UKGTP7 Results & Photos Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
Her name was SareBear... And she left the Alfa 155 Touring Car parked across my path on the last lap in the above video.

Which caused absolutely NO arguments in the Famine household.

Don't know what you are complaining about, you won didn't you? (thank goodness - or there'd have been no end of arguments).

Anyway I think this might have been the one time I was actually on the racing line?????
Anyway hopefully next LAN I hope I won't be so far behind now I have 3 gold B licences under my belt :) :) ha ha ha....:lol:
Ah the sweet sound of ramming and shunting :lol:.

It makes me feel less guilty that I couldn't make it now as by the sounds of it I'd've had to throw the toys out of the pram with my familiar rant about how you get enough of the AI running into you without supposedly good drivers doing it too :D.
Her name was SareBear... And she left the Alfa 155 Touring Car parked across my path on the last lap in the above video.

Which caused absolutely NO arguments in the Famine household.
Oh, okay.

Thanks Sarebear. :)
Ah the sweet sound of ramming and shunting :lol:.

It makes me feel less guilty that I couldn't make it now as by the sounds of it I'd've had to throw the toys out of the pram with my familiar rant about how you get enough of the AI running into you without supposedly good drivers doing it too :D.

I was shouting "Blue Flag!" in my sleep for 2 days afterwards.
Tch! Always the same. Pop them in an Alfa or a Spyker and suddenly they're wanting to eradicate you.

tee hee

Race 12 (Right LAN) - High Speed Ring
1st Touring Mars - Mercedes CLK-DTM - 10
2nd VEXD - Vauxhall Calibra DTM - 6
3rd daan - Vauxhall Calibra DTM - 4
4th -Diego- - Vauxhall Calibra DTM - 3
5th AMG. - Alfa 155 Touring Car - 2
6th TheCracker - Mercedes 190E EvoII - 1

I'd also like to point out that slipstreaming behind AMG is one scary experience... just as I was going to pass him, he started with his wobbly driving technique which freaked me out and almost got me spinning on the straight.

I guess it would be a wrong time to ask if there are any more videos?
Ah the sweet sound of ramming and shunting :lol:.

It makes me feel less guilty that I couldn't make it now as by the sounds of it I'd've had to throw the toys out of the pram with my familiar rant about how you get enough of the AI running into you without supposedly good drivers doing it too :D.

Rubbin's racing ;) I'd rather finish 2nd with a bit of bumping than win without a fight.

Incidentally, Famine, you mentioned to me after the HSR race about your high-to-low line through the first corner... you can see I tried it on the second lap and understeered straight into the wall :indiff:
I can read between the lines of your subliminal messages, Diego...


I'd also like to point out that slipstreaming behind AMG is one scary experience... just as I was going to pass him, he started with his wobbly driving technique which freaked me out and almost got me spinning on the straight.
VEXD mentioned the same thing....If it was a small wobble its due to 200 degree steering. If bigger wobble it was intentional trying to break your draft, :)

I must watch my own wobble one of these days to see what it looks like.

I must watch my own wobble one of these days to see what it looks like.

well, I can tell you it looks very.... wobbly

I can read between the lines of your subliminal messages, Diego...

Nothing subliminal about my messages. You only see what you want to see... I learned that in advertising ;)

Rubbin's racing ;)

If I had a quid for every time I'd heard that from some would-be LAN warrior 👎.

It's my fault because I take it all too seriously I suppose :embarrassed:. I guess it's the company I raced in back in the days when we used to run multiplayer all the time i.e. everyone but me in our 'circle' raced in the "3D, pay for your repairs, go to hospital if you get it wrong" world. Their attitudes percolated through and stuck.

So, no, rubbing is not racing, it's lack of skill and/or discipline :P.
If I had a quid for every time I'd heard that from some would-be LAN warrior 👎.

It's my fault because I take it all too seriously I suppose :embarrassed:. I guess it's the company I raced in back in the days when we used to run multiplayer all the time i.e. everyone but me in our 'circle' raced in the "3D, pay for your repairs, go to hospital if you get it wrong" world. Their attitudes percolated through and stuck.

So, no, rubbing is not racing, it's lack of skill and/or discipline :P.

I did shout that "I'm sure the Calibra comes with brakes" at someone, but otherwise it was a mostly clean weekend. Little tap on Roo during the DTMs at High Speed Ring, but I don't recall being taken out at any point.

Not quite F1, more BTCC. Unless you count Takuma Sato...
If I had a quid for every time I'd heard that from some would-be LAN warrior 👎.

It's my fault because I take it all too seriously I suppose :embarrassed:. I guess it's the company I raced in back in the days when we used to run multiplayer all the time i.e. everyone but me in our 'circle' raced in the "3D, pay for your repairs, go to hospital if you get it wrong" world. Their attitudes percolated through and stuck.

So, no, rubbing is not racing, it's lack of skill and/or discipline :P.

then better stick to real life tracks, because it's pretty unavoidable to have at least some contact when playing at the LANs. For example, DustDriver and I running identical DTM cars around the 'ring. We both drove as hard as you can, made very little mistakes, but had completely different racing lines... the result: we rubbed cars a lot, but no one got into hissy fits.

After that we went head to head in identical M3 GTR Touring Cars around Deep Forest... we did 15 laps, not more than 0.100 seconds apart at any point, and still we had rubbings. No one complained.

So no, it's not lack of skill nor discipline... if anything, it's maturity at not being a prick each time someone touches you and not getting into hissy fits and leave the room whenever you're taken out by friendly bumping.
Ah the sweet sound of ramming and shunting :lol:.

It makes me feel less guilty that I couldn't make it now as by the sounds of it I'd've had to throw the toys out of the pram with my familiar rant about how you get enough of the AI running into you without supposedly good drivers doing it too :D.
I'm afraid you couldn't possibly describe me as 'good' :(
But then again these things happen to real life F1 and rally drivers as well and the unpredictability makes the race.

Oh, okay.

Thanks Sarebear. :)

Sorry there was no way you were ever going to get anywhere but 6th with me driving! :)
tee hee

I'd also like to point out that slipstreaming behind AMG is one scary experience... just as I was going to pass him, he started with his wobbly driving technique which freaked me out and almost got me spinning on the straight.

I guess it would be a wrong time to ask if there are any more videos?

What's up with that techhnique, it's like he's on dutch special....
Her name was SareBear... And she left the Alfa 155 Touring Car parked across my path on the last lap in the above video.

Which caused absolutely NO arguments in the Famine household.
Was that you ramming SareBear from behind there?
If I had a quid for every time I'd heard that from some would-be LAN warrior 👎.

It's my fault because I take it all too seriously I suppose :embarrassed:. I guess it's the company I raced in back in the days when we used to run multiplayer all the time i.e. everyone but me in our 'circle' raced in the "3D, pay for your repairs, go to hospital if you get it wrong" world. Their attitudes percolated through and stuck.

So, no, rubbing is not racing, it's lack of skill and/or discipline :P.

Personally, in terms of on-track action, I go to these for the close, door banging, paint trading racing. I don't mind being hit anywhere on the car except in the back by someone doing 10+mph more than me. If I wanted to pass every car cleanly every single time, I'd stick to racing the AI who half the time can't find a racing line with both hands :) A clean pass is nice, but I'd rather spend half a lap side by side with someone, nudging and bouncing off've each other - to me, it's simply more fun. I guess it's just each to their own.
I got in the final of the Beat racing because of Diego's Beat S7 :)
Didn't mind him pushing me on the straight, you don't have to brake with those beats, just turn your wheel and it goes that way.
It must have been the fastest Beat powerslide in that first corner of the small Suzuka track :scared:
Personally, in terms of on-track action, I go to these for the close, door banging, paint trading racing. I don't mind being hit anywhere on the car except in the back by someone doing 10+mph more than me. If I wanted to pass every car cleanly every single time, I'd stick to racing the AI who half the time can't find a racing line with both hands :) A clean pass is nice, but I'd rather spend half a lap side by side with someone, nudging and bouncing off've each other - to me, it's simply more fun. I guess it's just each to their own.

That last was just what I logged in to post, mate :D. Sadly, at work I have a limited window in which I can post so I have to snap-type and thoughts that occur after an initial post generally have to wait :(.

If door-handle bashing racing is what you enjoy, then there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're in a race where that sort of behaviour is anticipated. For myself, as I said, I've hung around too much with those who have to pay-to-play so I tend to have their attitudes (more GT than BTCC :lol:).

I'm afraid I have something of a hair-trigger to the "rubbin's racing" cliche and am liable to reflex spout on about how it is oh-so-not. So I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't talking directly to you or implying anything personal.

Likewise I hope Diego was speaking in general terms rather than directly to myself? I've been called worse things than a 'prick' out in the real world but I rather hope that noone here would apply such an epithet to one of their fellows?

As to if it is possible to avoid contact at LANs, then, yes it is. You just apply the "treat it as if it was real" axiom and if there's no chance of making a pass without contact, then you don't pass. If two cars are trying to go into a corner at the same time then, providing there isn't an obvious chance to sneak one, the one who is a touch in front has the right of way and the one behind gives the necessary room. That doesn't mean that you can't contest corners competatively, tho' it does put you at a disadvantage as it's harder to set up the line you want on the way out.

Driving the LAN as if you really could crash, damage your car, get a license suspension etc is harder, true, and is possibly less fun in some ways for those who like 'aggressive' automotive contact but it is also less likely to provoke bad reactions (which translates as more fun overall).

This is not just a case of bringing too much of the real-world to the PS2 as some of the serious (real(ish)-time) on-line racing that goes on with other game systems take the approach that too much panel-rubbing will get you a suspension from participating.

Of course at the end of the day, what I'm talking about in the context of the GT4 LAN environment is the truly heinous bashing and barging i.e. failing to brake, running people off the road, overtaking on the inside by leaning on another car and so forth. A bit of side-by-side running, with no intention to cause contact, spices up an event nicely 👍.
Of course at the end of the day, what I'm talking about in the context of the GT4 LAN environment is the truly heinous bashing and barging i.e. failing to brake, running people off the road, overtaking on the inside by leaning on another car and so forth. A bit of side-by-side running, with no intention to cause contact, spices up an event nicely 👍.

Well, it's not like we go around plowing people against the walls instead of braking... unless we're racing against TVR&FF... but a bit of paint-exchanging always happens and no one complains.
Likewise I hope Diego was speaking in general terms rather than directly to myself? I've been called worse things than a 'prick' out in the real world but I rather hope that noone here would apply such an epithet to one of their fellows?

What I did have a problem with is you saying that because we rub our cars during races means that we're not skillful drivers. To be honest, I've never seen as good racing as I did during the LAN, especially when you count going against other drivers.

Sure, there are drivers like Holl01 and boi something, who do some very impressive times, but they do it in free run, i.e. alone on the track. It's ont thing to do it like that and another to go against people who have similar skills than yours.

I find it a bit prick-ish to assume that because we all admit to a bit of rubbing when driving, we're supposed to be unskilled.

It's like TVR&FF saying he bets we're all crappy drivers when Vexd said the TVRs were hard to handle and then not knowing why he wasn't wanted at the LANs.
side question: did the 60s and 70s (or was it 70s and 80s?) cars mixer include the Alpines?

They were vetted for the list but deemed to be "cack".

They'd have certainly resulted in broken apparatus, broken my-face and an awful lot of not-rubbing racing.

Last word on the "rubbin's racing"... sukerkin knows how I drive (Cosmo Sport L10As, Tsukuba...) and I was happy with the conduct of everyone there. Except Sarebear who parked her lapped car on the racing line - but we sorted that out in the car on the way home. Pobody's nerfect though and there were occasional heavier contacts, notably at Suzuka West when everyone forgot the first corner. We had a total of about 1200 individual races (100 races give or take on two LANs) and not a one of them was Satoesque.
That last was just what I logged in to post, mate :D. Sadly, at work I have a limited window in which I can post so I have to snap-type and thoughts that occur after an initial post generally have to wait :(.

If door-handle bashing racing is what you enjoy, then there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're in a race where that sort of behaviour is anticipated. For myself, as I said, I've hung around too much with those who have to pay-to-play so I tend to have their attitudes (more GT than BTCC :lol:).

I'm afraid I have something of a hair-trigger to the "rubbin's racing" cliche and am liable to reflex spout on about how it is oh-so-not. So I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't talking directly to you or implying anything personal.


Of course at the end of the day, what I'm talking about in the context of the GT4 LAN environment is the truly heinous bashing and barging i.e. failing to brake, running people off the road, overtaking on the inside by leaning on another car and so forth. A bit of side-by-side running, with no intention to cause contact, spices up an event nicely 👍.

I didn't take it personally, I figured it wasn't. It was mentioned during the weekend that you didn't like contact - I have to admit my first thought was "How does he race the AI?" But it became clearer when you talked about racing people who race for real.

On the other hand, of course, we have TheCracker, who races a Lotus Cortina in a Historic series of some sort but will still race hard in the virtual world :lol:

I only had one incident in three days of hitting someone's car in the rear and causing them to lose control, which those who raced against me at 5 and 6 will agree is quite remarkable, and that was when I got overly optimistic as to how much speed I could carry through the first corners of Seattle Reverse in the Alfa Duetto... bounced off the inside wall, bounced off the outside wall, clobbered Touring Mars' Duetto causing him to spin whilst I got back in control for the next corner... I didn't mean to do it - I wasn't even trying to overtake him - I just misjudged the corner, and I did wait for TM to repass me. Still felt like a prat though. Fortunately, it was only over 3rd in a handicap race, so it didn't actually matter anyway.

I never intend to make contact - I don't go into corners thinking "if I push him off I'll get more points"; none of us do that - but if there's a little bit of argy-bargy that doesn't put anyone in the wall or the weeds then I'm all for it. Maybe "Rubbin's virtual racing" would be more appropriate :)