UKGTP7 Results & Photos Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
It has to be said that the amount of time and effort you must have put in to working out what cars to use in the handicap races is nothing short of amazing.

I think it was AMG. who asked how much time I'd spent doing it. I think it works out at about 24 hours of track time, plus the framework Pestilence did for me last year and a little time poring over lists to find a group of 6 (for mixers) or 10 (for handicaps - soon to become 7 or 8) themed cars.

I'll be putting the LMPs back in for the next one (Audi R8, one Pescarolo, Bentley, BMW V12 LMR, Toyota TS020 and Nissan R390) so that's a little time lopped off. The hot hatches will be making a comeback, though with a slightly different selection, and the V6 coupes we didn't get a chance to try. The TVRs and GT300s/DTMs are no brainers - there's six of each, so they go in (well, 7 GT300s and 7 DTMs, but I can always miss one off).

I also have to say that the prospect of you being even quicker now you've got this new-fangled wheel is decidely worrying... :nervous:

daan's licences are quicker than mine, but I'm getting there. I haven't yet got the hang of spin recovery though.
daan's licences are quicker than mine, but I'm getting there. I haven't yet got the hang of spin recovery though.
Gone are the days of you just letting go of the controls, and the car straightening up all by itself.
any chance we can get a Kei car race (and not just Beats) around La Sarthe and the 'ring?

Nighty night
any chance we can get a Kei car race (and not just Beats) around La Sarthe and the 'ring?

Nighty night
The Saleen S7 doesn't really qualify as a Kei car though, Diego...

EDIT: ^ That wasn't there when I went to reply!
Still, I used the S7 in the Beat race... and got Vexd a tad angry at me.

I suggested we quit the race when it was going on, but no one wanted to... anyway, I sorted the issue out with Vexd kater that day.
I've got to start using the wheel too, i'm sure using auto is more of a hinderance than a benefit.

Definitely is, not hard to get used to either. I used to be an Auto driver up until around March last year, but then changed (all racing games) to manual, it doesn't feel right when doing Auto now. Like that one machine that had Auto as default on the left LAN.
I suggested we quit the race when it was going on, but no one wanted to... anyway, I sorted the issue out with Vexd kater that day.

Is that why he was walking funny after the bowling? Did they ever get their bowl back?
Did they ever get their bowl back?
Don't worry, they have plenty spares...

Here's a question for AMG. - if a professional bowler is upset about not being paid enough, would he strike?
You mean 'Any seat left vacant after TheCracker had raced'

I used auto, and 200 Degrees. I once forgot to change that back to 900 and upset Smallhorses a bit :sly:
Now I'm learning manual and 900 degrees. Still a loooong way to go to get even close of what Ive been managing sofar.
Manual isnt too bad, 900 is. :) :grumpy:

Here's a question for AMG. - if a professional bowler is upset about not being paid enough, would he strike?

Only if there's a bowling union that would pay out.;)

I actually tried having a go at the DFP while at the LAN... all I can say is that I like the DS2 ;)
I've got to start using the wheel too, i'm sure using auto is more of a hinderance than a benefit.

Yes, yes it is.

I thought there was enough off-roaders for a pick'n'mix, but apparantly there aren't.
That would be great fun. I liked the Beat!

did you doubt for a second you wouldn't like the Beat??
Yor Barred!!!!

If there is such thing as a God, i will be driving to the next lan in a real Beat! Will just leave the day before to ensure my arrival on time!!!!

Yes, yes it is.

I thought there was enough off-roaders for a pick'n'mix, but apparantly there aren't.

mmmmm i turned on tcs, but no one told me that it didt work on the grass! :grumpy:
I actually tried having a go at the DFP while at the LAN... all I can say is that I like the DS2 ;)
Me too, but I could tell after a lot of practice I could be better with the wheel. I just haven't got the patience as I'm already good with the DS2... And I'd rather have a decent position to sit with it at, which isn't possible here.
Surely there is? Lancia ftw.

Ok, ok, Ive now seen this many times but still havent figured out exactly what it means, please enlighten 💡 . (for the wicked/wise?)
And since we are way off-topic, (my apologies) anyone know how to turn of the ghostcar on a G25? The blighters get in my way as I am rerunning B-licences with this new wheel.

Your efforts much appreciated.👍
EX, looking forward to your real BEAT... in Yellow?

Ok, ok, Ive now seen this many times but still havent figured out exactly what it means, please enlighten 💡 . (for the wicked/wise?)
For the win

And since we are way off-topic, (my apologies) anyone know how to turn of the ghostcar on a G25? The blighters get in my way as I am rerunning B-licences with this new wheel.
Pushing up on the D-pad worked on the DFP, and I assume it works on the G25 too.
Being completely offtopic, i think i was wrong with the mission hall bug effecting me. I just finished the last mission (a bit dirty, with .3 second lead) and my percentage changed from 91.1 to 91.3.
I'll be going for the smaller endurance races during the following weeks and the 24 hour races after my exams. I really want that black F1 car :)
I also just finished the 1000 miles (european hall) with a AC cobra :)
not much of a competition.
For the win

Well colour me newly enlightened! I was mystified by that too, especially as the the meaning of that acronyn is utterly different for me (and a lot less pleasant). FTW stands (or stood in my long ago youth) for "**** the World". "For the Win" is much nicer.

Pushing up on the D-pad worked on the DFP, and I assume it works on the G25 too.

Yes it does - it does on mine anyway (just not as convenient to get to as on the DFP).

From that last, you may be able to determine that I am now the proud owner of a G25 (Lady S got me one for my birthday :D). Wasn't sure if I liked it at first but after running the 4 Hour Nurburgring Enduro with it I'm a convert (for the improved braking 'feel' if nothing else).
Pushing up on the D-pad worked on the DFP, and I assume it works on the G25 too.

/crawls in to tiny space/
Thx daan. 👍
hmmm, give me a DFP and I know where it is. Put a G25 in front of me and all of a sudden I go gaga. I need a nurse/TLC. :ill:

Still off topic, the game you were running on your PC (new Nurb -> Old nurb), was that RFactor (the on that VEXD ran a couple of times) ?


I also just finished the 1000 miles (european hall) with a AC cobra.not much of a competition.
Oh c'mon DD, thats not even worthy of the label "competition", thats a no-brainer. :sly:
Who said they'd sell me their dfp if they got a g25?

Shame you didn't stay 'til the end - daan wanted a tenner for his, and then gave it to someone for free so he didn't have to take it back to bonny Scotland.

I have a feeling whoever paid for my premium also posts here... so thanks :)

No problem. Just a year's worth though - I'm hitting the bank hard this month - car tax and insurance hurts at 20.

Since I got back from Newark, I've been having another go at the license tests - 77 golds, 3 to go!