Waiting to start on Sunday,
Touring Mars &
Sureshot run some practice laps.
Not sure what Dutch curses
AMG. had uttered into his headset at this point, but
Specialized seems perplexed!
12 racers, 3 spectators and 1 photographer! How cool is that?!!!
VEXD experiments with the partial-blindfold / naso-cranial sound system that we devised to try and slow him down!

It even almost raised a smile from
And it worked for a while, but once the headphones were back on straight, this promised to be a very temporary position! The first victim is in sight!
Jacob's Cream? Or just some other leading
Famine &
VEXD get ready to present the "Most Improved Driver" prize!
Yeti is always a rare sighting, and difficult to capture on film, but here he is, watching
Roo failing to get his camera pointed in the right direction to get a photo of his own!
Famine &
VEXD after the presentation of the UKGTP trophy!
VEXD proudly hoists his trophy aloft, and then reconsiders his choice of underarm deodorant!
Budding UKGTP participants get some early practice in for UKGTP8!