not hugely complex, it's just a bit of a gonad-nociceptor-activator to get it all in the same place at the same time and on the right memory cards.
I could probably do any of those dates, with the 29th-31st being best for me too.

I can provide;

daan's 2nd GT4
my psychic DS2
Memory card (setup as per the dixie)

...and some potentially new race series - unless they were used at one of the LANs without a results thread.

As for the setup - with Famines box of bits and written instructions, I cannot see any reason we couldn't get it all working. If the SFGTPers can do it without him even in the country then it can't be that hard, and his instructions were good enough to bring us the Algore eco challenge
I did take plenty of notes & photos when observing the entire setup procedure at UKGTPV so that I was able to attempt to recreate a LAN setup out here. Once I'd tried it by linking 2 stations together, getting 5 or 6 on isn't too hard.

Points that've flummoxed us temporarily:

All stations must be plugged into a dataport (Usually 1 - 6 or 1 - 8) of the network switch, we once wasted almost an hour trying to figure out why the network wouldn't start until it was finally discovered that 1 station was plugged into the uplink port. :dunce:

All mem-cards should contain the exact same save (clone if necessary) and go through the settings to ensure everyone has the same number of laps & tyre wear settings in 2-player battle and Arcade settings (it's not quite clear which set are used by LAN) All saves must have the same favourites list & tracks selected otherwise confusion reigns. (Which is why it's easier to clone 1 pre-prepped save than to create 6 new ones where everyone is trying to select cars & tracks and talk about other stuff at the same time!)

Once cards are cloned, get people to shut the 🤬 up for a moment or 2 and check the Network & LAN settings. Each station should have a different player ID (Player1, Player2, etc.) You need to select HOST - YES in order to be able to change the number of stations on the network, however, all bar 1 of the stations must revert to HOST - NO after selecting the correct number. (Having more than 1 station trying to host will cause LAN not to initialise correctly) It helps to have everyone do this at the same time, or sequentially so that it can be verified that there's only 1 of each player ID and only 1 station that's set to be the host. Use Network Traffic - Light.
After this go to Network, use Auto Connection - Yes and ensure each station has a unique ID (usually Player1 is 1, Player2 is 2, etc., to keep things simple.) Once this is done have everyone back out to the main menu and SAVE THE GAME!

Reset the consoles without GT4 disks in, go into the memory card browser and find any network settings that're already present (looks like a mem-card icon with a silver lightning bolt) and if so everyone must delete these settings so they can be recreated when the GT4 LAN is established.

Now start the systems again with GT4 disks present. Have anyone that needs to set up fancy screen options such as 480p or 1080i do so BEFORE starting the LAN as it can't be done afterwards (I'm not even sure if this is an option on the PAL game anyway!)

Once this is done, go to Arcade Mode, and have everyone wait...
Have the host machine click on Multi-LAN Race, and it will now create new network settings and go to the "Waiting for Connection" screen. At the bottom of the screen 1 dot will be seen.

Once the host has reached the "Waiting for Connection" screen, have the other systems go in 1 at a time, waiting for them to create new network settings and reaching the "Waiting for Connection" screen. Initially these "slave" stations will display 3 dots at the bottom briefly and then go to 2 dots. Once a station has 2 dots at the "Waiting for Connection" screen, then next station can be connected.

Once all stations are connected and have 2 dots, the LAN should start.
If any station fails to drop from 3 dots to 2 dots, it usually indicates an issue with the connection, network settings or game save on that station.
Try to avoid having everyone dive into the Multi-LAN Race icon at the same time. 👍
No issues with the above dates and I'm in. Although I may force the other half to come along as it turns out he's considerably better at GT4/GT5P/everything than me, so I'll probably just hover about making people tea.
No issues with the above dates and I'm in. Although I may force the other half to come along as it turns out he's considerably better at GT4/GT5P/everything than me, so I'll probably just hover about making people tea.

We were wondering about VEXD's new squeeze...
You have to be careful with his new squeeze, one pin prick and she could blow up and fly around the room making flatulent moose sounds.
You have to be careful with his new squeeze, one pin prick and she could blow up and fly around the room making flatulent moose sounds.

Regardless, it'd still beat me around Laguna Seca.

Anyway, forgot to mention equipment. Which is to say that I have none. At all.

And actually might sit this one out. Car + petrol = £200 alone, and it'd be squeezed between 2 weeks of lectures anyway.

Hmm. Chalk me up as a 'maybe'.
Not to fussy with dates, add me in. Although i am due to move house around that time, i will know closer to the time. 👍
You have to be careful with his new squeeze, one prick and she could blow and fly around the room making flatulent moose sounds.

Hmmm, apparently my last two choices have lacked distinctive qualities.
Alllllllll righty then.

By my maths the most people in once place at one time is 5, none of which have set up a network before. So I ask for thoughts on the following:

1. We push on regardless for the end of the month and see how it pans out;
2. Scrap the whole thing and hold a GT5 LAN (if possible) next year;
3. Push 14 back to end of November/early December, possibly holding a duel GT4/GT5 LAN.

With regards to 3, I don't know how early it snows so much up north that it makes travel difficult.

It's snowing now.

(generally you're safe until February)
With regards to 3, I don't know how early it snows so much up north that it makes travel difficult.
Last few years, you've had more snow than we have.
I'd say;

Set the date;
Send a few PMs to try and drum up a bit more interest;
Wait a few more days.

If 6 or more participants and stations are confirmed, push on for the end of the month.
If fewer than 6, cancel the whole thing, and hope that GT5 includes a LAN mode.

The problem with option 3 is that its unlikely that anyone will be far enough into GT5 to unlock enough cars, and interest in GT4 will have divebombed.

Regarding the network, I have setup a wired network in windows 98 without too much trouble, I just haven't tried with PS2s as I've never owned a networkable one. With Smallhorses' notes above (and Famines phonenumber) I'm pretty certain I could set it all up before lunch Saturday.

For the record, if it's the 29th-31st I'm definately in, with TV, DS2, GT4 and memory card.
I'm happy with whenever it's to be held, but obviously if numbers are looking a little thin it won't really have the atmosphere of previous years.

Snow doesn't bother me since I'm not a Southern Fairy :sly:

I'll still be unavailable on the second weekend in November since the Classic Motor Show and MPH are on at the NEC. And since GT5 has been delayed to an as-yet unconfirmed date, it's likely it'll still be a GT4 LAN unless we just delay it into next year.
I might be able to make the latter three. I am going to confirm soon.

Just to confirm, I'm gonna count myself out on the grounds that I have a nice pile of work to do and I'm rubbish anyway.

So, nein from me. Soztings.
It looks like we should have enough competitors;

Car-less - has got at least 4 new events lined up and ready to go.
daan - can you collect the network bits from Famine on your way down?
homeforsummer - are you still able to make it after your car issues?
Roo - is the venue (and tables/chairs) still available?
The Grim Reaper - any news on the house move?
Venari - didn't you run the show at the Dixie?

Famine, Jondot and Sureboss have all ruled themselves out for now?

Do we have enough equipment between us?
...and more importantly, can we all make it this weekend?
How about next weekend?

...or has it all been called off and nobody told me?
I'm in limbo unless I can arrange a car (or indeed unless I buy one) by whatever date we're choosing for it...
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