UKGTP8 - The Ocho

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
I swear, these 6 months pass faster and faster each time... And this time we visit virgin territory...

(No virgins in Newark)

UKGTP8 - The Ocho

The Time:

27th-28th October 2007 - starting at 10am until 9pmish (4/5pmish on Sunday)

The Place:
Banbury, Oxfordshire


Banbury is located just of J11 of the M40 (not so far away from the Wycombe venue of UKGTPs1-3), and just an hour and a bit up the train line from London Marylebone station (direct) or London Paddington station (change at Reading).

The Attendees:

Milford Cubicle
Mr. P
Queen Bee (NPC?)
Race Idiot
Spawn of Mr. P


Shake it all about
Bite Me (NPC?)
Hugo Boss

As I'm sure I've said before, it's the same deal as usual - turn up and race. As always we NEEEEEED equipment, especially if we're to emulate the massive success of the double-LAN setup, and attract more than the 17 drivers we had last time...

Please signal the equipment you're ABLE to bring alongside the confirmation that you will be coming.

Equipment thus far
12.5x TVs (AMG., daan x2, Famine x1.5, Roo x2, sjaak68 x6) + 1x Projector (Venari)
24x PS2 (AMG., Bee, Blacksheep, Bookerman, daan x2, dustdriver, EXelero, Famine, Holdenhsvgtsr, Mark_T, Milford Cubicle, Mr. P, nige, Queen Bee, Roo, sjaak68 x6, Specialized, Venari) + 1x PS3 (Famine)
23x GT4 (AMG. x2, Bee, Blacksheep, Bookerman, daan, dustdriver x2, EXelero, Famine, Milford Cubicle, Mr. P, nige, Roo, sjaak68 x6, Specialized, Sureshot, Venari)
28x DS2s (AMG., Bee x2, Blacksheep, daan x2, dustdriver x3, Famine x2, Mark_T x3, Milford Cubicle, nige x2, Queen Bee x2, Roo x2, Specialized, Sureshot, Venari x2)
3x G25 (AMG., daan, Famine) + 13x DFP (AMG., Blacksheep, dustdriver, Milford Cubicle, nige, sjaak68 x6, Specialized, Venari) + 1x LWFF (Bee) + 1x "Ferrari Branded Momo Wheel" (Bookerman)
17x Memory cards (Bee, Bookerman, daan x2, dustdriver, EXelero, Famine x3, Mark_T, Milford Cubicle, nige x2, Roo, Specialized, Sureshot x2)

Additional equipment required
5.5x TVs for triple LAN
Additional Networkable PS2s (PSTwos or PS2s with Network Adapter)
Additional GT4s
Additional DS2s
2x DFP/G25s
Additional Memory Cards
More Power Cables Than NASA
Headphones recommended!

Again, there's a small stipend required from each driver in addition to their attendance and equipment and, when the venue is determined, this will be added to the thread. Last time out the venue cost £200 for 3 days, running at about £12.50 per driver - or just over £4 a day, for a weekend of GT4 with a really good bunch of mates...

Food will not be provided - though some beer may be. However, there are many accessible local shops, and the general ethos is to buy lots of cheap food and there's plenty to go round. No-one will go hungry. Especially if they like beer.

Local lodgings are available - a list of hotels convenient for the venue will be posted once the venue is determined more precisely - and a visit to a nearby drinking den will be factored in to the Saturday evening fun.

As for the racing itself... Testing is underway, but there will be the usual selection of handicaps, pick & mixes and the all important signature endurance event. I'll try to shovel in as much of a variety as possible - fast road cars, very fast road cars, not very fast at all road cars, race cars of all shapes and sizes - but no Spykers. I promise.

That's pretty much everything that needs to be said. I'll be PM canvassing possible participants soon, but otherwise please signal your assent in this thread and any equipment you can bring.

Roll on The Ocho!
I'm there.

I'll bring the usual: 2 14 inch tellys, 1 memory card, 1 old school PS2 and Network Adaptor, 2 DS2s, 1 set of headphones, two 2 metre, 6 plug extension cords and a copy of GT4.
OK. I've checked. I've nothing better to do. Count me in. :D

I can bring 2 PS2s, 2 DS2s, 2 memory cards, 2 19inch LCD TVs, 1 G25, 1 GT4, some extension cords and some other stuff probly.
Famine, I officially love you, Banbury is a short trip on the train for me and suzzie and will cost us no more than about 12 quid each for the whole weekend (In train fares at least). so you can count on us being there! We shall confirm equpiment a bit later as we are hoping to have a new TV soon so I wont confirm anything yet but we will be attending. Especially as I have a new nice paying job which is super secure:D
I'll trump Ash's remark with the fact I live about 10 mins away! I'll just confirm myself now, Queen Bee might make an appearence aswell!

As for equipment..

1 x PS2
1 x GT4
1 x Memory Card
2 x DS2
1 x Logitech Wingman Force Feedback Steering Wheel

Hells yeah!
I'll be making an appearence. Just a 7minute journey for me. =) So i'll come down to watch nothing more. Well and provide a little entertainment for those not playing. 👍

Oh but i can bring a PS2 if it is needed, and as i have been imformed of what DS2 is, I can bring 2 of those, possibly 4.
Should be coming.

Will be bringing the equipment from last time:

1x PS2
1x DS2 (2 if needed)
1x TV
1x Headphones
1x Memory Card
1x+ Power cables if needed

And anything else I've forgotten to mention...

I'll be making an appearence. Just a 7minute journey for me. =) So i'll come down to watch nothing more. Well and provide a little entertainment for those not playing. 👍
Couple of the ladies before has never properly played the game, and they joined in anyway. You won't be embarrassed, trust me. 👍
You guys should've had your races at Slough. :lol:

We have standards...

Sir John Betjeman
Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
It isn't fit for humans now,
There isn't grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!

Come, bombs and blow to smithereens
Those air -conditioned, bright canteens,
Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans,
Tinned minds, tinned breath.

Mess up the mess they call a town-
A house for ninety-seven down
And once a week a half a crown
For twenty years.

And get that man with double chin
Who'll always cheat and always win,
Who washes his repulsive skin
In women's tears:

And smash his desk of polished oak
And smash his hands so used to stroke
And stop his boring dirty joke
And make him yell.

But spare the bald young clerks who add
The profits of the stinking cad;
It's not their fault that they are mad,
They've tasted Hell.

It's not their fault they do not know
The birdsong from the radio,
It's not their fault they often go
To Maidenhead

And talk of sport and makes of cars
In various bogus-Tudor bars
And daren't look up and see the stars
But belch instead.

In labour-saving homes, with care
Their wives frizz out peroxide hair
And dry it in synthetic air
And paint their nails.

Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough
To get it ready for the plough.
The cabbages are coming now;
The earth exhales.
Who do we know who lives near Newar... Banbury?

You bar stewards!

Alright, alright, after volunteering to do a little snooping around my locale, it seems I have been collectively pressganged (or pineappled, as we call it where I work) into finding somewhere to run in Banbury.

Plenty of pubs of all shapes and sizes, from the NORAD of c17th England (that would be The Reindeer, with 'The Globe Room') to the local Wetherspoons (which definitely has some local people in it - me included.)

Ochoists should not fall foul of any mad cult gang warfare, the Banbarians are a fairly civil bunch usually, even when the patrons are yakking in your backyard they dab their faces demurely afterwards and apologise with a blush.

Lots of history in Banbury too, inlcuding The Lady at the Cross. Just across from that theres a cool wine shop which does the most fantastic local cherry wine/liqueur. Yummy.

And for those who absolutely, postively must shop, Bicester Outlet Village is two junctions down on the way to London for posh frocks and suits.

Now I've sold the place, I guess I'd better hurry up and find a venue. Those reading the other thread may have guess at these three primary sites so far. I will choose, there will be no vote. If you swines landed me with this gig, the least you can do is have faith in my choice of venue. ;) Google these:

1. Hanwell Fields Community Centre - nice new, with shops and fish and chips and beer.
2. Community Cenrte, Avocet Way - next to Sainsbury's not far from at least two hotels.
3. Gaydon British Motor Heritage Centre - Miles from anywhere and the most expensive choice, but has modern facilities and a huge hall stuffed full of British cars and auto-related guffitude. You can visit Monday if you wish to take an extra day out and we (uh, I) choose some other venue.
4. Somewhere else. Something like Plan B, but different. Like not planned. And probably nothing like a bee.

- Naively self-nominated Ocho whipping-boy extraordinare. :)

Equipment I can bring:
1x Silver DS2 without Network Adapter (I must buy one.)
1x DFP
2x DS2 in natty silver.
1x GT4
1x Dell 2300MP Video Projector (Don't have a telly.)
A couple of 4-way mains socket extensions.
Couple of the ladies before has never properly played the game, and they joined in anyway. You won't be embarrassed, trust me. 👍

Yeah it's not that i'd be embarrssed about racing. It's about the questions i'd probably ask so that i can get off the starting block! I do tend to make a fool out of myself.

But if your nice to me, i might give it a shot.
Ex-squeeze me? Did someone just say that they were thinking of renting out Gaydon?

*cleans earholes out*

🤬 me!
Gaydon do conference bookings, and have a number of rooms. A whole weekend's use of one of the rooms for 'a car club rally event' is £250. You can look it up.

If you really think Gaydon is the place to go (will mean lots of transport to from hotels in Banbury) then sure, I can arrange that.

I will have to clear with them the setup of equipment and leaving it over night, andit would probably be a start Saturday morning finish early evening Sunday, but I can try and talk them into a Friday night setup and late Sunday leave if you want.

Ex-squeeze me? Did someone just say that they were thinking of renting out Gaydon?

*cleans earholes out*

🤬 me!

I was just thinking that. Like we'd ever get any racing done...
I hereby issue a pre-emptive ban on any rubber bouncy balls or projectile weaponry.

Millions of squid of cars + drunk people + projectiles = "Stercus, moriturus sum".
Yeah it's not that i'd be embarrssed about racing. It's about the questions i'd probably ask so that i can get off the starting block! I do tend to make a fool out of myself.

But if your nice to me, i might give it a shot.

Private practice sessions can be made available at Castle Venari. (*wiggle eyebrows like Roger Moore*)

You can be my Padawan learner. ANd I shall be, uh, Jar-Jar Binks. :crazy:

Uh, are Bee and Queen Bee 'a couple', or have I made a huge and potentially embarrassing assumption there?

Bee - yeah, the Odeon's alright, I s'pose. *sniff* :)
£12.50 per driver - or just over £4 a day
I bet you jack up the rates that high just to keep us Americans out, don't you? To us, that's about $20,000. Are you going to sit around smoking cigars and swirling brandy too, laughing at the plight of the poor man?
Uh, are Bee and Queen Bee 'a couple', or have I made a huge and potentially embarrassing assumption there?

Bee - yeah, the Odeon's alright, I s'pose. *sniff* :)

Yes we are a couple haha!

Odeon's great and you know it, as for pubs, I reccomend The New Priory, got a bit of a rocker side to it but it's really nice and laid back.

Failling that, theres Tommy Flynns, Irish themed pub.
I bet you jack up the rates that high just to keep us Americans out, don't you? To us, that's about $20,000. Are you going to sit around smoking cigars and swirling brandy too, laughing at the plight of the poor man?

No, we did that last time.

This time out we've broken out the cognac and pipes.
1x Silver DS2 without Network Adapter (I must buy one.)

Didn't know there were network adapters available for the ds2 controller :dunce:

I hereby issue a pre-emptive ban on any rubber bouncy balls or projectile weaponry.

Millions of squid of cars + drunk people + projectiles = "Stercus, moriturus sum".

I don't drink, so no problem for me :)

And it's not 100% i'm able to come, but i'll keep you guys (and girls) updated.
The date isn't a problem, since the i don't have school the week after.
It just comes down to cost.
No, we did that last time.

This time out we've broken out the cognac and pipes.

Cue the "Rough Shag" & "Dark Shag" jokes!!! :lol:

Famine, check your yahoo email. The "self-organising" GT LAN event may have just appeared in your inbox! ;)

Actually, is it a .com or yahoo address? :confused:
Cue the "Rough Shag" & "Dark Shag" jokes!!! :lol:

Famine, check your yahoo email. The "self-organising" GT LAN event may have just appeared in your inbox! ;)

Actually, is it a .com or yahoo address? :confused:

I'm a .com type.
Bloody hell this has come round quickly. As usual its pretty much 100% that ill be making an appearence and will be bringing the usual stuff

1 GT4
2 DS2
1 Slim PS2
1 Mem Card
Assorted leads consisting of power sockets and cables to connect that little lot together.

Err.... i think thats it.

Oh, there will be a subtle change at this LAN for me too, I no longer drink Lager/Beer and i have given up the death sticks. Its ok though as i still drink wine and spirits so you can expect all the stupidity and tomfoolery you have come to expect from me.

Count me in too.

No drink for Ben?

1 Gt4
2 DS2
2 Mem Cards

Just to clarify we aren't doing the Monday?